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"Beyond the Wormhole"

Initial probes into a newly discovered wormhole have come back reporting a new, unexplored area of space. A team
is quickly assembled to explore this new galaxy and assess the advantages or threats that this new wormhole

Mission Goals

1) Travel and Explore the systems beyond the wormhole

2) Determine if intelligent life exists
a. Attempt peaceful contact
3) Determine if rare minerals are available
4) Determine possible threats to future excursions
5) Determine if possible where this section of space exists in relation to the Core Worlds

Notable Worlds

1) NW-01 – Dystopian Machine World

a. Sentient machines killed all organic life
b. Matrix/Terminator-like world
c. Mission objectives revealed: Threat
2) NW-02 – Mining Colony on Asteroid Belt
a. Known for their dangerous racing circuit
b. Mission objectives revealed: Minerals
3) NW-03 – Western World
a. Planet core is primarily vanadium and eruptions yield highly energized rocks
b. Kaku - Cat-like energy hunting predators are alpha hunters
c. Limited technology (steam engines, black powder guns) used to avoid the Kakus
4) NW-04 – Hunting world
a. Main industry is tourism at the hunting preserves and betting on hunting parties
b. Many dangerous species now exist across the world
c. Large jungles and mountain ranges section off the various preserves
d. Small moon serves are the lodge and betting/observation decks
e. Known to purchase new hunting stock from NW-10
5) NW-05 – Desert world
a. Cities are located within sink-holes to keep out of the heat of the sun
b. Water is the biggest commodity and very expensive
c. One of the underground cities is made from the remains of a large world-craft that
crashed landed a millennia ago. Ancient databanks within hold key information on this
section of space
6) NW-06 – Ice world
a. Frozen desert world with pockets of indigenous life scattered among caverns or roaming
igloo colonies
b. The largest population of activity is the undead that rule from a crashed starship. It’s
unknown whether the undead are indigenous or came to the planet via the crash
c. Lich ruler seeks an escape off the planet to expand his rule elsewhere
d. The crashed starship is of similar designs to the world-craft that crashed on NW-05,
possibly linking the two worlds
7) NW-07 – Swamp world
a. Serpentine natives rule the world building large empires
b. Slaves from numerous worlds are abused by the serpentine natives
c. Strong ties to NW-10 buying new slaves
8) NW-08 – Megacity
a. Corporation ruled world that is all city (Coruscant-like)
b. Large military to enforce obedience
c. Corporate espionage using sophisticated nano-stealth technology plagues the world
9) NW-09 – Prison Moon
a. The prison is actually located on 4 of the 13 moons in orbit around a gas giant
b. Prisoners are forced to mine the gases of the planet
c. Large squid-like creatures often attack the miners
d. The prison was originally sponsored as a collaborative effort of NW-04, NW-07, NW-08,
and NW-10, though none of the worlds directly support the prison now
10) NW-10 – Paradise world
a. Planet is primarily an ocean world with numerous islands surrounded by beautiful reefs
b. Primary industry is tourism at its many beach-front resorts
c. Rotting underbelly of criminal activity that specializes in ‘sentient’ trafficking
d. Largest customer for slaves is NW-07
“The Vampire D’harts of Nilaza System”

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