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Kendrick Lazo

"Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart." - Pablo Casals

As a musician, my ultimate goal in life is to create and share music that resonates with people,
evoking emotions and fostering connections. I aspire to inspire others through my music, leaving
a lasting impact on the world. To achieve my goal as a musician, I will dedicate myself to honing
my craft, performing regularly, and engaging with my audience to create meaningful connections
through music. To achieve my goal as a musician, I will focus on mastering my instrument,
creating original and compelling music, and building a strong online presence to reach a wider
audience. Music mentors, fellow musicians, and a supportive community will help you achieve
your goal by providing guidance, collaboration opportunities, and encouragement along the way.

Music is a source of happiness that transcends words, and for me, happiness is found in moments
of creative expression and shared emotional connection. Yes, my ultimate goal as a musician is
instrumental in making me happy because it aligns with my passion for music and my desire to
connect with others through my art. No, achieving my goal as a musician does not necessarily
mean that my life has been well lived My music is a significant part of my life, but it is not the sole
measure of a well-lived life.

Partly yes, achieving my goal as a musician contributes to a good life, but there are other factors
such as personal growth, relationships, and contributing to society that also play a crucial role in
determining a good life. Yes, I believe one can achieve a good life in a lifetime by defining what a
good life means to them, setting meaningful goals, and pursuing them with passion and integrity,
while also prioritizing personal growth, relationships, and contributing to the greater good.

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