Cad Model

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#CAD Model







Fig : (a) attacher clip: It will keep the pushing rod strictly to the support base. (b) Pushing rod : It will
rotate and the the presser will be moved up and down.(c)Support structure: It will carry the whole
system in a single frame.(d)Stepper Motor :NEMA 17 ,which provides the necessary torque for rotation.

(e) Supporting base. (f) Pusher : It will Push the ambu bag (g) Ambu bag with two inlet and one outlet.
Fig : Rendered View with proper materialistic texture .
Fig : URES deformation is in the normalized scale deformation where max deformation is 1.Here The
bottom part is taken as rigid and physically it will be placed on the base of the structure. Force on the
upper surface is defined based on the motor power .
Fig: It shows the Von Mises Stress which actually shows the structural deformation according to the
applied force on the surface. Spatial distribution of stress is indicated by the color.
Fig : ESTRN .ESTRN means the equivalent strain. Equivalent elastic strain is a concept used in materials
science and mechanics to quantify the amount of strain a material undergoes under an applied load. It is
a scalar quantity that represents the total amount of elastic strain energy stored in the material.The
spatial distribution is indicated by the colorbar.

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