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Writing task 1, process

The given process introduces the cycle of big size fish’s life which called salmon.

Overall, the cycle of salmons’ life consists of three distinct stages. Furthermore, the diagram illustrates
the salmon’s live-location together with their size and names.

Firstly, the born little salmon called “fry” and its size are approximately 3-8 cm. The fries are living in
lower river with fast flowing. After 4 years, the fries grow up into smolt and their moved onto other

Secondly, the smolts live in open sea and their size reach into around 12-15cm. After the approximately
period (5 years), the smolts is grow into adult salmon and their do not replace their life-location.

Thirdly, growth adult fish’s size can be about 70-76cm, oviposit eggs nearby the reeds, under the small
stones. After that, the cycle of their life can be continued after about 5-6 months (the period of hatching
salmon’s egg).

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