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Marathwada Institute of Technology, Bulandshahr (U.P.




(UNIT –I ) An overview to AI ,The evolution of AI to the present , Various approaches to AI , What

should all engineers know about AI, Other emerging technologies ,AI and ethical concerns

(UNIT-2) :- Data & Algorithms , History Of Data , Data Storage And Importance of Data and its
Acquisition , The Stages of data processing , Data Visualization , Regression, Prediction &
Classification ,Clustering & Recommender Systems.

(UNIT-3) :- Natural Language Processing , Speech recognition , Natural language understanding ,

Natural language generation ,Chatbots ,Machine Translation

(UNIT-4):- Artificial Neural Networks , Deep Learning , Recurrent Neural Networks ,Convolutional
Neural Networks , The Universal Approximation Theorem ,Generative Adversarial Networks .

(UNIT-5) :- Applications , Image and face recognition , Object recognition , Speech Recognition besides
Computer Vision ,Robots , Applications.

B.TECH-I/KMC 101/AI/U-1/N-1/ Prof. Rashmi Bhardwaj

Natural Language Processing :-

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that makes
human language intelligible to machines. ... By “reading” words in subject lines and associating
them with predetermined tags, machines automatically learn which category to assign emails.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to AI method of communicating with an

intelligent systems using a natural language such as English.
Processing of Natural Language is required when you want an intelligent system like
robot to perform as per your instructions, when you want to hear decision from a
dialogue based clinical expert system, etc.
The field of NLP involves making computers to perform useful tasks with the natural
languages humans use. The input and output of an NLP system can be −

 Speech
 Written Text

Components of NLP
There are two components of NLP as given −

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

Understanding involves the following tasks −

 Mapping the given input in natural language into useful representations.

 Analyzing different aspects of the language.

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

It is the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural
language from some internal representation.
It involves −
 Text planning − It includes retrieving the relevant content from knowledge base.
 Sentence planning − It includes choosing required words, forming meaningful
phrases, setting tone of the sentence.
 Text Realization − It is mapping sentence plan into sentence structure.

NLP Terminology
 Phonology − It is study of organizing sound systematically.
 Morphology − It is a study of construction of words from primitive meaningful
 Morpheme − It is primitive unit of meaning in a language.
 Syntax − It refers to arranging words to make a sentence. It also involves
determining the structural role of words in the sentence and in phrases.
 Semantics − It is concerned with the meaning of words and how to combine
words into meaningful phrases and sentences.
 Pragmatics − It deals with using and understanding sentences in different
situations and how the interpretation of the sentence is affected.
 Discourse − It deals with how the immediately preceding sentence can affect
the interpretation of the next sentence.
 World Knowledge − It includes the general knowledge about the world.

Steps in NLP
There are general five steps −
 Lexical Analysis − It involves identifying and analyzing the structure of words.
Lexicon of a language means the collection of words and phrases in a language.
Lexical analysis is dividing the whole chunk of txt into paragraphs, sentences,
and words.
 Syntactic Analysis (Parsing) − It involves analysis of words in the sentence for
grammar and arranging words in a manner that shows the relationship among
the words. The sentence such as “The school goes to boy” is rejected by
English syntactic analyzer.
 Semantic Analysis − It draws the exact meaning or the dictionary meaning from
the text. The text is checked for meaningfulness. It is done by mapping syntactic
structures and objects in the task domain. The semantic analyzer disregards
sentence such as “hot ice-cream”.
 Discourse Integration − The meaning of any sentence depends upon the
meaning of the sentence just before it. In addition, it also brings about the
meaning of immediately succeeding sentence.
 Pragmatic Analysis − During this, what was said is re-interpreted on what it
actually meant. It involves deriving those aspects of language which require real
world knowledge.

What are Expert Systems?

The expert systems are the computer applications developed to solve complex
problems in a particular domain, at the level of extra-ordinary human intelligence and

Characteristics of Expert Systems

 High performance
 Understandable
 Reliable
 Highly responsive
Capabilities of Expert Systems
The expert systems are capable of −

 Advising
 Instructing and assisting human in decision making
 Demonstrating
 Deriving a solution
 Diagnosing
 Explaining
 Interpreting input
 Predicting results
 Justifying the conclusion
 Suggesting alternative options to a problem

Components of Expert Systems

The components of ES include −

 Knowledge Base
 Inference Engine
 User Interface
Let us see them one by one briefly −

Face recognition system

A facial recognition system is a technology capable of matching a human face from

a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces, typically employed
to authenticate users through ID verification services, works by pinpointing and
measuring facial features from a given image.
While initially a form of computer application, facial recognition systems have seen
wider uses in recent times on smartphones and in other forms of technology, such
as robotics. Because computerized facial recognition involves the measurement of a
human's physiological characteristics facial recognition systems are categorised
as biometrics. Although the accuracy of facial recognition systems as a biometric
technology is lower than iris recognition and fingerprint recognition, it is widely adopted
due to its contactless and non-invasive process.[1] Facial recognition systems have been
deployed in advanced human-computer interaction, video surveillance and
automatic indexing of images.[2]

Speech recognition
Speech recognition, or speech-to-text, is the ability for a machine or program to identify
words spoken aloud and convert them into readable text. Rudimentary speech
recognition software has a limited vocabulary of words and phrases, and it may only identify
these if they are spoken very clearly.

Speech recognition is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and computational linguistics

that develops methodologies and technologies that enable the recognition and translation of spoken
language into text by computers

Speech recognition, also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer speech
recognition, or speech-to-text, is a capability which enables a program to process
human speech into a written format.
Natural-language understanding:-
Natural-language understanding or natural-language interpretation is a subtopic of natural-
language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension.
Natural-language understanding is considered an AI-hard problem.

Natural language understanding (NLU) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses
computer software to understand input made in the form of sentences in text or speech
format. NLU directly enables human-computer interaction (HCI).

A chatbot is a computer program that simulates human conversation through
voice commands or text chats or both. Chatbot, short for chatterbot, is an Artificial
Intelligence (AI) feature that can be embedded and used through any major messaging
Artificial Intelligence gives a human touch to every conversation
chatbot strikes. The bot understands the user’s query and triggers
an accurate response. The way humans are able to understand
each other’s concern and give a response accordingly.

Let us first understand the difference between having a chatbot

with AI and without AI.

From the above table we can conclude:

1. Chatbot with AI powers makes your bot capable and intelligent

to answer complex queries. The interaction is engaging,
conversational, and lively.
2. Chatbot learns from every conversation it has with the
customers. It goes through the previous interaction to improve the
current response. This activity helps to improve the efficiency of
bot response. Plus, helps to understand your customer’s choices
and preferences.

3. Smart interactions save customer’s time by helping them to find

the right information and address their queries.

From the above table we can conclude:

1. Chatbot with AI powers makes your bot capable and intelligent

to answer complex queries. The interaction is engaging,
conversational, and lively.

2. Chatbot learns from every conversation it has with the

customers. It goes through the previous interaction to improve the
current response. This activity helps to improve the efficiency of
bot response. Plus, helps to understand your customer’s choices
and preferences.

3. Smart interactions save customer’s time by helping them to find

the right information and address their queries.

From the above table we can conclude:

1. Chatbot with AI powers makes your bot capable and intelligent

to answer complex queries. The interaction is engaging,
conversational, and lively.
2. Chatbot learns from every conversation it has with the
customers. It goes through the previous interaction to improve the
current response. This activity helps to improve the efficiency of
bot response. Plus, helps to understand your customer’s choices
and preferences.

3. Smart interactions save customer’s time by helping them to find

the right information and address their queries.

Natural language generation:-

Natural-language generation is a software process that transforms structured data into natural
language. It can be used to produce long form content for organizations to automate custom reports,
as well as produce custom content for a web or mobile application.
Natural-language generation (NLG) is a software process that transforms structured data
into natural language. It can be used to produce long form content for organizations to automate
custom reports, as well as produce custom content for a web or mobile application. It can also be
used to generate short blurbs of text in interactive conversations (a chatbot) which might even be
read out by a text-to-speech system

Machine translation:-
Machine translation, sometimes referred to by the abbreviation MT, is a sub-field of computational
linguistics that investigates the use of software to translate text or speech from one language to

To process any translation, human or automated, the meaning of a text in the original
(source) language must be fully restored in the target language, i.e. the translation. While
on the surface this seems straightforward, it is far more complex. Translation is not a
mere word-for-word substitution. A translator must interpret and analyze all of the
elements in the text and know how each word may influence another. This requires
extensive expertise in grammar, syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meanings), etc.,
in the source and target languages, as well as familiarity with each local region.
Machine translation (MT) is an automatic translation from one language to another. The benefit
of machine translation is that it is possible to translate large swathes of text in a very short time. If
you order MT from us, the translation takes place in a closed system via encrypted transfer.

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