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Lesson 3: “Towards Zero” – Facts and Statistics

Learning Goal: Understand the extent to which road safety is an issue to everyone

Road Safety Recount

If you have not already, submit your Road Safety Recount on Canvas.

Why is road safety such an important matter?

Activity 1: “Towards Zero” campaign and television advertisement

Watch the television advertisement and answer the following questions:

1. Who is the target audience?

2. What are the messages of the campaign?

3. How can the goal of this campaign be achieved?

For more information and the answers to these questions, visit the Campaigns – Towards Zero on
Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety website and the Towards Zero website.

4. Be the teacher and use the marking criteria provided to rate this advertisement campaign.
Criteria Non- Limited Basic Sound High Outstanding
attempt Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Peer No Provides some Road safety Road safety message Road safety Road safety
review: materials about road message is is clear about how to message is message is easily
Message presente safety somewhat clear, be safe and materials easily understood and
and d but materials do are somewhat understood and materials are very
creation not engage or engaging in its materials are engaging in its
persuade the creativity and engaging in its creativity and very
audience somewhat persuasive creativity and persuasive

Mark and comment:

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Activity 2: Facts and statistics
Your upcoming assessment task requires you to create a Road Safety Campaign that builds awareness
about the issue of road safety in the community and persuades the audience to adopt certain
behaviours to reduce the amount of injuries and deaths on our roads. One way to persuade the
audience is using facts and statistics.
Supported Core Extension
Predict how many people have Predict how many people have Predict how many people have
died in road crashes in NSW so died in road crashes in NSW so died in road crashes in NSW so
far this year. far this year. far this year.

Using the link, note the actual Using the link, note the actual Using the link, note the actual
figure. figure. figure.

Use the following tables and Use the following tables and Use a reliable website to source
graphs to identify the facts that graphs to identify facts about and create 5 graphs/tables that
are relevant to each (variety of road casualties in NSW. show a range of road casualty
facts provided). statistics in NSW. Provide key
facts about each of these

1. How many people do you think have died in road crashes in NSW so far this year? Answers vary

2. What is the current figure? (Include the date last updated): Depends on the date accessed

3. View the following tables and graphs and use them to identify the correct facts about road
casualties in NSW. Tick only the boxes that apply.
Statistical graph Facts

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Statistical graph Facts

1. How many people do you think have died in road crashes in NSW so far this year? Answers vary

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2. What is the current figure? (Include the date last updated): Depends on the date accessed

3. View the following tables and graphs, using them to identify facts about road
casualties in NSW. Facts for the first graph have been provided for you as an

Statistical graph Facts

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1. How many people do you think have died in road crashes in NSW so far this year? Answers vary

2. What is the current figure? (Include the date last updated): Depends on the date accessed

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3. Use a reliable website to source and create 5 graphs/tables that show a range of road casualty
statistics in NSW. Provide key facts about each of these graphs.

Statistical Graph Facts

Activity 3: Driver Safety Poster

In groups create a poster on one of the driver safety topics that your teacher gives you (e.g., speeding,
alcohol/drug impairment, pedestrian safety, cyclists and motor cyclists). The poster needs to highlight
- the dangers associated with your assigned topic
- provide tips for staying safe on the road
- any current statistics relating to your topic

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