Past Continuous

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Past Continuous

When we want to talk about past in Eanglish,there are two basic tenser,
Past simple an Past continuous
When we use the past simple, we are referring to somethingthat happened
at a specific paint in the past
When we uslo the past Continous, we’re talking about something that
continued for a period of time in the past,(know long it continued)
We want to emphasize the perad of time)

(happened at a specific time in the past) It continued happening for a period of time

Past simple
Past continuous
e.g:I worked
e.g: I was working

1.when do we use it?

-to talk about an action that was continuing during a particular moment in
the past.
e.g: At 11 pm, I was sleping.
-to tallkabout an action that was continuing when it was inteupted by
another short actions.
e.g: They were having cliner when we arrived.
I was reding a book when the phone rong.
-in formal style;polite request
e.g:I was wandering you could help me?
e.g:I was waching TV on this time yesterday
-Int: was/were +s+vb-ing+?
e.g:What were you doing when I walked in the room?
-Neg:s++was/were +not-ing
e.g:I was not doing my homework when you come homs.

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