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Network administrator interview questions

By admin , July 26, 2005

1. at is t0 diII070nc0 b0tw00n lay07 2 and lay07 3 in t0 OSI mod0l?
2. at is t0 diII070nc0 b0tw00n a ub, switc, and 7out07?
3. at is a VLAN?
4. at is t0 diII070nc0 b0tw00n TCP and UDP?
5. How do you distinguis a DNS p7obl0m I7om a n0two7 p7obl0m?
6. at is a 7unt, Giant, and collision?
7. at is a b7oadcast sto7m?
8. at is t0 pu7pos0 oI VRRP?
9. at is a VPN? inIo7mation about a p007 would I n00d to 0stablis a VPN? is a Iull-class C in CIDR notation? is a d0Iault 7out0? is a m0t7ic? is a MAC add70ss? is ARP/RARP?
16.D0sc7ib0 a TCP conn0ction s06u0nc0 is MTU? ot07 TCP s0tting can you modiIy b0sid0s MTU to so7t0n pac0ts?

Tecbnical Interview Questions - Networking
O WhaL ls an l address?
O WhaL ls a subneL mask?
O WhaL ls A8?
O WhaL ls A8 Cache olsonlng?
O WhaL ls Lhe Anulng process?
O WhaL ls a defaulL gaLeway? WhaL happens lf l donL have one?
O Can a worksLaLlon compuLer be conflgured Lo browse Lhe lnLerneL and yeL nC1 have a defaulL
O WhaL ls a subneL?
O WhaL ls AlA?
O WhaL ls an 8lC? name a few lf posslble (noL necessarlly Lhe numbers [usL Lhe ldeas behlnd
O WhaL ls 8lC 1918?
O WhaL ls Clu8?
O ou have Lhe followlng neLwork lu 19211310364/27 WhaL ls Lhe l range for your neLwork?
O ou have Lhe followlng neLwork lu 13111200 ou need aL leasL 300 hosLs per neLwork Pow
many neLworks can you creaLe? WhaL subneL mask wlll you use?
O ou need Lo vlew aL neLwork Lrafflc WhaL wlll you use? name a few Lools
O Pow do l know Lhe paLh LhaL a packeL Lakes Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon?
O WhaL does Lhe plng 19216801 l 1000 n 100 command do?
O WhaL ls uPC? WhaL are Lhe beneflLs and drawbacks of uslng lL?
O uescrlbe Lhe sLeps Laken by Lhe cllenL and uPC server ln order Lo obLaln an l address
O WhaL ls Lhe uPCnACk and when do l geL one? name 2 scenarlos
O WhaL porLs are used by uPC and Lhe uPC cllenLs?
O uescrlbe Lhe process of lnsLalllng a uPC server ln an Au lnfrasLrucLure
O WhaL ls uPClnlC8M?
O uescrlbe Lhe lnLegraLlon beLween uPC and unS
O WhaL opLlons ln uPC do you regularly use for an MS neLwork?
O WhaL are user Classes and vendor Classes ln uPC?
O Pow do l conflgure a cllenL machlne Lo use a speclflc user Class?
O WhaL ls Lhe 8CC1 proLocol used for where mlghL you flnd lL ln Wlndows neLwork
O unS zones descrlbe Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe 4 Lypes
O unS record Lypes descrlbe Lhe mosL lmporLanL ones
O uescrlbe Lhe process of worklng wlLh an exLernal domaln name
O uescrlbe Lhe lmporLance of unS Lo Au
O uescrlbe a few meLhods of flndlng an Mx record for a remoLe domaln on Lhe lnLerneL
O WhaL does ulsable 8ecurslon ln unS mean?
O WhaL could cause Lhe lorwarders and 8ooL PlnLs Lo be grayed ouL?
O WhaL ls a Slngle Label domaln name and whaL sorL of lssues can lL cause?
O WhaL ls Lhe lnaddrarpa zone used for?
O WhaL are Lhe requlremenLs from unS Lo supporL Au?
O Pow do you manually creaLe S8v records ln unS?
O name 3 beneflLs of uslng AulnLegraLed zones
O WhaL are Lhe beneflLs of uslng Wlndows 2003 unS when uslng AulnLegraLed zones?
O ou lnsLalled a new Au domaln and Lhe new (and flrsL) uC has noL reglsLered lLs S8v records ln
unS name a few posslble causes
O WhaL are Lhe beneflLs and scenarlos of uslng SLub zones?
O WhaL are Lhe beneflLs and scenarlos of uslng CondlLlonal lorwardlng?
O WhaL are Lhe dlfferences beLween Wlndows ClusLerlng neLwork Load 8alanclng and 8ound
8obln and scenarlos for each use?
O Pow do l work wlLh Lhe PosL name cache on a cllenL compuLer?
O Pow do l clear Lhe unS cache on Lhe unS server?
O WhaL ls Lhe 2240124 address used for?
O WhaL ls WlnS and when do we use lL?
O Can you have a MlcrosofLbased neLwork wlLhouL any WlnS server on lL? WhaL are Lhe
conslderaLlons regardlng noL uslng WlnS?
O uescrlbe Lhe dlfferences beLween WlnS push and pull repllcaLlons
O WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween LombsLonlng a WlnS record and slmply deleLlng lL?
O name Lhe neL8lCS names you mlghL expecL from a Wlndows 2003 uC LhaL ls reglsLered ln WlnS
O uescrlbe Lhe role of Lhe rouLlng Lable on a hosL and on a rouLer
O WhaL are rouLlng proLocols? Why do we need Lhem? name a few
O WhaL are rouLer lnLerfaces? WhaL Lypes can Lhey be?
O ln Wlndows 2003 rouLlng whaL are Lhe lnLerface fllLers?
O WhaL ls nA1?
O WhaL ls Lhe real dlfference beLween nA1 and A1?
O Pow do you conflgure nA1 on Wlndows 2003?
O Pow do you allow lnbound Lrafflc for speclflc hosLs on Wlndows 2003 nA1?
O WhaL ls vn? WhaL Lypes of vn does Wlndows 2000 and beyond work wlLh naLlvely?
O WhaL ls lAS? ln whaL scenarlos do we use lL?
O WhaLs Lhe dlfference beLween Mlxed mode and naLlve mode ln Au when deallng wlLh 88AS?
O WhaL ls Lhe 8AS and lAS group ln Au?
O WhaL are CondlLlons and roflle ln 88AS ollcles?
O WhaL Lypes or auLhenLlcaLlon can a Wlndows 2003 based 88AS work wlLh?
O Pow does SSL work?
O Pow does lSec work?
O Pow do l deploy lSec for a large number of compuLers?
O WhaL Lypes of auLhenLlcaLlon can lSec use?
O WhaL ls lS (erfecL lorward Secrecy) ln lSec?
O Pow do l monlLor lSec?
O Looklng aL lSecencrypLed Lrafflc wlLh a snlffer WhaL packeL Lypes do l see?
O WhaL can you do wlLh nL1SP?
O Pow do l look aL Lhe open porLs on my machlne?
O C07tiIications ~ MCSE ~ 70-290 ~ Sampl0 MCSE T0st Qu0stions
O am 70-290 Sample MCS Test
O ou are the network administrator of a large company. ou have configured you
Windows Server 2003 member server as a Terminal Services server. ou want to
disable drive mapping for all users on a particular Terminal Services server. Where
should you configure this setting?
A. In t0 Cli0nt S0ttings tab oI t0 Domain Us07s g7oup P7op07ti0s dialog box
B. In t0 Cli0nt S0ttings tab oI t0 TSUs07s g7oup P7op07ti0s dialog box
C. In t0 Envi7onm0nt tab oI t0 TSUs07s g7oup P7op07ti0s dialog box
D. In t0 Cli0nt S0ttings tab oI t0 RDP-Tcp conn0ction P7op07ti0s dialog box
O Ans. D. To disable the drive mapping option for all users, you should configure the
setting in the Properties dialog box (Client Settings tab) for the RDP-Tcp connection.
You can also configure this setting on per-user basis in the Client Settings tab of the user
Properties dialog box.
O ou are the network administrator for a large company. One of your users, Debbie,
recently returned from a three-month maternity leave. While Debbie was on leave,
no one used her Windows XP Professional computer. When Debbie attempted to log
on to her computer, she received an error because her computer`s password had
epired. What should you do?
A. R0s0t 07 comput07 account t7oug t0 Activ0 Di70cto7y Us07s And Comput07s
B. R0s0t 07 comput07 account t7oug Comput07 Manag0m0nt.
C. Cang0 t0 g7oup policy s0tting Io7 Assign N0w Comput07 Passwo7d Io7 07
D. Log on to 07 comput07 7unning SaI0 Mod0 and 7un t0 S0tpass command-lin0 utility.
O Ans. A. As a part of Active Directory security, computer accounts are assigned passwords
that are changed every 30 days. This process is transparent to the user. If the computer
password is reset and the computer crashes and is stored from a backup that contains an
outdated computer password, the user who uses the computer will not be able to log on to
the domain. In this case you will need to reset the computer account, which is done
through the Active Directory Users And Computers utility.
O ynne is planning on moving the file from the D:\Data folder to the D:\Test
folder. The D: drive is NTFS. The file currently has Modify permission
applied for the User group. The D:\Test folder has the Write permission applied for
Users. What permission will the file have after it has been moved?
A. Full Cont7ol
B. ModiIy
C. R0ad
D. 7it0
O ANS B. If you move a file from one folder to another folder on the same NTFS volume,
the file will retain the original NTFS permissions.
O ou are the network administrator for a large company. ou manage all of the
Windows Server 2003 computers, client computers, and printers for the corporate
headquarters. our network users are complaining that it is taking a long time for
jobs to print from the ec Printer print devices. The print device is a high-speed
printer and you are trying to determine whether the bottleneck is being caused by
the network connection or by the print device itself. How can you track how much
through put is being processed by the print devices?
A. T7ac t0 P7int Qu0st obj0ct, Byt0s P7int0d/S0c count07 in P07Io7manc0 Monito7
B. T7ac t0 P7int Qu0u0 obj0ct, Byt0s P7int0d/S0c count07 in Syst0m Monito7
C. T7ac t0 P7int Qu0u0 obj0ct, Total Pag0s P7int0d/Minut0 count07 in P07Io7manc0
D. T7ac t0 P7int Qu0u0 obj0ct, Total Pag0s P7int0d/Minut0 count07 in Syst0m Monito7.
O ANS B. You can monitor print queue status through the System Monitor utility. System
Monitor is used to track performance-related counters for many computer obfects.
Specifically, you can track Bytes Printed/Sec. This will allow you to see how quickly a
specific print queue is processing and printing data.
O ou are a network administrator for a Fortune 500 company. ou are responsible
for all client computers at the central campus. ou want to make sure that all of the
client computers have the most current software installed for their operating
systems, including:
Critical Updates and Service Packs
Windows Server 2003 Family
Driver Updates
ou want to automate the process as much as possible, and you want the client
computers to download the updates from a central server that you are managing.
ou decide to use Software Update Services. ou have several computers that you
can use as the SUS server. Which of the following computers meet(s) the
requirements for being a SUS server?
Software Computer A Computer 8 Computer C Computer D
Wlndows Server
Wlndows Server
Wlndows Server
Wlndows 2000
Server (S3)
lA1 32 wlLh 10C8
free space
n1lS wlLh 10C8 free
n1lS wlLh 8C8 free
lA1 32 wlLh 8C8 free
dlsk space
uomaln conLroller
mosL currenL lL
uomaln conLroller
mosL currenL lL
Member server llS
mosL currenL lL
Member server llS
mosL currenL lL
O A. Comput07 A
B. Comput07 B
C. Comput07 C
D. Comput07 D
Ans. C. In order to act as a SUS server, the following requirements must be met. the
server must be running Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 or higher or Windows
Server 2003. The server must be using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. The server must
have the most current security patches applied. The server must have a NTFS partition
with 100MB free disk space to install the SUS server software and 6GB of free space to
store all of the update files.
O ou are the network administrator for a Fortune 500 company. ou are responsible
for all client computers at the central campus. ou want to make sure that all of the
client computers have the most current software installed for their operating
systems, including:
Critical Updates and Service Packs
Windows Server 2003 Family
Driver Updates
ou want to automate the process as much as possible, and you want the client
computers to download the updates from a central server that you are managing.
ou decide to use Software Update Services. The SUS server software has been
installed on a server called SUSServer. ou want to test the SUS server before you
set up group policy within the domain. ou install Windows XP Professional with
the latest Service Pack on a test client. Which of the following Registry entries needs
to be made for the client in order to specify that the client should use SUSServer for
Windows Update? (Choose all that apply.)
U\Us0US07v07 and sp0ciIy 0 Io7 data
U\Us0US07v07 and sp0ciIy 1 Io7 data
U\Us0US07v07 and sp0ciIy 1 Io7 data
U\US07v07 and sp0ciIy SUSS07v07
US07v07 and sp0ciIy ttp://SUSS07v07
US07v07 and sp0ciIy SUSS07v07
Ans. B,E. The Registry key
UseWUServer can be set to 0, which uses the public Windows Update server, or 1, which
specifies that you will specify the server for Windows Update in the
HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate key.
The WUServer key sets the Windows Update server using the servers HTTP name, for
example, http.//intranetSUS.
O ou are the network administrator for a Fortune 500 company. ou are responsible
for all client computers at the central campus. ou want to make sure that all of the
client computers have the most current software installed for their operating
systems, including :
Critical Updates and Service Packs
Windows Server 2003 Family
Driver Updates
ou want to automate the process as much as possible, and you want the client
computers to download the updates from a central server that you are managing.
ou decide to use Software Update Services. The SUS server software has been
installed on a server called SUSServer. ou want to use group policy to define all of
the Windows Update settings for the SUS clients. Where would you configure this
information within Group Policy?
A. Comput07 ConIigu7ation\Administ7ativ0 T0mplat0s\indows Compon0nts\indows
B. Comput07 ConIigu7ation\indows Updat0
C. Comput07 ConIigu7ation\Administ7ativ0 T0mplat0\SUS S0ttings\indows Updat0
D. SoItwa70 S0ttings\SUS S0ttings\indows Updat0
O Ans. A. You can configure Windows Update settings that are used in confunction with
Software Update Services (SUS) through group policy. Within Group Policy, you edit
Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows
O ou are the network administrator for a Fortune 500 company. ou are responsible
or all client computers at the central campus. ou want to make sure that all of the
client computers have the most current software installed for their operating
systems, including:
Critical Updates and Service Packs
Windows Server 2003 Family
Driver Updates
ou want to automate the process as much as possible, and you want the client
computers to download the updates from a central server that you are managing.
ou decide to use Software Update Services. Which of the following client
computers (with their current configuration) can be used with Software Service
Update? (Choose all the apply.)
A. indows 98 (wit most cu770nt S07vic0 Pac
B. indows M0 (wit most cu770nt S07vic0 Pac
C. indows 2000 P7oI0ssional (S07vic0 Pac 2
D. indows XP Hom0 Edition (S07vic0 Pac 1
E. indows XP P7oI0ssional (no (S07vic0 Pac
F. indows S07v07 2003 m0mb07 s07v07 (no (S07vic0 Pac
Ans. C, D, F. The following clients can use Software Updates Services. Windows 2000
Professional (with Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows 2000 Server (with Service Pack 2
or higher), Windows 2000 Advanced Server (with Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows
XP Home Edition (with Service Pack 1 or higher), Windows XP Professional (with
Service Pack 1 or higher), and Windows Server 2003 (all platforms). These clients use a
special version of Automatic Updates that is required by Software Update Services.
O ou are the network administrator for a small company. our company has one
Windows Server 2003 computer configured as a domain controller and 25 clients
running Windows XP Professional. ou want to ensure that your server stays up-to-
date through Windows Automatic Update. Where should you configure your server
to use Windows Automatic Update? (Choose all the apply.)
A. T7oug t0 R0gist7y
B. T7oug G7oup Policy
C. Sta7t ~ All P7og7ams ~ Acc0sso7i0s ~ Syst0m Tools ~ indows Updat0
D. Sta7t ~ Cont7ol Pan0l ~ Syst0m and clic t0 Automatic Updat0s tab
O Ans. D. You configure Automatic Update by selecting Start ~ Control Panel ~ System
and clicking the Automatic Updates tab. You can configure the schedule that your
computer will use to scan for updates and how updates should be applied to your
O ou were recently hired to manage the network for the Wacky Widgets
Corporation. One of your first tasks is to ensure the all of the operating systems and
software that is being used is properly licensed. our network consists of s Windows
2003 domain that includes 10 Windows Server 2003 servers and 250 Windows XP
Professional client computers. All of the computers you will use a server called
icenseServer to manage all of the Windows licensing through Administrative Tools
> icensing. ou configure all of the servers with the icense ogging service. The
net step you need to complete is determining which server is acting as the site
license server and changing the site license server to icenseServer. Which of the
following options will allow you to configure the site license server?
A. ConIigu70 t0 sit0 lic0ns0 s07v07 t7oug t0 Lic0ns0 Logging s07vic0.
B. ConIigu70 t0 sit0 lic0ns0 s07v07 using Administ7ativ0 Tools ~ Activ0 Di70cto7y Sit0s
And S07vic0.
C. ConIigu70 t0 sit0 lic0ns0 s07v07 t7oug Administ7ativ0 Tools ~ Lic0nsing.
D. ConIigu70 t0 sit0 lic0ns0 s07v07 t7oug Cont7ol Pan0l ~ Lic0nsing.
O Ans. B. You can view and configure the site license server by selecting Start ~
Administrative Tools ~ Active Directory Sites And Services. The Active Directory Sites
And Services dialog box will be displayed. Expand Sites and click Default-First-Site. In
the right-hand pane, you will see Licensing Site Settings. Double-click License Site
Settings and the Licensing Site Setting Properties dialog box will appear. In the lower
half of the dialog box, under Licensing Computer, you will see the server that has been
designated the site license server. By default, the licensing server is the first domain
controller installed in the site. You can change the site license server through the
Licensing Computer dialog box.
O ou are the network administrator for a Fortune 500 company. ou are responsible
for all client computers at the central campus. ou want to make sure that all of the
client computers are secure. ou decide to use MBSA to scan your client computers
for possible security violations. Which of the following clients are supported by
MBSA? (Choose all that apply.)
A. indows 98 (wit most cu770nt S07vic0 Pac
B. indows M0 (wit most cu770nt S07vic0 Pac
C. indows 2000 P7oI0ssional (S07vic0 Pac 2
D. indows XP Hom0 Edition (S07vic0 Pac 1
E. indows XP P7oI0ssional (no S07vic0 Pac
F. indows S07v07 2003 m0mb07 s07v07 (no S07vic0 Pac

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