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Rasha Al Tayara, 1B

1B scholars have truly embraced the excitement of research! Throughout our non-fiction
unit, they've worked together in teams, exploring various ways to uncover information
about different topics. This time, we delved into the world of animals.

1B scholars selected an animal as a group and embarked on an adventure to learn

everything they could about it by researching. They utilized a variety of resources,
including books, the internet, and Pebble Go, to gather facts and details. It was incredible
to witness their curiosity and eagerness to explore.

Together, they brainstormed and came up with a catchy title for

their project, capturing the essence of their chosen animal. From
frogs to king penguins to land turtles, to dogs, each group delved
deep into their research, uncovering fascinating facts and

1B not only did they learn about their chosen animals, but they
also refined their research skills and discovered the joy of
collaborative learning. 1B scholars are truly ready to take
research to the next level, let’s see where their curiosity leads
them next!

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