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Quỳnh : Good morning, Viettel Long Hai store , customer service staff, Quỳnh speaking, how can I

help you?

Huyền: Good morning, My name is Huyền and I’m calling about network problems.

Quỳnh: I see, what’s the problem?

Huyền: Day ago, my mobile phone was still able to access the internet normally even it didn't freeze
or lag but now my mobile phone can't connect to the internet.I do not understand. What happened
to my mobile phone?

Quỳnh: Oh really. Have you tried checking the plugs of the wires and restarting your router or

Huyền: Oh yes, I have checked and restarted so many times but it still doesn't work.

Quỳnh: OK, I understand Miss Huyền. I’m sorry that. Can you tell me your name, phone number and
home address so I can check your network on the system?

Huyền: Yes, My full name is Trần Minh Huyền, phone number is 0836500842, mỹ address is 1172 on
30/4 stress.

Quỳnh: OK, I’m checking it now on the system. Ah, here it is, Viettel network you have registered
with phone number 0863500842. It had the problem that the network toll collector forgot to cross
your debt. So the network disconnected.

Huyền: Well, This is not acceptable. I will probably lose my money

Quỳnh: I’m very sory. I will try to solve this problem of yours in 10 minutes.

Huyền :Good!

Quỳnh :Also to make things better I will give you a 5% discount on your internet bill next time. I’m
sorry for the inconvenience

Huyền: That’s OK. Thanks for all your help. Bye

Quỳnh: Bye

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