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e-Puskesmas - Grafik https://kotametro.epuskesmas.


Grafik Penyakit Terbanyak

01-01-2021 s/d 31-12-2021


J00-Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 891

I10-Essential (primary) hypertension 832

K30-Dyspepsia 525

I11-Hypertensive heart disease 362

M79.1-Myalgia 351

L23-Allergic contact dermatitis 310

E11.6-Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with other specified complications 296

M15-Polyarthrosis 282

J44-Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 227

K29.7-Gastritis, unspecified 225

Total 4301

1 of 1 12/23/2022, 10:42 AM

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