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Email – | +91-9901803436 | gmeghana451

Presidency University, Bengaluru
MTech in Artificial Intelligence (Expected 2025)
CGPA: 10

ACS College of Engineering, Bengaluru

B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering (2019 - 2023)

Technical Skills
• Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript
• Web Development: Flask, React
• Data Processing & Visualization: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
• Tools & Technologies: Git, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, API Design, UI/UX Development
• Database: Relational Databases
• Real-Time Processing: Kafka, Elastic Search
• Other: Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Automated Testing, SDLC Concepts

Soft skills :
1. Communication: Articulate complex technical concepts clearly
2. Collaboration: Effective teamwork within multidisciplinary groups
3. Problem-solving: Analyze and troubleshoot technical issues efficiently
4. Adaptability: Quickly learn new technologies and methodologies
5. Leadership: Mentor junior team members, fostering growth
6. Time Management: Prioritize tasks to meet deadlines
7. Attention to Detail: Ensure accuracy in development and testing
Projects and Internship
Project 1 : Project: Efficient Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease (September 2022 – April 2023)

Description : This project aimed to develop an efficient model for the prediction of cardiovascular diseases by leveraging data
preprocessing and transformation techniques

Technologies and Tools :

• Programming Languages: Python
• Integrated Development Environment (IDE): PyCharm
• Web Framework: Flask
• Front-End Development: JavaScript
• Data Processing Libraries: Numpy, Pandas
• Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn
• Version Control: Git

• Utilized heart data preprocessing and data transformation methods to generate high-quality data for the training model.
• Implemented various feature selection methods, including Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), Relief, and others, to
enhance the model's accuracy.
• Conducted rigorous result analysis to compare and evaluate the performance of the model under different feature
selection techniques.

Internship: Prinstonsmart (August 2022 - December 2022)

Project Summary: Focused on optimizing school management operations to meet institutional objectives

Roles & Responsibilities:

• Participated in all project phases, from concept creation to deployment.
• Independently implemented both front-end and back-end components of the project.
• Utilized data processing and visualization tools such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Jupyter Notebook for
data analysis and presentation.
Skills Used:
• Numpy
• Pandas
• Matplotlib
• Seaborn
• Jupyter Notebook
Academic and Extracurricular Achievements
Organized and led a DevOps workshop
Active contributor to web development workshops
Received multiple awards in sports and extracurricular activities

Highly skilled and motivated software engineer with experience in AI and software development. Proven ability to collaborate
globally and create innovative end-to-end solutions. Adept in leveraging Java, Python, and various technologies to tackle
complex problems. Exceptional communication and leadership skills.

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