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Unhealthy lifestyle is a major concern in most countries across the globe.

Most of the time, it

causes some health problems. Despite the spectacular advances in the medical field, many people
are still suffering and dying from diseases, However, these problems must be addressed promptly
before it is too late.

In the present era, most people's life has become very busy. Communities don't have enough time
to follow a healthy routine. As a result, more and more people are becoming vulnerable to
unexpected health situations. For example, today people are enjoying eating more junk food than
nutritious food. Unfortunately, eating junk food every day can lead to the development of chronic
diseases like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.... Since junk food is high in sugar, salt and
oil, consumers can gain weight and easily bring diseases into the body. Lack of physical activity is
also one of the main reasons leading to trouble. Due to the advancement of technology, people
don't want to leave home because they get everything with a single tap on portable devices like
mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc. Sợ that they become lazy to active. Ít leads to diseases about
eyes, blood,v.v

To address these problems, multiple solutions can be proposed. People must act together to get rid
of problems. A properly planned diet plan should be followed while preparing meals. It is advisable
to limit yourself to avoid eating a high-calorie snack. On the contrary, the amount of food should
contain many vitamins and proteins will bring many benefits To lose weight, activities include
exercise must be included in everyday life. For example, while commuting to work, the use of
bicycles should be encouraged. This will help burn a lot of fat in the body and improve health

Inclusion, to live a healthy life, it is very necessary to practice healthy living and strike a balance
between unhealthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle.

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