Spring Steps

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- Start a new part using the Part_IN template

- Open a 3D sketch
- Create a plane offset from the Top plane by .050”
- Draw a rectangle on the new plane from the origin .125” in the X direction
and .375 in the Z
- Make the 3 sides shown into construction geometry
- Create a new plane inside the 3D sketch
- Select the short end of the rectangle distant from the Origin as the First Reference,
and give it a coincident relation
- Select the Top plane as the Second reference and give it an angle of 135
- On the new plane, draw a new rectangle which is coincident at the end points of
the line used to make the second plane
- Dimension the remaining leg of the rectangle to be .125” long
- Set the two lines of the rectangle to be construction lines as shown
- Add a sketch fillet of .050” to the second rectangle and .080” between the
rectangles as shown
- Exit the 3D sketch
- Create a new plane using the normal SolidWorks Plane tool, which is parallel to
the Right plane at the endpoint of the 3D sketch
- On the new plane, draw a circle centered on the origin with a diameter of .250”
- Create a variable pitch helix with the values as shown
- On the Right plane, draw a semi-circle centered on the origin to the same side of
the origin as the 3D sketch
- On the Front plane, sketch the lines and arc as shown, with the left endpoint using
a Pierce relationship with the helix
- Create a Projected Curve
- Create a composite curve from 3D sketch, helix and projected curve
- Open a sketch on the Right plane, and sketch a circle of .045 dia, with the center
pierced by the composite curve
- Create the sweep
- Mirror the part


- Notice that the junction between the helix and the 3D sketch is not very tangent
(use Deviation Analysis)
- You cannot make a fillet between a curve element and a sketch element, and
cannot fillet a curve directly
- The best way to smooth out these imperfections is to use a spline
- Rollback the sweep so you can see just the composite curve
- Open a new 3D sketch, select the comp curve from the Feature Manager and
convert entities
- Window select around all of the converted spline entities and select Fit Spline
- Notice that the quality on this may not be perfect – the preview may not match the
selected splines, so adjust the tolerance value to approx .005
- Roll down to the circle sketch (sweep profile), remove the pierce to the comp
curve and replace it with a pierce to the 3D sketch fit spline.

Stuff to explain:
- Anything explained in the current book regarding 3D sketches
- Pierce relation
- Projected Curve
- Difference between Curve elements and 3D Sketch elements
- Things that can go wrong with simple sweeps
o Self intersecting
o Kinks
o Fit spline doesn’t fit

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