Intensive1 1

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DREAM Program – Bayyinah Institute

Presented by 조하나 [Hana Cho]

This is a temporary cover

Intensive 1 Day 1
Oct’02 2020
#3kindsofArabic #3kindsofWordsinArabic #4propertiesofISM #raf #nasb #jarr
Introduction :

 Ahmad and Mariam represent the ummah

 Ustadh Jawaad, the Assistance Teacher


 Focus on one research.
 Don’t take notes until I tell you
 Focus on what in front of you
 Repeat out load
00.07.30 _ Nick name for ustad Jawaad : UJ

For alhamdulillah, subhanallah, maa shaa Allah, etc:

Don’t type it, just say it


 Print out the exercise book!

3 KINDS OF ARABIC _00.13.40

 Street Arabic :different place different dialek, informal arabic, for daily
 Fush ha :proper arabic nowadays, used in news, newspaper, etc
 Language of the Ancient Arabs/lisaan al arab : Qur’an’s language, proper
Arabic back in the day

Fush ha is small part of the Ancient Arabic

 e.g :
 Back in the day used to talk about temperature
 Nowdays also used to said to express when someone feel amazed, etc

Just because you know the proper meaning of Arabic now (fush-ha),
it doesn’t mean that’s how’s the word is used in the Qur’an

 E.g2 _00.25.25
 Nowadays means : colonisation
 back then means : when you want someone to build something
REPEAT THE TOPIC by Mariam and Ahmad _ 00.26.00

 The one that I will teach you is the ancient one

 I don’t want you write in arabic
GRAMMAR _00.32.30

 We will learn the grammar for the next 10 days

Ustadh explaining with example of the books in a shelf

Language is not just a bunch of words,

it’s about how do you put words together properly

 ISM _00.59.00 is person, place, thing, idea, adjective, adverb, more

e.g : slowly, permission, food
 FI’L _00.47.55 is a word stuck in time (past, present or future)
e.g : wrote, study, eating
 HARF_00.41.00 is word that is nonsense unless followed by another word
e.g : at, in, of, to, the
Harf in Arabic = Prepositions in English

I am teaching you arabic but, I am teaching you

how to connect Arabic and English too.

Fush ha  husfa lol

EXERCISE 1: distinguish the words :

Apple Wrote Education

Ism Fi’l Ism
Learned Helps Quickly
Fi’l Fi’l Harf

If it is not fi’l and not harf, then it is ism


Allahu Akbarrrrrr…

“It’s okay to make a mistake. It’s the most valuable thing you will do in this class.
Because mistakes expose how you were thinking. And when we think about our
mistakes, and we really analyze, ‘how come I thought that way’. When you correct
that, then you’ll void making a hundred other mistakes.”_Ustadh,00.55.25
Trick :
Add a person in before a word. If it make sense, then that wor is a fi’l. Eg :

WROTE (it is ism fi’l or harf?)

 I WROTE (Make sense, so it is a fi’l)

(Doesn’t make sense so it’s not a fi’l and not harf ,because still make sense
with out followed by other word. So education is an ism)
REPEAT the new terms _ 00.58.30
ISM _ 00.59.00

 Person = anything that refer to person

Grandpa, Mariam, He,who
 Place
Ice cream shop, ocean, Bayyinah Campus, Canada, Jakarta
 Thing
Screen, book, mustache,monkey _01.11.30
 Idea = the thing that can’t be touch but can be felt. The word with -ing, -ion,
Education, cooking, submission, teaching, love

Some words can act as a fi’l and act as an ism as well

REPEAT : 3 words in Arabic _ 01.03.55
…ING : idea VS verb, ism VS fi’l _ 01.14.55

Trick :
 Use phrase I love …ing or I was …ing
 Put the act of in this sentence between I love and …ing. If it make sense,
then it is an idea (ism). E.g :
I love cooking  I love the act of cooking
Make sense. So cooking is an idea (ism)
 Or, Put the act of in this sentence between I was and …ing. If it doesn’t
make sense, then it is act as a verb. E.g :
I was cooking  I was the act of cooking.
Doesn’t make sense. So here, cooking is a verb
CONTINUE _ 01.17.50

 Adjective : word that describing other word. E.g:

Great buliding, great teacher, great love, great education. Great is an
It’s not enough to say something is an ism.
Y ou’ve got to figure out which kind of ism it is
EXCERSICE 2 : figure out the words _ 01.20.00

Brown Happy Coolness

adjective adjective idea
Cool Heat Hot
adjective idea adjective
CONTINUE _01.23.25

 Adverb = word that end with ly

Happily, patiently, usually

MEMORIZING 3 words in Arabic _01.24.50

 4 properties of Ism :
 Status
 Number
 Gender
 Type

RAF’ (THE DOER) _01.35.55

A teacher entered the classroom

Whenever you have an ism, some action (fi’l) happened.

Behind that action, some questions occurs :

Who did it?
Step by step _01.37.10
 Find the fi’l (Action) = entered
 Find who did it (doer) = teacher

The ism that is doer = raf’ _01.39.00

A doer doesn’t always come in the first sentence.

It can be in the middle at the end, etc
REPEAT the steps _01.41.50

Raf’ = doer of the fi’l

Allah create the earth
Fi’l = create
Doer = the word Allah

It’s not approppriate to describe Allah as raf’. That’s not talking about
Allah. That’s just talking about grammar. So we don’t say Allah is is raf’, we say :
the word Allah is raf’
e.g3 :
My car broke down
Fi’l = broke down
Doer = the car

The doer doesn’t have to be a person. It could be a thing, an idea, etc

e.g4 :
My anger made me do it
Fi’l = made
Doer = the anger
01.46.00_ the camera and the action
More examples…
NASB (THE DETAIL) _01.51.55

I ate
Act = ate
Raf’/doer = I
 Investigation Question :
 Who / what did it ?
 Where was it happened?
 When was it happened?
 How was it happened?
 Why was it happened?

These investigation questions’ answers are the detail about the fi’l = nasb.
Except for the question who/what, its answer is the doer of the fi’l = raf’
e.g1 :
My car stooped suddenly last year on the highway
Who / what did it ? the car // Where was it happened? On the highway // When was it
happened? Last year // How was it happened? Suddenly // Why was it happened?
why the doer is not me?
 the question ‘whose car it is?’ doesn’t have a fi’l

The question for detail or doer has to have fi’l

My in that sentence doesn’t have fil. It can’t be detail nor the doer. So my
Last year, january etc are names of times which means it’s the name of
an idea. It’s name of times but not stuck in time. While a fi’l is an act that
happened in the past present or future. Not the name of something.

The messenger of Allah

The word Allah is jarr
The house of Ibrahim
Ibrahim is jarr

Every ism in the quran has to be raf nasb or jarr

My car the car of mine

My is jarr
Their religion  the religion of theirs
There is jarr
Allah’s book  the book of Allah
The word Allah is jarr
SUMMARY _02.05.50
 3 kinds of Arabic : street Arabic // fush-ha (proper Arabic nowadays) // Ancient Arabic
 3 kinds of word in Arabic : Ism // Fi’l // Harf
 4 properties of Ism : status // number // gender // type
 3 status of Ism : Raf’ (the doer) // Nasb (the detail) // Jarr (the word after ‘of’

In the BBq party thousands years ago, the Arabs talked about how to
differentiate raf’ nasb and jarr easily and quickly. Three sounds in Arabic :
oo – oon // a – an // ee –een. So they decided :
 The word that end with oo/oon sounds is Raf’
 The word that end with aa/aan sounds is Nasb
 The word that end with ee/een sounds is Jarr
OPEN THE QUR’AN _02 12.20

Surah Al-Muddaththir
Tadzkiratun Suhufin Mukarramatin Al-insaanu
Raf’ Jarr Jarr Jarr

Memorizing Raf’, Nasb, Jarr _ 02.15.30



Muslimoon Musliman Muslimeen

OPEN WORKBOOK pg.5 _ 02.23.33

An naasu  rhyme with muslimoon  an naasu is raf’

Nafseen  rhyme with muslimeen  nafseen is jarr
al kitaaba  rhyme with musliman  al kitaaba is nasb
And so on…
Al kitaab
Raf’ version = al kitaabu
Nasb version = al kitaaba
Jarr version = al kitaabi

with surah al fatihah,al feel, an naas, al falaq, more…
keep practicing….

THE ORDER when you memorize muslimun musliman muslimin is VERY IMPORTANT

“The fact that they are struggling is normal. And those of you that are super
advanced, you are going to learn the patience to become a teacher. Because
learning and becoming advanced isn’t enough to be a teacher. So if you already
know this stuffs and you’re moving to it, then study how I am teaching them.
Study when they make a mistake how I respond to it. Study what other examples
and other approaches I’am taking.”_Ustadh

The fact that you were struggling makes you an excellent student
Assalamu’alaykum dear family,
I am back to the very starting and took this note after I finished the Nahw class. it was about 9 months ago
when I joined this class live in the facebook. Now here I am, thinking about jumlah ismiyyah, the order of the
words in the Qur’an, wondering why did Allah put those in that order and what balagha implication that might
be behind it. I diden’t realize then, that 9 months ago I , we was struggling that hard, just to own raf’, nasb, and
jarr. Once again I feel all those amazing feelings when I re-watch this recording. What a journey! Alhamdulillah!
May Allah make it easy for us to understand His words and to follow it, may Allah make us steady fast on this
journey, may Allah keep blessing us with patience and barakah in our lives, and may Allah make us among the
Ahl Al-Qur’an. Ameen tsumma ameen

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 2
Oct’03 2020
#nounVSism #arabicVSenglish #ordersofwords #recognizeRNJ #femininechart #muslimchart
INTRO _00.00.00
REVIEW last topics _ 00.01.00

Noun = person, place, thing, idea

Ism = more than noun
ISM _00.09.10

 Raf’ u/un = doer

 Nasb a/an = detail
 Act = fi’l
 Jarr = word after of

I lost my cat
Fi’l = lost// raf’ = I // nasb = cat //jarr = my

We learn Arabic of the Qur’an  Weu learn Arabica of the Qur’ani

Fi’l = learn// raf’ = we // nasb = Arabic //jarr = Qur’an
ARABIC vs ENGLISH _00.15.20
In Arabic :
َّ َ‫الم َد ّر ُس‬ َ َ
ُ َ‫اع ََد‬
َ‫الطال َِب‬ ِ ‫س‬
The teacher helped the student
The doer = the teacher
َ َ
َ‫الطال ُِب‬ َ َ ِ ‫َالم َد ّر‬
َّ َ‫س‬ ُ ‫اع َد‬‫س‬
The student helped the teacher
The doer = the student
َ َ َ َ
َ‫الم َد ّر ِ ُس‬
ُ َ‫اع ََد‬‫ِبَس‬
َ ‫الطال‬
The teacher helped the student
The doer = the teacher

In English :
The teacher helped the student
The doer = the teacher

The student helped the teacher

The doer = the student

In english you the first being mentioned is the doer. In Arabic the doer can be
everywhere and you can find it by ending sound u/un.

e.g :
َ ُ ُ َ ََ
‫َوقت َل د ُاو ْود َجال ْوت‬
And Daud killed Jalut
ُ ‫َى‬
‫َو ِإ ِذ ْابتَل ِإ ْب َر ِاه ْي َم َربه‬
And his Rabb test Ibrahim

The ending sounds in the Qur’an is very important.

If you spelling it wrongly you might changed the history
FROM THE QUR’AN _00.34.30
The order of words in the qur’an is important. Every unusual order create some
special meaning. We will learn later, in sha Allah
MUSLIM CHART : textbook pg.6 _00.44.00

Muslimun (1R) Musliman (1N) Muslimin (1J) Ending sound

Muslimaani (2R) Muslimayni (2N) Muslimayni (2J) Ending
Muslimuuna (3R) Muslimeena (3N) Muslimeena (3J) combination
Un an in //aani ayni ayni // oona eena eena

00.56.00_ “whatz thatz meanz usaaadhz”

e.g :
Al’alaameena rhyme with muslimeena
Al’alameena = 3N/3J

Un // an // in (RNJ)
Aani // ayni // ayni (2RNJ)
Oona // eena // eena (3RNJ)
PRACTICING _01.03.00
 Al mu’minoona = 3R
 Faasiqeena = 3N/3J
 Jannatayni = 2N/2J

Whenever I give you a word, you have to ask yourself : did I hear an ending
sound or ending combination. ALWAYS look for combination first._ 01.07.20
REPEAT : ending sound vs combination _01.11.35

Always look for combination first

BREAK _01.16.00
START AGAIN _01.28.10
MEMORIZING the muslims chart…
PRACTICING : textbook pg.5 _ 01.34.20

Hana’s Answer Key :

Surah Al - Fatihah _01.46.25

Al’alameena Rabbi Lillahi Alhamdu
3NJ 1J 1J 1R
Ad-deeni Yaumi Maaliki Ar-raheemi Ar-rahmaani
1J 1J 1J 1J 1J

Sometimes, an is not an addition. Sometimes an is part of the word

 Muslimaani = an is an addition
 Arrahmaani = an is part of the word
 Nu’maan = an is part of the word
TAKING NOTES _ 01.50.40

 4properties of ism : Status // number // gender // type

 Status : forms of status <<Raf’, Nasb, Jarr>> // how to tell status <<by ending
sounds [u a I 1RNJ], by ending combination [aani2R, ayni2NJ, oona3R,
 oona3R, eena3NJ only used for talking about people
‘ALAMEENA _02.02.45

02.04.40 _ STORY : Different World

Q : Angels and jinns categorized as people or no?
A : depend on the context

Muslimatun (1RF) Muslimatan (1NF) Muslimatin (1JF) Ending sound

Muslimataani (2RF) Muslimatayni (2NF) Muslimatayni (2JF) Ending
Muslimaatun (3RF) Muslimaatin (3NF) Muslimaatin (3JF) combination

when you make fatha tanween (an sound) you have to add alif after it.
But if you put fatha tanween for ta marbuta (tan) you don’t add any alif.

The ending of muslimatin (1JF) and muslimaatin (3NJF) are the same. To avoid
mis-recognition, you should thinking for muslimatin (1JF) it end with in and for
muslimaatin (3NJF) it end with aatin

Tun // tan // tin (RNJ-F)

Taani // tayni // tayni (2RNJ-F)
Aatun // aatin // aatin (3RNJ-F

MEMORIZING feminine muslim chart _ 02.29.00

“I need everybody to know the charts by heart. Page six will no longer opened up
in your note. It has to be inside your heart, exactly as it laid out here. So you
absolutely have to memorize it even if you’re understanding right now is not 100%
you still have to memorize it.”
BREAK II _02.30.00
START AGAIN _02.34.40
Question about ta marbuta _02.36.15
A : This ta is typically for singular. Will it be sometimes from plural? We will see
when we get more advance
“You guys are studying arabic for two days so I can tell you always or never yet.
That tendency student have , they want to know rules that will work always and
will work never. That’s true for math, its not true for language. In language we
have mostly and there are exceptions. Explaining…
There is more to everything I am teaching. But at this level, yeah, that’s all there
is. If your foundation is right, if your fundamental is solid then building all that
stuff becomes super easy
Studying grammar is like understading the tree. “
PRACTICING the feminine chart _02.39.35
HOMEWORK _02.43.25

 I want you to read all of suplemen day one, and then read as much as you
can of day two. I need you to read it a couple of times
 I want questions number 17 to 34 on page 5 for you to find the answer to all
of them. Try to not use the answer key

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 3
Oct’04 2020
#HWpg7 #endingsound #endingcombinatio #extraAlif #fthahtanween #light #heavy
#fullyflexible #partlyflexible #nonflexible #arabicterms
INTRO _00.00.00

A little technical issue…

HOMEWORK _00.01.15

Workbook pg.5 no.17 to 34

Find all notes and voice notes of dream program in :
َ ً َ
‫(ن ْحل ًة‬17)
ِ & ‫( ه ِن ًْيئا‬19) _00.07.50
Both have fathah tanween but one of them doesn’t have extra alif. Why?
>> Because when you have fathah tanween on ta marbuta,
you don’t add extra alif after it.
ً ‫(ب ُسل َط‬24)
‫ان‬ ِ _00.14.30
It seems like 2R but it is not. Why ?
>> Combinations is never end with tanween; aanin, aanuun,etc. 2r never have in
ending sound aanin . 2r is aaani. It has to got exact match or not at all.
Eg :
َ َ ُ
ً ‫ًه ُار ْو‬//ً‫ن ْع َمان‬
َ َ
ً ‫ ه ُار ْو‬sounds like 3r but It’s not. It’s a name. you don’t say Haaar! lol
>> Sometimes what’s looks like combination, it is part of the word.

Ohhwh noo..! how I supposed to know ustadh?!

“Don’t worry. You don’t have to know everything right now. You just have to
know that this is can happen. It’s ok if you wrong. Right now you are not there to
know all the answer. They’ll coming.”
َ َ
ً ‫ه ُار ْو‬, why don’t nun have sukun? _00.18.00
In the word ‫ن‬
>> ‘Cause every ism has ending sound or combo even if we don’t say it out loud.
E.g :
َُ ُ َ
In the Quran : ‫هللاًغف ْو ٌر ًَر ِح ْي ٌ ًم‬‫و‬
We don’t say, wallahu ghafuurun raheemun, but rather we say :
wallahu ghafuurun raheem

(recite Al-Fatihah with all ending lol)

The Arab is so smart and they expect you so smart

so even if you don’t say it, you should know i
When you really know something, you’ll able to explain it very well. _00.33.00
TAKING NOTES _00.34.10

 4properties of ism : Status // number // gender // type

 Status : forms of status <<Raf’, Nasb, Jarr>> // how to tell status <<by ending
sounds [u a I 1RNJ], by ending combination [aani2R, ayni2NJ, oona3R,
 oona3R, eena3NJ only used for talking about people
 Pronoun is crazy. They don’t care ending sound or eending combination
LIGHT VS HEAVY _00.37.30

Ustadh recite normal and light version of muslim chart coloum by coloum and
ask them to recognize the different and explain…

When you take the an off the alif goes away. _00.40.00
The n sounds in the carts I call it the extra n. Because it’s not really part of the
word. The real word is muslim. I add n to make the ending sound or ending
combination. We put it for the status purposes. Extra n makes word heavy. Take
it out of the word, it makes light
Normally in Arabic a word is heavy. You have to have special reason to make it
light. There are 4 reason an sm to be light, we will learn them later ia
e.g : _00.46.30
‫َ ا‬
ًُ ‫ًلً ِإلًهً ِإَّل‬
there must be a reason for ‫ ِإلً ًه‬to be light.
َ ُ
ً‫ُم ْه ِلك ْون‬
Is this word heavy or light?

Don’t think heavy just come from tanween (un an in).

Heavy can come from ending combination too. _00.49.30
TAKING NOTES _00.50.45

 All of pg.6 are heavy

 Every word of pg.6 can be light
 To make light, either:
 Remove the tanweeen
 Remove extra n
 Making a word light means removing the extra n. Not any other n
e.g : Nouman / Haaroon / Fir’aun
In these words, you don’t remove the nun because it is not extra. I don’t say
Noumanun I say Nouman
 There are 4 reasons to make light. Without them, normally a word should be
 If there is ‫ ال‬on a word, then we don’t care to ask the question of light vs.
PRACTICING pg.7 _01.00.30

I wanna it is light sound or light combo

BREAK _01.16.00
START AGAIN _01.24.00
CONTINUE practicing page 7
ً‫_ َر ُس ْوَّل‬01.24.50
>> Often misrecognize as 1N. If it was 1N, the alif would have gone away :
ًَ ‫( َر ُس ْو‬light)
1N = ً‫( َر ُس ْوَّل‬heavy)  ‫ل‬
َْ ُ َ َ
ً ِ ‫( رسوَّل‬heavy)  ‫َّل‬
2R = ‫ن‬ ً ‫( َر ُس ْو‬light)

If the answer is light you have to say its heavy version, an viece viersa

01.38.55_ “Some questions you have, the answers are coming. This is not the
time for that. It’s good that you have questions. Because I want you to break the
itchy. If I told you everything right now, your brain will melting and come out of
your nose. Therefore I tell you a little at a time, buld up,and come back to those
some unanswered questions and so on. But its great that you are getting agitate
but you don’t have the answer yet. That’s really a good thing. That’s build your
grammar sensibillity.”

Heavy Light
ٌ ُُ ُ ُُ
ً ‫ثل‬
‫ث‬ ً ‫ثل‬
‫ث‬ Raf’
ًُُ َ ُُ
‫ثلثا‬ ً ‫ثل‬
(alif is added bcz of fathah (alif is removed bcz tanween Nasb
tanween) is removed)
ُُ ُُ
ً‫ثلث‬ ً‫ثل ِث‬ Jarr

Heavy Light
َُُ ‫ثلثا‬
ًِ ‫ث لث‬
(only nun that is removed, Raf’
(alif is part of aani)
therefore the alif stay)
ً‫ي‬ْ ْ ‫ُث ُل َث‬ ً‫ث‬ْ َ ‫ُث ُل‬ Nasb
ِ َُُ ََ ُ ُ
ً ِ ْ ‫ثلث‬
ْ‫ي‬ ْ‫ث‬
ً َ ‫ثل‬ Jarr
How do we know it is light version of aani and not light version of aatin or aatun?
>> Becaue the ta can never get rid. _01.44.45

Because to make a word light, either you remove the tanween (an in un sound)
or remove the extra n. In muslimaatun you only remove the tanween to make it
light. You don’t have to remove the ta

In barbeque, the Arabs decided people that are citizen should have all the rights. People that are
foreigns shouldn’t have the same rights. They should have less. So if someone has non Arab names,
we’re gonna to treat the name differently.
E.g :
ً‫( َص ِالح‬un-R) , ‫( َص ِال ًحا‬an-N) , ً‫( َص ِالح‬in-J).
>> They also can be light. It can do all of these because ‫ صالح‬is an Arab name.
ُ ‫( ُي ْو ُس‬u-R) , ‫ف‬
ً‫ف‬ ً َ ‫( ُي ْو ُس‬a-N) , ‫ف‬
ً َ ‫(ي ْو ُس‬a-J).
>> They already light. It can’t do all that the Arab name can do because ‫ يوسف‬is
not an Arab name.

01.50.25_ Mostly prophet that are talked in the Quran are not Arabs. Only 4
prophets in the Quran that comes from Arab line : Saleh, Hud, Shu’aib, &
Muhammad pbut

When a word comes from outside Arabic, then you don’t do un an in. Rather
you do u a a. and that’s a is for nasb and for jarr
Maryamun / Maryaman / Maryamin X
Maryamu / Maryama / Maryama : non Arab name, partly flexible
Muhammadun / Muhammadan / Muhammadin : Arab name, fully flexible
Salihun / Salihan / Salihin : Arab name, fully flexible
Shu’aibun / Shu’aiban / Shu’aibin : Arab name, fully flexible
Hudun / Hudan / Hudin : Arab name, fully flexible
Ya’quubu / Ya’quuba / Ya’quuba : non Arab name, partly flexible
Fira’unu / Fir’auna / Fir’auna : non Arab name, partly flexible
Ibrahimu / Ibrahima / Ibrahima : non Arab name, partly flexible
Masjidun / Masjidan / Masjidin : Arab word, fully flexible
Dallasu / Dallasa / Dallasa : non Arabic word, partly flexible
STORY _01.57.30
How to say glass in Farsi…
ً‫َس َم ٌاء‬
Imagine the un sound. The word is made up like a playdoh and you can bend it
and make it un, and you can bend it again and make it an , and you can bend it
again and make it in , which mean it’s fully flexible (while demonstrating it by his
hands). It flexes all three ways.
ُ ‫َد َل‬
But if I take a word like Dallas, I can’t bend it in all three ways. It’s only work two
ways : Dallasu Dallasa Dallasa. So it is partly flexible.

Mostly word in Arabic are fully flexible. But some words, specially foreign words,
has to be partly flex. But even there are some Arabic words that is partly flexible.
One of them is name of place
Makkah is an Arabic words, and it is name of place so it is partly flexible :
Makkatu / Makkata / Makkata

02.00.30_ The word Madina is the the word for city in Arabic. It is actually not
name of a place. So it is fully flexible.
NON FLEXIBLE _ 02.02.25
ََ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ
‫ىًالح ْس َْثًزك ِرايا‬
ُ ‫ًالهد‬ ً َ ‫ُم‬
‫سً ِعيسًيحث‬

You don’t hear musii or musuu ever. That because the word that end with a
sound is non flexsible . Therefore its raf’ , nasb, and jarr vesion will be the same :
Musa Musa Musa

02.05.05_ some words in arabic, they don’t change at all

Explain again fully, partly and non flexible…

02.06.00_ So you got three kind of words when it comes to the status :
Fully flexible, partly flexible and non flexible. There are more words that is non
flexible, we will learn one at a time
To remember this concept, you just compare these three names of prophet :
Muhammad, Yusuf, Musa

When you understand the different between Muhammad, Yusuf and Musa, you
understand flexibility concept
TAKING NOTES _02.07.25

 Flexibility :
 Fully flexible : (Muhammad, all of pg.6) : un an in
 Partly flexible : Places’ name,non Arab name&words (yusuf) : u a a
 Non flexible : (Musa) : a a a / no change
02.11.00_ If places is partly flexible, how come Madina is fully flexible ?
>> New York, Chicago, Makkah are name of places. Playground, city, country
are words for places. The one that is partly flexible is name of places.
Madina nowadays is offial name of a city. But originaly it is word for city in
Arabic. That was nickname of the City of Rasul (Madinatu Ar-Rasul)
Story behind Madinatu Ar-Rasul _ 02.12.20
02.22.45_ Why don’t put alif after fathah tanween in madinatan?
>> Because when fathah tanwin put on ta marbuta, we don’t need extra alif
People ask Arabic terms for fully, partly and non flexible
So in this class I m gonna move fast. This is only for Arabs :
Status = ‫اإلعراب‬
Number = ‫العدد‬
Gender = ‫الجنس‬
Type = ‫القسم‬
Ending sounds/combo skip. Different term are used
Light & heavy = ‫منور‬ ّ and ‫ًمنور‬
ّ ‫غي‬
Fully flexible = ‫معراب‬
Partly flexible ّ
= ً‫ًممنوعًمنًالصارف‬ /ً‫غيًمنرصف‬
Non flexible ًَ ْ
= ‫مبث‬
I don’t teach you terms bcz you would “die”. The thing is the concepts behind
those terms are pretty easy but the terms itself is pretty intimidating. When you
study Arabic in great school , in Arabia, Eigypt, wherever else, the terminology
are very loaded and if you trying to connect it right now, you’re just gonna end
up confused. For now just go with this, pretend that you are not Arab at ll. Don’t
get intimidated. You are in a good place now. You are trying to understand the
status which is hard in Arabic. That’s difficult stuffs. Even people that are good in
Arabic, that are speaking Arabic, aren’t good at this stuff.
PLAN & HOMEWORK _02.27.30

 The real go is Day 6 for me. Because in Day 6 we’re gonna open the Quran
and we gonna translating ayah together.
 Just read transcript suplements day 1 and 2. Don’t read day 3 yet.
RECAP _02.29.00 recap :
 3 kind of Arabic : Street, Fusha, Ancient
 3 words in Arbic : Ism, Fi’l, Harf
 4 properties in ism : Status, Number, Gender, Type
 In Status :
 Forms
 How to tell : ending sound, ending combination, pronouns be crazy
 Light vs Heavy : normally pg 6 is heavy,
 How to make word light : remove the tanween, combo nun dissapears,
 4 reason to make light
 Flexbility : Fully – Muhammad, Partly – Yusuf, Non – Musa.

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 4
Oct’05 2020
#plural #pluralinenglish #pluralinarabic #brokenplural #identifybrokenplural #kindsofplural #pluralBASS #HBP
#NHBP #notes:NUMBER #GENDER #angelsgender #thewordULAMAA #page13 #page14 #pretendanswer
#identify4properties #TYPE
INTRO _00.00.00
STORY : A Macroeconomic’s Proffesor complaint _00.01.40
He said,
 The plural of TOOTH is TEETH. But the plural of BOOTH is not BEETH
 The plural of GOOSE is GEESE. But the moose of MOOSE is not MEESE
 The plural of MOUSE is MICE. But the plural of HOUSE is not HICE
He had a whole list of these complaints because obviously,

In english sometimes when you make something plural you just

add an ‘s’ and other times you don't.
e.g :

Sometimes when you want to make something plural you just add an ‘s’ other times there's
some other weird things you do you change the spelling of the word all together .

e.g :
The ‘o’ , ‘u’ , and ‘s’ are gone. The ‘I’ , and ‘c’ are added, so it just became a kind of a
new word altogether. This happens in english a lot.

Sometimes if somebody just learns english for the first time, they figure that they think that
if you just add ‘s’ at the end of something it'll become plural right because that's how you
make many of anything. They'll say yeah tooths, mouses, gooses or childs (which is all
In English we have ‘s’ but in Arabic we have ending combination oona, eena, eena, aatun,
aatin, aatin. They all are the different versions of ‘s’ in Arabic. When you add ‘s’ in english
then something becomes plural. And if you add oona, eena, eena, aatun, aatin or aatin , it
becomes plural in Arabic.
In English you have;
TOOTH (singular)  TEETH (plural without ‘s’)

The same, sometimes in Arabic you have words when they become plural they become a
totally different word, spelled totally differently too, without adding anything (of oona, eena,
eena, aatun, aatin, aatin) on.

You could have a plural in Arabic without adding any of ending

combination (oona, eena, eena, aatun, aatin or aatin)

e.g :
‫( َم ْس ِجد‬singular)  ‫سا ِجد‬
َ َ ‫( َم‬plural, without add ending comb.)
‫( َم ْس ِجد‬singular) 
‫( َم َس ِاجد‬plural) 
َ ُ
َ ‫( َم ْس ِجد ْو‬plural) 
َ ُ
َ ‫( َم َس ِاجد ْو‬plural) 
ََ َ ْ ُ ََ َ ََ ََْ
َ ‫(قَلمو‬plural) //َ‫( َقَلمات‬plural) //َ‫(أقَلم‬plural) 
َ‫(قَلم‬singular)  ‫ن‬

Broken plural is UNPREDICTABLE. You literally got to learn one plural at a time and it's kind of
like building your vocabulary. This is where grammar can't help you.
RE-EXPLAINING : the concept of broken plural _00.10.10
Using legos parable. And the words :
َ ُُ
ََ‫( ِك َتاب‬singular)  ََ‫(كتب‬broken plural)
‫( َر ُس ْول‬singular)  ‫( ُر ُسل‬broken plural)
َ ‫( ُم ْس ِل ُم ْو‬regular plural)
‫( ُم ْس ِلم‬singular)  ‫ن‬
A word is not a broken plural is if you kept the original exactly as it was and you added to it
the things you're allowed to add to it (oona, eena, eena, aatun, aatin, aatin). And the broken
plural is the one where if you added a new inside of it or took anything away.
َ َ َُ
َ ‫عال ُم ْو‬
ََ‫(ع ِالم‬singular)  َ‫ن‬ ِ (plural) // ُ
‫آء‬ َ
‫م‬ ‫ل‬‫( ع‬plural)
 ‫ عالم‬means someone who knows knowledgeable
 ‫َعلمآء‬/َ‫ عالمون‬means knowledgeable people
 Nowadays, some people translate ulama as scholars.
When the Qur’an was revealed we didn't have scholars because the Arab society didn't have
universities, institutions, etc. They were a desert society. So the word ‘aalim, they considered
as someone who is knowledgeable. As society progressed, we had different kinds of
institutions. Then people we considered knowledgeable are scholars.
But in the time of the Qur’an when the word ‘aalim or ulamaa’ is used in the Qur’an it's not
talking about scholars. For example, the first day Umar (r.a) knows that Allah is one and that
the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is His messenger. He hasn't memorized anything he hasn't
gone to any university, but he know something that other people don't know, he's actually
an ‘aalim immediately. The Qur’an is calling him also the ‘aalim (someone who knows).

Up until yesterday I told you that when you see an ending sound it's means it’s singular.
Today i'm telling you that words will have ending sounds (oon,aan,een,oo,aa,ee) but they
could be broken plurals and we won't even know until we look at the m eaning. Because if you
don't have the vocabulary, you don't know that that word is one or a broken plural. _00.17.50
Mariam bought four books.
She read all of them in a week and then return them for a refund.
The word them above is reffering to the books. In arabic;
 َ‫ ِكتاب‬means book (singular).
ُُ َ
 َ‫ كتب‬means books – (plural of َ‫)كتاب‬ ِ

There was a barbecue thousands of years ago. In that barbecue the Arabs decided that if
there's a broken plural, we shouldn't use ‘them’ when we want to talk about it. We should
pretend to talk about one girl even though it's a ‘them’. We're not going to call it ‘they’, we
will call it she

Now let’s add the rule to the story above !

Mariam bought four books.
She read all of her in a week and then return her for a refund.

That doesn't make any sense in english, but that’s what the Arabs decided; that when they
talk about a broken plural, they will talk about it as if they're talking about one feminine even
though the meaning is plural.
This is something that happens in the Qur’an over and over again. We'll dive deeper into this
subject later on but I do want you to know that when you see a broken plural it could be that
the way Allah talks about it later on in the same ayah he uses the word she, and you find
there's no no female at all but there is a broken plural in there. And because there's a broken
plural in there he's using the word she.
Q/A TIME _ 00.24.30
1. Q : If it was if it was a boy who bought the books, would it still be treated as she ?
A : Yes it can be.
Actually ‘prophets’, ‘messengers’, ‘angels’, in the Qur’an have been talked about like
she too. Not because they're feminine or females, but because the broken plural was
used. This is not about biology, this is not about reality, this is about grammar.
In grammar, even if you're talking about َ‫( أوَلد‬kids, - could means boys and girls),
because the word َ‫ أوَلد‬is a broken plural in Arabic, you can use the word she. We'll
learn a little bit later on but this rule applies CAN apply to anything.

2. Q : Is there thing such as broken pair?

A : You have singular, pair, and then you have different kinds of plurals.
But there's no such thing as a broken pair. E.g :
ْ َ
 ‫( مس ِجد‬singular) 
 ‫اجد‬
َ َ
ِ َ ‫( مس‬broken plural) 
َ ِ ‫( َم ْس ِجد‬pair) 
 ‫ان‬
َ ِ ‫( َم َس ِاجد‬broken pair) 
 ‫ان‬

You can take one and make it a pair but you can't take a plural and then make it a pair.
That doesn't make any sense because plural is already more than two

3. Q : Are broken plurals flexible?

A : Most of them are flexible, some of them are partly flexible.That's a later discussion.

4. Q : Can a word have a regular plural and a broken plural at the same time?
A : You can have two options sometimes. You can have multiple plurals, some of them
regular some of them broken plural. E.g :
َ ْ َ ْ َ
َ‫( ُسن ُبلة‬stalk of grain – singular)  َ‫( ُسن ُبَلت‬regular plural) // َ‫( َسن ِابل‬broken plural)
َ َ َ َّ ُ َ َ
َ‫( ك ِافر‬disbeliever – singular)  ‫ن‬ َ ‫( ك ِاف ُر ْو‬regular plural) // َ‫ كفار‬, َ‫( كف َرة‬broken plural)

Compare it to the singular version. If you don’t break the singular version and just add to it,
then it is regular plural. If you break the singular version, then it is broken plural

5. More :
َ َ
Qur’an uses all variations of plural sometimes. Sometimes Allah says ‫ن‬ َ ‫ ك ِاف ُر ْو‬and the
َّ ُ
translation says disbelievers. Sometimes Allah says َ‫ كفار‬and the translation says
َ َ
disbelievers. And sometimes the Qur’an says َ‫ كف َرة‬and the translation also says .
In English it sounds the same. But Allah used three different words in three different
places. He had a reason to use each one in each place. Because Allah speaks perfectly.
So discovering that is an epic thing that never happens in english translation

Ending combination oona, eena, eena is used only for human. Mostly words have and use
broken plural version rather than its regular plural version.
TAKING NOTES about number _00.39.00
 Number : singular, pair, plural
 Plural :
1. Masculine plural (oona, eena, oo,ee)pg.6
2. Feminine plural (aatun, aatin, aatu, aati)pg.6
3. Broken plural : when the singular word is broken in the plural version:
 Human broken plural (HBP) – can be treated as she
 Non human broken plural (NHBP) – must be treated as she
4. Plural BASS (because Arabs said so) _00.55.30
 َ‫( ق ْوم‬nation)
 َ‫( ق ْرن‬generation)
 َ‫( ناس‬people).


Feminine and masculine in Arabic has nothing to do with biological gender. It’s all about
grammar. For example, in Arabic, sun is feminine and moon is mascuine.
َ ْ َ
00.55.00 _ MEMORIZING ‫َناس‬،‫َقرن‬،‫م‬‫ق ْو‬
RESUME 4properties ism _00.59.00
Ism at :
1 Break, QA with UJ
Chatting, info, plans _01.07.00
GENDER _01.13.50
 Gender :
 Masculine : anything that is not femiine is masculine
 Feminine :
 Real faminine: things that is bioligically feminine. E.g : mother, cow, sister
 Fake feminine: things that biologiacally has no gender:
ُ ‫ن‬
 Many words that end with ‫آء‬, َ‫ى‬, ‫ة‬. E.g : َ‫َم ْس ِل َمة‬، ُ ‫َب ْي َض‬
َ َ ‫َح ْس‬،‫آء‬
 Broken plural can be a fake feminine
 Feminine BASS (pg.12)
 Body parts in pairs. E.g : hands, eyes, etc
The order of elimination proces:
1. Singular
2. Pair
3. Masculine plural (oona, eena)
4. Feminine plural (aatun, aatin)
5. Plural BASS (pg.12)
6. Broken plural (HBP, NHBP)
َُ ‫(الج َب‬mountains)
E.g : ‫ال‬ ِ is not singular(based on its meaning), not pair, not masculine plural,
not feminine plural, not plural BASS. So the left possibility is broken plural. Therefore ‫ال‬ َُ ‫الج َب‬
ِ is
a broken plural. Because ‫ال‬ ُ َ
َ ‫الجب‬
ِ is no human, so it is a NHBP, and must be treated as 1F.
Therefore ‫ال‬ ُ َ
َ ‫الجب‬
ِ is R1FP
Always look for ending combination first before ending sounds to identify the number.
When you see ending sounds, it has two possibilities : singular or broken plural

A part of a human is not a human. E.g : ear, faces is not human _01.42.00
َ‫( الن َس َآء‬women) has no ending combination. It has ending sounds so it has two possibiliities :
singular or broken plural. Based on the meaning, (women) ‫آء‬ ََ ‫ الن َس‬is broken plural.
Women is kind of human. ‫آء‬ ََ ‫ الن َس‬is HBP, so it can be treated as 1F. but also can be treated as
3F, based on the reality (women is plural and real feminine). Therefore, ‫آء‬ ََ ‫ الن َس‬is N1FP/ N3FP.
Both answer are correct _01.49.00
Everytime you have HBP, you have two possible answers :
 1F – she (pretend answer) is the answer based on grammatical rules. Because
grammatically HBP can be treated as 1F
 3F/3M (reality answer) is the answer that based on the realty. E.g :
ََ ‫( الن َس‬women) in reality it is plural and feminine therefore it is 3F
 ‫آء‬
 َ‫( ُر ُسل‬messengers) in reality is plural and masculine. Therefore it is 3M
Sometimes Qur’an use the pretend answer (1F), sometimes it use the reality answer (3F/3M)
01.51.50_ RE-EXPLAINING : the pretend answer
EXERCISE _01.57.25
ُ َُ َ
Figure out the status, number and gender of ‫( الق ُب ْو َِر‬the graves) and ‫الب ِّين َة‬ (clear proof)!


 ‫( الق ُب ْو َِر‬the graves) = J1F
Because it’s NHBP, must be treated as 1F
َُ َ
 ‫الب ِّين َة‬ (clear proof) = R1F
Because it has ending sounds and the meaning is singular, so it is singular. It end with ‫ة‬
therefore it is feminine
Encoraging students, talks
To identify the properties of an ism, you have to figure out within the order :
1. Status
2. Number
3. Gender
4. Type
Explained with some questions on pg.13, Q/A session

 ‫ى‬
َ ‫ْس‬ ُ
َ ْ ‫(الي‬the easiest) = RNJ 1F_02.26.00
The ending sounds is َ‫ ًـ ٍــــ‬and ‫ َـ ِــ َُــ‬. َ‫ ـ‬is not one of them
Ending َ‫ ى‬is one of signs a non-flexible word, like the word ‫س‬ َ َ ‫ُم ْو‬
And also one of sgns of feminine word
َ ََ
 ‫المَل ِائك َة‬ (the angels) R1F / R3M _02.28.10
It is HBP therefore can be treated as 1F (pretend/grammar answer), or 3M (reality answer)
The reality answer is 3M because in reality the angels is considered as masculine. Doesn’t
matter even it ends with ‫ ة‬because not all word that ending with ‫ ة‬is feminine. E.g : the
ْ َ ََ
name ‫ َطل َحة‬is name of a man not a woman. So here, even grammatically َ‫المَل ِائكة‬ is
feminine, it’s not because it ends with ‫ ة‬, but it’s because it is broken plural.


Aren't angels genderless?
Grammatically they're considered masculine and jibril (a.s) we speak about him in the
masculine. In english you think of it as he. But in arabic the default is masculine. And for the
angels we do believe we speak of them as masculine.
I don't think we think of their gender in the same way as as humans, but Allah does refute
that you consider them as daughters (QS.??). Which reinforces some form of the masculine.
It's not the biological form that human beings may have possibly, but it's certainly not
feminine. So i would venture not to say genderless.
TYPE _02.34.50
 Type :
 Common
 Proper
 Spesific names of people or places. E.g : Ahmad, Mariam, Dallas, Indonesia, etc
ُ ُ ُ ْ َّ
َ ‫الق ْر‬, ‫س‬
 Word that has ‫ال‬. E.g : ‫آن‬ َ ‫الشم‬, etc
EXERCISE pg.14 _ 02.38.45
Figure out the answer from number 3 to 7!
Explaining the answers…

It’s not enough to just say a word is plural. There are some kinds of plural in arabic :
masculine plural, feminine plural, HBP, NHBP, and plural BASS. You have to be spesific!

Key answer :
HOMEWORK _ 02.53.25
 Give me 4 properties of the words that are left on pg.14!
Do together number 21..


Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 5
Oct’07 2020
#type #4propertiesofISM #7kindsofPROPER #theorderofsurahintheQuran #introFRAGMENT
#idhafah #mudhaf #mudhafilayh #workbookpg21 #exercisepg23 #harfOfJarr #harfOfNasb
#thepeopleofthequran #theorderwordsinasentence
INTRO. _00.00.00
Ahmad thanks Sr. Zahira Malik for helped him with the homework (for the
meaning of the words, etc)

NHBP must be treated as 1F (reminder NHBP)

For many words, if you see this ending; ‫ آء ى ة‬, generally it’s feminine. But
there are exceptions to each of them. So it's not always going to work
MY GOAL _00.09.50
My goal is not to finish this course within certain time. My goal is by next
ramadan i want you to be able to read the quran and translate it to me. That
means I need you to understand this stuff the way I want you to, step by step. I
also need you to build vocabulary and some other skills .

If you have ending sound the number will be 1 (singular).

But you have to decided the reason why it is singular.
Is that because it is BP or just because ending sound.
TYPE _ 00.15.00
In any language, we say words that could
refer to anything you're not being specific enough.

If i say “A car.” Which car? My car? Somebody else’s car?

But if I say “The car “, or “That car ”, or “My car ”, I am being very spesific
 When you’re speaking in general that’s called common. In english we do that
with ‘a’. eg : a book
 When you’re being spesific, that’s called proper. In english we do that with
‘the’. Eg: the book
More e.g :
Ahmad Proper
Young man Common
Hey, you! Proper
us Proper
people Common
Your people Proper

We don’t study common in arabic because it’s too common. 

Whatever isn’t proper is common
1. Word with ‫إل‬
 ‫ = إل‬the
 ‫ إل‬always come before the word
ُْ ‫ا‬
e.g : ‫إلق ْرآن‬, ‫إإل ْسَلم‬,
ِ etc
As soon as you have ‫إل‬, you cant even disscuse light and heavy anymore :

‫ُم ْس ِلم‬  ‫ إ ُلم ْس ِل ُم‬// ‫ُم ْس ِل ًما‬  ُ // ‫ُم ْسلم‬

‫إلم ْس ِل ام‬ ِ  ‫إ ُلم ْس ِل ِم‬

When you put ‫ إل‬on them, then the tanween became a single sound.
But we don’t say that word is light.

 In arabic, double sounds most of the time means ‘a’. [e.g: a book]
‫ = ُم ْس ِلم‬muslim // a muslim (correct)
 ‫ إل‬means ‘the’. Can you say the and a at the same time? [e.g: The a book //
A the book ]. The same way, in arabic you can’t have ‫ إل‬and tanwen at the
same time. [e.g: ‫إلم ْس ِلم‬
ُ ]. That’s why,

As soon as you put ‫إل‬, tanween goes

 Normally a word is heavy. So when I remove the ‫إل‬, the tanween should be
ُ ‫ إلك ات‬ ‫ك اتاب‬
back. e.g: ‫اب‬ ِ ِ
‫مان‬ ْ ُ If you add ‫ إل‬to these words, it didn't take the noon off ْ ُ
ِ ‫مس ِل‬ ‫مان‬
ِ ‫إلمس ِل‬
because ‫إل‬it doesn't have an issue with the ‫ن‬, it only has a
ْ ْ ‫ُم ْس ِل‬
‫مي‬ ْ ْ ‫إلم ْس ِل‬
‫مي‬ ُ
‫ن‬ fight with tanween. which is why it's wrong to say that ‫إل‬ ‫ن‬
‫ي‬ْ ْ ‫ُم ْس ِل ام‬ makes a word light because right now the extra ‫ ن‬is still there ‫ي‬ْ ْ ‫إلم ْس ِل ام‬ ُ
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
which is considered heavy
Proper Names 00.26.00
Proper names are people's names or names of cities or names of very particular
things. People nowadays name robots or they can naming their pet, etc.

00.29.20 _ funny story,

I named my one of my car bison 

All proper name in the Qur’an are famous.

The One Being Called00.29.10
Explained with a story… The kid’s name is Mars. But you call him, “Boy!”

When you call somebody, then the word you use for them
becomes proper even if in the dictionary that word is not proper.

00.32.20_ the translation of ‫ايا‬

 ‫ = إلخ ِالق‬The creator [proper because has ‫]إل‬
 In arabic is a word to call somebody is ‫يا‬.‫ا‬
 ‫ = ايا خ ِلق‬creator! [still proper even if you don’t put ‫ إل‬on it because it used to
called someone]
You probably heard the word ‫ ايا‬before. Like ya allah! [!‫] ايا هللا‬. They sometimes
translate ‫ يا‬as ‘O’. [e.g: ‫“ = ايا هللا‬O Allah!”]. I don't like to translate it as ‘O’
because that's old english. Nobody uses it anymore. If I was calling you, I
wouldn't say “O Ahmad!”. I would just say “Ahmad!”. But in arabic I would say
‫ ا‬In other words, the ‫ يا‬doesn't have to get translated, you just say it.
“‫”يا أحمد‬.

When you call someone, then whatever word you use has to be light00.33.15

Remember 4 reason word to be light? Become mudhaf, partly/non flexible,

calling someone. E.g: ‫ ُم ْس ِلم‬ !‫ايا ُم ْس ِل ُم‬
4. Pronoun [pg.18]00.34.00
When you say “he”, you're not talking about just anyone, you're talking about a
particular person. When I say “I”, I'm talking about myself. That's pretty
particular. So,
Pronouns are always proper
5. Pointers
When you pointing something [e.g : this book, that sign], those all are going to
be proper because when you point at something you made it very spesific.
6. Ism Mowsool
Coming soon ‫ؤن شاء هللا‬

at this point, you have to be able to tell four properties

of a word over and over again.00.36.10
Ahmad’s question: “For the Qur’an I know surah Al-‘Alaq was the first ever
revealed. So why isn't that the first surah?”

Allah decided that He will give certain ayahs to the prophet (pbuh) at a certain
time. He won't even give the whole surah sometimes. Actually the first surah
that was given to the prophet like a whole surah as a surah was fatiha. Surah al-
‘Alaq 1-5, those ayahs are not the whole surah. They just the first part of the
surah and then the rest of that surah came later on.
The Quran would come at different situations. Like if the prophet (pbuh) being
told to do something, that's when this came ,that's when that came, etc. But
then angel Jibril (a.s) taught the prophet (pbuh) that “Those ayahs from that day
and these ayahs from that week and those ayahs from that month go together
and make one surah...” so on so forth.
So Jibril (a.s) was organizing the Qur’an in the prophet's heart and his mind
(pbuh), which is pretty amazing because the prophet (pbuh) did not know how
to read or write. This was all happening inside the heart and the mind of the
prophet (pbuh) with the help of Jibril (a.s).
Eventually when the when the 23 years of revelation were done, then the
prophet (pbuh) recited the entire Qur’an to Jibril (a.s) like a hiv's graduation,
and he graduated. And when he recited it, he (pbuh) recited fatiha first, al-
Baqarah second, Ali Imran third, an-Nisa fourth, so on and so forth.
The point is Yes. The Qur’an was not organized in the order that Allah gave it. It
was given by situation, but eventually when it was all put together, Allah wanted
it in this order.
EXERCISE _00.39.30
‫ِؤ ْب ار ِإه ْي ام‬ ‫إلض ِّآل ْ ْا‬
َّ ُ ‫ا‬
‫إلح ْمد‬ ‫هللا‬
When we figured out an ism, we figured out the four sides of it ; status, number,
gender, type. That's our brick. But a brick is not enough. You got to put the brick
next to another brick and then you got to put some cement in between.
If you're going to do construction, you can't just sit with one brick and say, ”I
have conquered construction”. No. You just did the first step, which is you
figured out the brick. Now it's time to put the bricks together. The first part of
our study was this 4 properties of ism. The next part of our study is what's
called fragments .
Fragments means when you put two words together ,it's still not a sentence.
Fragment is it's more than just one word but it's still less than a sentence.
I'm going to teach you five kinds of fragments in which you can put two words
IDHAFA _00.50.30
 The word before ‘of’ is called mudhaf
 The word after ‘of’ is called mudhaf ilayh
Mudhaf Mudhaf ilayh
The house of Allah The house Allah
The religion of islam The religion Islam
My car*  car of mine Car Mine
Allah’s book*  book of allah Book Allah
*Even if you can’t see the of, you can rearrange it so you can see it.
00. 58.30
Nothing comes between mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh. The word ‘of’ doesn’t
exist in arabic. You can figure out that there's an of there when you translate

 Mudhaf is light no ‫إل‬00.59.00

 Mudhaf ilayh has to be jarr01.01.30
ُ ْ ُ ‫ا‬ ‫ش‬ ْ ‫ا ُّ ا‬
ِ ‫رسول‬ ‫رب إلعر ن‬
ِ ‫ار ُس ْو ُل‬ ‫ش‬ ْ‫ا‬
‫إلعر ن‬ ‫ار ُّب‬
Jarr Light, no ‫إل‬ Jarr
ُ ْ‫ا‬ Light, no ‫إل‬
Therefore the word ‫هللا‬ ِ Therefore ‫ ار ُس ْول‬is a Therefore ‫ش‬ ‫ إلعر ن‬is a ُّ ‫ ار‬is a mudhaf
Therefore ‫ب‬
is a mudhaf ilayh mudhaf mudhaf ilayh
ُ ْ ُ ‫ا‬ Therefore ‫ش‬ ْ ‫ا ُّ ا‬
Therefore ‫هللا‬
ِ ‫ رسول‬is mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh ‫ رب إلعر ن‬is mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh
َّ ‫إلر ْحمن‬
‫إلر ِح ْي ِم‬ َّ
‫إلر ِح ْي ِم‬
‫إلر ْحم نن‬
Jarr Has ‫إل‬
But because ‫إلر ْحم نن‬ َّ is not a mudhaf,
ْ َّ
َّ is NOT a mudhaf ilayh Therefore ‫ إلرحم نن‬is NOT a mudhaf
therefore ‫إلر ِح ْي ِم‬
Therefore ‫إلر ِح ْي ِم‬ َّ ‫إلر ْحمن‬
َّ is NOT mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh

If a word is nasb or jarr, and you have word light

no ‫ إل‬righ t before it, then go for jarr
Mudhaf so i be any status but udhaf ilayh has to be jarr

>> Master of the day of judgement

 ‘Master’ is before ‘of’ so it is mudhaf
 ‘Judgement’ is after ‘of’ so it is mudhaf ilayh
 ‘The day’ is after ‘of’ so it is mudhaf ilayh. But then ‘the day’ also before
‘of’ so it also is a mudhaf
This mean ‘the day’ is mudhaf ilayh of ‘master’ & mudhaf of ‘ judgement’ at the
same time
EXERCISE again _01.13.30
01.15.30 break, Q/Awith UJ
READING pg.21 _01.29.00
 Mudhaf ilayh have to be right after mudhaf (no LDR)
 The last property [i.e; type] of mudhaf is dictated by mudhaf ilayh
 Mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh should be isms
EXERCISE pg.23 01.30.00

Mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh together is called idhafa

‫م ِل ِك اي ْو ِم إلد ْي نن‬01.41.10
‫[ إلد ْي نن‬judgement] ْ‫ا‬
‫[ يو ِم‬day] ‫[ م ِل ِك‬master]
Jarr ‫ا‬
 Jarr, Therefore ‫ ي ْو ِم‬is a mudhaf ilayh Light, no ‫إل‬
ْ ِّ ‫ا‬
Therefore ‫إلدي نن‬is a mudhaf ilayh  Light, no ‫إل‬, Therefore ‫ ي ْو ِم‬is a mudhaf Therefore ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ م ِل‬is a mudhaf
ْ ِّ ‫ا‬
Therefore ‫ م ِل ِك ي ْو ِم إلدي نن‬is an idhafah
Master of the day of judgement
If you don’t know the property of ism, you wouldn’t be able to recognize the idhafah

‫ارب ْإل اعالم ْ ْا‬

‫ي‬ 01.45.00
ِِ ِ
 Rabbi = J1M
 Al-‘alameena = J1MP
 The mudaf will never give you type. it'll give you only three properties and the fourth
one will always be borrowed from mudaf ilayh.

If mudhaf ilayh proper, then mudhaf proper.
If mudhaf ilayh common, then mudhaf common

More examples [with surah An-Naas]…

MEMORIZING Harf of Jarr _01.52.40
Epic moment 
READING pg.27 _02.03.00
Harf is the word that doesn’t make if it is followed by another word
 2 reason an ism to be jarr :
 Because it is a mudhaf ilayh
 Because it is beaten by Harf of Jarr
‫ا‬ ‫َّ ا‬
ِ ‫ و‬// ‫ ِب ْس ِم‬// ‫ ِم ان إلش ْيطا ِن‬, etc
Eg : ‫هللا‬

Harf of jarr makes ism become jarr

More examples with surah Al-Fiil , Al-‘Asr, Al-Falaq…

ADVICE _02.09.30
I'm not teaching you this so you open up the Qur’an and figure it out. We'll open
Qur’an together in shaa Allah. Don't worry about that. Don't get ahead of
yourself right now. I'll help you figure it out, that's my job. Right now your job is
not to conquer chapters of the Qur’an that we haven't even touched here yet. Be
patient with yourself and be patient with me. We'll get there together inshallah.
The point is you need to repeat this until it's drilled in your head.
the things that I need you to memorize, need to be in your head. once they are in
your head, then this will start becoming second nature.
MEMORIZING Harf of Nasb_02.12.35
Another epic moment 
HOMEWORK 02.14.55
 Memorize Harf of Jarr (HoJ) and Harf off Nasb (HoN) !

Harf of Jarr makes ism after it Jarr. Harf of Nasb makes it’s ism nasb

You're going to see a lot of these harf in any page of the Qur’an. You're going to
see a whole bunch of them. So you have to know these words even if you don't
know what they mean. Even if you don't know what they mean. I don't care
about the meaning right now, but i do need you to memorize them.
My teaching method is a mix of the eastern way of teaching and the western
way of teaching. The eastern way of teaching is the teacher just makes you
memorize a bunch of things whether you understand them or not. In
the western way of teaching you have to explain everything and people
don't memorize as much.
The eastern way, people don't understand very well but even 20 years later they
remember what they memorized. And in the western way, people understand
really well but after taking the exam they forget everything. So you want to take
the best of both. Right now in the beginning i just need you to memorize some
things. 02.15.45
EXERCISE _02.17.45
>> Identify HoJ and HoN in surah Al-’Asr

2reason ism be nasb :

 Because it is a detail
 Becausse it is beaten up by HoN
HoJ and HoN help us identify the status of an ism
‫ؤ َّن ْإل ُم َّتق ْ ْا‬
‫ي‬ ِ ِ َّ
Almuttaqeena could be nasb or jarr. But because there is HoN (‫ ِ)ؤن‬before it,
therfore Almuttaqeena is nasb
‫ب ْال ُم ْؤمن ْ ْا‬
‫ي‬ ِِ ِ
Almu’mineena could be nasb or jarr. But because there is HoJ (‫ )ب‬before it,
therfore almu’mineena is jarr
FROM THE QUR’AN _02.36.50

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 6
Oct’08 2020
#HoJ #HoN #Idhafah #jaarwamajroor #innawaisminna #pronouns
#pronounswithHOJorHONorMUDHAF #therulesofpronouns #thestatusofMUDHAF
INTRO _00.00.00
 Study material at
 Send me video or pic at if you study with your child.
 Hana’s notes :
REVIEW HoJ & HoN_00.01.45
Memorize HoJ & HoN

‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫ ُم ْس ِل َم‬could be nasb or jarr

 ‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫ ِؤنِِإل ُم ْس ِل َم‬definitely is nasb because we have ِ‫ ؤن‬from HoN before it.
ْ ْْ
 ‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫فِإل ُم ْس ِل َم‬ِ ِ ِ for sure is jarr because it has ‫ف‬ ِْ ِ ْ ِ from HoJ before it.
‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫ َب ْي ُتِإل ُم ْس ِل َم‬:
ِ ُ ‫ َب ْي‬is light no ‫ إل‬so it is mudhaf if the next word is mudhaf ilayh (jarr status)
ِْ ِ ْ ‫ إل ُم ْس ِل َم‬could be nasb or jarr, but it has a word that could be a mudhaf
before it, therefore ‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫ إل ُم ْس ِل َم‬is jarr. And because it is jarr, ‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫إلم ْس ِل َم‬
ُ is mudhaf
ilayh which mean ‫ت‬ ِ ُ ‫ َب ْي‬is mudhaf. Therefore ‫ي‬ ِْ ِ ْ ‫ َب ْي ُتِإل ُم ْس ِل َم‬is idhafah (mudhaf &
mudhaf ilayh)
Jaar wa majroor _00.05.50

 2 reason a word is jarr :

 Because it is a mudhaf ilayh
 Because it’s beat up by HoJ.
 The word that become jarr because beat up by HoJ is called ‫ َم ْج ُر ِْو‬/ majroor
 Another word for harf of jar is jaarr / ‫َجار‬

So a harf of jarr and its victim together is called jaar wa majroor. E.g:

ِ‫ص‬ ْ َْ َ
1. ِ ‫ َ وإلع‬is jaar wa majroor
ِِ ‫اب‬
‫ِللا‬ ُ ‫ كت‬is mudhaf mudhaf ilayh/ idhafah.
2. ِ
Funny moment _00.14.00
ِ‫آل ُِم َحمد‬ ِ‫َع ى‬
ِ ِ‫ل‬
ِ ‫ َع ى‬is harf of jaar
 ِ‫ل‬  ِ‫آل‬
ِ is light no ‫إل‬, possibly it is a mudhaf
 ‫آل‬
ِ ِ is majroor  ِ‫ ُم َحمد‬is… (funny moment started) Jarr, therefor ِ‫آل ُِم َحمد‬
 ‫آل‬
ِ ِ ِ‫ل‬ِ ‫ َع ى‬is jaar wa majroor is mudhaf & mudhaf ilayh

Ustadh : How do you proof that a word is a mudhaf ilayh?

Mariam : It has to be jarr
Ustadh : Is ِ‫ ُم َحم د‬jarr?
Mariam : Yes.
Ustadh : Why?
Mariam : Because it’s NON arab name (1000% confident)
Ustadh : Muhammad is non arab name??? (shock) haha
Ahmad : What?? (shock)
Ustadh : Is he?? (make sure)
Ahmad : Is he??!! (can’t believe with everything he just heard)
Mariam : I forget~~~ (hana ROTFL)
Ahmad : How do you forget it? It’s like, most popular (frustate)
Ustadh : Yes. Rasulullah (pbuh) is definitelly an arab. (back serious)

Just because you see a name, don’t go to non arab

Another examples….
Inna wa ismu inna _00.21.50

When you saw a harf of nasb and its victim,e.g:

َِ ‫ِؤن‬
 ‫ِللا‬
 The word ‫للا‬ َِ is called ismu ِ‫ِؤن‬
 So ‫ِللا‬ َِ ‫ ِؤن‬is called inna wa ismu inna
َِ ‫لِ ِكن‬
 ‫ِللا‬
 The word ‫للا‬ َِ is called ismu ِ‫لِ ِكن‬
 So ‫ِللا‬ َِ ‫ ِؤن‬is called laakinna wa ismu laakinna
ْ َ
 ‫ل ْي َتِإل ُم ْس ِل َ ِم‬
 ‫إلم ْس ِل َ ِم‬ ُ is called ismu ‫ت‬ ِ َ ‫ل ْي‬
ْ َ
 ‫ِإل ُم ْس ِل َ ِم‬ِ ‫ ل ْي َت‬is called laita wa ismu laita
And so on.

Now you are learning how to describe this thing in proper arabic. So you are
learning things that has been use for thousand years.
BETWEEN _00.28.45
4 properties : status, number, gender, type
5 fragments (more than a word, less than a sentence)
1. Idhafah (mudhaf & mudhaf ilayh) – nothing can come between
2. Jaar & majroor (27) – nothing can come between
3. Inna & its ism – something CAN come between. E.g:
ً َ ْ َْ ْ ُ ْ
ِ‫يِإل َمفازإ‬ ‫ِِللمت ِق‬
ِ ‫ ِؤن‬, QS.2:164
Explaining funnily…

It could be a pretty long distance between inna and its ism, or they could be
right next to each other. You have to know who did they beat up. Because it’s
going to affect how we translate the ayah
EXERCISE _00.28.45
Identify properties of isms in surah al-an’am : 23-33

Normally a word should be heavy. So the moment you see a word is light, you
should ask, “Why in the world are you light???”
*remember there are 4 reason a word to be light
Break, Q/A with UJ
PRONOUN _01.01.00
So far you’ve memorized three things : Muslim chart, HoJ and HoN. Now, we
are going to memorize pronoun (pg.18)
Focus only on the WHITE boxes.

Pronoun are crazy.

All pronoun in the white boxes are RAF’
Memorize the chart (long time)….

Some of arabic, I can only teach you if you know this by heart.
So you have to memorized it by the and of the class today.
01.14.50_ continue to memorize
Explain the chart, and the meaning of the pronoun in the white boxes
Independent pronoun are always Raf’ and Proper

Continue memorize the gray boxes and it’s meaning…

Independent pronouns are al ways Raf’ and attached pronouns are always
nasb/jarr, doesn’t matter what the ending it is. remember, pronouns are crazy

 Read 5 times open book together, read 5 times close book
 Everytime wrong, start from the beginning again.
 5 minutes memorizing personally
 Memorize together once again.
 With surah ‘Abasa, Al-Kautsar
 Explaining about ‫ ِؤنا‬, ‫_ ِؤننا‬01.54.10
َُ ْ ِّ َ ْ َ َ
 ‫ؤناِن ْح ُنِنزلناِإلذك َر َِو ِإنِل ِه‬.ِ Beautiful explanation. 01.57.30

Pronouns are the backbones in the arabic language.

Variations of attached pronoun _02.05.20
‫اِه َما‬ ُ ُ
ِ ‫ ه ِِهِه َم‬and so on…
 Exercise with surah Al-Fatihah
2 Break, Q/A with UJ
ASSIGMENT _02.19.30
 Memorize pg.13 (pronoun chart) solid with the rules and meaning
 Listen the recording till you get used with it.
SOME RULES _02.22.10

 Variation of an attached pronoun that should be used is depend on the

sound we have before it. Eg :
 ‫ ِف ْي ِِه‬we use ‫ه‬ ِ ِ instead of ‫ه‬ِ ُ because the sound before it is fee…
 ‫ ل ِه‬we use ‫ه‬ ِ ُ instead of ‫ه‬ِ ِ because it’s sound more normal and natural with
the sound that come before it; laa…
 Normally ‫ ل‬HoJ will have kasrah (‫ ) ِــــ‬when it beat an ism. But when it bet an
attached pronoun, the ‫ ل‬will get fathah (‫) َــــ‬. E.g :
َُ ُ
 ‫ لك ْ ِم‬ // ‫ ِِلك ْ ِم‬
 A HoJ or HoN can’t beat independent pronoun because independent
pronouns are always raf’ while Hoj need jarr and HoN needs nasb. E.g:
َ َْ َ
 ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ ِؤنِأن‬ // ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ ِؤن‬
 ِ‫ لك ْم‬is jarr wa majroor
 ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ ِؤن‬is inna wa ism inna
 An attached pronoun can be nasb or jarr. The harf before it will help you to
tell the exact status. E,g :
 ‫ ُهِ[ ل ِه‬here is jarr because it got beat up by HoJ]
 ‫ ُهِ[ ِؤن ِه‬here is nasb because it got beat up by HoN]
 Attached pronoun also can be a mudhaf ilayh. E.g: 02.30.15
َ َ
 ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ِكت ُاب‬
َ َ
 There are 2 words here : ‫اب‬ ِ ُ ‫ ِكت‬and ‫ك‬.ِ
 ِ is an attached pronoun. It could be nasb/jarr
 ِ ُ ‫ ِكت‬is light, no ‫إل‬. So it could be a mudhaf
َ َ
 The ‫ك‬ ِ could be nasb or jarr and we have possible mudhaf before it, so we take ‫ك‬
َ َ
here as jarr. Therefore ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ ِكت ُاب‬is mudhaf & mudhaf ilayh

If you see a word light and no ‫إل‬, then followed directly by an attached
pronoun, then it definitelly an idhafah. E.g:
َ ُ َ
 ِ‫ َرُّبك‬// ‫ِ َع ْب ِد ِِه‬// ‫ِِ ِكت ُاب ِه‬

َ َ َ
‫َرُِّبنا‬ ‫ِؤنِنا‬ ‫ِِبنا‬
Jarr because it is mudhaf ilayh Nasb because it’s beat up by HoN Jarr because it got beat up by HoJ

Remember the ‘oo’ sound on the attached pronoun doesn’t make it raf’. The
sound doesn’t decide the status of pronoun. It decide on how they’re being
treated. [example in table above]
The status of a mudhaf _02.42.17

َ َ َ َ ُ
ِ‫كِِِ َم ْس ِج ِِدك‬
ِ ‫كِِِ َم ْس ِج ِد‬
ِ ‫َم ْس ِجد‬
Your masjid offered a new program. I visited your masjid. The
colour of your masjid is white.
All three has same translation but they take different role in a sentence which
decide the status for the mudhaf:

 Your masjid offered a new program

َ ُ
ِ ‫َم ْس ِجد‬
The status for the mudhaf here will be raf’ because it is the doer : ‫ك‬
 I visited your masjid
َ َ
ِ ‫َم ْس ِجد‬
The status for the mudhaf here will be nasb because it is the detail : ‫ك‬
 The colour of your masjid is white
ِ ‫َم ْس ِج ِد‬
The status for the mudhaf here will be jarr because it comes after of : ‫ك‬
Chatting :
 I want you to read day 5
 Memorize pg.13
I keep say I take my time..
My goal is these two kids [Mariam and Ahmad] are going to in a sense,
determine the pace of the program along with you. I am not in a rush to finish
the book or be done by the next ramadhan, etc.
Eventually I am going to make these kids to read tafseer. A day would come,
in shaa Allah

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 7
Oct’09 2020
#bigfatreview #nounandadjective #mowsoofsifah #technicalissues #prophetAdam
#drinksinjannah #basmalah #alfatihah1to3 #ayatinthequran #thewordALLAH #idhafahstrings
INTRO _00.00.00
REVIEW all lesson we’ve covered so far _00.00.45
See study material here :
00.09.15_ EMAILS from aroun the world
I am so happy to see everything you sends me some of your learning
 There's a team of people that are working around the clock that are just
addressing issues with Bayyinah TV. If you have any issue just send email to
 I'm absolutely not going to be able to continue on facebook or youtube.
 There's actually a system i'm putting in place where students can exchange
with each other and organize study material. Because i can't control the
discipline on social media, but i need a place where we can have structured
discussions by subject.
 I have a system by which i can check your homeworks and things like that
because there's thousands of you and there's one of me. So what i'm hoping
for is that we have a platform where much of this becomes organized way
 I want to connect other students that want to sponsor you and do so
anonymously without you being embarrassed. But i want to be able to give
priority to those people that actually made the time and effort and really
want to do this. We should be sponsoring people like that. So i'm gonna do
the best i can to sponsor as many students as possible. I actually don't want
to leave anybody out. Anybody that's been in this program that really
wanted to learn and couldn't do so, they should be able to do so and if i
don't find a sponsor for you, i'll sponsor it. I'll figure out a way to get it done.
 I want to invest not just time in you. I'll sponsor you myself. That's how
committed i am to seeing people that are putting this work in and to
appreciate them because when you take me as a teacher, you're giving me
respect. You're honoring me and i want to honor you back. Because it's a
very beautiful profound spiritual relationship between a teacher and a
student, especially when they're studying allah's word.
CONTINUE to review 00.20.55
00.24.15_ RE-EXERCISE salutation in prayer
‫َ َى‬ َ ُ ‫ّٰص ِ ْ َ ى‬ َ ‫اللّٰ ُه َّم‬
ّٰ‫ّٰآل ُم َح َّم ٍد‬ِ ‫ّلّٰع ىّلّٰمح َّم ٍدّٰوع ىّل‬ ‫ي‬
َ ‫ّٰص َّل ّْٰي َت‬
ّٰ ِ ‫ّٰعّل ِّٰإ ْب َر ِاه ْي َم َّٰو َعّل‬
‫ّٰآلّٰ ِإ ْب َر ِاه ْي َ ّٰم‬ َ ‫ىك َما‬
00.26.15_ RE-EXPLAIN again 4 reason ism to be light
00.33.30_ accent

Your job is to forget, my job is to remind

00.37.00_ RE-EXPLAIN again ‫ال‬
NON ARAB NAME _40.15.00
Explaining the rule with ‘Citizenship’ story

00.43.35_ Prophet Adam (a.s)

Wasn’t prophet Adam (a.s) an Arab?
If he was an Arab, then all his kids would be Arabs. Then we would also be Arab
and we wouldn't have to have this class today. loollll
See here :
PRONOUNS : review & exercise _00.54.20
See here :
Q/A SESSION _01.01.45
Q : Name of place fully or partly flexible?
A : Generic words are fully flexible. But not any words for a place. E.g :
 Masjid, farm, house are fully flexible
 California, Makkah are partly flexible
Q : Why when an attached pronoun attaced to an ism it is become jarr?
A : Because every time you have an ism and a pronoun happens, then it actually
becomes a mudhaf and mudhaf ilayh. That makes total sense too because i
defined it as ‘something of something’. E.g:
َ َ
 ‫ك‬ّٰ ‫ = ق ِم ُص‬shirt of you = your shirt.

Side notes : Because of the hundreds of years of muslim influence

a lot of arabic words came into spanish and became part of spanish
Break, Q/A with UJ
ّٰ ‫ُم ْس ِلمّّّّّّّٰٰٰٰٰٰٰ َص ِال‬
*Both words has exactly same properties.

When 4 properties match between two words, then

the second word is an adjective for the first word.
 Adjective is what you use to describe another word :
 ّّٰٰ‫ = ُم ْس ِّٰلم‬Muslim
ّّٰٰ‫ = ُم ْس ِلمّّٰٰ َص ِالح‬A good muslim
 ّٰ‫ = َص ِالح‬Good
 In english, adjective come first. But in Arabic adjective comes later
 The only way you will know ّٰ‫ َص ِالح‬is an adjective for ّٰ‫ ُم ْس ِلم‬is the fact that 4
properties of both words are match
 As long as 4 properties are match, light or heavy and flexibility doesn’t

Note that in the Quran, the word ‫ َص ِال ح‬is used to talk about prophet
Salih (a.s) and also as an adjective word which means ‘ good’.
 When it’s us as a prophet’s name, then ‫ َصا ِلح‬is proper.
 When it’s used as and adjective word, ‫ َص ِال ح‬is common.

 More examples and exercise:

 ّٰ‫ = َط ِال َبات ُّٰم ْس ِل َمات‬muslim female students
 ّٰ‫[ َط ِال َبات‬R3FC]= female students
 ّٰ‫[م ْس ِل َمات‬R3FC]= ُ female muslims
ُ ْ
ْ ُ َُْ
 ‫ن‬ّٰ ‫ = العبدّٰالمؤ ِم‬the believing slave
ُ َ
 ‫الع ْب ّٰد‬ [R1MP] = the slave
ُ ْ ُْ
 ‫ن‬ ّٰ ‫[المؤ ِم‬R1MP] = the believer/ the believing
 A noun and adjective can have long distance relationship. E.g: 01.34.50
ِّ ْ َ
 ّٰ‫ّٰهللاّٰ ُم َصدق‬ ِ ‫ِكتابّّٰٰ ِم ْن ِّٰعن ِد‬
 ّٰ‫[ ِكتاب‬R1MP]
 ّٰ‫[ ُم َصدق‬R1MP]

Broken Plural as adjective _01.35.45

ُ ُ ُ = raised beds
 ّٰ‫ُسر َّٰم ْرق َعة‬
 ّٰ‫ُسر‬ ُ ُ [beds] – R1FC
*Here ‫ُسر‬ ُ ُ is 1F because it’s NHBP
َُ ْ َ
 ّٰ‫[ مرفعة‬eleveted/raised]
– R1FC
*Here ‫ َم ْرف َعة‬is 1F because it has ta marbuta ( ‫) ة‬

How you get that, I don’t care.

But at the end of the day, their properties are match

Ahmad’s bucket list in jannah: “I wanna have wolverines powers.”
FROM THE QURAN _01.41.30
 Different
ْ kinds of drinks in jannah
‫ى‬ َ ُ َ ْْ َ
ّٰ ‫شب ْون ِّٰم ْنّٰك ْأ‬
 ‫س‬ ‫[ ي‬they will drinks…]
ً ‫ُ ْ َ ْ َ َْ ى‬
 ‫[ يسقون ِّٰفيهاّٰكأ سا‬they will be given drinks in cups]
َ َْ ‫ّٰرب ُه ْم‬ ُ َ َ َ
 ‫ُّٰس ًابا َّٰط ُه ْو ًرا‬ ُّ َ ‫اه ْم‬‫[ وسق‬their Master will give them drink]
TAKING NOTES : mowsoof sifah _01.48.40
Nouns & Adjectives :
 Noun first, adj second
 All for properties match
 Can have LDR
 Multiple adj possible. E.g :
 Ugly green car
Ugly = adj 1 // green = adj 2 // car = noun
BREAKDOWN : basmalah _01.50.50
ّٰ‫الر ِح ْي ِم‬
َّ ّٰ‫الر ْحمّٰن‬
ِ ّٰ‫ْاس ِم‬ ّٰ‫ِب‬
Sifah 2 Sifah 1
Mudhaf ilayh, mowsoof Majroor, mudhaf
Mowsoof sifah Jaar wa majroor
Beautiful explanation…
the word ‘the’ is normally used in english for
mudhaf even if you don’t see ‫ ال‬in that word

“You can collect things, but no one will ever collect anything better
than the ayat of the quran in their heart.” Imam Fakhrudin Ar-Roozi
“They should be happy because of this is better than anything
else they can collect” this is what Allah says himself

Sometimes ‘an’ can be part of a word. Just how the word is spelled. So it’s not
always sign of an ending combination. E.g : my name is Nouman02.07.55

The word ‘Allah’ is Allah’s name. A person’s name can never be a mudhaf.
Especially Allah’s name obviously would never a mudhaf
BREAKDOWN Al-Fatihah : 1 – 3 _ 02.11.10
َْ ْ ‫ْالعّٰ ىلم‬
ّٰ ‫الد ْي‬ ّٰ‫َي ْو ِم‬ ّٰ‫مّٰ ِل ِك‬ ّٰ‫ي‬ ِ ّٰ‫َر ِّب‬ Jaar wa majroor
ّٰ‫الر ِح ْي ِم‬
َّ ّٰ‫الر ْحمّٰن‬
َّ Mudhaf ُ َ
ّٰ‫الح ْمد‬
Mudhaf &
Mudhaf Mudhaf Ilayh Mudhaf Ilayh Mudhaf ّٰ‫هللا‬
J1MP J1MP ّٰ‫ِل‬
Idhafah – J1MP Idhafah – J1MP J1MP Later, IA
ASSIGNMENT _ 02.33.50
 This is clearly brain explosion. I want you to go through this, read this again
 Try to process it again.
 I want you to write and figure this out without copying it.
 Come to this notes when you get stuck
THE WORD ALLAH _02.39.45
Q : When we look at idhafah strings, how do we determine the properties of
the whole stream?
A : Status, number and gender determine by the first mudhaf and Type
determine by the last mudhaf ilayh. E.g :
َ ْ
‫ك‬ ّٰ ِّ ‫َر‬
‫ب‬ ّٰ ْ ‫َر‬
‫ح َم ِّٰة‬ ‫ِذك ُ ّٰر‬
J1MP J1M? J1F? R1M?
َ ِّ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ
ّٰ ‫حم ِةّٰرب‬
‫ك‬ ّٰ ‫ِذكرّٰر‬
EXPERIENCE _02.49.00

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 8
Oct’09 2020
#pointers #fragment&sentencewithpointer #sentence #invisibleIS
INTRO _00.00.00
Email from Dr. Ahmed Siddique.
POINTER ISM _00.04.00

Pointer isms are non flexible. E.g:

َ َ َ
 Raf’ version = ‫ هٰذا‬// Nasb version = ‫ هٰذا‬// Jarr version = ‫هٰذا‬
َ ْ َ
 ‫فٰهٰذا‬ – here ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬ ٰ‫ ه‬is jarr because got beaten by HoJ
َ َّ ‫ِ ي‬ َ
 ‫ – ِإنٰهٰذا‬here ‫ هٰذا‬is nasb because go beaten by HoN
ُ َ
 ِٰ ‫ – هٰذاٰٰٰهٰ ِذ ِٰهٰٰٰ ُهٰؤ‬started with [remember, H is for here]
َ َ ْ َ
 ٰ ‫آلئ‬
‫ك‬ ِ ‫كٰٰٰأ‬ٰ ‫ – ذٰ ُ ِلكٰٰٰ ِتل‬started with [remember, TH is for there]
ُ َ
 ِٰ ‫ هٰؤ‬and ‫ك‬
‫آلء‬ ٰ ‫آلئ‬
ِ ‫ أ‬are only used for people
 ‫ ه ِٰذ ِٰه‬means ‘this’ [1F] or ‘these’
ٰ‫ ه ِٰذ ِه‬can also mean ‘THESE’ when it used for NHBP.
[remember NHBP] must be treated as 1F]


ُ َ
ٰ‫ = هٰذٰاٰ َم ْس ِجد‬this masjid [fragment]
ُ ْ َ
‫ٰم ْس ِج ٰد‬
َ ‫اٰال‬‫ = هٰذ‬this is masjid [sentence]

Pointer + ‫ = ال‬fragment. You don’t have to put is between

Pointer + no ‫ = ال‬sentence. You have to put is between.
 Some of those questions i have the answer. But if i give you that answer right
now, it will hurt your feelings.
 Rules and manners in this class;
Sometimes some of you ask a question that is advanced and the answer of it
is advanced. Sometimes you actually ask a relevant question but the answer
is going to be advanced. For the advance question and advance answer, i
won't answer it until you're ready for it. You can email me for that.
 I'm also thinking after this intensive is over i'll give you guys a review session
or open qa before class, IA
CONTINUE exercise_00.28.25

Workbook pg.31 and With surah Al-Quraysh : 1 – 4

َْ َّ ْ َ َ ۟ ُ َْ ِّ َ َ ْ ْ ٰ َ
َّ ‫ٱلش َت ٓاء َو‬ ُ َ
‫} ٱل ِذ ٓى أط َع َم ُهم ِّمن‬3{‫} فل َي ْع ُبدوا َر َّب ه ٰـذا ٱل َب ْي ِت‬2{‫ٱلص ْي ِف‬ ِ ‫} ِإۦلـ ِف ِهم ِرحلة‬1{‫ِ ِل ْلْيا ِ ق َر ْيش‬
َ َ
}4{ ‫ُجوع َو َء َامن ُهم ِّم ْن خ ْو‬

ِّ ََ َ
ٰ‫الش َت ِاء‬ ٰ‫ِر ْحلة‬ ٰ‫ِه ْم‬ ٰ‫ِإ ْيَل ِف‬
ٰ‫ق َر ْيش‬ ٰ ِ ‫ِإ ْيَل‬
‫ف‬ ٰ‫ِل‬
Mudhaf ilayh Mudhaf Mudhaf ilayh Mudhaf
Majroor - Mudhaf Idhafa idhafa
Mudhaf ilayh
Jaar wa majroor
ْ َ
ٰ‫ال َب ْي ِت‬ ‫هٰذا‬ ٰ‫َر َّب‬
ٰ‫خ ْوف‬ ٰ‫ِم ْن‬ ٰ‫ُج ْوع‬ ٰ‫ِم ْن‬
+‫ال‬ Pointer Majroor HoJ Majroor HoJ
Fragment [Mudhaf ilayh]00.31.15 Jaar wa majroor Jaar wa majroor
Master of this house
WORKBOOK pg.30_00.41.00
Explaining the pointer chart, continue the exercise pg.31
Q/A session _00.45.00
 Every language has its own standard.
Translation is not about translating words.
Translation is about translating idea.00.45.45
ْ َ
ٰ ِ ‫] َر َّبٰهٰذاٰال َب ْي‬.
 Pointer ism can be a mudhaf ilayh. [E.g : ‫ت‬
But it can never be a mudhaf
 Light or Heavy doesn’t matter when it come to pointer ism.
QURAN TIME _00.54.20
EXERCISE pg.31_00.57.10
2nd table : sentence or fragment?
And the whole identification such as 4 properties of ism mudhaf, HoJ, etc
Break, Q/A session with UJ
Technical issue, boardcast is ended and start new one.
CONTINUE Q/A session with Ustadh_00.00.00
EXERCISE pg.31_00.02.30

Non human plural, broken or no, always treated as 1F (she)

THE WORD “WISE”_00.06.20
THE WORD “DUNYA” _00.13.30
“INTERCESSOR” _00.21.30
PLAN _00.31.00
Break, Q/A session with UJ
 There are 5 ways to connect words in arabic :
1. Mudhaf & Mudhaf Ilayh
2. Harf of Jarr & Majroor
3. Harf of Nasb & Its Ism
4. Mowsoof Sifah
5. Pointer Ism
These are what we called fragment. More than a word, less than a
sentence. So these are not sentence. E.g :
 My student – fragment, not sentence
 That car – fragment, not sentence
 For now, a sentence is simply when you have ‘is’ between some words. E.g :
 Ahmad and Mariam are my student
 That car is good
 In arabic, there is no word for ‘am’, ‘is’, or ‘are’. They don’t have those words.

When there is no connection between two words, that’s where you

put invisible ‘is’, which means, now those words become a sentence.

e.g :
ٰ ُ ْ ُ ْ
ِ ِ ‫ال َح ْمد‬
ٰ‫ٰلِل‬ There is nothing that connect ‫ ال َح ْم ٰد‬to ‫ل‬.
ِ ٰ‫ِل‬ ُ ْ Therefore here we can put the invisible ‘is’
Jaar wa majroor ٰ‫ال َح ْم د‬
ُ ْ
‫ ل‬and the word ‫ للا‬are connected by HoJ
‫للا‬ ِٰ
‫ل‬ ‫ال َح ْم ٰد‬
Allah For All praise
All praise is for Allah
Now you are in “oh, yeah…” stage. You are in good place.
RE-EXPLAINING : where to put ‘is’_01.06.00
BIG FAT RECAP _01.10.00
See here :
Q/A SESSION _01.14.30
STORY _01.17.10


Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 9
Oct’11 2020
#pronouns #introductionofFIL #insidepronounonfil #memorizingNASARAchart #Qurantime
INTRO _00.00.00
You can not be good in arabic, ism or fi’l. or translating the Quran or understand
the Quran if you are not solid on pronouns. Which means :
1. Memorize
2. Meanings
3. Attached recognation
(backwards & forwards)
4. Grammar
You have to know all of this. You have to master all of this
& recognize other words that we’ve learned before such as harf and ism.
Surah Al-A’raf : 1 – 10
Ism and fil are different word

Ustadh’s mom’s calling _00.21.15

َ َ َْ َ
َ‫ق ُر َب‬ َ َ َ‫ِا ْستغف َر‬ َّ َ َ َ‫ِا ْست َم َع‬ َ َ ‫َن‬
‫َس ِم ََع‬ ََ ‫قات‬
‫ل‬ ‫َعل َ َم‬ ََ ‫ض‬
‫ب‬ َ‫ص‬
He came He asked for He listened
He heard He fought
He taught He hit carefully
He helped

If I say, “ Who helped you?

And you sad, “He helped”
ََ َ ‫ن‬
“He helped” sounds like a sentence. In arabic it’s look like a word; ‫ص‬

What’s cool in arabic is that fi’l looks like a word but actually it’s a full sentence.
Fil actually a full sentence inside a word.
ARAB BBQ _00.31.40

When you have fi’l end with ‘a’, we’d know that ‘a’ represent a big fat ‫ هو‬. so you
don’t have to say ‫هو‬. Just because you heard the ‘aa’ at the end, we knows he is
the one who did it. So ‫ هو‬is already inside it.

‘a’ sound = ‫[ هو‬1M]

َ َ َْ َ
َ‫ق َُر َب‬ َ َ َ‫ِا ْستغ َف َر‬ َّ
ََ َ َ‫ِا ْست ََم َع‬ َ
‫َس َِم ََع‬ ََ ‫ق َات‬
‫ل‬ ‫َع َل َ َم‬ َ‫ض َب‬ ََ ‫ن‬
َ‫صـ َر‬
He came He asked for He listened
He heard He fought
He taught He hit carefully
He helped


And when you heard ‘aat’ at the end, that’s mean she did it. So َ‫ ه‬is already
inside it.
‘at’ sound = َ‫[ ه‬1F]
ْ ‫َق َُرََب‬ َ َ ْ َ َْ
َ‫ِا ْستغ َف ََرت‬ َّ َ
َ‫ِا ْست ََم ََع ْت‬
َ ْ ‫َس َِم ََع‬
‫ت‬ َ ْ َ‫ق َاتل‬
‫ت‬ َ ْ ‫َع َل ََم‬
‫ت‬ َ‫ضََب ْت‬
ََ َ ْ َ َ
َ‫ص ََـرت‬
َ ‫ن‬
She came She asked for She listened
She heard She fought
She taught She hit carefully
She helped


 َ‫ص‬َ َ ‫[ َن‬he helped] – one person00.36.26

 I add ‫ ا‬so it become ‫صا‬ َ َ ‫[ َن‬long ‘aa’ sound]
َ َ َ ‫[ َن‬two person]
 Because I add ‫[ ا‬that looks like 1], ‫ص‬ َ َ َ ‫[ ن‬one person] + 1 = ‫صا‬
 Pronoun that is inside ‫ص‬ َ َ َ ‫ ن‬is ‫[ هو‬1M], therefore
 Pronoun that is inside ‫صا‬ َ َ ‫ َن‬should be 2M which is ‫هما‬

‘aa’ sound = ‫[ هما‬2M]

َ َ
ََ ‫ن‬
‫صـ ََرا‬ ََ ‫ن‬
َ‫صـ َر‬
Both of they helped He helped

Verbal exercise with same words _00.37.55

ْ َ َ َ
 َ‫صت‬ ‫[ ن‬she helped] – one person00.40.50
ََ َ َ
 I add ‫ ا‬so it become ‫صتا‬ ‫[ ن‬long ‘taa’ sound]
ْ َ َ َ ََ َ َ
 Because I add ‫[ ا‬that looks like 1], ‫ت‬ َ ‫ص‬َ ‫[ ن‬one person] + 1 = ‫صَتا‬
َ ‫[ ن‬two person]
ْ َ َ َ
 Pronoun that is inside ‫ت‬ َ ‫ص‬ َ ‫ ن‬is َ‫[ ه‬1F], therefore
ََ َ َ
 Pronoun that is inside ‫صَتا‬ َ ‫ ن‬should be 2F which is ‫هما‬
‘ataa’ sound = ‫[ هما‬2F]
َ َ َ َ
‫صـ ََرَتا‬
َ ‫ن‬ ََ ‫ن‬
َ‫صـ َر‬
Both of theyladies helped She helped

Verbal exercise with same words _00.41.30

Basically if you want to double a he we take the he version and aa at the end.
If you want to double the she, you take the she version and aa at the end

Variation inside pronouns, and focus to the pronounciation as well.

Here ustadh focus on meaning and how to pronounciate it.
Mostly wrong: long sounds & shaddah
ADVICE _00.45.30
Funny story _00.46.40
َ َ ُ َ ْْ ُ
َ ‫ك & تش ِار‬
َ‫ش‬ِ ‫ت‬
CONTINUE practicing_00.49.10
When you heard ‘oo’ at the end, that’s mean they did it. So ‫ هم‬is already inside it.

‘oo’ sound = ‫[ هم‬3M]

َ َ
‫صـ ُر ْوا‬
ََ ‫ن‬ ََ ‫ن‬
‫صـ َ َر‬
They helped He helped

The ‫[ ْوا‬wow with sukoon followed by allif] at

the end of word is a give away that that word is a fi’l
Exercise with same words _00.51.45
RECAP _00.53.40
َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ
‫ص ْوا‬
ُ َ ‫َََن‬ ‫هم‬ َ َ ‫اَََن‬
‫صا‬ ‫هم‬ َ َ ‫َََن‬
َ‫ص‬ ‫هو‬

This time, I give you the answer ahead [of what pronoun inside the fi’l]

Slowdown, take one at a time

Memorizing first row_00.57.00

Break, Q/A with UJ
START AGAIN _01.12.30
 Tomorrow will be 30mins Q/A session before we start our class
 Memorizing again.
 The second row :
َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ ُ
‫ص ْوا‬
ُ َ ‫َََن‬ ‫هم‬ َ َ ‫اَََن‬
‫صا‬ ‫هم‬ َ َ َ ‫ه َوَََن‬
َ ْ َ َ َّ ُ ََ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ
َ‫صن‬ ‫َهنَََن‬ ‫صتا‬ ‫هماَََن‬ َ‫صت‬ ‫ِهََََن‬

If you memorize just the fi’l without the pronoun, for me it’s less practical
because you are not going to remember what does what. And I want to develop
your skill in arabic.
PRACTICING _01.19.05
 With different words. 2 rows each word
 2 row for each word we used earlier.
3rd & 4th ROWS _01.39.30
 Began with explanation of the pronouns again
 Then : ُ ُ َ
ُْ ُْ ْ َ‫ت ْم‬ ‫ت َما‬ َ‫ت‬
‫أنت ْ َم‬ ‫أنت َما‬ َ َ ‫أن‬
‫ت‬ Take the last
ُ ُ
ُْ ُْ ْ parts    ََّ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت َما‬ َ‫ِت‬
َََّ ‫أن‬
‫ت‬ ‫أنت َما‬ َ ِ ‫أن‬

BORROWING TECHNIQUE: Borrow ‘d last parts & attached it to the original word
َ ُْ َ َ ُ َ ُ
‫ص ْوا‬
ُ َ ‫َََن‬ ‫هم‬ ‫صا‬َ َ ‫اَََن‬ ‫هم‬ َ َ َ ‫ه َوَََن‬
َ ْ َ َّ ُ ََ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ
َ ‫هنَََنص‬
‫ن‬ ‫هماَََنصت ا‬ ‫ت‬
َ ‫ص‬ ‫ِهََََن‬
ُ ْ َ َ ُْْ ُ ْ َ َ َُْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ
َ‫صت ْم‬َ ‫أنتمَََن‬ ‫صت َما‬َ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َ‫صت‬ َ ‫أنتَََن‬
ُ ْ َ َ ََّ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ َ َُْ َ ْ
ََّ ‫صت‬
‫ن‬ َ ‫أنتَََن‬ ‫صت َما‬َ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َ ْ َ ‫أن ِتَََن‬
َِ ‫ص‬
WITH MEANING _01.48.25
َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ
‫ص ْوا‬
ُ َ ‫َََن‬ ‫هم‬ ‫صا‬َ َ ‫اَََن‬‫هم‬ َ َ ‫َََن‬
َ‫ص‬ ‫هو‬
They helped Bofothey helped He helped
َ ْ َ َ َّ ُ ََ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ
‫ن‬ ‫هنَََن‬ ‫صتا‬ ‫هماَََن‬ َ ‫ص‬
‫ت‬ ‫ِهََََن‬
Theyladies helped Bofotheyladies helped She helped
ُْ َ َ ُْْ ُْ َ َ َُْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ
‫صت َْم‬ ‫أنتمَََن‬ ‫صَت َما‬ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َ ‫أنتَََنص‬
Yawl helped Bofoyou helped You helped
ُ ْ َ َ ََّ ُ ْ ُْ َ َ َُْ َ
ْ َ ‫َََن‬ ْ
ََّ ‫صت‬
‫ن‬ ‫أنتَََن‬ ‫صت َما‬ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َِ ‫ص‬
‫ت‬ ‫أن ِت‬
Yawlladies helped Bofoyouladies helped Youshe helped
LAST ROW _01.50.50
ُ ُ
 From ‫ ه ََو‬to ‫[ ه َما‬bofotheyladies], they all have sound at the end.
 When it comes to ‫ن‬ ََّ ‫ ه‬on ward, they gotta to silent. Therefore they have
sukoon at the end of the original word01.53.10

َ ُ َ ُ َ ُ
‫صـ َُر ْوا‬
َ َ ‫ه ْمَََن‬ َ َ ‫ه َماَََن‬
‫صـ ََرا‬ َ َ ‫ه َوَََن‬
َ‫صـ َر‬
َ َ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ
َ ‫صـ َْر‬
‫ن‬ َ ‫هنَََن‬ ‫صـ ََرتا‬َ ‫هماَََن‬ َ ‫صـ ََر‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫ِهََََن‬
ُ َ َ ُْْ ُ َ َ َُْ َ َ َ َ ْ
َ‫صـ َْرت ْم‬
َ ‫أنتمَََن‬ ‫صـ َْرَت َما‬
َ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َ ‫صـ َْر‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫أنتَََن‬
ُ َ َ ََّ ُ ْ ُ َ َ َُْ َ ْ
ََّ ‫صـ َْرت‬
‫ن‬ َ ‫أنتَََن‬ ‫صـ َْرت َما‬َ ‫أنتماَََن‬ َ َ ‫أن ِتَََن‬
َ‫صـ َْر ِت‬
َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ُ َ َ َ
َ‫صـ َْرن‬
َ ‫نحنَََن‬ َ ‫صـ َْر‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫أناَََن‬
LISTEN to ustadh_01.55.45
 Practicing with some words, all 5 rows each words
 Assignment:
 Listen to this again until you get comfortable with it!
Break, memorize the chart alone
START AGAIN _02.11.20
Exercise : Recognize the pronoun pg.34

I want you tell me how you g ot the answer.

Say it out loud the matching key answer [ from nasara table] before you say the
ُُْ ُْ َ َ
answer. E.g : ‫ قلت َْم‬match with ‫صت ْ َم‬ ‫ أنتمَََن‬therefore the answer is ‫أنتم‬
َ ‫ ت‬and ‫ن‬ َ َّ ‫ ُه‬similar in sounds and meaning. Watch out
Student often think all ending ‫ ت‬are the same. Watch out
َ َ
Ending ‫ن‬ َ and ‫[ نا‬with long sound] are different. Watch out
QURAN TIME _02.27.25
Being raised from the death
CONTINUE exercise pg.34_02.38.40
QURAN TIME 2 _02.43.00
Fall from the sky
Long beautiful explanation

Bayyinah DREAM
Intensive 1 Day 10
Oct’12 2020
#memorizingNASARAchart #NASARAchartexplanation #introPRESENTtense
#12patternsofpresenttense #giantreview
INTRO _00.00.00
10th day! Congratulation!!! ^^
Anxiety email
ADVICE _00.02.00
Special 10th day :
Relationship between teacher and students: ANXIETY & TRUST
َ ُ َ ُ َ ُ
‫ه ْم ن َصـ ُر ْوا‬ ‫ه َما ن َص َـرا‬ ‫ه َو ن َصـ َر‬
They helped bofothey helped He helped
َ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ
‫ه َّن ن َصـ ْرن‬ ‫ه َما ن َصـ َرتا‬
ُ ‫ه ن َصـ َرت‬ ‫ِ ي‬
Theyladies helped Bofotheyladies helped She helpedَ
ْ‫َأ ْن ُت ْم َن َصـ ْرُتم‬ َ‫َأ ْن ُت َما َن َصـ ْرُتما‬ َ َ
‫أن َت ن َصـ ْرت‬
Yawl helped Bofoyou helped You helpedَ
َّ‫ت َن َصـ ْرُتن‬ َّ‫َأ ْن ُ ن‬ َ‫َأ ْن ُت َما َن َصـ ْرُتما‬ َ
‫أن ِت ن َصـ ْر ِت‬
Yawlladies helped Bofoyouladies helped Youshe helped
َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ ََ
‫نحن نصـرن‬ ‫أنا نصـرت‬
We helped I helped

MEMORIZING nasara chart_00.12.05

Chatting _00.17.00
The cat
EXPLAINING _00.19.00
The gender, number, and pronoun inside each fi’l in nasara chart

You better memorize one line one go [think 3 words as 1word]

Your memorization will become super better. So instead thinking it as 14 items
on a page, it’s just 5 lines.

PRACTICING nasara chart again_00.21.20

EXPLAINING: nasara chart_00.23.10
The number and the meaning
TASKS _00.27.05
 I need in the break for this [nasara chart] to be 10 out of 10.
 Also during break, I want you to memorize:
 Page 6,18,33 with the meaning,
 Page 27,28 ok without the meaning
MUDHARE introduction_00.29.00
ُ ِّ َ ِّ
‫ُمؤذن‬ ‫ُم ْس ِل ُم‬ ‫ُم َعل ُم‬
The one who gives the adzan Someonewho accept islam Teacher

If we change the beginning:

ُ ِّ َ ِّ
‫أؤذن‬ ‫أ ْس ِل ُم‬ ‫أ َعل ُم‬
I give the adzan I accepts islam I teach
I = ‫ أنا‬ so when it start with ‫[ أ‬aa] or ‫[ أ‬oo], the pronoun inside the fi’l will be ‘I’

In the past tense, we keep changing how the words ends. I don’t care about the
word end now. I didn’t change the ending. I change the beginning.00.31.40
َ ‫َأ ْس َت ْغف ُر‬ ُ َُ
‫للا‬ ِ ِ ‫أع ْوذ ِب‬
I seek forgiveness to Allah I seek refuge in Allah
*Remember, it should be alif WITH HAMZAH. Not only alif
ُ ِّ َ ُ ُ ِّ ُ
‫نؤذن‬ ‫ن ْس ِل ُم‬ ‫ن َعل ُم‬
We give the adzan We accepts islam We teach
َ َ ُ
We = ‫ ن ْح ُن‬ so when it start with ‫[ ن‬naa] or ‫[ ن‬noo],
the pronoun inside the fi’l will be ‘We’

ُ‫َن ْس َتع ْ ن‬
ُ َ
‫ن ْع ُبد‬
We seek help We worship
THE WORDS in the Quran_00.35.25
The Arabs BBq _00.35.55
The Arabs don’t have future tense.

When you see word in the Quran, basically there are 4 kinds of words : ism, fi’l,
harf and ???00.36.50
STUDY PLAN _00.37.05
SUMMARY _00.37.50

Present tense
Start with ‫ = أ‬i … Start with ‫ = ن‬we…
ُ َُْ ُ ْ َُ
ِ ‫أعوذ ِب‬ ‫الل‬
ِ ‫نعوذ ِب‬

I seek refuge in Allah We seek refuge in Allah
َ‫َأ ْس َت ْغف ُر للا‬ َ ‫َن ْس َت ْغف ُر‬
ِ  ِ
I seek forgiveness to Allah We seek forgiveness to Allah
َُُْ ُ َ
‫أعبد‬ ‫ن ْع ُبد‬

I worship We worship

ُ ِّ َ ِّ
‫ُيؤذن‬ ‫ُي ْس ِل ُم‬ ‫ُي َعل ُم‬
He He surrender He teach

When you see ‫ َي‬or ‫ ُي‬in the beginning,

the pronoun inside the fi’l will be ‘He’
EXERCISE _00.40.45
 Surah ???, An-Naas, and the beginning in the Jum’ah khutbah:
 Identify the present tense and its pronoun
 Replacing to the other pronoun

‫س‬ُ ‫َي ْد ُر‬
He x 2 = Bofothey
He learn
َ ‫ُم ْس ِل‬
‫مـ ِان‬
 َ ‫َي ْد ُر‬
‫سـ ِان‬
Two muslims Bofothey learn

َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = َــان‬bofothey
‫ي‬/ ِ

‫س‬ُ ‫َي ْد ُر‬
He x 3/more = They
He learn َ ُ َُْ
َ ُ ْ ُ  ‫سـ ْون‬‫يدر‬
‫مـون‬ ‫مس ِل‬
Three/more muslims They learn

َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ُـ ْو َن‬They

The ladies said, “Before we come, you better quiet!”
‫س‬ ُ ‫َي ْد ُر‬
He learn ْ
َ ْ َ َ  ‫َيد ُر ْس َن‬
Theyladies learn
Theyladies helped
*Past tense

َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ـ ْـ َن‬Theyladies
SUMMARY _00.48.40

4 kinds of ‫ ي‬in present tense

َ ‫ = ُي‬He
1. ‫ي‬/
2. ‫ي‬/َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = َـان‬Bofothey
َ ُ َ ُْ
3. ‫ي‬/‫ ي‬+ ‫ = ـون‬They
4. ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ْـ َن‬Theyladies
Re-explaining _00.49.10
Chatting _00.50.50
‘Private name’.
Afghan kids usually called with another name in their family:
Ahmad’s is Farad & Mariam’s is Sahar

Write down the summary, Break _00.52.00

Q/A with Ustadh _01.05.10
You should realize that even if you're struggling, arabic is not impossible
anymore. What you thought you couldn't do, you've done a lot of. One goal that
i had for all of you was that you no longer doubt yourself that you can
accomplish this. You absolutely can.
Yeah, it may be work, it may maybe some time. But the fact that you're
capable of it is already proven. Even if you understood half of what i'm saying,
the fact that you understood half means the other half is just waiting to be
conquered. But you can do this. Absolutely!
QURANIC BOOK _01.09.30
Meaning of ustadh’s opening in khutbah_01.14.10
ARABIC : the Arabs VS non Arabs _01.17.10
START AGAIN _01.20.30
Memorize 6 patterns of mudhare:
َ in present tense so far:
1. ‫أ‬/‫ = أ‬I
َ ُ
2. ‫ن‬/‫ = ن‬We
3. ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ = ُي‬He
4. ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = َـان‬Bofothey
َ ُ َ ُْ
5. ‫ي‬/‫ ي‬+ ‫ = ـون‬They
6. ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ْـ َن‬Theyladies
REPLACING ‫ ي‬with ‫_ ت‬01.23.40
4 kinds of ‫ ي‬in present tense 4 kinds of ‫ ت‬in present tense
َ ‫ = ُي‬He
1. ‫ي‬/ 2. ‫ت‬/ ‫ = ت‬You
3. ‫ي‬/ ‫ ي‬+ ‫ان‬ُ
ِ ‫ = َـ‬Bofothey
َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ُـ ْو َن‬They
   4. ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ان‬
ِ ‫ = َـ‬Bofoyou
5. ‫ي‬/ 6. ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ = ُـ ْون‬Yawl
7. ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ ُي‬+ ‫ = ْـ َن‬Theyladies 8. ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ = ْـ َن‬Yawlladies
Write down all patterns _01.25.10
َ ُ
‫ت‬/‫ ت‬also could means she
َ ُ َ‫ = ـ ْ ن‬yawlladies
‫ت‬/‫ ت‬+ ‫ت‬ ِ
COMPLETE PATTERNS write down again_01.33.10

1. Aa/oo [ ‫أ‬/‫ = ] أ‬I
َ ُ
2. Naa/Noo [ ‫ن‬/‫ = ] ن‬We
3. Yaa/Yoo [ ‫ي‬/َ ‫ = ] ُي‬He
4. Yaa/Yoo + Aani [ ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ي‬+ ُ ‫ = ] َـان‬Bofothey
5. َ ُ
Yaa/Yoo + Oona [ ‫ي‬/ ‫ي‬+ ‫ = ] ُـ ْون‬They
6. Yaa/Yoo + Naa [ ‫ي‬/ َ ‫ي‬+ ُ ‫ = ] ْـ َن‬Theyladies
7. Taa/Too [ ‫ت‬/ ‫ = ] ت‬You
8. Taa/Too + Aani [ ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ان‬ ِ ‫ = ] َـ‬Bofoyou
9. Taa/Too + Oona [ ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ = ] ُـ ْون‬Yawl
10. Taa/Too + Naa [ ‫ت‬/ ‫ ت‬+ ‫ = ] ْـ َن‬Yawlladies
11. Taa/Too [ ‫ت‬/ ‫ = ] ت‬She
َ ‫ ُت‬+ ‫ت‬ َ‫ = ] ــ ْ ن‬Youshe
12. Taa/Too + Eena [ ‫ت‬/ ِ
EXERCISE _01.37.28
Workbook pg. 41: Recognize the pronoun inside the fi’l/present tense

I need you to say out loud all letters [the first and ending of the present tense]

REPEAT : all patterns_01.49.00

These are good mistakes to make. This is the first day you're being exposed to
this, and these are things that people that study arabic they make this mistake
months after studying arabic. So it's okay that you're making this mistake today,
tomorrow, the day after… This is supposed to happen. And then eventually it'll
just, “ah!” And then, “yeah”. And the ?? Will never confuse me again.01.53.00
“DREAM” _01.56.30
2nd BREAK, Q/A with UJ _02.06.30
GIANT REVIEW _02.19.25
Verbal review of all we have learned in 10 days. 18 minutes audio recording will
available in study material in DREAM website, in shaa Allah
Hana’s notes:
 Will covered some topics including:
 Attaching pronoun to the fi’l
 Outside doer,
 Light and lightest version of present tense
 Commanding and forbidding in arabic
HERE WE ARE!!! _02.39.30

َّ َ ُْ َّ َ َ
‫ُه‬ ‫َعل َم‬ ‫َو‬ ‫الق ْرآن‬ ‫ت َعل َم‬ ‫َم ْن‬ ‫خ ْ ُيك ْم‬
Attached pronoun Past tense Detail[nasb] Past tense idhafa
It Taught And The Quran Learned who The best of you

Bayyinah DREAM

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