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Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL

ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom


la l Lhe world largeL and moL populou conLlnenL locaLed prlmarlly ln Lhe eaLern and norLhern
hemlphere lL cover 86 of Lhe LarLh LoLal urface area (or 299 of lL land area) and wlLh
approxlmaLely 4 bllllon people lL hoL 60 of Lhe world currenL human populaLlon uurlng Lhe 20Lh
cenLury la populaLlon nearly quadrupled
la l LradlLlonally deflned a parL of Lhe landma of LuralawlLh Lhe weLern porLlon of Lhe laLLer
occupled by LuropelocaLed Lo Lhe eaL of Lhe Suez Canal eaL of Lhe ural MounLaln and ouLh of Lhe
Caucau MounLaln (or Lhe kumaManych ueprelon) and Lhe Caplan and 8lack Sea lL l bounded on
Lhe eaL by Lhe aclflc Ccean on Lhe ouLh by Lhe lndlan Ccean and on Lhe norLh by Lhe rcLlc Ccean
Clven lL lze and dlverlLy laa Loponym daLlng back Lo clalcal anLlqulLyl more a culLural
concepL lncorporaLlng a number of reglon and people Lhan a homogeneou phylcal enLlLy 1he wealLh
of la dlffer very wldely among and wlLhln lL reglon due Lo lL vaL lze and huge range of dlfferenL
eLhnlc group culLure envlronmenL hlLorlcal Lle and governmenL yLem
la ha been Lhe hlLorlcal blrLhplace of all ma[or world rellglon
Economy of Asia
During 2008 unless otherwise stated
4 billion (60 of the
GD! (!!!) (US$): US$24.077 trillion (2010)
Nominal GD! (Currency) (US$): $18.515 trillion (2010)
GD!capita (!!!) (US$): $7,041 (2009)
GD!capita (Currency) (US$): $4,629 (2009)

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

Annual growth of
per capita GD!:
7.9 (2010)
ncome oI top 10:

Millionaires (US$): 3 million (0.06)
Unemployment: 3.8 (2010 est.)

%0 0conomy of Asia compris0s mor0 tan 4 billion p0opl0 (60% of t0 world population) living in 46
diff0r0nt stat0s. Six furt0r stat0s li0 partly in Asia, but ar0 consid0r0d to b0long to anot0r r0gion
0conomically and politically. Cina is t0 larg0st 0conomy in Asia and t0 s0cond larg0st 0conomy in t0

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

As in all world r0gions, t0 w0alt of Asia diff0rs wid0ly b0tw00n, and witin, stat0s. %is is du0 to its vast
siz0, m0aning a ug0 rang0 of diff0ring cultur0s, 0nvironm0nts, istorical ti0s and gov0rnm0nt syst0ms.
%0 larg0st 0conomi0s in Asia in t0rms of nominal GDP ar0 Cina, Japan, ndia, Sout Kor0a, ndon0sia
and ran. n t0rms of GDP by purcasing pow0r parity, Cina follow0d by Japan, ndia, Sout Kor0a and
ndon0sia ar0 t0 larg0st 0conomi0s in d0cr0asing ord0r.
W0alt (if m0asur0d by GDP p0r capita) is mostly conc0ntrat0d in 0ast Asian t0rritori0s suc as Hong
Kong, Japan, Sout Kor0a, Singapor0 and %aiwan, as w0ll in oil ric Middl0 East0rn countri0s suc as
ran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Unit0d Arab Emirat0s. Asia, wit t0 0xc0ption of Japan, Sout Kor0a, %aiwan,
Hong Kong and Singapor0, is curr0ntly und0rgoing rapid growt and industrialization sp0ar0ad0d by
Cina and ndia - t0 two fast0st growing major 0conomi0s in t0 world. Wil0 0ast Asian and sout0ast
Asian countri0s g0n0rally r0ly on manufacturing and trad0 for growt, countri0s in t0 Middl0 East d0p0nd
mor0 on t0 production of commoditi0s, principally oil, for 0conomic growt. Ov0r t0 y0ars, wit rapid
0conomic growt and larg0 trad0 surplus wit t0 r0st of t0 world, Asia as accumulat0d ov0r US$4
trillion of for0ign 0xcang0 r0s0rv0s - mor0 tan alf of t0 world's total.
Asia as t0 s0cond larg0st nominal GDP of all contin0nts, aft0r Europ0, but t0 larg0st w0n m0asur0d
in PPP. As of 2010, t0 larg0st 0conomi0s in Asia ar0 t0 P0opl0's R0public of Cina, Japan, ndia,
Sout Kor0a and ndon0sia.
n t0 lat0 1990s and 0arly 2000s, t0 0conomi0s of t0 PRC and ndia av0 b00n growing rapidly, bot
wit an av0rag0 annual growt rat0 of mor0 tan 8%. Ot0r r0c0nt v0ry ig growt nations in Asia
includ0 Malaysia, ndon0sia, Pakistan, %ailand, Vi0tnam, Mongolia, Uzb0kistan, Cyprus and
t0Pilippin0s, and min0ral-ric nations suc as Kazakstan, %urkm0nistan, ran, Brun0i, Unit0d Arab
Emirat0s, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Barain andOman.
Cina was t0 larg0st and most advanc0d 0conomy on 0art for muc of r0cord0d istory, until t0 Britis
Empir0 (0xcluding ndia) ov0rtook it in t0 mid 19t c0ntury. Japan as ad for only s0v0ral d0cad0s aft0r
WW2 t0 larg0st 0conomy in Asia and s0cond-larg0st of any singl0 nation in t0 world, aft0r surpassing
t0 Sovi0t Union (m0asur0d in n0t mat0rial product) in 1986 and G0rmany in 1968. (NB: A numb0r of
sup0rnational 0conomi0s ar0 larg0r, suc as t0 Europ0an Union (EU), t0 Nort Am0rican Fr00 %rad0
Agr00m0nt (NAF%A) or APEC).
n t0 lat0 1980s and 0arly 1990s, Japan's GDP was almost as larg0 (curr0nt 0xcang0 rat0 m0tod) as
tat of t0 r0st of Asia combin0d n 1995, Japan's 0conomy n0arly 06ual0d tat of t0 USA as t0 larg0st
0conomy in t0 world for a day, aft0r t0 Japan0s0 curr0ncy r0ac0d a r0cord ig of 79 y0n/dollar.
Economic growt in Asia sinc0 World War to t0 1990s ad b00n conc0ntrat0d in Japan as w0ll as t0
four r0gions of Sout Kor0a, %aiwan, Hong Kong and Singapor0 locat0d in t0 Pacific Rim, known as t0

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

Asian tig0rs, wic av0 now all r0c0iv0d d0v0lop0d country status, aving t0 ig0st GDP p0r capita in
t is for0cast0d tat ndia will ov0rtak0 Japan in t0rms of nominal GDP by 2020. n t0rms of GDP p0r
capita, bot nominal and PPP-adjust0d, Sout Kor0a will b0com0 t0 s0cond w0alti0st country in Asia
by 2025, ov0rtaking G0rmany, t0 Unit0d Kingdom and Franc0. According to MF statistics for t0 y0ar
2010, t0 mostly unr0cogniz0d R0public of Cina PPP-adjust0d GDP p0r capita, at USD 34,743, is
alr0ady ig0r tan tat of Finland, Franc0, or Japan By 2027, according to Goldman Sacs, Cina will
av0 t0 larg0st 0conomy in t0 world. S0v0ral trad0 blocs 0xist, wit t0 most d0v0lop0d b0ing t0
Association of Sout0ast Asian Nations.
Asia is t0 larg0st contin0nt in t0 world by a consid0rabl0 margin, and it is ric in natural r0sourc0s, suc
as p0trol0um, for0sts, fis, wat0r, ric0, copp0r and silv0r. Manufacturing in Asia as traditionally b00n
strong0st in East and Sout0ast Asia, particularly in mainland Cina, %aiwan,Sout Kor0a, Japan, ndia,
Pilippin0s and Singapor0. Japan and Sout Kor0a continu0 to dominat0 in t0 ar0a of multinational
corporations, but incr0asingly mainland Cina and ndia ar0 making significant inroads. Many compani0s
from Europ0, Nort Am0rica, Sout Kor0a and Japan av0 op0rations in Asia's d0v0loping countri0s to
tak0 advantag0 of its abundant supply of c0ap labour and r0lativ0ly d0v0lop0d infrastructur0.
According to Citigroup 9 of 11 Global Growt G0n0rators countri0s cam0 from Asia driv0n by population
and incom0 growt. %0y ar0Banglad0s, t0 P0opl0's R0public of Cina, ndia, ndon0sia, ra6,
Mongolia, Pilippin0s, Sri Lanka and Vi0tnam.[35] Asia as four main financial c0ntr0s: %okyo, Hong
Kong, Singapor0 and Sangai. Call c0ntr0s and busin0ss proc0ss outsourcing (BPOs) ar0 b0coming
major 0mploy0rs in ndia and t0 Pilippin0s du0 to t0 availability of a larg0 pool of igly skill0d,
Englis-sp0aking work0rs. %0 incr0as0d us0 of outsourcing as assist0d t0 ris0 of ndia and t0 Cina
as financial c0ntr0s. Du0 to its larg0 and 0xtr0m0ly comp0titiv0information t0cnology industry, ndia as
b0com0 a major ub for outsourcing.
n 2010, Asia ad 3.3 million of millionair0s and sligtly b0low Nort Am0rica wit 3.4 million of
millionair0s. Last y0ar Asia ad toppl0d Europ0. Millionair0s m0ans av0 wort at l0ast $1 million,
0xcluding t0ir om0s.

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

Trade bIocs
Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement
%0 Asia-Pacific %rad0 Agr00m0nt (AP%A), form0rly call0d t0 Bangkok Agr00m0nt, is t0 only trad0
agr00m0nt bringing tog0t0r Cina and ndia, in addition to Banglad0s and t0 R0public of Kor0a,
among ot0rs. %0 S0cr0tariat of t0 agr00m0nt is provid0d by t0 Unit0d Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and t0 Pacific (ESCAP). Wil0 t0 agr00m0nt cov0rs only a limit0d numb0r of
products, m0mb0rs agr00d in 2009 to impl0m0nt a %rad0 Facilitation Fram0work Agr00m0nt aim0d at
str0amlining trad0 proc0dur0s b0tw00n m0mb0rs.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
%0 Asia-Pacific Economic Coop0ration (APEC) is a group of Pacific Rim countri0s wo m00t wit t0
purpos0 of improving 0conomic and political ti0s. Altoug t0 initial int0ntion was to cr0at0 a fr00 trad0
ar0a cov0ring all m0mb0rsip (wic includ0s Cina, t0 Unit0d Stat0s and Australia, among ot0rs) tis
as fail0d to mat0rializ0.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
%0 Association of Sout0ast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a political, 0conomic, and cultural organization of
countri0s locat0d in Sout0ast Asia. Found0d in 1967, its aim is to fost0r coop0ration and mutual
assistanc0 among m0mb0rs. %0 countri0s m00t annually 0v0ry Nov0mb0r in summits.
%0 curr0nt m0mb0r countri0s of ASEAN ar0 Myanmar (Burma), Laos, %ailand, Cambodia, Vi0tnam,
Pilippin0s, Malaysia, Brun0i Darussalam, Singapor0, East %imor and ndon0sia. Papua N0w Guin0a is
giv0n an obs0rv0r status.
n 2005 ASEAN was instrum0ntal in 0stablising t0 East Asia Summit (involving all ASEAN m0mb0rs
plus Cina, Japan, Sout Kor0a, ndia, Australia and N0w Z0aland) wic som0 av0 propos0d may
b0com0 in t0 futur0 a trad0 bloc, t0 arrang0m0nts for wic ar0 far from c0rtain and not y0t cl0ar.
%0 Asian Curr0ncy Unit (ACU) is a propos0d curr0ncy unit for t0 ASEAN "10+3" 0conomic circl0.
(ASEAN, t0 mainland of t0 P0opl0's R0public of Cina, ndia, Japan, and t0 R0public of Kor0a).
CIoser Economic Partnership Arrangement
%0 Clos0r Economic Partn0rsip Arrang0m0nt (CEPA) is an 0conomic agr00m0nt b0tw00n t0 P0opl0's
R0public of Cina and bot t0 Hong Kong SAR gov0rnm0nt (sign0d on 29 Jun0 2003), and t0Macau
SAR gov0rnm0nt (sign0d on 18 Octob0r 2003), in ord0r to promot0 trad0 and inv0stm0nt facilitation.
%0 main aims of CEPA ar0 to 0liminat0 tariffs and non-tariff barri0r on substantially all t0 trad0 in goods
b0tw00n t0 tr00, and aci0v0 lib0ralization of trad0 in s0rvic0s troug r0duction or 0limination of

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

substantially all discriminatory m0asur0s.

Arab League
%0 Arab L0agu0 is an association of Arab countri0s in Africa and Asia. %0 Arab L0agu0 facilitat0s
political, 0conomic, cultural, sci0ntific and social programs d0sign0d to promot0 t0 int0r0sts of its
m0mb0r stat0s.
CommonweaIth of Independent States

Flag of t0 Commonw0alt of nd0p0nd0nt Stat0s
%0 Commonw0alt of nd0p0nd0nt Stat0s (CS) is a conf0d0ration consisting of 12 of t0 15 stat0s of
t0 form0r Sovi0t Union, bot Asian and Europ0an (t0 0xc0ptions b0ing t0 tr00 Baltic stat0s).
Altoug t0 CS as f0w supranational pow0rs, it is mor0 tan a pur0ly symbolic organization and
poss0ss0s coordinating pow0rs in t0 r0alm of trad0, financ0, lawmaking and s0curity. %0 most
significant issu0 for t0 CS is t0 0stablism0nt of a full-fl0dg0d fr00 trad0 zon0 / 0conomic union
b0tw00n t0 m0mb0r stat0s, to b0 launc0d in 2005. t as also promot0d coop0ration on
d0mocratisation and cross-bord0r crim0 pr0v0ntion.
South Asian Association for RegionaI Cooperation
%0 Sout Asian Association for R0gional Coop0ration (SAARC) is an association of 8 countri0s of Sout
Asia, nam0ly Banglad0s, Butan, ndia, Maldiv0s, N0pal,Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Afganistan. %0s0
countri0s compris0 an ar0a of 5 130 746 km and a fift of t0 population of t0 world.
SAARC 0ncourag0s coop0ration in agricultur0, rural d0v0lopm0nt, sci0nc0 and t0cnology, cultur0,
0alt, population control, narcotics control and anti-t0rrorism.
South Asia Free Trade Agreement
%0 Sout Asia Fr00 %rad0 Agr00m0nt is an agr00m0nt r0ac0d at t0 12t Sout Asian Association for
R0gional Coop0ration summit. t cr0at0s a fram0work for t0 cr0ation of a fr00 trad0 zon0 cov0ring 1.6
billion p0opl0 in ndia, Pakistan, N0pal, Sri Lanka, Banglad0s, Butan and t0 Maldiv0s. t cam0 into
0ff0ct on 1 January 2006.

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

Economic sectors

Primary Sector
Asia is by a consid0rabl0 margin t0 larg0st contin0nt in t0 world, and is ric in natural r0sourc0s. %0
vast 0xpans0 of t0 form0r Sovi0t Union, particularly tat of Russia, contains a ug0 vari0ty of m0tals,
suc as gold, iron, l0ad, titanium, uranium, and zinc. %0s0 m0tals ar0 min0d, but in0ffici0ntly du0 to
continu0d us0 of poorly maintain0d, obsol0t0 macin0ry l0ft ov0r from t0 communist 0ra. N0v0rt0l0ss,
profits ar0 ig du0 to a commodity pric0 boom in 2003/2004 caus0d larg0ly by incr0as0d d0mand in
Cina. Oil is Soutw0st Asia's most important natural r0sourc0. Saudi Arabia, ra6, and Kuwait ar0 ric in
oil r0s0rv0s and av0 b0n0fit0d from r0c0nt oil pric0 0scalations.
Asia is om0 to som0 four billion p0opl0, and tus as a w0ll 0stablis0d tradition in agricultur0. Hig
productivity in agricultur0, 0sp0cially of ric0, allows ig population d0nsity of many countri0s suc as
Banglad0s, Pakistan, sout0rn Cina, Cambodia, ndia, and Vi0tnam. Agricultur0 constitut0s a ig
portion of land usag0 in warm and umid ar0as of Asia. Many illsid0s ar0 farm0d in a t0rrac0 m0tod to
boost arabl0 land. %0 main agricultural products in Asia includ0 ric0 and w0at. Opium is on0 of major
cas crops in C0ntral and Sout0ast Asia, particularly in Afganistan, toug its production is proibit0d
0v0ryw0r0. For0stry is 0xt0nsiv0 trougout Asia 0xc0pt Soutw0st and C0ntral Asia, wit many of t0
it0ms of furnitur0 sold in t0 d0v0lop0d nations mad0 out of Asian timb0r. Fising is a major sourc0 of
food, particularly in Japan.
Secondary Sector
%0 manufacturing s0ctor in Asia as traditionally b00n strong0st in t0 East r0gion - particularly in Cina,
%aiwan, Japan, Sout Kor0a and Singapor0. %0 industry vari0s from manufacturing c0ap low valu0
goods suc as toys to ig-t0c add0d valu0 goods suc as comput0rs, CD play0rs, Gam0s consol0s,
mobil0 pon0s and cars. Major Asian manufacturing compani0s ar0 mostly bas0d in 0it0r Sout Kor0a
or Japan. %0y includ0 Samsung, Hyundai, LG, and Kia from Sout Kor0a, and Sony, %oyota, %osiba,
and Honda from Japan. Many d0v0lop0d-nation firms from Europ0, Nort Am0rica, Japan and Sout
Kor0a av0 significant op0rations in t0 d0v0loping Asia to tak0 avantag0 of t0 abundant supply of
c0ap labor. On0 of t0 major 0mploy0rs in manufacturing in Asia is t0 t0xtil0 industry. Muc of t0
world's supply of cloting and footw0ar now originat0s in Sout0ast Asia and Sout Asia, particularly in
Vi0tnam, Cina, ndia, %ailand, Banglad0s, Pakistan, and ndon0sia.

Notes 8y HuII CLuvun MnduL
ConLacL +91 9981374946 L Mall kallmodak[gmallcom

Tertiary Sector

A vi0w of t0 %id0l Park in C0nnai. Softwar0 industri0s of lat0, av0 b00n outsourc0d to Asian citi0s as
suc for good infrastructur0, 0ffici0nt man-pow0r & c0ap labour.
Asia as s0v0n important financial c0nt0rs, locat0d in Dubai, Bangalor0, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Sangai,
Singapor0 and %okyo. ndia as b00n on0 of t0 gr0at0st b0n0ficiari0s of t0 0conomic boom. %0
country as 0m0rg0d as on0 of t0 world's larg0st 0xport0rs of softwar0 and ot0r information t0cnology
r0lat0d s0rvic0s. World class ndian softwar0 giants suc as nfosys, HCL, Wipro, Maindra Satyam and
%CS av0 0m0rg0d as t0 world's most sougt aft0r s0rvic0 provid0rs. Call c0nt0rs ar0 also b0coming
major 0mploy0rs in ndia and Pilippin0s du0 to t0 availability of many w0ll 0ducat0d Englis sp0ak0rs.
H0r0 again ndia olds clos0 to 60% of t0 trad0 sar0. %0 ris0 of t0 Busin0ss Proc0ss Outsourcing
(BPO) industry as s00n t0 ris0 of ndia and Cina as t0 ot0r financial c0nt0rs. Exp0rts b0li0v0 tat
t0 curr0nt c0nt0r of financial activity is moving toward "Cindia" - a nam0 us0d for jointly r0f0rring to
Cina and ndia - wit Sangai and Mumbai, Bangalor0 b0coming major financial ubs in t0ir own rigt.
Ot0r growing t0cnological and financial ubs includ0 Daka (Banglad0s), C0nnai (ndia), N0w D0li
(ndia), S0oul (Sout Kor0a), Pun0 (ndia), Hyd0rabad (ndia), S0nz0n (Cina), Kolkata (ndia), Jakarta
(ndon0sia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Karaci (Pakistan), Laor0 (Pakistan), M0tro Manila (Pilippin0s),
C0bu (Pilippin0s) and Bangkok (%ailand).

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