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Di susun oleh :

Nama : Adwi Rohmansyah

NIM : 053427058
Prodi : S1 Hukum
Semester : 1


TAHUN 2024
Soal No. 1
1. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah informal atau santai. Ini terlihat
dari penggunaan kata-kata seperti "hey", "not much", dan penggunaan kontraksi seperti "didn't",
"I'm", dan "it's". Selain itu, kalimat-kalimatnya relatif singkat dan tidak terlalu formal,
menciptakan kesan percakapan yang santai antara dua teman.
2. Topik percakapan tersebut adalah tentang pertemuan antara dua teman dan pembicaraan
mengenai kegiatan atau hal-hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka. Salah satu teman bertanya
tentang hasil wawancara pekerjaan yang baru saja dilakukan oleh yang lain, dan mereka berbicara
tentang perasaan dan pengalaman yang terkait dengan itu.

Soal No. 2
This is my office space where I work every day. I work for one of the state-owned enterprises in the
energy sector located in Wonosobo City, precisely at 7 Honggoderpo Street. The room is quite
comfortable for me to carry out my daily tasks, with ample lighting and good air circulation. What makes
it more appealing is the presence of large ornamental plants that make the room even fresher. I am very
impressed working in this room because a good and healthy working environment enhances my

Soal No. 3
a. The sender of the memo is Jonathan Stewart, who is identified as the Manager.
b. The memo is addressed to "All Employees," indicating that it is for all the employees of the company.
c. The memo is about inviting all employees to attend a farewell ceremony in honor of Jesse Carrillo, the
Marketing Manager, who is leaving after 12 years of service.

Soal No. 4

Subject: Inquiry About My City Got Talent Competition Forms

Dear My City Got Talent Committee,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the forms for the My City Got Talent
competition. I am very interested in participating but have been unable to locate where I can download
the necessary forms. Could you please provide me with information on where I can access them?

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Best regards,

Adwi Rohmansyah

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