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Top 5 Dating Secrets & How I
Go From Instagram To
Fucking A Woman
Free Guide by Joe Lampton

Who is Joe Lampton?

I’m a Romanian entrepreneur in his 20’s who lives in Bucharest.

I run some of the best webcam studios in my country and I’ve

been nominated for multiple awards in the Adult Industry
throughout my career.

I write a lot about girls because I’m surrounded by them on a

daily basis.

This is how I made money. I currently live a playboys lifestyle

because I’ve learnt how to date, fuck and make hoes obsessed
with me.

In this guide I will give you 5 important laws so you can

INSTANTLY do better with the females you meet.
1. Improve your online presence

You must improve your online presence, especially Instagram.

In this day and age, you’re committing a fatal error if you think
you can be successful with women just by approaching on the
streets, in the club or by fucking girls from your social

Invest in your credibility.

The most efficient way of doing it is by taking some good


4-5 good ones then spending money in your city, going out,
posting stories, being more transparent with your hobbies and

Once a girl “knows” you a little form what you’ve posted you
have some huge advantages:
A.The ones that hate your type will simply unfollow you,
which is better. You don’t want to waste time dating
idiotic females. If she unfollows you, she hates you, if she
goes out with you, she’ll fuck you. No in-betweens. Trust
me it’s better.

B.You’ll have subjects to talk about so the conversation will

not stall.

She’ll bring up some stories you posted, or some

opinions you shared.

My approach is this.

I have around 20 good pictures. But I post a lot of stories. I try

posting daily stories.

I do a lot of crazy shit and I share misogynistic thoughts.

Some girls unfollow me but the ones that don’t find me

hilarious, funny and usually fuck with me on the second date if I
choose to message them and set this up.

And of course, when we go out, they ask about my stories and I

just sit and explain and make them laugh.
Girl Laughing = Girl that wants to give you pussy

2. Improve your charisma and storytelling


Conversations with females are 40% stories from your past,

40% you teasing her and 20% you trying to manipulate her into

So you need to work on 4-5 good stories which you will deliver
flawlessly with every girl you meet.

Of course, these stories must display a strong, alpha,

spontaneous man. Not a loser.
Don’t tell stories about how you’ve been bullied by people in
highschool or some other shit like this.

While talking, look into her eyes, sit comfortably with a relaxed
body language.

Don’t show signs of anxiety even though you might be a little

bit scared if you’re inexperienced.
Don’t be boring. Say stupid things, it’s better than being serious
and talking about work.

“How do you feel being here with a strong man like myself.

“I was thinking. I have a plan with you. I’m gonna kidnap you
after this date. This isn’t even a date. It’s just a disguise for
what I’m going to do. Are you prepared?”

Ask her something. Doesn’t matter what. Then put your hands
on your ears and fake being hurt.

Then say:
“My ears hurt. I can’t imagine women having opinions.
Whenever I hear a woman talking, I see blood pouring out my
ears. Pleaseee stop”

These are just some random examples.

Of course, you’re cocky and funny while speaking so it’s not


3. Touch her more

When you go to a bar or restaurant, sit next to her.

This way, you can slowly but surely start touching her and
building a physical connection.
I usually take her hand and say something like “I like your nails”

Or course, because I’m me I can say more exaggerated stuff like

“I like your cheeks they’re very punchable”

Anyway, the conclusion is this.

You must FEEL comfortable around her. She must feel

comfortable when you touch her.

This way

You can steal a kiss during the date.

Which is extremely important. KISS HER ON THE FIRST DATE.

4. Improve logistics

A. Analyze what are the best places in your town for dates.

Some places are ok for eating, some places are too loud
and you can’t speak. You need to TEST many spots and
find the ones that suit you.

B.Have a good reputation in those spots.

So the staff treats you like royalty whenever you choose to

go. This indicates you’re a high value man not a loser.

C.Book a table in the morning so you know for sure you have
a place to go to.

Most losers don’t call and just go to certain spots and it’s
too crowded, no tables left etc. Be prepared.

When I go on dates, I have 2-3 spots where the staff knows

me and says “OH KING YOU CAME BACK” and they just bring
me my espresso and Coke Zero without even asking. The girl
understands I’m SOMEBODY just by this gesture.
5. Improve your social circle. Train soldiers and
their girlfriends.

This is one of the most important aspects of dating. Yet nobody

talks about this.

When a new girl arrives in your entourage everyone around you

must behave in a certain way.

The girls must talk with her and create a good connection

Your friends must tell stories where you was a G

Everyone must be fun and facilitate a pleasant evening

What’s Joe Lampton’s routine:

1.20 good pictures

2.New girls following me on Instagram frequently ( I explain

more about Instagram here )

3.Posting stories every day

5.Taking their numbers, setting up date ( If you want to
know more about it buy Smooth Operator)

6.Date takes about 1 hour. I pick a nice spot. I always go in

the evening. I don’t drink. During the week not weekend.

7.I’m joking, laughing, being funny and I always say “I have

an important mission for the weekend.

We’re drinking together.”

I say this multiple times

8.When I go home I let her message me first

9.When we talk via text I tell her again we’ll drink on the
weekend. I ask her if she’s got friends cause they can come

This helps because the chances increase that she’ll come if

there’s other girls she knows and also I can give
these girls to my soldiers.

10. I talk with my friends and have them over on the

weekend. They know what they have to do. Drinks etc.
then I try having her stay and sleep at my place. If she
doesn’t want to stay I say “Ok” and after she leaves I
message other girls to come fuck.

A variation of this is going to a bar and then going to your place.

Or going to the club and then to your place. This guide was
written during COVID 19 pandemic so it’s the current reality
and routine.
If you don’t fuck more using these methods you are truly a

Now listen.

If you TRULY want to be in the top 1%, if you truly want to

be LETHAL, you need the wisdom of a true playboy.

I want you to know I can help you with that.

All you have to do is to DM me on Telegram with your exact

situation. We’ll talk more there.


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