Network Penetration

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Network Penetration

Table of Contents
Introduction of Network Penetration
Tools used

Goals and Key Concepts Case Studies

Types of Network Penetration Testing Conclusion

Need of Network Penetration Testing


Introduction Importance Definition

In today’s digital age, Organizations across A systematic and

ensuring security of various industries face controlled process of
networks is very constant risks of data evaluating the security of
important. Network breach, network a network infrastructure.
Penetration testing intrusions and other The primary objective is
serves a critical tool in cyber attacks. Securing to identify the
this endeavour, helping networks is essential not vulnerabilities in the
to find vulnerabilities and only to protect sensitive network’s defence, assess
patch them before being data but also to maintain their potential impact
exploited. the trust of the customer. and recommend
mitigation strategies.
Goals and Key Concepts

Goals Key Concepts

• Identify Vulnerabilities : Aims to uncover • Active Testing : Includes actively probing and
vulnerabilities within the network interacting with the network to identify the
infrastructure, including misconfigurations, vulnerabilities. This includes scanning for open
software flaws or weak security controls. ports, brute force attacks etc…

• Assess Potential Impacts : By identifying • Passive Testing : Involves monitoring network

vulnerabilities, penetration testing assesses traffic and system behaviour without actively
the potential impact of exploiting these interacting with the network. Passive tests
weaknesses. focuses on gathering information and analysing
potential security risks without triggering any
• Test Security Controls : Penetration testing alarms.
evaluated the effectiveness of existing
security controls and measures in place to • White Box Testing : Involves conducting
protect the network. It helps the penetration tests with full knowledge of the
organizations to identify gaps in their network’s internal structure, configurations and
defences and prioritize remediation efforts. security controls.

• Black Box Testing : Simulates attack from an

outsider’s perspective , with limited or no
knowledge of the networks internal workings.
External testing evaluates the security of a network from outside it’s perimeter, simulating attacks launched by external
External Testing
entities such as hackers or cybercriminals.

Internal testing evaluates the security of a network from within, simulating attacks that could originate from employees,
Internal Testing
contractors or other authorized users with network access.

Blind testing provides limited information to the penetration testers, simulating attacks where the tester has minimal
Blind Testing
prior knowledge of the network’s infrastructure, systems or security controls.

Double-Blind testing, also known as “Zero Knowledge” testing, provides no prior knowledge to both the penetration
tester and defenders. It simulates real-world scenarios where both parties have no information about each other’s
Testing actions or intentions.

Targeted testing focuses on specific areas or systems within the network, such as critical infrastructure, high-value assets
Targeted Testing
or areas of known vulnerability.
Proactive Vulnerability Identification

Conducting network penetration testing allows organizations to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities within their network
infrastructure before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By identifying weakness in security controls, configurations or software,
organizations can take preventive measures to strengthen their defences and reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks.

Regulatory Compliance

Many industries and sectors are subject to regulatory requirements and compliance standards governing the protection of sensitive data and
information system. Network penetration testing is often a mandatory requirement for compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI
DSS and others. By conducting regular penetration tests, organizations can maintain compliance with regulations and standards.

Mitigating Security Breaches

Penetration testing plays an important role in mitigating security breaches by identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be
exploited by attackers. Penetration testing helps organizations to stay one step ahead of cyber threats by continuously assessing and
improving their defences.

Minimizing Damage to the Network

In the event of a security breach, the damage caused to the network, systems and data can be substantial, resulting in financial
losses, reputational damage and legal liabilities. Network penetration testing helps organizations minimize the damage caused by
cyber attacks by identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Vulnerability Exploitation
Reconnaissance Scanning Reporting

This phase involves This phase involves This phase involves This phase involves This phase involves
collecting actively probing the identifying and attempting to exploit
Schedules documenting the
information about target network or assessing potential identified findings of
the target system or system to identify open vulnerabilities within vulnerabilities to gain penetration test,
network. This ports, services and the target network or unauthorized access including identified
information includes potential vulnerabilities. systems. Automated to the target network vulnerabilities,
IP addresses, It includes conducting tools like vulnerability system. This may successful exploits
domain names, port scans, service scanners are used to include leveraging and
network topology identification, version identify known known exploits, recommendations
etc… detection etc… vulnerability in the custom scripts to for remediation.
systems or networks. bypass security
Tools Used

Scanning Tools Exploitation Tools Forensic Tools Reporting Tools

Scanning tools are used to Exploitation tools are used to Forensic tools are used to Reporting tools are used to
gather information about the exploit identified vulnerabilities analyze and investigate generate comprehensive
target network, identify open in the target environment to security incidents, breaches, reports summarizing the
ports, services, and potential gain unauthorized access, or suspicious activities within findings of the penetration
vulnerabilities. These tools escalate privileges, or execute the target environment. test, including identified
automate the process of malicious code. These tools These tools help penetration vulnerabilities, successful
network discovery and simulate real-world attacks testers collect, preserve, and exploits, and
enumeration, providing and demonstrate the potential analyze digital evidence to recommendations for
valuable insights into the impact of exploiting understand the scope and remediation. These tools help
target environment's vulnerabilities in the target impact of security incidents penetration testers to
infrastructure and network or system. and identify the root cause of communicate their findings
configuration. security breaches. effectively to relevant parties.
Examples: Examples: Examples:

Nmap Metasploit Wireshark Nexpose

Nessus Exploit DB Volatility Faraday

OpenVAS SQLMap Autospy Dradis


Case Study 1 – Equifax Data Breach

In 2017, Equifax, one of the largest credit reporting agencies in the United States, suffered a massive data breach that exposed the personal
information of approximately 147 million consumers. The breach occurred due to a vulnerability in the Apache Struts web application framework
used by Equifax's online dispute portal. Equifax failed to patch a known vulnerability in its web application software, despite a patch being available
for several months. Cybercriminals exploited the vulnerability to gain unauthorized access to Equifax's systems and exfiltrate sensitive data,
including names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses.

Impact :

• The Equifax data breach resulted in significant financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage for the company.

• Equifax faced multiple lawsuits, regulatory investigations, and congressional hearings in the aftermath of the breach.

• The breach severely eroded consumer trust and confidence in Equifax's ability to protect their personal information, leading to widespread
public outrage and calls for stricter data protection regulations.

Conclusion :

• The Equifax data breach highlights the importance of regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address security
vulnerabilities proactively.

• Effective incident response and crisis management strategies are essential for minimizing the impact of security breaches and preserving
stakeholder trust and confidence.

Case Study 2 - Sony PlayStation Network Outage

In April 2011, Sony's PlayStation Network (PSN), an online gaming platform for PlayStation consoles, experienced a prolonged outage following a
cyber attack that compromised the network's security and exposed the personal information of millions of users. Cyber attackers gained
unauthorized access to Sony's network by exploiting vulnerabilities in the company's web application infrastructure. The attackers targeted the PSN's
authentication and database servers, allowing them to exfiltrate sensitive information, including usernames, passwords, email addresses, and credit
card data.

Impact :

• The PSN outage lasted for 23 days, disrupting online gaming services and preventing millions of users from accessing the network.

• Sony estimated the financial losses associated with the breach to be over $171 million, including costs related to forensic investigations, legal
settlements, and compensation for affected users.

• The breach severely damaged Sony's reputation and brand image, leading to a loss of customer trust and confidence in the company's ability to
protect their personal information.

Conclusion :

The PSN outage underscores the importance of robust security measures, such as regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, to
identify and address vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and applications. Organizations must prioritize data protection and implement stringent
security controls, such as encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems, to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access
and exploitation.
Network penetration testing involves simulating attacks on a network to uncover vulnerabilities
Understanding Network Penetration Testing
and weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit.

It helps in identifying various vulnerabilities, including misconfigurations, outdated software, weak

Identification of Vulnerabilities
authentication mechanisms, and potential entry points for attackers.

By conducting penetration tests, organizations can assess the level of risk associated with their
Risk Assessment network infrastructure. This enables them to prioritize remediation efforts based on the severity
of vulnerabilities.

Many industries have regulatory compliance requirements that mandate regular security
Compliance Requirements
assessments, including penetration testing. Compliance with these standards not only ensures
legal adherence but also enhances overall security posture.

Penetration testing goes beyond mere vulnerability scanning by actively exploiting weaknesses
Proactive Security Measures to gauge the effectiveness of existing security controls. This proactive approach helps in
preemptively addressing potential security threats.

Security is an ongoing process, and network penetration testing is an integral part of this
Continuous Improvement continuous improvement cycle. Regular testing allows organizations to adapt to evolving
threats and strengthen their defense mechanisms accordingly.

Effective penetration testing requires a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and

Importance of Expertise knowledge of the latest attack vectors. Engaging skilled professionals or teams ensures
comprehensive testing and accurate assessment of security posture.
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