9HPE Task 1 - Research Planner

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Year 9 HPE – Unit 1: Decisions & Dilemmas


*This document is considered your draft and will be submitted to Daymap in Week 7, Lesson 1.

PART A – Select an issue

My chosen issue is: underage drinking

PART B – Research your chosen issue

You need to ensure you are referencing your sources using the table provided in Part E.

1. What are the short and long-term effects of your chosen issue on individuals and the

Short-Term Effects of Issue Long-Term Effects of Issue

Individual a person being involved in anti-social Young people are at greater risk of alcohol-
behavior. conflict, which can lead to related harm than adults. As the brain
fights and violence. injury due to falls, keeps developing into the mid-twenties,
burns, car crashes, etc. unprotected or drinking alcohol as a teenager can greatly
unwanted sexual encounters. increase the risk of damage to the
(Alcoholthinkagain, 2020) developing brain. It can also lead to
Slurred speech. Poor vision. Fluctuating problems with alcohol later in life. (“Better
emotions. Vomiting. Passing out. Alcohol Health Channel,” 2019)
poisoning. Alcohol-induced psychosis. Depression
Community lowered inhibitions. interpersonal Alcohol use has been identified as a major
conflict. falls and accidents. altered risk factor for acute and chronic health
behavior – including risky or violent harms and imparts economic, health, and
behavior. social costs to individuals, communities,
Young children and teens influence and societies. Alcohol intoxication is linked
others to join them creating an unhealthy to injury, violence, and traffic crashes.
peer pressure (“pubs.niaaa.nih.gov,” 2012)

2. What Dimensions of Health are affected by your chosen issue (choose a minimum of 3 to
dimension of health How this DOH is affected by underage drinking
Mental A glass of wine or a beer may help you unwind
after a tiring or stressful day, but over time it can
lead to more tension, anxiety, and depression as
well as more alcohol usage. Alcohol can cause
you to act impulsively and lose control; this can
result in suicidal or self-destructive behavior.
Which can heavily impact the mental health of
someone especially when it is an adolescent as
they are still young and are unable to properly
cope with the effects of drinking on their mental

Physical Teenage alcohol consumption has been linked to

long-term brain damage. Memory issues, learning
disabilities, linguistic skill impairments,
alcoholism, and depression may be brought on by
brain damage. Additionally, drinking while going
through puberty can alter hormone levels.
Puberty and growth can be hampered by this.
Drinking too much alcohol at once might also
result in fatal alcohol poisoning or other serious
injuries. Alcohol consumption can also have
short-term negative effects on adolescent
physical health such as hangovers, alcohol
poisoning, falls and accidents, conflicts,
decreased inhibitions, and dangerous behaviors.
Emotional The brain is the area of the body where alcohol
has the most immediate effects on how you feel,
think, and act, influencing the youth’s emotional
health. According to research particularly young
people, consume alcohol to help them deal with
situations that would otherwise be difficult for
them to handle, such as stress, anxiety, and
depression. Although alcohol may temporarily
satisfy adolescents' needs for emotional support,
it will eventually have detrimental long-term
repercussions on their emotional well-being, such
as addiction.

3. Research some statistics about your chosen issue (minimum of 5). Make sure that they are from
reliable sources (QLD Health, WHO, etc).

Source Statistic (either quoted or in your own words)

(NDARC, 2016) About one-third of Australians between the age of 12 and 17 frequently
commit the crime of underage drinking
4. What can people do to get help if they are involved in your chosen issue? Do some research and
make suggestions in the box below (support groups, online information, etc.).

Numerous organizations created for situations like underage drinking and many
others can be of assistance to many teenagers. One such organization is lifeline.org.au,
where many people go for support and obtain appropriate counsel and direction on
how to move forwards on the right path. They have various branches and links, and a
person can call, text, or use an online page to get in touch with support.

PART C – Create your infographic

Your Infographic should:

- Include the relevant information about your chosen issue that you have researched
- Include graphs, statistics, and images to engage your audience
- Be aesthetically pleasing and easy to read

PART D – Justification

In 250-300 words, answer the following questions:

1. How does your infographic promote the health and wellbeing of year 9 students? Justify your
response relating to at least 3 Dimensions of Health (e.g. research, format, graphs, pictures,
layout, language, etc.)
2. Do you believe that if your infographic was distributed to all year 9 students in the Brisbane area
it would help to reduce your chosen issue? Why/why not? Justify your response.
Write your justification HERE

PART E – Reference List

You MUST acknowledge your sources in the table below (min of 5):

Source Name Author Date Date URL


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