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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Genelyn T. Loquias Date Started: 5/4/ 2024

Course & Section: BTLED 3-D Date Submitted: 5/10/ 2024
Activity No. : 2 Rating:

Cascading of Intended Learning Outcomes

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing data for the program and course
intended learning outcomes.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Institutional Intended Program Intended Course Intended Learning

Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Outcome
Produce high-impact Students will have the ability Demonstrate adeptness in
technologies from research to lead projects in research employing advanced tools
and innovations. and development aimed at and methodologies for
producing innovative technology advancement.
Intensify human capability Learners will acquire the Develop and implement
development for research skills to mentor and guide training programs aimed at
and innovation. others in research and nurturing research and
innovation methodologies. innovation skills in others.

Develop and sustain a culture Students will demonstrate Formulate strategies to

of research and innovation. the capability to spearhead procure funding and allocate
efforts aimed at cultivating a resources for research and
culture of research and innovation endeavors.
innovation within
organizational settings.

Short Discussion:
When we talk about Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes, Program Intended Learning
Outcome and Course intended Learning Outcome, we're focusing on what students will learn
and how they'll achieve those learning goals. The IILO outlines broader learning objectives that
the institution aims to instill in its students. These objectives often align with the overall
mission and vision of the institution. The PILO is like the big picture goal. It tells what students
should be able to do after completing the program. For example, in the first outcome, it's about
producing high-impact technologies from research and innovations. On the other hand, CILO is
the specific skills or abilities students need to achieve the PILO. PILO and CILO is like a step in a
ladder. By mastering the CILO, students reach the higher goal of the PILO. So, in simple terms,
PILO is the main goal and CILO is the steps to reach that goal.

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