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Organisational performances to be run in an effective manner need a recruitment process to be

carried out in a precise and efficient manner according to organisational needs and demands.
This essay explains about why this recruitment and selection process holds importance in an
organisation along with the stages of recruitment cycle that needs to be followed for right person
to employ. Recruitment renamed as “resourcing talent” is considered as the most important duty
of human resource specialists within as organisation the main aim to inspire best applicants for
the vacant posts. It’s the commitment of employees that ensure organisational success so it’s
necessary to select people for organisational business having different level of knowledge,
capabilities and motivation. Selection of right people in the recruitment process defines
individuals or candidates who has right skills for job and has willingness to contribute to
organisations effectiveness showing a potential development in future. The search for talent is
the factor that remains constant in the selection process through which a competitive edge is
gained which will motivate the employees to work effectively. Hence, resourcing talent is a
systematic hiring approach of selection and identification and flexible deployment of applicant
who add some value to organisation through direct contribution or because of their potential on
long term basis.
Main Body

As, explained previously the importance of right recruitment selection process, discussed below
are the stages of recruitment cycle that an organisation adheres in this process. To search for
talent and potential applicants for the organisational business, complex selection techniques such
as assessment centers, including activates, presentations and placing applicants in a realistic
work situation to assess the behavior and attitudes along with interviews has been focused upon .
The selection process involves two steps shortlisting the candidates and the assessment process
following the recruitment cycle which has three stages namely, application form, interview and
references. Application form plays a major role to shortlist the candidates for the selection of
interview process as these are completely based upon the information applicants apply on form
providing a basis for interview along with the resume. Shortlisting of the candidates should be
fair and non-biased , and decisions should be made on candidates ability , post this an interview
is scheduled for the candidates that is structured in a way through which employer is able to
figure out whether candidate is ideal for the job and to know more useful information about the
potential candidates. Lastly references are considered, it is recruitment process method to get
more information regarding candidate by communicating their previous workplace or employers.
It is an open ended approach that also enables employers to cross check information about the
chosen candidate and gain clarification regarding their skills and professional behavior. One such
model was ‘Higgs Model of Employer Of choice’ a strategy that was implemented in various
business organisations to recruit and retain best talent available for their organisation, providing
a framework that is appealing to employees showing a long term commitment. The main aim of
this model is to create a working environment where employees feel engaged, valued and
engagement. ‘Becoming an employer of choice’ or ‘ employer branding’ is the major aspect of
this model which simply means that an employer of choice is the employer that employees
choose to work with when presented with other employment choices. This signifies that
employees have a captivating culture and leadership style that retains the best talent. Higgs offers
a useful model based on two factors reward and culture. The principal

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