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Subject: Science Topic: Respiratory Day: Date:



Class: 5
Student’s Name: __________________________________________________

1. Fill in the blanks.

a) We use our _____________ and _______________ for breathing.
b) The lungs are in the ______________.
c) ________________________ is a waste gas that body must get rid of.
d) Lungs are protected by _______________________.
e) Lungs are like stretchy _____________ that fill up with ___________.
f) We need _____________ to live.
g) We breathe in and out about ____________ times in a minute.
h) As our body uses up oxygen, it makes ________________________.
i) We get rid of ______________________in the air we breathe _______________.

2. Complete the flow diagram using these words to show the path of oxygen when we
breathe in.

lungs nose blood windpipe

3. Match and join.

The air goes down nose or mouth.
The ribs moves upwards and outwards of respiratory system.
The diaphragm muscle relaxes and moves breathing in.
There are three parts breathing out.
Air enters the body through the the windpipe and into the lungs.
4. Label the diagram.


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