Divyasree Innovatia Quiz Questions

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1. Treating people differently because of characteristics that have nothing to do with their ability to perform.

A. Prejudice

B. Discrimination

C. Racist

D. None of the above

Correct Answer B. Discrimination

2. To what does diversity in the workplace refer to?

a) The number of people employed from different ethnic groups.

b) Increasing the number of women employed in the organisation.

c) The number of different religious affiliation held by employees in the organisation.

d) The range of personal characteristics of employees in an organisation.

Correct answer: d) The range of personal characteristics of employees in an organisation.

3. What is the simple act of comparison & learning for organizational improvement.

A. Feedback

B. Benchmarking

C. Job evaluation

D. Ranking

Correct answer : B)

4. Working condition activities refers with

a) Policy and procedure of a firm

b) Health, safety, welfare services

c) Culture of the organization

d) All of the above

Correct answer: b)

5 . Emotional intelligence is

1 is IQ of the person

2. is capacity to correspond with relating well to people

3. is about dealing with environmental demands

Which of The Above Statements are Correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) All of the above

Ans: c
6. Girls are not good at sports is an example of

A) Perception

B) Halo effect

C) Stereotyping

D) Individual personality

Correct answer: C)

7. When an employee is trained for a key position in the organization it is termed as

A) Talent Management

B) Replacement training

C) Succession planning

D) Leadership development

Correct answer : C)

8. The purpose of job enrichment is to

A) Expand the number of tasks an individual can do

B) Increase job efficiency

C) Increase job effectiveness

D) Increase job satisfaction of middle management

Correct answer : B)

9. The job satisfaction of an employee depends on the

A) Behaviour

B) Attitude

C) Personality

D) Employer

Correct answer : B)

10. What is the term for forcing people to accept change?

a) Conditioning

b) Conversion

c) Converting

d) Coercion

Correct answer : D)

11. What is a paradigm?

a) A theoretical assumption

b) An illustration

c) A theoretical model
d) An example serving as a model

Correct answer:d) An example serving as a model

12. What does CRM stand for?

a) Consumer Relations Management

b) Customer Relationship Marketing

c) Customer Relationship Management

d) Consumer Returns Management

Correct answer:c) Customer Relationship Management

13. What is a whistleblower?

a) Someone who reports illegal or unethical acts

b) Someone who commits illegal or unethical acts

c) Someone who benefits from illegal or unethical acts

d) Someone who devises illegal or unethical acts

Correct answer:a) Someone who reports illegal or unethical acts

14. Which is not an example of an external factor for learning and knowledge?

a) Demographic change

b) Political influences

c) Organisational structure
d) Social change

Correct answer:d) Social change

15. Which is not the interpersonal role of a manager in an organization ?

A) Leader role

B) Spokesperson

C) Liaison role

D) Figure head

Correct answer : B)

16. When either party of bargaining is not ready to give up for a particular point, that point is called

A) Greif

B) Sticky

C) Barter

D) Crucial

Correct answer : B)

17. Which is last stage in career planning ?

A) Resignation

B) Resume building

C) Withdrawal

D) Negotiation

Correct answer : C)

18. What is the basic reason for the existence of the organization

A) Vision

B) Mission

C) Objectives

D) Employees

Correct answer : B)

19. What is the term for incremental changes to processes in an organisation using information technology?

a) Business Process Improvement

b) Business Process Reengineering

c) Business Process Change

d) Business Process Advance

Correct answer : A)

20. What is the term for a radical rethinking of the nature of the business?

a) Transformational change

b) Revolutionary change

c) Strategic manoeuvre

d) Paradigm shift

Correct answer : D)


1. What one of these is not a recognised type of authority?

a) Executive

b) Functional
c) Line management

d) Supplier

Correct answer : D)

2. What work arrangement is referred to as Flexitime?

a) Workers decide if they want to turn up for work.

b) They only work weekends.

c) They only work alternate weeks.

d) They choose the start and finish time within set parameters.

Correct answer : D)

3. Which of the following are not environmental influences?

A. Technology

B. Globalization

C. Labour force trends

D. Employee concerns

Correct AnswerD. Employee concerns

4. The Efficiency Approach focused on breaking jobs down into core elements.

A. Job Simplification

B. Job Specialization

C. Growth need strength

D. Time and motion studies

Correct Answer B. Job Specialization

5. Individual level where people are usually motivated to close the gap between their current and desired _________.

A. Performance

B. Skills

C. capabilities

D. Expectations
Answer: C) capabilities

6. How do you describe a work group that comprises workers with demarcated tasks and distant line managers?

a) Dependent

b) Independent

c) Interdependent

d) Collaborative

Correct answer:

b) Independent
7. What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is a member of the group?

a) Group roles

b) Virtual teamwork

c) Synergy

d) Role making

Correct answer:Group roles

8. Which is not a characteristic of corporate social responsibility?

a) Product safety

b) Consumer rights

c) Environmental policies

d) Price-fixing

Correct answer:

d) Price-fixiNG

9. What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views, opinions and ideas?

a) Laissez-faire

b) People-oriented

c) Democratic
d) Autocratic

Correct answer:c) Democratic

10. What are the key characteristics of transactional leaders?

a) Guiding, mentoring and motivating

b) Guiding, commanding and motivating

c) Guiding, demonstrating and motivating

d) Guiding, mentoring and demonstrating

Correct answer:a) Guiding, mentoring and motivating

11. What is the term for power derived from status or position in an organisation?

a) Referent

b) Expert

c) Reward
d) Legitimate

Correct answer:d) Legitimate

12. Commitment strategy is inherently

A. Long term

B. Continuous
C. Short term

D. None of the above

Answer: Long term

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