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Subject: NSTP 2

Author: Mr. Jonathan Paul DR. Cruz

Editor: Mr. Mark Angelo C. Caling
Reviewer: Mr. Victor T. Reyes

Lesson4 :On Care for our Common Home

Description of the Lesson:

Earth is our Common Home. In this module you will rediscover the point that we are all responsible
in saving Earth for the future that falls under the concept of Responsible Stewardship. In line with that,
you will also learn basic knowledge in Backyard gardening as a simple step in helping our planet to
recover as a CWTS Student. Let us all be Responsible Steward!

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1.rediscover the concept of Responsible Stewardship;
2.know basic knowledge about Backyard Gardening;
3. associate Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act) in Backyard Gardening ; and
4.make own Simple Garden plan.

Day 1: Pre-assessment (What I Know)

Directions.When we look back on the creation story in the book of Genesis, God created His
Masterpiece; human above other creation that lies on the concept of Stewardship. Give three idea that
comes on your mind when you see/hear the word “Stewardship”(15 points)

Awesome! You did great !. As you go to the next part of this module
you will discover the concept of Responsible Stewardship. Are you now
ready? Proceed to the next part!

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Lesson Content (What’s New)
Instruction: In this lesson we will discuss more about Air Pollution and Noise Pollution
Lesson Proper: Read the lesson accordingly. Write down all the important information to your note
book that will serve as a guide to deepen your learning.

Hello everyone! Last module we discovered and learn one of the serious problems that our planet is
facing with. That topic made us realize that what we are done is the main reason for the existence of that
problem, we are belong to the community where God entrusted all other creations. If we are part of the
problem, it is must for us to take part also on the solution.
One of the most influential person in the world, Pope Francis releases an Encyclical letter that the main
concern is the environment that was May 24, 2015. Even almost 6 years had passed still that this
problem is a Contemporary Issue that worth to be discussed with.
Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home is Pope Francis' latest appeal for an open conversation
about how we are shaping the future of our world, addressed to "every human living on this planet."
Pope Francis is urging the Church and the rest of the world to recognize the gravity of our
environmental problems and to join him in charting a new course. This encyclical is full of hope and
determination, and it looks forward to our shared future with candor and modesty.
The title is derived from the encyclical's first line, "Laudatosi', mi Signore," which means "Praise be to
you, my Lord." Saint Francis of Assisi tells us in this beautiful canticle that our common home is like a
sister with whom we share our lives and a lovely mother who opens her arms to welcome us.
Even the author of this letter is the Head of Roman Catholic Church, this is not exclusive for Catholic or
even Chrisy Followers only. From the passage “Earth is our common Home” , all single people around
the world must hear and reexperienced the Gospel of Creation and take the challenge. According to the
Bible, God created the Earth for mankind, and we are now His stewards. This means that it is our duty to
look after and protect the environment. Accepting this obligation and appreciating God's gift of creation
as our home is important. The earth, livestock, as well as our families and societies, are all part of our
stewardship of life.
Now we fall on the same question , What we need to do ? As a matter of fact, before the Laudatu ‘Si
was being released there are already existing progrmans conducted by the government to rebuild earth
for the future, the most common is Tree Planting Program, this is a promising step especially in our
We already know that every NSTP (CWTS) students must involve in community work, but when
pandemic hits the world we are being restricted to do such activities. But even in our homes we can do a
single step to take part on saving our common home. Having a simple “Home Gardening” will be
beneficial both on our families, community and the Earth. That’s why part of this module is allotted in
giving you important notes on backyard gardening.
What is Backyard Gardening ?
Basically it is a small garden attached to a house where vegetables, herbs, and fruit are grown for
household use; cold frames and greenhouses are also included. There is no need to have a big space or a
farm to be engaged in this field, there are alternatives such as empty containers, old tire , or any
available resources usually found in home.
1. Light is essential. Most vegetables, particularly those that bear fruit (such as tomatoes,
cucumbers, squash, and peppers), need a lot of sunlight. A location with at least 8 hours of direct
sunlight per day is ideal. You can still grow some edibles in low light, mostly leafy crops and
herbs. Here are some of my shady crop ideas.
2. Soil Matters!.Don't skip this step! Healthy, rich soil is essential for a successful and profitable
vegetable garden. A soil test will give you an indication of your current soil fertility and pH, as
well as recommendations on what fertilizers or amendments you can use to get your plot up to

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
scratch. Better to use organic fertilizers like kelp meal and alfalfa meal, as well as homemade
compost and organic well-composted animal manures.
3. Keep it Small. While a vegetable garden is low-maintenance, it is not maintenance-free. As a
result, for the first year or two, do yourself a favor and stick to a small story. A 4 by 8 foot bed is
perfect for a beginner vegetable garden and will allow you to grow a variety of crops (see the
next point). Plant container-friendly veggies and herbs in pots or window boxes on a sunny deck
if you want to start even smaller.
4. Water, weed & feed. While this may seem to be one of the most obvious vegetable gardening
tips, new vegetable gardeners may be unsure of when and how much to water. Watering is
essential for newly seeded beds, but most existing crops can get by with one to two inches of
water per week. Mulch your soil with several inches of straw or shredded leaves to save water
and reduce the need to irrigate. An added bonus is that the mulch will keep weeds at bay! When
it comes to feeding, fast-growing crops like radishes and lettuce won't need any additional
fertilizers if grown in fertile soil. Tomatoes, winter squash, and eggplants, on the other hand, will
benefit from a boost several times during the growing season. Give them a dose of a water-
soluble organic food every now and then to help them grow and produce the most fruit.
5. Drains well and doesn’t stay wet. Plant vegetables in a raised bed or raised row for better
drainage if your soil is poorly drained and water pools. Wet soil leads to wet roots, which can
lead to rot. If your soil is rocky, till it and remove the rocks, as they will obstruct root growth and
make your plants weaker.
6. Stable and not windy. Avoid placing your young plants in areas where strong winds might
knock them over or prevent pollinators from doing their job. You really don't want to plant in an
area that gets a lot of foot traffic or floods often. Plant in a spot that will make Goldilocks happy
—a spot that is "about perfect."
7. Consider Spaces. Plants will grow easily and bloom faster spaces from each plant is observed. If
you have a space in backyard give at least 5 inches from one seedling to another. If you will do it
in containers or pots, it is suggested that each pot is equivalent to one seedling depending also on
the size of the pot/container to be used.
8. Find some time. It is advisable to monitor the status of your plants, if it seems like there is a problem try
to find out the root of the problem and apply needed move. Time is important to achieve successful
gardening and to have fulfilling product.


We thought that seeing a garden design would be helpful for beginners. Here's an example of a starter
family garden made up mostly of the above-mentioned traditional easy-to-grow vegetables. Companion
planting is also included (the practice of placing plants that thrive together next to each other).
You'll notice that we've included some herbs and flowers in the greenhouse, as well as some decent-
sized paths. We would have been ecstatic if we had grown this garden in our first year! We have made it
much easier for you to succeed with the garden by preparing it this way.

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Backyard Gardening Ideas

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Photo Sources:

Good day Richwellians! We are done with our lesson; I know that all of you learned
alot from this lesson. Good Job!

Day 2: Review

Direction:The Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis entitled Laudatu ‘Si is significantly associated in the
calling of being na Responsible Stewards. Define “Responsible Stewardship” on your own words , three
to five sentences.(10 points)

Valuing/ Integration What’s more

Direction:Backyard Gardening is an interesting and exciting activity because aside from school task, it
will nourish and refresh our minds. To know more about gardening, click the link given
Define Republic Act 9003( Ecological Solid Waste Management Act) and explain how this it is
associated in Backyard Gardening (10 points)

Do not cut the momentum you have so that you can do your task with smiles and joy in your heart ,
because your ideas are recognized .
Direction: After reading the lesson content, we discover that the location where garden placed is
important. Your task is, to find place at home that have potential for your Backyard Garden . Take a
picture of that place ateast two and comment it on your intructor’spost ,Day 2. (20 points)
Day 3:Post Assessment (What I have Learn)
How are you class? I hope that you are all fine. Accept my congratulations as you reached this last part
of the module. And to completely finish it, do the task below through your learnings in this topic as the
corner stone. Happy Learning!
Directions: Planning is important to be successful in any field of action. Design your own Garden Plan
and consider the details given below.(30 points)
1. Supposed that you have seedlings;
a. 2 pcs of Eggplan seedlings
b. 2 pcs of Tomato seedlings
c. 2 pcs of Sili seedlings
d. 2 pcs of Okra seedlings
e. 10 pcs Pechay seedlings
2. Your Plan must be based on your place, if you have a space in your backyard it must be
reflected on your drawing, and if you don’t have space to do so , containers and pots must be
your alternatives.

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Criteria Score
Originality 30
Creativity 25
Organization 20
Over all design 25
Total 100

1. Be realistic in doing your plan .
2. If you do not have space at home for planting seedlings, prepare containers/pots (recycled
materials is highly recommended) .
3. Be ready to start your Backyard Garden next week.

Nice work! You have finally come to the end of this module.Take a photo of the result of your activities
today and send it to me through messenger


Reminder before this module ends:

1. Keep the following and put it on a portfolio

-Written activities
-Video of the performance task

2. If you have questions and clarifications about the lesson you can send me a message
through chat or text.

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Subject:NSTP 2
Name of Instructor: _______________________________________________
Name of Student: _________________________________________________
Course/Year/Sec: _________________________________________________


Pre-assessment (15 points)

Practice (10 points)

NSTP 2 7|Page
Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4
Valuing/ Integration (10 points)
Republic Act 9003( Ecological Solid Waste Management Act)
Application (20 points)
Post the photos on our fb group/group chat

Post-Asessment (100 points)

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Week 4 & 5 – Lesson 4

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