Nicoles Review

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Dear Nicole,

Your guide on how to make a secure network is really detailed and organized. It gives

readers a clear plan to make their network security stronger. You list all the materials needed,

give step-by-step instructions, use pictures like network diagrams and encryption flowcharts, and

include warnings and a glossary. This shows you put a lot of thought into making sure readers

understand and can do what you're explaining. While these things work well, there are ways to

make the guide even better.

I believe expanding on the technical explanations more would help readers who are new

to network security understand why we do certain things or set things up in certain ways. Adding

real-life examples or stories of security problems and how doing things right could have helped

would also be useful. It would help readers see why each security step matters. And including

links to useful websites, tools, or demos could make the guide more engaging and help us learn

by doing.

By making these changes, your guide could go from just giving information to being a

useful tool that helps people learn and feel confident about their network security. This fits well

with how cybersecurity threats are always changing, and how important it is for everyone to

protect their digital stuff and keep things running smoothly.



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