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UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Student’s name: Lucero Cruz Riego Date: 18/05/2024

 Activity name: There are great places in my town!

Your best friend is going to be your new roomie and he wants to get
information about the neighborhood. Write a message to him describing it.
Use the map to help you. Don’t forget to mention the stores and places
you can find there.

Tu mejor amigo va a ser tu nuevo roomie y quiere obtener

información del vecindario. Escríbele un mensaje donde lo
describas. Utiliza el mapa para ayudarte. No olvides mencionar las
tiendas y lugares que puedes encontrar ahí.

Hi Karen this is my neighborhood

There are two banks, the first bank is next to the gas station and the seond is on Iztacala Street
There are two schools, the first is between the restaurant and the hospital, the second is infront of the library.
There are two parks, the first is between the supermarket and the Red café, the second park is behind the gast
The hospital is at the corner of Juarez Street
There is a restaurant, the restaurant is next to Supermarket.
There is a church, the church is in front of Red café.
There is a Library, the library is behind the school, is on the Zapata Street.

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