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Secure File Management and Access System for School Faculty via Local

A Capstone Project Presented to

the faculty of the College of Computer Study

ICCT Colleges

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science

in Information Technology


Jan Randell R. Caindoy

Damascus D. Padilla

Eduardo G. Pereña

Clarence William Dino

Joe Edsel N. Nañoz

Lean Angela T. Recaña

Sherwin Gomez

Ren Vincent P. Sy

Angelo Louis R. Arquiza

Xyra Senopera

April 2024

First and foremost, the researchers would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to

those who contributed the development of the Secure File Management and Access

System for School Faculty via Local Server.

The researchers, would like to express the deepest gratitude to Mr. Jerico

Vilog, the project supervisor, for the continuous guidance, support,

and encouragement throughout the entire process of development.

The researchers, would like to thank the faculty and staff members of ICCT

CAINTA MAIN CAMPUS for their cooperation and assistance, which helped shape

the system so that it meets the needs of the school effectively.

The researchers are grateful for the advice that has been given for each

individual, for their constructive feedback during the implementation phase of the


Lastly, the researchers would like to acknowledge the unwavering support for

their family, whose patience and understanding were instrumental in the success of

this project.

This capstone entitled “Secure File Management and Access System for School
Faculty via Local”, prepared and submitted by Xyra Senepera, Lean Angela T.
Recaña, Damascus D. Padilla, Jan Randell R. Caindoy, Angelo Louis R. Arquiza,
Clarence William Dino, Eduardo G. Pereña, Joe Edsel N. Nañoz, Sherwin
Gomez, Renz Vincent P. Sy, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of BSIT, Capstone Project and Research 1, has been examined and is recommended
for acceptance and approval



Panel Evaluator Panel Evaluator

Panel Evaluator Panel Evaluator

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology, Capstone Project and Research 1



Information technology advancements have had a positive impact on

educational institutions. Management information systems have been used by head of

school to increase the effectiveness of administrative services. Investigating

principals' opinions of management information systems and how these systems are

implemented throughout our schools is another goal of this study.

A well-managed document management system is a crucial component in

ensuring a more efficient and quick working environment in schools. Because most

working procedures in businesses, especially those in schools, rely heavily on

softcopy papers, managing these documents in a safe and secure manner has become

imperative for most organizations. In order to address the shortcomings of the current

document management practices used by educational organizations, we consequently

put up a new framework.

A file management system is a suitable tool for use in schools for both storage

and access. It should be safe and easy to use for a variety of users, depending on how

experienced they are with file management systems. The main function of the system

is to give groups of users shared access, which entails having a shared storage where

users can download and upload files. This can give users access to multiple devices up

to the network's maximum capacity. For a space like a faculty room, this is sufficient.

Rather than transferring information via a flash drive or USB stick, groups of teachers

within the faculty can share files more easily by using File Sharing and Sharing


A local network that is reachable via a browser will be used to set up the file

management system. It will have user authentication on its web interface. To the

current system used by the school, this will be the primary addition. Users may

interact and access files in a secure, user-friendly environment with peace of mind,
thanks to its ease and security features. The user’s name and password that they may

have received from the administrator must be entered each time they want to access

the system. In order to avoid having to constantly log back in, they will have ample

time before being automatically logged out of the system. To give each teacher a

unique identification within the system, the individual accounts will also be useful. A

quick illustration would be that when a file is uploaded, the uploader's name which is

the name associated with their account is included in the file information.



Title Page……………………………………………………………………………I

Cover Page………………………………………………………………………….I


Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………….III


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………..V

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….1

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………..2

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….4

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………..4

Scope and Delimitations…………………………………………………….........5

Chapter 2: TECHNICAL BACKGROUND…………………………………………6



CHAPTER 3: Conceptual Framework…………………………………………...29

Review of Related Literature and Studies……………………………………...29

Review of Local Literature………………………………………………………..30

Review of Local Studies…………………………………………………………..31

Review of Foreign Literature……………………………………………………..32

Review of Foreign Studies………………………………………………………..33

Conceptual Model of the Study………………………………………………….37

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………..38

CHAPTER 4: Research Design…………………………………………………...40

Methods of Research……………………………………………………………...43

Sources of Data………………………………………………………………….…44



Researchers Profile…………………………………………………………..…...49

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………..50

Copy of Project Design…………………………………………………………...60




Background of the Study

Today’s education industry has long been accustomed to managing large

volumes of documentation. The systems for managing the personnel files, financial

records, student records, education compliance documentation, and other forms that

these educational organizations handle are inefficient because they are mostly kept on

paper. One of these educational institutions' top priorities is to ensure that these

private records are safe and easily accessible. There are security dangers associated

with improper storage of electronic documents as well.

File management systems are widely used by many schools. But the problem

is that there are still systems which are not correctly setup and are unsecured which

leads to the system having vulnerabilities and at risk of the files being taken by an

unauthorized user who have managed to get in the network. Some schools instead of

using file management system they rely on third party services such as a cloud storage

to manage their files. This is another risk for data breach the reason is that in case one

of the users with administrator privilege gets hacked.

The current file management system for faculty at ICCT Colleges lacks secure

access control from the login system up to which users can only access which specific

files. The problem with this setup is that when the attacker gains access to the network

he will automatically gain access to the files that is present in that network. The

current school’s file management system also lacks an option for faculty teachers to

collaborate on a file which involves the file management system’s own user interface

and a version history feature.

Today’s education industry has long been accustomed to managing large

volumes of documentation. The systems for managing the personnel files, financial

records, student records, education compliance documentation, and other forms that

these educational organizations handle are inefficient because they are mostly kept on

paper. One of these educational institutions' top priorities is to ensure that these

private records are safe and easily accessible. There are security dangers associated

with improper storage of electronic documents as well.

File management systems are widely used by many schools. But the problem

is that there are still systems which are not correctly setup and are unsecured which

leads to the system having vulnerabilities and at risk of the files being taken by an
unauthorized user who have managed to get in the network. Some schools instead of

using file management system they rely on third party services such as a cloud storage

to manage their files. This is another risk for data breach the reason is that in case one

of the users with administrator privilege gets hacked.

The current file management system for faculty at ICCT Colleges lacks secure

access control from the login system up to which users can only access which specific

files. The problem with this setup is that when the attacker gains access to the network

he will automatically gain access to the files that is present in that network. The

current school’s file management system also lacks an option for faculty teachers to

collaborate on a file which involves the file management system’s own user interface

and a version history feature.

Statement of the Problem

Education providers now have a powerful tool to arrange and streamline information

sharing so that teaching and administrative staff may easily and securely access

papers. Furthermore, because the papers are centrally managed and safely saved in a

cloud environment, it resolves all document management issues and assists

educational institutions in saving time spent managing and retrieving information. In

contrast to the conventional method, which requires staff members to assemble or

store hard copies and is very cumbersome to locate critical files, the file management

system we are going to provide is incredibly dependable and user-friendly.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following question.

1. What are the potential disadvantage that using the system might result in?
2. What are the implications of unauthorized access or breaches in the current file

management system for school faculty?

3. How effectively does the current system ensure the confidently, integrity, and

availability of academic resources?

4. Is there enough security built into the faculty file management and access system in

place to protect important academic and administrative data?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study its contribution to advancing knowledge and

enhancing the protection of the system and other facilities. The implementation of

securing the file management is to control system holds several specific benefits for

the following.

• Secure, centralized access to student records

• Information access dependent on permissions

• Management of departments' and users' access levels, privileges, and permissions

• Permissions-based information access

• A drag-and-drop reporting tool and system events monitoring make audit

preparation easier.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this study computer system that facilitates effective document

organization, archiving, and retrieval. It saves time spent looking for certain files or

documents and does away with the requirement for actual storage spaces. With file

management solutions, educators can create electronic files that are centrally hosted
and securely saved, thereby controlling the creation and access to all types of papers.

A digital file in a file management system can only be read or altered by a person who

is authorized to do so. Through the usage of a document management system,

educational institutions may keep track of, access, and manage all electronic

documents. Access to this study will be restricted to faculty members and staff only;

students and unauthorized users who attempt to access it will not be permitted.


Setting up a Secure File Management and Access System via Local Server for

School Faculty is relatively straightforward, but it is essential to ensure smooth

operations and data security. Components of the hardware include:

Server: The file management system must be hosted on a reliable server. Processor

power, memory, and storage capacity should be sufficient to handle the expected

workload. To prevent overheating, it should also have an adequate cooling system.

Networking Equipment: The network should be secure, with up-to-date firewalls

and antivirus software installed. Regular tests and audits should be carried out to

identify any potential security risks. Furthermore, the network should be regularly

maintained and monitored to ensure optimal performance.

Storage Devices: Storage devices such as hard drives or solid-state drives (SSDs) are

required to store the files and data managed by the system. The storage capacity

should be scalable to accommodate the growing volume of files over time.

Backup Systems: Implementing a backup solution is crucial to prevent data loss due

to hardware failures or accidental deletions. Backup systems can include external hard

drives, network-attached storage (NAS) devices, or cloud storage services.

Security Equipment: Security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection

systems, and antivirus software should be in place to protect the server and network

from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Power Backup: To ensure uninterrupted operation, a power backup system such as

uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or generators should be installed to provide

backup power during outages.


Secure File Management and Access System for School Faculty via Local

Server requires the following software components:

Operating System: Web Server: Ensure that the server runs a stable, secure

operating system. As well as Linux distributions like Ubuntu Server, CentOS, and

Debian, Windows Server is also a popular choice.

Database Management System: Database management systems (DBMSs) store user

authentication data, file metadata, and access control information. There are several

DBMS options available for web applications, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and


File Management System: The core component of the system is the file management

software itself. This software should provide features such as user authentication, file

upload/download, access control, versioning, and collaboration tools.

Web Application Framework: A web application framework can facilitate the

development of the file management system. Developing web applications with

frameworks such as Django (Python), Ruby on Rails (Ruby), or Laravel (PHP) offers

a structured approach.

Security Tools: Companies should also invest in security training for their employees

to ensure they are aware of the latest threats and best practices. Regularly assessing
and auditing the security of the organization's systems should also be done. Finally,

businesses should have an incident response plan in place to quickly identify and

mitigate any potential threats.

Monitoring and Logging Tools: Setting up monitoring and logging tools involves

several steps. First, choose the appropriate tool based on your system requirements

and budget. Next, install and configure the tool on your server or cloud platform.

Then, define the metrics and events you want to monitor and set up alerts for critical

issues. Finally, regularly review and analyze the logs and metrics to identify patterns,

troubleshoot problems, and improve system performance.

Backup Software: A reliable backup software solution is needed to schedule regular

backups of the system data and files. Backup software should support features like

incremental backups, encryption, and offsite storage options.


1. Review of Related Literature and Studies

a. Review of Local Literature

Enrollment management is “not just an organizational concept: it is

both a process and a series of activities that involve the entire campus”

(Hossler & Bean, 1990). Dennis (1998) defines enrollment management as

forecasting trends that will affect higher education and utilizing research to

plan for the future (Dennis,1998). Second, Dennis lists the following
attributes of those who understand enrollment management. Hossler and

Bean conclude that there are two goals of enrollment management. “First,

to exert more control over the characteristics of the student body and two

control the size of the student body” (& Bean, 1990, p.5) Given these two

perspectives, one would say that enrollment management is concerned

with the attraction and retention of students (Braxton, Vesper, & Hossler,

1995). Donhardt (1995), feels that enrollment management involves the

influence of the whole enrollment picture from recruitment through

graduation. Bateman and Spruill (1995) found that enrollment

management extends to the educational outcomes of attendance. Hossler

and Bean (1990) define enrollment management as “efforts to influence

the characteristics and the size of enrolled student bodies by directing the

activities of the offices of admissions, financial aid, new-student

orientation, career planning, retention, and a number of other student

affairs areas” (Dennis, 1998). Tinto and Russo (1994) report that the

success of enrollment management programs has been only moderately

successful. In traditional way of enrolling, manual enrollment system is

commonly used as a way of enrolling students to and is continuing to be

used nowadays. In manual way of registering and enrolling students they

must have to fill up first using ball pen and an enrollment form sheet given

by their teachers. By the help of different developers and programmers,

they have developed different system about the registration and enrollment

process. Computerized, online registration and online enrollment systems

that helps the school for having an easier process of managing student

b. Review of Local Studies

This study aims to make use of numerous forms of records that are

produced everyday by the DSWD Caraga Philippines. By converting these

records into digital copies these records can solve the current problem of

the government agency of having a hard time retrieving and keeping track

of their record’s whereabouts. They can also use the records to identify

problems by analyzing the data collected and to forecast what will be their

next steps in the upcoming months or years to come.

The method that will be used is by scanning the documents and by

using the PyTesseract to automate the process of extracting the text in

which the python library recognizes it. This library is tested as it is the

wrapper for Google’s Tesseract-OCR Engine. After the converting process

from paper-based to digital documents the records will be then stored to a

capable server of safely storing the data through Django and MySQL

(Jayoma,Moyon&Morales, 2020).

c. Review of Foreign Literature

For decades researchers have discussed and debated the lower levels of

educational achievement of African-American compared with White

students. This achievement gap exists in all school ages. Even when

students arrive at kindergarten, the African-American students are

considerably behind their White peers in measurable cognitive skills

(Nettles, 2003, p.215). There is an endless list of possible reasons for this

racial divide in achievement levels ranging from the following: linguistic

incongruities between home and school culture; differing levels of parental

involvement; lack of cultural and social capital; lower general socio-

economic status; divergent study habits and motivational levels; the fear of

“acting white”; lower teacher expectations, and the quantity and quality of

material they are exposed to (Nettles, 2003, p. 216).

Statistics regarding the existence of an achievement gap. Between 1970

and 1988, the achievement gap between African-American and White

students declined continuously until it was cut by fifty percent. Then,

throughout the 1990’s, the achievement gap began to widen again. To

explain this widening of the gap, it is necessary to closely examine what is

going on (Haycock, 2001, p.6). 7 There are several achievement patterns

which are worthy of noting. In 1999, 1 in 100 African-American 17-year-

olds can read and gather information from a specialized text (such as a

science article in a magazine) compared to 1 in 12 White students. 1 in 100

African-American students can comfortably solve multi-step problems

compared to about 1 in 10 White students. The ratio of African-American

students to White students who are able to compute fractions, solve

percents, and calculate averages was 30 percent to 70 percent. In the 18-24

age group, 90 percent of Whites have either completed high school or

earned a GED while the percentage of African-Americans drops to 81.

Approximately 76 percent of White high school graduates go directly to

college, while 71 percent of African-Americans will go. African-

Americans are only half as likely to earn a bachelor’s degree by the age of

29 as Whites. These statistics do indicate an achievement gap trend

between races (Haycock, 2001, p.7).

d. Review of Foreign Studies

The study first tackled the disadvantages of using third party online file

management systems like Google Drive and One Drive where personal

files of users is stored on their servers which yields the possibility of data

being leaked. Another is the limited storage space and download speed

limitations offered as a free service of these third-party storage providers.

The system is designed for both individual users and organizations that

may require their own storage solutions. They named the system as

FileWallet system because of each users having their own storage like a

wallet where they can share through peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for

distributed storage which reduces the costs instead of opting for an

expensive server infrastructure. The P2P network will be used together

with Hyperledger to enhance security by leveraging blockchain ledgers to

record file operation related transactions which cannot be tampered. For

the security of the file the owner has full control on the access permission

of the file (Chen, Zhang, Yan & Liu, 2021).

2. Conceptual Model of the Study

3. Definition of Terms

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