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**Standard Operating Procedure for Handling of Complaints**

To establish a standardized procedure for the prompt and effective handling of complaints received by
[Drug Distributor Name], in accordance with the guidelines outlined in WHO Technical Report Series
(TRS) 1025 Annex 7, section 8.1.

This procedure applies to all employees responsible for receiving, documenting, investigating, and
resolving complaints at [Drug Distributor Name].

1. **Quality Assurance Manager:**
- Oversees the implementation of the complaint handling procedure.
- Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies.
- Reviews and approves the resolution of complaints.

2. **Customer Service Representative:**

- Receives and documents complaints from customers or other stakeholders.
- Initiates the investigation process by gathering relevant information.
- Communicates with customers regarding the status and resolution of complaints.

3. **Quality Control Officer:**

- Conducts investigations into the root cause of complaints.
- Collaborates with relevant departments to implement corrective and preventive actions.
- Provides input to the Quality Assurance Manager for complaint resolution.


1. **Receipt of Complaint:**
- Customers or stakeholders can submit complaints through various channels, including phone, email,
or in person.
- Customer Service Representatives are responsible for promptly recording all complaints in the
Complaint Log.

2. **Initial Assessment:**
- Customer Service Representatives conduct an initial assessment of the complaint to determine its
severity and urgency.
- Classify complaints based on their impact on product quality, safety, or regulatory compliance.

3. **Investigation:**
- Assign a Quality Control Officer to lead the investigation into the complaint.
- Gather relevant information, including product details, batch numbers, and customer feedback.
- Conduct a thorough root cause analysis to identify the underlying issues contributing to the

4. **Resolution:**
- Develop an action plan to address the root cause of the complaint.
- Implement corrective and preventive actions to prevent similar issues from recurring in the future.
- Communicate the resolution plan and timeline to the customer, providing regular updates as

5. **Follow-up and Closure:**

- Follow up with the customer to ensure satisfaction with the resolution of the complaint.
- Document the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken in the Complaint Log.
- Obtain final approval from the Quality Assurance Manager before closing the complaint.

6. **Documentation and Reporting:**

- Maintain accurate records of all complaints received and actions taken in a designated Complaint
- Generate periodic reports summarizing complaint trends, analysis, and resolution status.
- Share relevant information with management and other stakeholders for continuous improvement

- Provide training to all employees involved in the complaint handling process to ensure familiarity with
this SOP and relevant regulatory requirements.

**Revision History:**
- Any updates or revisions to this SOP must be documented, including the date of revision and the
nature of the change.

- WHO Technical Report Series (TRS) 1025 Annex 7: Good Storage and Distribution Practices for
Pharmaceutical Products

This SOP has been reviewed and approved by [Authorized Personnel] on [Date]. Any questions or
concerns regarding this SOP should be directed to [Quality Assurance Manager].

Prepared by: Approved by: Date:

Mark Wendell L. De Castro George A. Go April 11, 2024

Pharmacist CEO

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