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National Capital Region

Department of Education

Quarter-Module 4
Textual Evidence

Writer: May F. Villanueva

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas

City of Good Character 0 DISCIPLINE •

What I Need
to Know
I am sure you have learned a lot in the previous lesson that
we had on reasoning /evaluative statements. Reading critically of a
text is important to determine textual evidence to confirm one’s
assertions and counterclaims about a text read. In this module,
you will learn more about this skill.

This module will help you more to understand about the lesson.
Determine textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made
about a text read


Moreover, in this lesson, you will learn concepts and do

practice activities that will help you to do the following which
are linked to our main lesson:

1. Write about assertions and counterclaims about a text read.

2. Identify pieces of evidence from the text read about the
written assertions and counterclaims
3. Employ guideline in writing assertions and counterclaims.

What I Know
Before you proceed to the different activities inside the
module, answer first the pre-assessment activity below to find
out what you already know about the topic.

Pre-Assessment Activity
Directions: Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct

1. What is the purpose of assertion?

A. express ideas clearly C. present a fact
B. gather data D. refute a proposition

2. What does counterclaim serve?

A. concur with ideas of the experts C. offer solutions
to problems B. discuss an issue D. provide an
opposing viewpoint

3. Which is the central argument of a text?

A. Assertion B. claim C. fact D. opinion
City of Good Character
4. Which stylistic approach or technique involves a
strong declaration regarding a belief or fact?
A. assertion B. claim C. expression D. opinion

5. Why are both claim and counterclaim

essential in critical reading? A. both help
determine textual evidence
B. both needed in classroom interaction
C. readers use them in decision making
D. reading involves argumentation

Well, how was it? Do you think you worked well?

If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that
you already know much about the topic. You may still study the
module to review what you already know. Who knows? You might
learn a few more things as well.

If you got a low score, do not feel bad. This means that this
module is for you. It will help you understand important concepts
that you can apply in your daily life.

Lesso Textual Evidence


What’s In
From your previous modules, you have learned
about critical thinking as a part of reasoning in reading texts,
claims and evaluative statements. In reading a certain text, one
must understand the topic and the supporting details in a
particular written discourse.

When reading a text one must know textual evidence to

support assertions and counterclaims you make while reading.
These textual evidences will help back up one’s assertions and
counterclaims after reading a text.

What’s New
After reading a text one can surmise the assertions and
counterclaims of a writer. There are clues or evidence for the
reader to be able to determine whether one’s assertion or
counterclaim is correct.

Take this example.

Cards offer exclusive travel promos and leisure and lifestyle

deals with local merchants in partnership with any credit
card brand. Majority of credit cards are accepted
worldwide. Fun right?
-Credit and Control
By Nicky Faustine P. De Guzman

City of Good Character 2 DISCIPLINE •

If the reader’s assertion is that credit cards are helpful and
easy to use, then the reader has to determine textual evidence
from the paragraph.

From the short paragraph presented above, one textual

evidence that you can get to back up the assertion mentioned is
that ‘majority of credit cards are accepted worldwide.

What is It
As mentioned earlier, textual evidence is important to back up
one’s claim, assertion or counterclaims. Look at the example

From food, staycation, and travels to transportation fees

and shopping sprees, all around the world, cashless
transactions operate the everyday life. In Hong Kong, there’s
the Octopus Card, Paris has Calypso and Navigo Cards and
Malaysia has Touch and Go. These cards aren’t debit cards,
but reloadable cards that cover travels and food, among many
things. Meanwhile there are so many credit cards in the world:
Mastercard, American Express, Visa and Citigroup, among
others that give so much power in your own hands. They let
you shop, eat, travel, and swipe your way into the riches of the
world. It is a good life!
-Credit and Control
By Nicky Faustine P. De Guzman

What assertion did you make after reading the short

paragraph? This assertion can be made upon reading the short

Different types of cards can be used on our convenience.

Now, you may list the textual evidence that you can find to support your

✔ Reloadable cards can be used from food, travels and

shopping. ✔ Credit cards can also be used for
shopping, travels and food with just one swipe.

Did the textual evidence supported your claim? If yes, then

your claim or assertion can be considered valid.
City of Good Character 3 DISCIPLINE •

Activity 1

Read the paragraph below and write your assertion. After

writing your assertion, find textual evidence that will support
your assertion.

The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in

drastic shifts in daily life and routine activities, in addition to
significant health, economic, financial, and social consequences.
Beginning in March 2020, several countries around the world
implemented lockdowns and physical/social distancing measures
. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost because of
COVID-19 around the world. This massive loss of lives, along with
the abrupt changes in day-to-day life because of the COVID-19
pandemic, may have an adverse effect on child and adolescent
mental health [3–8]. There is a dearth of scientific evidence on the
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent mental

Although on one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has

presented an opportunity for more family time, time for resuming
hobbies/interests, and an opportunity for an ‘individualized pace
of learning’ (for children and adolescents who find traditional
school environment challenging), on the other hand, many
children or adolescents may be at increased risk due for domestic
violence and maltreatment, secondary to pandemic related
isolation measures. Children and adolescents with a history of
mental health conditions, history of trauma, and parental mental
illness or high parental/caregiver distress [2] may be at additional
risk during this pandemic [1]. Disadvantaged children and
adolescents are likely to be affected to a greater degree by the
mental health consequences of COVID-19.

Little contact with peers, fear of ill health/death of family

members, decreased structure, lesser direct contact with teachers
at school because of school closures, may be some of the factors
that can increase anxiety, behavioral difficulties, and adversely
affect child and adolescent mental health during this time [1].
Increased internet use by adolescents, secondary to the isolation
and physical distancing measures, confers the advantages of social
connectivity, but, comes with its own risks [3].

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic may include

exacerbation and/or worsening of mental health challenges among
children and adolescents with preexisting psychiatric conditions,
and potential new onset of mental health challenges, particularly,
anxiety and stress-related disorders among at-risk children and
adolescents [1,3]. For some children or adolescents with
prepandemic psychiatric conditions, the lockdown may have led to
a shift or even disruption in care. Children and adolescents with
chronic psychiatric and/or neurodevelopmental conditions, such
as autism-spectrum disorders, psychotic disorders, intellectual
disability, especially those who had been receiving a significant
proportion of their mental healthcare and services in-person
during prepandemic times, may be affected. The mental health of
children and adolescents hospitalized to inpatient facilities where
parents’ visitations are restricted [6] because of physical distancing
measures, may be affected [1]. Although rapidly growing
telepsychiatry use has helped maintain continuity and provision of
psychiatric care in many parts of the world during this pandemic,
the scarcity of in-person care may pose a challenge for many
children/adolescents/families, particularly for those not having
access to technology or living in unsafe

City of Good Character 4 DISCIPLINE •

Available evidence estimates significantly elevated rates of
anxiety and stress among a significant proportion of adults during
this pandemic [12], particularly parents. The effects of increased
anxiety and stress among parents/caregivers may seep into the
lives of children and adolescents. Additionally, parental job loss
and financial difficulties are other factors which may result in
decreased access to mental healthcare for many children and
adolescents, in addition to contributing to parental stress, and in
turn, affecting child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.



Textual evidence that will support your assertion.

___________________ 2.
___________________ 3.
___________________ 4.
___________________ 5.

Activity 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions that


Now the real tragedy is not that women ask and must ask
for a pattern of womanhood. The tragedy is not, even, that men
give them such abominable patterns, child-wives, little-boy-baby-
face girls, perfect secretaries, noble spouses, self-sacrificing
mothers, pure women who bring forth children in virgin coldness,
prostitutes who just make themselves low, to please the men; all
the atrocious patterns of womanhood that men have supplied to
woman; patterns all perverted from any real natural fullness of a
human being. Man is willing to accept woman as an equal, as a
man is skirts, as an angel, a devil, a baby-face, a machine, an
instrument, a bosom, a womb, a pair of legs, a servant, an
encyclopedia, an ideal or an obscenity; the one thing he won’t
accept her as, is a human being, areal human being of the
feminine sex.

And of course women love living up to strange patterns,

weird patterns, the more uncanny the better. What could be more
uncanny than the present pattern of the Eton boy girl with flower-
like artificial complexion? It is just weird. And for it’s very
weirdness women like living up to it. What can be more gruesome
than the little-boy-baby-face pattern? Yet the girls take it on with

But even that isn’t the real root of the tragedy.

The absurdity, and often, as in the Dante-Beatrice business,

the inhuman nastiness of the pattern – for Beatrice had to go on
being chaste and untouched all her life, according to Dante’s
pattern, while Dante had a cosy wife and kids at home – even that
isn’t the worst of it. The worst of it is, as soon as a woman has
really lived up the to

City of Good Character 5 DISCIPLINE •

the man’s pattern, the man dislikes he for it. There is intense secret
dislike for the Eton young-man girl, among the boys, now that she
is actually produced. Of course, she’s very nice to show in public,
absolutely the thing. But the very young men who have brought
about her production detest her in private and in their private
hearts are appalled by her.

When it comes to marrying, the pattern goes all to pieces.

The boy marries Eton boy girl, and instantly he hates the type.
Instantly his mind begins to play hysterically with all the other
types, noble Agneses chaste Beatrices clinging Doras, and luid filles
de joie. He is in a wild welter of confusion. Whatever pattern the
poo woman tries to live up to, he’ll want another. And that’s the
condition of modern marriage.

Modern woman isn’t really a fool. But modern man is. That
seems to me the only plain way of putting it. The modern man is a
fool, and the modern young man a prize fool. He makes a greater
mess of his women than men have ever made. Because he
absolutely doesn’t know what he wants her to be. We shall see the
changes in the woman-pattern follow one another fast and furious
now, because the young men hysterically don’t know what they
want. Two years hence women may be in crinolines – there was a
pattern for you! – or a bead flap, like naked negresses in mid-Africa
– or they may be wearing brass armour, or the uniform of the
Horse Guards. They may be anything. Because the young men are
off their heads, and don’t know what they want.

The women aren’t fools, but they must live up to some

pattern or other. They know the men are the fools. They don’t
really respect the pattern they must have, or they can’t exist.

Women are not fools. They have their own logic, even if it’s
not the masculine sort. Women have the logic of emotion, men
have the logic of reason. The two are complementary and mostly in
opposition. But the woman’s logic of emotion is no less real and
inexorable than the man’s logic of reason. It only works differently.

And the woman never really loses it. She may spend years
living up to masculine pattern. But in the end, the strange and
terrible logic of emotion will work out the smashing of that pattern,
if it has not been emotionally satisfactory. This is the partial
explanation of the astonishing changes in women. For years they go
on being chaste Beatrices or child-wives. Then on a sudden – bash!
The chaste Beatrice becomes something quite different, the child-
wife becomes a roaring lioness! The pattern didn’t suffice,

Whereas men are fools. They are based on a logic of reason

or are supposed to be. And then they go and behave, especially
with egad to women, in a more-than-feminine unreasonableness.
They spend years training up the little-boy-baby-face type, till
they’ve got her perfect. Then the moment they marry her, they
want something else. Oh, beware, young women, f the young men
who adore you! The moment they’ve got you they’ll want something
utterly different. The moment they marry the little-boy-baby face,
instantly they begin to pine for the noble Agnes, pure and majestic,
or the infinite mother with deep bosom of consolation, or the
perfect business-woman, or the lurid prostitute on black silk
sheets or, most idiotic of all, a combination of all the lot of them at
once. And that is the logic of the reason! When it comes to women,
modern men are idiots. They don’t know what they want, and so
they never want, permanently, what they get. They
want a cream

City of Good Character 6 DISCIPLINE •

cake that is at the same time ham and eggs and at the same time
porridge. They are fools. If only women weren’t bound by fate to
play up to them!

For the fact of life is that women must play up to man’s

pattern. And she only gives her best to a man when he gives her a
satisfactory pattern to play up to. But today, with a stock of ready-
made, worn-out idiotic patterns to live up to, what can women give
to men but the trashy side of their emotions! What could a woman
possibly give to a man who wanted her to be a boy-baby face?
What could she possibly give him but the dribbling of an idiot?
And, because women aren’t fools, and aren’t fooled even for very
long at a time, she gives him some nasty cruel digs with her claws,
and makes him cry for mother dear! – abruptly changing his

Bah! Men are fools. If they want anything from women, let
them give women a decent, satisfying idea of womanhood – not
these trick patterns of washed-out idiots.

-Give Her a Pattern

By D.H. Lawrence


Textual Evidences:





Counter Claim/s:


Textual Evidences:





City of Good Character 7 DISCIPLINE •



What I Have Learned

In this module I have learned the following:

✔ Assertion or claims and counterclaims can be

gleaned after reading a text.
✔ Textual evidence or evidences are needed to
support whether claims or counterclaims
presented in a text.
✔ Textual evidence or evidences are also called
supporting details of a claim or counterclaim
or solution on-hand.

What I Can Do

Look for a text and read it. Then, formulate your

assertion or claim and identify the textual
evidence that will support it. Determine as well
the counterclaim of the writer and cite the
textual evidence for it.

Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Write
TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

___________1.You can easily determine one’ assertion once

you are done reading a certain text.

___________2. Textual evidence should be identified first

before making a claim or assertion.

___________3. Textual evidence is needed to support one’s

claim and counterclaim. ___________4. Determining textual
evidence will make one’s claim valid. ___________5. Textual
evidence are conspicuously written by the

City of Good Character 8 DISCIPLINE •


Directions: Look for a latest article about how our
country is handling the COVID-19 Pandemic amidst
lockdown. Make sure to look for a text which also shows
claims and counterclaims and identify your textual
evidence to support them.
Directions: Read the editorial from the Philippine Star and write
your claim or assertions after. Determine the textual evidence that
will support your claim.

Arm Them for the Battle

Even as several groups commemorated the death of Benigno “Ninoy”

Aquino Jr. yesterday with mass actions against the government,
President Duterte urged the people to emulate the slain former
senator’s courage and patriotism amid an unprecedented public
health crisis.

In his message on the 37th anniversary of Aquino’s assassination,

the President urged Filipinos to emulate the slain senator “so we
may all be heroes through acts of discipline, goodwill and social
responsibility,” to work with the government and “generously” share
resources with the less fortunate.

Among those to whom his government has appealed for cooperation

and sacrifice amid the raging pandemic are health professionals.
This week the government lifted the deployment ban, in place since
March 8, on health professionals with verified overseas employment
contracts and travel documents obtained before the ban was
imposed. The Philippine Nurses Association and some 600 nurses
had appealed for a reconsideration of the ban, especially for those
with employment contracts and those who were simply taking a
break in the country but were stranded when international flights
were suspended at the start of the pandemic.

The nurses have pointed out that those who need to leave account
for a miniscule fraction of an estimated 200,000 nurses who are
currently unemployed in the Philippines. President Duterte has said
the government cannot stop Filipinos from seeking greener pastures
overseas. At the same time, however, he has appealed to the
patriotism of nurses, urging them to work in hospitals that are
currently being swamped with COVID-related cases. Health workers
are as much needed in the Philippines as they are in other
countries, the President has said.

The sense of patriotism may get a boost if the government can

provide better protection for health frontliners in this health crisis.
Before the pandemic, the biggest disincentives for nurses to work in
Philippine hospitals were the low pay and long hours, with
compensation in certain private facilities not even reaching the
minimum wage.

City of Good Character 9 DISCIPLINE •

With COVID infecting many health frontliners, certain medical
groups have also lamented the inadequacy of their personal
protective equipment. They have asked for transportation as
well as temporary accommodations near their workplaces to
protect their households from potential infection.

These are reasonable demands that can be provided if

government and private hospital operators can grant if they want
to keep their health professionals and attract new personnel.
Health workers aren’t lacking in patriotism and courage, but they
must be properly equipped and armed when they go into battle
against COVID.

The Philippine Star, August 22, 2020

______________ Textual Evidences:






City of Good Character 10 DISCIPLINE •


se l Fa 5.
True 4.
e Tru 3. Reference
False 2.
ue r T 1. s Books

y vary ma s nswer A

A 5.
A 4.
B 3.
D 2.
C 1.


1. Mary Ann M. Majul en[g]counters Reading and

Writing in the Contemporary World St. Bernadette
Publishing House Corporation 2015, 28-29, 45-50,
Links and websites
City of Good Character 11 DISCIPLINE •
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Barbara Fe A. Santoyo (THS)

May F. Villanueva (MSHS)
Editors: Nieves T. Salazar, Ph. D. (PHS)
Nida P. Andrada, Ed. D. (PSDS)
Internal Reviewer: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS – English)

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)

Layout Artist: Maria Isabel G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran
Education Program Supervisor-English

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina

City, 1800, Philippines Telefax: (02)

682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address:

City of Good Character 12 DISCIPLINE •


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