Research Design and Methodology

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A. Research Design

The study utilized quantitative method of research to determine the

prevalence of alcohol consumption among grade 12 students, and how has it changed

over time. The quantitative method used statistical treatment and interpreted

numerically the findings. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and

employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena.

The researchers ask a specific, narrow question and collect a sample of numerical data

from the respondents to answer the questions. The researcher analyzes the data with

the help of statistics as employed in this research. The researchers will be using a

survey questionnaire method where a collection and analyzing of data from the

respondents. To identify the factors affecting prevalence of alcohol consumption

among grade 12 students, and how has it changed over time.

B. Population and samples

This method used Purposive Sampling in choosing the respondents that

will represent the study. The researchers picked 50 students to fill up the survey and

answer each question. The researchers chose to use Purposive Sampling in their

research because, this sampling method relies on the researcher’s judgment when

identifying and selecting the individuals, cases, or events that can provide the best

information to achieve the study’s objectives. The research is looking for respondents

that are in grade 12 from AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) iriga and lastly,

the respondents should also have experience in drinking alcoholic beverages.

C. Research Instrument

In the pursuit of knowledge and a deeper understanding of various

phenomena, research serves as the guiding beacon. A vital component of any research

endeavor is the instrument employed to collect data. In this study, we utilize a survey

questionnaire as our research instrument, a versatile and effective tool designed to

gather valuable information and insights from a diverse group of respondents.

D. Data Gathering Procedure

The Researchers made an effort and cooperation in developing their

questionnaire so as to serve its selected respondent. In the questionnaire liker scale

was used to find out if the respondent agree or disagree in the statement. Afterwards

the professor approved the questionnaire the copies of questionnaire were be

distributed to our selected respondent which is the Grade 12 Student in AMA

Computer Learning Center(ACLC) Iriga.

E. Statistical Tools and Treatment

The statistical treatment of data is required to utilize the data correctly.

The collecting of raw data is merely one part of any experiment (siddharta, 2009).

This study aims to analyzed the effect of alcohol addiction on the academic

performance among grade 12 student in ACLC College of iriga.

The researchers assembled, categorize, the structure, and tabulated the

data as soon as they collected it. The frequency distribution, percentage, and weighted

mean were the statistical tools used.

A frequency and percentage distribution is a data display that shows the

proposition of observation for each data point. Creating a frequency and percentage

distribution entails determining the tools number of observation to be shown as well

as counting the total number of observation within each data point or grouping of

data points.



P = percentage

f = frequency

N = number of respondents

To find the common perception of the respondent. The researcher utilize

The weighted mean formula.

WAM = 5F + 4F + 3F + 2F + F

Where :

WAM = the sum of the numbers divided by

F = frequency respondents

N = total numbers of respondents

To interpret the motivation of the respondents the following distribution scale will

Point score Point interval Descriptive writing

5 4.20 - 5 Strongly agree

4 3.40 -4.19 agree

3 2.60 - 3.39 Neither agree or disagree

2 1.18 - 2.59 disagree

1 1 - 1.75 Strongly disagree

Descriptive statistics will be used to present and measure the responses of the

students in a more meaningful way. Frequencies mean scores and weighted mean will

be computed to show and represent by figure the answer of the respondents as to the

difficulties of GRADE 12 Computer Learning Center (ACLC) Iriga. This statistical

tools will be applied since it want to describe the basic features of the data in the

study. This tool will provide simple summaries of data descriptive pattern of

responses of the sample.

Group 3

Loquias melvin

John mark sinaon

Alexa catangui

Melchor colarina

Mereysa malazarte

Ronie climacosa

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