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Permanent International Committee

for the Proof of

Portable firearms

The Permanent International Commission for the testing of firearms, with reference to the

Convention for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks for small arms and light weapons and

the regulations made in Brussels on 1 July 1969, has the honour to inform the contracting Parties

of the Decisions taken at XXXI plenary session held on 14 and 15 October 2014 in Brussels.
XXXII-44 CD-ROM containing summary editions of the current C.I.P. Decisions in force

Opposition by the Republic of Austria

Decision XXXII-45 Base document for ammunition specifications for lead-free shot

Decision made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Regulation.

"All previous Decisions concerning lead-free shot are superseded"

Base document for ammunition specifications for lead-free shot

1 - Definition of types of shot made of homogeneous or heterogeneous materials

Type A – Lead-free shot made of homogeneous material with a hardness ≤ 40 HV1

Type B – Lead-free shot made of homogeneous material with an average hardness value
> 40 but ≤ 110 HV1 (≤ 125 HV1 individual value)
Note – Steel pellets, the first lead-free shot used, fall in this type category.
Type C - Lead-free shot made of heterogeneous material with a deformation ≤ 45%.
Heterogeneous shot presenting a deformation less than that of steel pellets of the same
diameter may not be loaded into these cartridges.
Type D – Lead-free shot made of heterogeneous material with a deformation > 45%

In the case of cartridges loaded with lead-free shot of types B and C, the pellet load should
be equipped with direct and sufficiently resistant protection designed to avoid any friction
between the pellets and the wall of the barrel. The protection must resist firing from -20°
to + 50° C.

In the case where the lead-free shot cannot be neatly classified as homogeneous or
heterogeneous and placed into one of the four types defined above (A, B, C, D) by means
of characterisation tests, the Proof House may require the petitioner to conduct further tests
in a weapon in order to determine the specifications of the loaded cartridges (velocity –
momentum). Characterisation of shot: Methods for defining hardness and deformation (see
2 - Definition of Ammunition

A) Ordinary ammunition for firearms with ordinary testing

• Cartridges loaded with Type A and D shot, with l < 73 mm and Pmax = 740 bar for
12 gauge calibres, Pmax = 780 for 16 gauge calibres or even Pmax = 830 bar for 20
gauge calibres and smaller, are to be checked as for plain lead shot cartridges, and

• Cartridges loaded with Type B and C shot with l < 73 mm and Pmax = 740 bar for 12
gauge calibres, Pmax = 780 bar for 16 gauge calibres or even Pmax = 830 bar for 20
gauge calibres and smaller, and shot diameter limits, velocities and momentums (see
Table I below)

Table I

Calibre Pellet Diameter Max velocity Max momentum

mm V2.5 M2.5

m/s Ns
12 3.25 + 2% max 425 12.0
16 3.00 + 2% max 390 9.5
20 3.00 + 2% max 410 9.3

B) High performance ammunition for firearms with superior testing

Cartridges loaded with shot of Types A and D:

- with l ≥ 73 mm and
- with l < 73 mm and P > 740 bar for 12 gauge calibres, P > 780 bar for 16 gauge
calibres or even P > 830 bar for 20 gauge calibres and smaller, but respecting Pmax
= 1050 bar, are to be checked as for plain lead shot cartridges.
C) High performance ammunition for firearms with steel shot testing

Cartridges loaded with shot of Types B and C:

- with l ≥ 73 mm and
- with l < 73 mm and P > 740 bar for 12 gauge calibres, P > 780 bar for 16 gauge
calibres or even P > 830 bar for 20 gauge calibres and smaller or a value exceeding
one of the values in Table I, but respecting Pmax = 1050 bar and the values of
Table II below, may only be used for weapons with steel shot tests.

Table II
Calibre Max velocity Max momentum Choke as a function
V2.5 M2.5 of pellet diameter
m/s Ns

10/89 440 19.0 Choke ≤ 0.5

for diameter >
4 mm
12/70 430 13.5 Choke ≤ 0.5
for diameter >
4 mm
12/73 430 15.0 idem
12/76 430 15.0 idem
12/89 430 19.0 idem
16/70 420 12.0 Choke ≤ 0.5
for diameter >
3.5 mm
20/70 410 11.0 Choke ≤ 0.5 for
diameter > 3.25
20/76 430 12.0 idem
28/70 400 7.0 Choke ≤ 0.5
for diameter >
3 mm
28/76 430 8.5 idem
.410/76 430 4.2 Choke ≤ 0.5
for diameter >
2.5 mm

- Generalities for all types of cartridges

All cartridges with steel shot or lead-free shot, whether ordinary or high performance or proof
ammunition, must bear the following markings:

• the identification of the cartridge manufacturer or the entity who loaded the cartridge or
who is the guarantor (by means of a trademark or mark of origin) and the indication of the
nature of the primary component, printed on the base or the tube of the shell (casing) in an
indelible manner. This marking may be in one of the languages used by the C.I.P. Member
• the calibre of the cartridge according to its TDCC denomination on the base or, if not
possible due to technical reasons, on the body of the shell (casing) in an indelible manner.
• the diameter in mm of the steel pellets or lead-free shot.

Note: The shell (casing) for cartridges for 20 gauge firearms should be yellow in colour.

- High Performance Cartridges

In addition to the preceding markings, high performance cartridges must bear:

• the length of the shell (casing) if it exceeds 65 mm for 20 gauge calibres and greater, 63.5
mm for 24 gauge calibres and smaller.
• the identification on either the back side of the base in a different colour, or the inscription
"Max 1050 bar" or "For weapon proofed to 1320 bar" on the body of the shell (casing) in
one of the languages used by the C.I.P. Member States.

- Proof Cartridges

Proof cartridges must be identifiable by either a serrated/indented base, red colour on the back of
the base, or an inscription on the body of the shell (casing) in one of the languages used by the
C.I.P. Member States: “Proof ammunition” along with the test pressure of the calibre.
- Generalities for all types of cartridges

All cartridges with steel shot or lead-free shot must bear distinctive markings with the following

• the name or trademark of the manufacturer or the entity who loaded the cartridge and who
is the guarantor of its conformity to the specifications in effect.
• the designation according to the TDCC denominations.
• the identification number of the batch and the number of cartridges in the basic packaging.
• the nature of the materials constituting the shot and the type of shot (A, B, C or D). These
inscriptions may be in one of the languages used by the C.I.P. Member States.
• the inspection mark attesting that the ammunition has been checked according to the
requirements of the C.I.P.
• for cartridges with steel shot or lead-free shot of types B and C, the inscription:

“Beware of ricochets, never fire at rigid or hard surfaces.”

- High Performance Cartridges

• For cartridges loaded with lead-free shot of types A and D, an additional marking clearly
indicating that these may only be fired by weapons that have undergone superior testing.
• For cartridges loaded with lead-free shot of types B and C, an additional marking clearly
indicating that these may only be fired by weapons that have been undergone steel pellet
• If the diameter of the lead-free shot (of types B and C) in 10 and 12 gauge calibres is > 4
mm, for 16 gauge calibre is > 3.5 mm and in 20 gauge calibres > 3.25 mm, an additional
marking indicating that the cartridges may only be fired by weapons that have undergone
steel pellet testing and whose barrel(s) have a choke ≤ 0.5 mm.

- Reloaded Cartridges

In this case, an additional marking should be affixed to indicate that these are reloaded

- Proof Cartridges

In this case, the additional marking “proof ammunition” must be affixed to the packaging.
5 – Firearms Testing
- Ordinary testing of firearms:
For firearms allowing the firing of ordinary ammunition loaded with lead shot or lead-free shot
of types A and D, the ordinary test entails firing at least two cartridges per tube, where the firing
of these two cartridges should allow each of the following conditions to be met:

a) maximum mean pressure of at least 930 bar for 12 gauge calibre, 980 bar for 16 gauge
calibre and 1040 bar for 20 gauge calibre, is attained in the chamber at the 1st manometer.
b) pressure between 450 and 600 bar is attained in the bore, at the 2nd manometer.

- Superior testing of firearms:

For firearms allowing the firing of high performance ammunition loaded with lead shot or lead-
free shot of types A and D, the superior test entails firing at least two cartridges per tube, taking
into account the appropriate ordinary test. The firing of these two cartridges should allow each of
the following conditions to be met:

a) maximum mean pressure of at least 1320 bar is attained in the chamber at the 1st
b) pressure between 450 and 600 bar is attained in the bore, at the 2nd manometer.

The conditions defined above for the two preceding tests are performed by two identical cartridges
that both meet conditions a) and b).
In the case where the two cartridges are not available, it is allowable to use two cartridges that
meet condition a and one cartridge that meets condition b).
The diameter of the lead grain may not exceed 3 mm for the two preceding tests.

- Steel shot weapons test:

Firearms allowing the firing of high performance ammunition loaded with lead-free shot of types
B and C are tested with 3 cartridges per tube with the following specifications:

- loading with steel pellets with a hardness HV1 between 80 and 110,

• pressure of ≥ 1320 bar at the 1st manometer

• and between 450 and 600 bar at the 2nd manometer

- respecting the specifications within Table III below:

Table III
Calibre Mini Diameter of Pellets Mini Momentum
mm M2,5

10/89 4.6 22.0

12/70 4.6 15.0
12/73 – 12/76 4.6 17.5
12/89 4.6 21.5
16/70 3.8 13.5
20/70 3.8 12.5
20/76 3.8 14.0
28/70 3.8 8.5
28/76 3.8 9.0
.410/76 2.8 4.5

In the case where the three cartridges respecting all the conditions mentioned above are not
available, it is allowable to fire three cartridges meeting the pressure conditions at M1 and the
momentum allowances of Table III above and a cartridge meeting the pressure condition at M2.
This latter cartridge may be fired with lead pellets.
6 – Characterisation of shot

- Method of execution of hardness test

Homogeneous lead-free shot (metal or metal alloy) of types A and B are characterised by a
Vickers hardness test at their core following ISO International Norms and European CEN
Reference EN ISO 6507-1 Metallic Materials – Vickers Hardness Test Method (see Appendix 1).

- Method of execution of deformation test

Heterogeneous lead-free shot (composite metallic powder and resin) of types C and D are
characterised by a deformation test (see Appendix 2).

7 – Table

A summary table covering the C.I.P. specifications for lead-free shot cartridges of types B and C
is included in the “Information” documents of C.I.P. texts.
Appendix 1


1. Core Vickers Hardness Test Method

This method is applicable to homogeneous shot (metal – alloy)

1.1. Applicable Norm

- International (ISO) and European (CEN)
- EN ISO 6507-1: Metallic Materials – Vickers Hardness Test – Part 1: test method.

1.2. Procedure for lead-free shot

- The measurement is carried out at the core of the shot, which requires drilling to obtain a
half-sphere with a flat and smooth surface for testing.
- A simple of 10 shot pellets must be tested from each batch: one measurement per pellet.
- Hardness is measured pursuant to the Vickers method specified above with the test load F
set at 9.807 N, using the symbol HV 1.
- An arithmetic mean of the hardness of the sample of 10 pellets is calculated:
- It should be ≤ 110 HV 1 with no individual value > 125 HV 1.

Then a classification of shot pellets can be established as a function of the mean value measured:
· Type A: ≤ 40 HV 1
· Type D: > 40 HV 1.
Appendix 2


2. Deformation measurement method

This method applies to heterogeneous shot (composite metallic powder + binder…)

2.1. Principle
Shot is subjected to a crush test using a steel metal pellet with a mass of 500 ± 1 g from a height
of 500 ± 2 mm (distance between the base of the pellet and the base of the metallic piston above
the shot).
The device includes a metallic base supporting the shot pellet, a bracket that supports the 500 g
metal pellet, a cylindrical metallic piston and a magnetic release system for the pellet (the hardness
of the pellet, the support platform and the piston should be 60 ± 5 HRC).
The diameter of the shot pellet is measured before and after the test and the deformation is
calculated as a percentage of change in the diameter:
Deformation D = (Initial diameter - Diameter after crushing) x 100 (%)
Initial diameter

2.2. Procedure for lead-free shot

- The measurement is carried out on a single shot pellet.
- A sample of 10 shot pellets should be tested from each batch.
- The deformation is measured pursuant to the method specified above.
- The shape of the shot pellet after crushing is noted: presence of fissures – fragmentation…
- An arithmetic mean of the deformation of 10 shot pellets is calculated.
It is compared to those known for lead and steel shot pellets of the same diameter.
A classification of shot pellets can be established as a function of their deformation:

· Type C: Deformation ≤ 45 %
· Type D: Deformation > 45 %
Decision XXXII-46 Type regulation for the conduct of individual tests on muzzle-loaded

Decision made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Regulation.



a) Decision XXXII-46 modifies article 1 of Decision XVII-11 in the following manner:

• The following paragraphs are added:

1.2. Firearms testing was conducted in the laboratories of the national Proof Houses of
C.I.P. Member States.

1.3. The test can be conducted by a service outside of an established national Proof House
at the manufacturer, so long as the production is situated in a C.I.P. Member State,
that the manufacturer presented a request for it and that the manufacturer and national
Proof House have agreed upon the following points:

• The manufacturer must put in place and maintain an ISO 9001 or equivalent
quality management system.

• Impartial personnel, employed by the national Proof House and qualified for the
final inspection of firearms are delegated to the manufacturer’s facilities.

• The manufacturer’s personnel are put at the disposal of the national Proof House.
The personnel must be qualified and be of sufficient quantity.

• The Proof House personnel are authorised to give instructions to the

manufacturer’s personnel made available.

• The test activity at the manufacturer is regularly audited by the national Proof
House (routinely, at least once per year). This includes the inspection of facilities,
personnel competence, mastery of procedures, measurement systems, etc…

• Any change concerning tests by the manufacturer (personnel, facilities,

equipment, procedures) requires the prior agreement of the director of the national
Proof House.

• All the inspections and test shots must be carried out under the supervision of the
staff of the national Proof House. Test cartridges must be inspected by the national
Proof House, according to the C.I.P. regulations in effect. The national Proof
House must have total control of the measurement instruments and equipment
defined by the C.I.P.
• The final visual inspection after the test shots, the verification and if necessary,
the application of firearms markings are conducted at 100% by the personnel of
the national Proof House in a location dedicated for this purpose.

• The personnel of the national Proof House must mark the rejected firearms.

• The former paragraphs 1.2. and 1.3. are renumbered and become 1.4. and 1.5. respectively.

b) The entry into force of Decision XXXII-46 effectively supersedes Decision XXIX-53.
Decision XXXII-47 Control of distinctive markings

Decision made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Regulation.

Modification to be added to Decision XVII-11, version XXXI-48, article 4:

Article 4 should read as follows:

Art.4 Control of distinctive markings

At the time of verifying distinctive markings, one will verify if the following indications have
been affixed in a visible and durable fashion on at least one of the strongly reinforced parts of the

- the name, corporate name, or registered trademark of the manufacturer or any other indication
allowing the identification of the weapon;

- the country or location of manufacture;

- the serial identification number of the weapon, as well as the year of manufacture (if it does not
appear in the serial identification number of the weapon);
- the designation of the calibre according to the TDCC naming convention (for example 7 x 64,
243 Win, 12-70, etc.) on each of the barrels if the weapon has barrels of different calibres, or
on one of the barrels if they are of the same calibre;
- in the case where the cylinder of a revolver is interchangeable, the designation of the calibre on
each cylinder;
- where applicable, the indication “shot weapon“.

Decisions XXVI-9, XXX-38 and XXXI-48 are superseded.

The Recommendation relating to Decision XXXI-48 is maintained.

Decision XXXII-48 Measurement methods

Decision made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Regulation.

“Decision XXXI-49 and all the other previous Decisions concerning pressure measurement
using mechanoelectric transducers are superseded.”



1. Definitions

1.1. The physical unit used to express the value of gas pressure is the Pascal [Pa] or bar (1 MPa =
10 bar).

1.2. Unification of pressure symbols:

Pi = individual pressure of the cartridge = the maximum pressure at the site of the measurement.
PT = gas pressure by pressure sensor
PT max = maximum mean pressure in accordance with C.I.P. specifications
PK = maximum statistical individual pressure
PE = mean minimum test pressure
M = site of pressure measurement (mm)

1.3. Basic method for gas pressure measurement

The basic method for measuring gas pressure is defined as follows:

• using a recessed piezoelectric sensor sealed in the front (see Fig. 1.)
• in the loading space, the casings are drilled or milled (rimfire cartridges), with the
exception of calibres from Table VI of the TDCC.

For cartridges for industrial purposes, in accordance with Table VI of the TDCC, the gas pressure
is measured at the mouth of the casing without drilling or milling the casing.

The values of PTmax stated in the TDCC apply to the basic method.

The other methods (i.e. tangential or conformal sensor without drilling of the casing) are allowed,
so long as the correlation with the basic method is known and mastered. The Proof Houses are
responsible for the definition of mastery of this correlation. In case of conflict, only the basic
method shall prevail.

2. Pressure Sensor and Accessories

2.1. Pressure Sensor

All types of recessed piezoelectric pressure sensors sealed in the front are allowable if they meet
the following conditions:

• Minimum sensitivity: 1.0 pC/bar

• Measurement domain: 0…1.2x the range of the expected pressure
• Calibration domain: 100 bar…1.2x the range of the maximum expected gas pressure
• Natural frequency: ≥ 100 kHz
• Linearity deviation in measurement domain: ≤ ±1% of the final value

The sensitivity value should be chosen as a function of the expected range of maximum

2.2. Protection of the surface of pressure transmission.

To avoid or reduce heat transmission to the membrane and to the surface of the sensor’s
pressure transmission, thermal protection corresponding to the sensor manufacturer’s
instructions should be used, and mechanical protection according to the manufacturer’s
instructions is mandatory.

The measurement channel remains free of grease.

2.3. Load amplifier

The following conditions must be met:

• Cut-off frequency (-3 dB): ≥ 80 kHz.

• Linearity deviation: ≤ 0.1 % of the final value.
• Deviation: ≤ 0.05 pC/s to 25 ± 1°C and < 60% RH

2.4. Electric filter

Second order low pass filter (-12 db/octave), Bessel or Butterworth, with a cut-off frequency of
20/22 kHz (-3dB), which can be incorporated into the load amplifier, the appropriate indicator,
or the software.

2.5. Appropriate indicator

Numerical transient recorder with digital indication of the maximum individual pressure (Pi)
and graphical representation of the pressure profile:

• Cut-off frequency (-3 dB): ≥ 100 kHz

• Sampling frequency: ≥ 200 kHz
• Resolution: ≥ 12 bit
• Recording time: > 4 ms.
3. Manometric Barrels

The dimensions of the manometric barrels and the location of the pressure measurement must
comply with the instructions of the C.I.P. currently in effect.

The dimensional inspection of the manometric barrels must be carried out by any means of
measurement to ensure compliance.

The bore for the pressure sensor must be set at the measurement location determined by the C.I.P.
for the given calibre.
In order to obtain the maximum precision and reproducibility of measurement results, the greatest
care must be taken in producing this bore.

The basic blueprint for installing the pressure sensor is presented in Fig. 1, the dimensions and
tolerances of the measurement channels for the various types of munitions will be defined in the
respective sections.

Fig. 1

dFC = diameter of the measurement channel of the manometric barrel

h = length of the measurement channel of the manometric barrel
dFD = diameter of the bore or the casing milling
3.1. Centrefire cartridges for smoothbore firearms
• dFC = 2.5 + 0.1 mm
• h = 2.5 + 0.25 mm
• dFD (drilling) = 3.0 + 0.1 mm

The interior dimensions of the barrel and chamber must conform to the minimum dimensions
established by the C.I.P.

The following tolerances are allowed:

• Diameter of the core of the barrel B: + 0.10 mm

• Diameter of the dredger G: + 0.05 mm
• Diameters of the chamber D and H: + 0.05 mm
• Depth of the dredger T: + 0.05 mm
• Length of the chamber L: + 2.00 mm
• Angle of the coupling cone α1=10°30’: -30’.

The groove should not exceed 0.10 mm.

Length of the manometric barrel: Lc = 700 ± 10 mm (cylindrical barrel without choke)

Distance between the measurement bore axes and the cylinder head breech (see Fig. 2):

• 25 mm ≤ M1 ≤ 30 mm for calibres 24 gauge and larger.

• M1 = 17 mm + 1 mm for calibres smaller than 24
• M1 = 12.5 mm – 0.5 mm for calibres 32-50.7, 410-50.7, 8 mm and 9 mm
• M2 = 162 mm ± 0.5 mm.

Fig. 2

measurement bores
3.2. Centrefire cartridges for rifled barrel firearms

• dFC = 2.5 + 0.1 mm

• h = 2.5 + 0.25 mm
• dFD (drilling) = 2.0 + 0.1 mm

The measurement locations M stipulated in the TDCC are determined on the following basis:

M will be located 25 mm from the breech of the cylinder head when the length of the casing
is greater than 40 mm, at 17.5 mm from the breech of the cylinder head when the length of
the casing is between 30 and 40 mm, the limit values included.
When the length of the casing is less than 30 mm, the pressure measurement will be taken
between 7.5 mm and 3/4 of the length of the casing. In this case, the measurement location M
will be individually determined for each calibre (see TDCC).

The following tolerances are allowed:

• Diameter of rifled area F: +0.02 mm

• Diameter at base of rifling Z: +0.03 mm
• Diameters P1 and G1: +0.03 mm
• Diameters P2 and H2: + 0.02 mm
• Length of the chamber L3: +0.1 mm
• Inclination i: =5/60 I (for i≥12’), -1’ (for i<12’).

The groove should not exceed 0.10 mm.

Length of manometric barrels:
• for cartridges at the throat: LC = 600 ± 10 mm
• for rimmed cartridges: LC = 600 ± 10 mm
• for magnum base cartridges: LC = 650 ± 10 mm
• for cartridges for pistols and revolvers: LC = 150 ± 10 mm.
3.3. Shot cartridges
• dFC = 2.5 + 0.1 mm
• h = 2.5 + 0.25 mm
• dFD (drilling) = 2.0 + 0.1 mm

The other fixed values are indicated in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

No. Calibres M/Tol. Lc/Tol.

1 35 GR 8.50 62
2 35 R GR 8.50 62
3 8 mm GR 7.00 62
4 380 GR/9 mm R GR 8.50 js 14 62 h 13
5 44 mag. GR 8.50 62
6 45 L GR 8.50 62
7 6.3/16 N.C. GR 7.00 62

M = location of the pressure measurement

LC = total length of the manometric barrel.

3.4. Industrial-purpose cartridges

• dFC = 3.0 + 0.1 mm
• h = 2.75 + 0.25 mm
The gas pressure is measured in a manometric barrel with a weight at the mouth of the casing
without drilling or milling of the casing.

Calibre: 16 mm (F7)
Length: 200 ± 1 mm (starting from the end of the chamber)
Location of the gas pressure measurement: 1.5 mm (from the end of the chamber)


• Diameter: 16 mm (h7)
• Mass: Mp = 80 ± 1 g
• Material: brass (58 at 70% Cu) or semi-hard steel (R = 55 to 65 decanewton/mm2)
• Additional volume: Va = 0.04 cm3 to 0.80 cm3
• Length: proportional to the mass

Chamber of the manometric barrel

Dimensions: According to Tab. VI of the TDCC

The following tolerances are allowed:

• Diameters P1 and H2: +0.03 mm

• Diameter R1: +0.05 mm
• Length of dredger R: +0.05 mm
• Length of the chamber L3: +0.10 mm
Fig. 4

Material no. 1.7225 (42 Cr Mo 4)

or equivalent (R = 1000 MPa)


Cartridge Holder

Material no. 1.7707 (30 Cr Mo V9)

or no. 1.6580 (30 Cr Ni Mo 8)
or equivalent (R = 1300 Mpa)

*diameter to adjust for placement within barrel

Cal 5.6/16 6.3/10 6.3/12 6.3/14 6.3/16 6.8/11 6.8/18 9/17 10 x 18

L3 16.33 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 19.0 18.5 19.0
P1=H2 Ø5.76 Ø6.35 Ø6.35 Ø6.35 Ø6.35 Ø6.90 Ø6.90 Ø9.60 Ø10.05
R1 Ø7.30 Ø7.70 Ø7.70 Ø7.70 Ø7.70 Ø8.55 Ø8.55 Ø11.20 Ø10.95
R 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.30 1.15

Fig. 5
Mp = 80 ± 1.0 g
Va T
cm3 mm
0.04 0.25 + 0.01
0.08 0.50 + 0.01
0.16 1.00 + 0.02
0.25 1.56 + 0.02
0.40 2.50 + 0.05
0.60 3.70 + 0.05
0.80 5.00 + 0.05
1.10 6.88 + 0.05


Manometric barrel

Position of the cross slot (Sec. B-B)

Position of the firing pin (below) (View A-A)

The cross slot of the weight must be in the axis of the channel of the transducer.

For rimfire cartridges, the strike should be at the base of the cartridge.

3.5. Blank cartridges

• dFC = 2.5 + 0.1 mm

• h = 2.50 + 0.25 mm
• dFD (drilling) = 2.0 + 0.1 mm

3.5.1. Blank cartridges for revolver

The specific values are indicated in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

M = location of the pressure measurement

LC = total length of the manometric barrel
* = for informative purposes

No. Calibres M/Tol. LT/Tol. LC* W

1 320 short Blank 7.5 50 80.5 1.5
2 380 Blank/9 mm R Blank 7.5 js 14 50 h13 86.5 1.5 H11
3 45 K Blank 7.5 63 99.4 1.1
3.5.2. Blank cartridges for pistols

The specific values are indicated in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

No. Calibres M/Tol. LC/Tol.

1 22 Long Blank 7.00 60
2 315 blank 7.00 60
3 8 mm blank 7.00 > js14 60 > h13
4 35 blank 8.50 62
5 35 R blank 8.50 62
6 9 mm PA blank 8.50 62

M = location of the pressure measurement

LC = total length of the manometric barrel
3.6. Rimfire cartridges

Gas pressure measurement by piezoelectric sensor is applicable only to calibres for which there
is a C.I.P. decision in this sense.

• dFC = 2.0 + 0.1 mm

• h = 2.0 ± 0.1 mm
• dFD (milling) = 2.0 + 0.1 mm
• Depth of milling: 0.15 mm

The interior dimensions of the manometric barrel must conform to the minimum dimensions
established by the C.I.P.

The following tolerances are allowed:

Rimfire cartridges for smoothbore firearms:

F=Z L3 P1 P2 H2 G1 i
+0.03 +0.10 +0.05 +0.05 +0.05 +0.03 -5/60 i (max =1°)

Rimfire cartridges for rifled barrel firearms:

F Z L3 P1 H2 R R1 i
+0.02 +0.02 +0.10 +0.03 +0.02 +0.03 +0.05 ±0°20’.

The groove should not exceed 0.10 mm.

Length of the manometric barrel: Lc = 600 ± 10 mm

The location of the pressure measurement M is established individually for each calibre (see
4. Manometric Unit and Firing Mechanism

4.1. Manometric Unit

The manometric unit will include manometric barrels whose chambers can hold the cartridge in
its entirety. This applies to new manometric units and manometric barrels. Existing manometric
units and manometric barrels can continue to be used.

4.2. Firing Mechanism

The hardness of the firing pin point should be at least 50 HRC with a projection between 0.9 and
1.5 mm.

The firing pin provides sufficient energy if the hemispherical tip of a diameter between 1.8 mm
and 2.2 mm penetrates a copper crusher cylinder with dimensions 5 x 7 mm with an HV hardness
of 5 to 50 to a depth of at least 0.50 mm. For this test, the copper crusher cylinder should be
introduced into an empty steel casing, which will in turn be introduced into the corresponding
chamber of the manometric barrel.

The firing mechanism must guarantee effective, regular, and efficient firing.
5. Preparation of Pressure Sensor and Cartridges

5.1. Preparation of the pressure sensor

The pressure sensors will comply with the C.I.P. decisions in effect and will be installed in
compliance with C.I.P. instructions, following the manufacturer’s instructions. In particular, one
will ensure the proper use of the sealing joint (i.e. sealing collar) if it is prescribed.

Each user must calibrate his pressure sensors. For this purpose, it is possible to take advantage of
the internal exchange system for calibration standards of the C.I.P. or to check the pressure sensors
using other means of calibration by an accredited test facility. This also applies to all elements of
the chain.

One will also check:

• the application of the torque specified by the manufacturer

• that the connector between the pressure sensor and the connecting cable is clean, free
of any grease, and dry (insulation resistance).
• that the sensitivity (pC/bar) chosen be the closest possible to the expected pressure.

5.2. Preparation of cartridges

In the case where this is prescribed, all cartridges of a given series must be drilled or milled
according to the requirements, prior to shooting.

With the help of an appropriate device, one will ensure that the borehole or the milling in the
casing be of the specified distance and concentric to the pressure measurement channel of the
manometric barrel.

One will check the borehole of the casing afterwards to ensure it is not deformed and that there
are no metallic shavings in the hole drilled, to avoid gas leaks.

The closure of the borehole in the casing should be made using a special heat-resistant adhesive
(such as Intertape 4118) or using grease (such as P8 silicone) to avoid the loss of powder or gas
In the case where drilling of casings is prescribed, the following procedure will be applied:

• The velocity must be measured without drilling the casing with the manometric barrel to
be used for the pressure measurements.
• The closure of the borehole should be carried out such that the difference between the
mean velocities measured in a series for an identical size with the drilled and non-drilled
casings is less than or equal to 1.5% for the velocities up to 500 m/s and less than or equal
to 1% for higher velocities.

The attainment of these values is presently a desired goal, and is not a formal requirement.

In case of conflict, the basic method shall prevail. However, other methods to optimise the closure
of the borehole in the casing are admissible once the correlation with the method described is
known and mastered.
6. Gas Pressure Measurement

The measurement will be carried out with a manometric barrel placed horizontally.

The cartridges to be tested should be placed vertically on an unloading platform, with the base
of the cartridge directed downward.

The cartridge will be sampled from the unloading platform in such a way that the powder is on
the side of the primer, it will be placed in the chamber of the manometric barrel by slowly tilting
it into the desired position such that the powder remains on the side of the primer. One will
ensure that the hole bored into the casing is concentric and coaxial to the pressure transmission
channel of the manometric barrel.

After each new installation of the pressure sensor and before each series of pressure
measurements, at least a buckling shot should be fired. In the case of comparative tests, the
measurement report should include, in the observation rubric, the value of the pressure recorded
for the buckling shot.

After each series of measurements, the pressure sensor must be removed and its status verified.
Before commencing to take measurements, all possible safety precautions (for example,
protective washer, thermal protection) must be verified.
7. Velocity Measurement

The physical unit used for velocity is the metre per second [m/s].

Simultaneously alongside the gas pressure measurement, the velocity must be measured at a
distance 2.5 m from the mouth of the barrel. For luminous barriers, the length of the base must be
at least 0.5 m and the measurement point is the centre of the base.
The total uncertainty/total error for the velocity measurement must be ≤ 0.5%.

The values will be used to calculate the kinetic energy (proof cartridges and ammunition for which
kinetic energy must be measured instead of gas pressure) and momentum (lead-free cartridges for
smoothbore firearms).

To measure the velocity of cartridges for smoothbore firearms, it is recommended to use a filter
of 2.5 or 5.0 kHz to process start and stop signals.

No restriction exists regarding the means of measurement (visible light, IR, Laser, etc.)
8. Measurement Report

The measurement report should include, at a minimum, the following items:

• name and address of test laboratory

• client name

• measurement report order number

• measurement date

• operator name

• name and signature of person responsible

• technical characteristics of the ammunition (calibre, type and mass of projectile, batch,

• meteorological conditions: temperature, humidity

• technical characteristics of the measurement system (number of manometric barrel and

sensor, sensitivity of pressure sensor at the expected pressure, indications regarding the
velocity measurement system)

• individual pressures and velocities

• averages and deviations of gas pressures and velocities

• statistical analysis of measurements

• observations concerning possible anomalies in conditions or measurement results.

Decision XXXII-49 Calibration procedures

Decisions made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Regulation.

“All previous Decisions concerning calibration procedures are superseded”


1. Generalities

A satisfactory assessment of ammunition involves, at the measurement level, the smallest possible
dispersion of results. The sensor(s), manometric barrel itself, data capture and processing system,
operating mode, and personnel involved, are all sources of error.

Test equipment (barrels excluded) will be regularly subjected to a calibration procedure, in order
to maintain a total uncertainty of less than 3% for the measurements it provides (essentially
maximum pressures).

2. Sensor calibration procedures

2.1. Introduction

The sensitivity of electromechanical sensors changes with their use and with the stress of the
materials that compose them. The calibration of electromechanical sensors during their period of
use is thus required.

The purpose of calibration is to determine the primary measurable characteristics of the sensors
and identify variations in these characteristics during their use.

- sensitivity over the entire range of measurement

- linearity
- repeatability

Electromechanical pressure sensors are the subject of regular logging procedures (number of
shots, maximum recorded pressure, possible incidents).
Systemic calibration should be performed:

- at least every 200 shots during the first 600 shots, then every 500 shots. However, the
frequency of calibration must be adjusted to the level of uncertainty desired.
- if one observes a variation of over 4% for the mean values obtained during tests performed
simultaneously with multiple sensors of the same type.
- if the following anomalies are discovered during use:

• dispersion of measurements
• lack of display of values
• gas leaks

This document defines the procedure to be used to calibrate sensors of this type.

2.3. Preliminary Operations

2.3.1. Determination of the gain of the load amplifier

Before each calibration cycle, electrical calibration, using a standard voltage source and standard
capacity allows the gain of the load amplifier to be determined.

2.3.2. Measurement of the insulation resistance (IR) of the sensor

Prior to installation, the insulation resistance of the sensor and cabling must be measured using an
electrometer (AVO meter).

If IR ³ 1.1012 W, the calibration may be performed

If IR is < 1.1012 W, then the connector must be cleaned using freon or ether or the sensor must
be conditioned to a temperature ³ 80ºC for several hours, with the insulation resistance checked

If the insulation resistance remains below 1.1012 W, the sensor is unusable.

2.3.3. Installation of sensors

In all cases, the adapters and joints recommended and supplied by the sensor manufacturer must
be used with the calibration system. It is particularly important to avoid air bubbles in the
hydraulic system (it is necessary to purge the circuit and ensure that the oil is visible in the sensor
2.3.4. Sensor assembly

Prior to calibration, the sensor must be conditioned by subjecting it, using a calibration device, to
a load of the maximum expected pressure for future tests.

2.4. Static calibration

2.4.1. Equipment used: Pressure balance

The characteristics of the measurement chain are the following:

- reference pressure: ± 0.01 % max

- calibrated load amplifier

• Linearity: ≤ 0.1% of the final value

• Drift : ≤ 0.05 pC/s at 25 ± 1°C and < 60% RH
• Error : ≤ 0.5%

- capture system: ± 0.1 % max

Or a total uncertainty: ±1%

2.4.2. Electromechanical sensor calibration procedure

The calibration must be performed:

- using a minimum of 100 bars for the pressures up to 2000 bars and 500 bars for the higher
- up to 1.1 times the pressure of the ammunition to be tested,
- moving along at least 5 points of intermediate measurement, for a total of at least 7
measurement points.

At least 3 measurements must be taken at each point, in order to determine the mean load.
Sensitivity is defined as the relationship between the electric charge and the calibration pressure

During a cycle, the 5 pressure increments are achieved successively, in increasing value,
returning to atmospheric pressure between each point (in a few seconds).

All voltages corresponding to residual pressures and pressure increments are recorded and
determine the calibration curve, linearity deviation, repeatability during calibration, and
sensitivity of each of the sensors.
For each measurement point and each approach, one determines the electrical charge Q from the
sensor, as a function of the voltage V1 read at that increment, the residual voltage V0 read when
the pressure is zero and the gain G of the load amplifier (defined by the initial tare) in the following

Q = (V1 - Vo) x G

2.5. Continuous calibration:

2.5.1. General description

Continuous calibration is an alternative to static calibration (by increments) and calls upon a
reference sensor. The continuous increase in pressure may be performed automatically (using a
motor) or manually (screw press)

2.5.2. Operation

The pressure rise is performed continuously up to the pre-established maximum level, then the
pressure is reduced to zero (atmospheric pressure).

The electrical charge generated by the reference sensor is recorded continuously and the pressure
is calculated. Thus, the pressure at each point along the curve is known. The charge of the sensor
to be calibrated is also measured continuously and, by knowing the pressure induced by the
reference sensor, the sensitivity of the sensor to be calibrated is calculated.

2.5.3. Equipment used and its characteristics

Continuous pressure generator:

• Pressure range: measurement range of the sensor to test +10%

Reference sensor with calibration certificate issued under ISO 17025 accreditation.

• Measurement range adapted to the maximum of the range of the sensor to test,
• Linearity ≤ 0.3% of the full scale,
• Natural frequency ≥1 kHz

Load amplifier (x2) or complete measurement chain with calibration certificate issued under ISO
17025 accreditation.
The output signals of the reference sensor and the test sensor are usually processed with precision
load amplifiers. The following settings are typically used:

• High-pass filter: Off (i.e. Time constant = Long, τ>100 000s)

• Low-pass filter: Off
• Range: Range to calibrate + about 10%
• Sensitivity (Reference sensor): Indicated on the ISO 17025 calibration certificate of the
reference sensor
• Sensitivity (test sensor): Nominal sensitivity indicated in the technical specifications of
the test sensor.
• Drift: ≤ 0.05 pC/s at 25 ± 1°C and < 60% RH
Capture and analysis system

The analogue output signals of the load amplifier are, where applicable, recorded using data
capture components in accordance with the state of the art. The total uncertainty of the capture
and analysis system must be ≤±0.1%.

2.5.4. Functional diagram of the chain:

sensor Data
Pressure generation Signal processing Analysis
Test sensor
Continuous calibration procedure:

Continuous calibration uses piezoelectric pressure sensors for calibration and is summarised in
the table below.

Pressure Load profile: half sine (approximately) or ramp.

generation Note:
It is not necessary to define the load
profile. The important thing is to
obtain a continuous and constant
Rise time: Up to the highest calibration point
» 15 seconds
Pre-stressing cycle (0… PE… 0): At least 2
Calibration cycle (0… PE… 0): 1
Reference Precision piezoelectric sensor.
The reference is calibrated by a primary standard in an accredited
Signal Precision load amplifier for the reference sensor and test sensor.
The signal processing device is calibrated by a primary standard in an
accredited laboratory. (The system may also be calibrated using a precision
load generator with a calibration certificate issued under ISO 17025
Data capture Analogue/digital converter as per the state of the art.
Analysis Data processing and analysis may be summarised as follows:
• Filtering and quantification of measured data
• Calculation of calibration parameters in accordance with
paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7
• Verification of calibration results compared to the specifications
indicated in the test sensor technical specifications.
• Logging the sensitivity and linearity for the calibrated range.
2.6. Dynamic calibration

2.6.1. General description

Dynamic calibration is optional and supplementary to the static and continuous methods. It also
uses a reference sensor.

2.6.2. Operation

The dynamic rise in pressure is performed using a measuring head to which both the reference
sensor and test sensor are mounted.

The electrical charge generated by the reference sensor is recorded continuously and the
pressure is calculated. Thus, the pressure at each point along the curve is known. The charge of
the sensor to be calibrated is also measured continuously and, by knowing the pressure induced
by the reference sensor, the sensitivity of the sensor to be calibrated is calculated.

2.6.3. Equipment used and its characteristics

Dynamic pressure generator:

• Pressure range: measurement range of the sensor +10%

Reference sensor with calibration certificate issued under ISO 17025 accreditation.

• Measurement range adapted to the maximum of the range of the sensor to test
• Linearity ≤ 0.3% of the full scale,
• Natural frequency ≥150 kHz

Load amplifier (x2) or complete measurement chain with calibration certificate issued under
ISO 17025 accreditation.

The output signals of the reference sensor and the test sensor are usually processed with
precision load amplifiers. The following settings are typically used:

• High-pass filter: Off

• Low-pass filter: Off
• Range: Range to calibrate + about 10%
• Sensitivity (Reference sensor): Indicated on the ISO 17025 calibration certificate of
the reference sensor
• Sensitivity (test sensor): Nominal sensitivity indicated in the technical specifications
of the test sensor.
• Drift: ≤ 0.05 pC/s at 25 ± 1°C and < 60% RH

Capture and analysis system

The analogue output signals of the load amplifier are, where applicable, recorded using data
capture components in accordance with the state of the art. The total uncertainty of the capture
and analysis system must be ≤ ± 0.1%.

2.6.4. Functional diagram of the chain:

sensor Data
Pressure generation Signal processing Analysis
Test sensor

2.7. Sensitivity determination

Tolerance band algorithm or linear regression

The graphic below demonstrates the terms and definitions used to calculate the specific
parameters of piezoelectric sensors:

• Sensitivity
• Linearity

Ei 8
Individual sensitivity Pi

Ei: Sensitivity at a specific point i, [pC/bar]

Pi: Pressure at a specific point i, [bar]
Qi: Charge at a specific point i, [pC]

Mean sensitivity
The mean sensitivity may be determined in 2 ways:

• “Tolerance band algorithm”

• “Linear regression”

Tolerance band algorithm

The sensitivity calculated using the tolerance band method means that all the measurements are
included between 2 parallel lines separated by a minimum distance and framing on side and the
other, a line passing through the origin. The slope (tan a) of that line is the sensitivity.

Eq = tan α or Eq = Qe/PFS
Qe: Mean maximum charge [pC]
PFS: Nominal Pressure, [bar]
Eq: Mean Sensitivity, [pC/bar]

Linear Regression

Eq: Mean Sensitivity, [pC/bar]

P(i): Pressure at a specific point i, [bar]
Q(i): Charge at a specific point i, [pC]
n: Number of points

2.8. Linearity determination

Tolerance band algorithm

The distance between the two outer parallel lines of (2 x DQ) serves as a basis for calculation.

L = Linearity, %

Linear Regression

L Linearity, %

The maximum value should be used.

Pfs = Nominal pressure, [bar]

2.9. Possible anomalies

• Fluctuation of measurements during tests performed at same pressure level (fluctuations

> 2%)
• A state-of-the-art sensor has a linearity ≤ 1%. If the calculated linearity exceeds this
value, it must be rejected.
• Sensor drift during calibration

All the above anomalies result in discarding an electromechanical sensor. However, before
discarding it, it is worth redoing the tests at least 2 more times after cleaning and drying the
electromechanical sensor at 65°. After these operations, one should ensure that the
measurement chain is always within the limits of the desired precision. If defects are still found,
the electromechanical sensor must be discarded.

3. Measurement chain calibration procedure

All instrumentation used to measure the response of the piezoelectric pressure sensor must be
regularly calibrated. This is performed by injecting a set voltage into a known capacitor, which
generates a reference electrical charge. This charge corresponds to a known pressure level.
The measurement chain must be calibrated every time the software is updated or when the
capture system is modified. (e.g. changing the range and/or load amplifier).
Definition of input signal for calibration:

To obtain precise measurement results, it is necessary to perform proper calibration of the

measurement chain, including the filter (Bessel or Butterworth)
The measurement chain must have a known signal of a duration of (1 to 10 ms) applied and
at a load level corresponding to the signal to be measured, and with a rise time that renders
the excess flow caused by the filter (0.2 to 1.0 ms) to be negligible.
The Pmax value displayed must be identical to the value applied (calibration value). It must
be verified that the chain and measurement software are the same as those used for routine

The absolute value of the difference between the input signal and the maximum output
value ≤ 0.5%

For example, the following illustrations provide the best conditions for accurate calibration.

o A square signal

o A level signal

o A sinusoidal signal

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