LS - Role of Legal Education in The Development of Students

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The Role of Legal Education in the Development of Students' Personal

Competencies: Students' and Teachers' Perspectives
One of the main goals of the educational institution is to enable a person/student to become
active, independent and responsible, to promote the personal skills and competences (including
knowledge, skills and values) of a student, enabling them to shape their own and the
community’s life independently, critically.

Democracy requires knowledge of Legacy, so a clear and strict National policy on Legal
education is needed. In Lithuania, the program of legal education of the society was approved in
2008. Legal education is described as an activity where a person has possibilities to acquire legal
knowledge and skills, is acquainted with legal regulations and the actual legal system, human
rights, freedoms, responsibilities and the ways of protection of human rights.
According to research, legal education at educational institutions aims to ensure the development
of knowledge, skills, and values that are consistent with legal rules. It affects the development of
students' personal competencies in such a way that students are able to respect the law, morality,
and other social standards in their daily lives, as dictated by internalised legal culture and
The purpose of this special session is to highlight the relevance of legal education in the
development of children's personal skills. The study was based on students in grades 10–12 and
educational professionals (educators)' opinions of the reality and values of legal education.

Ques. What do you think that the most significant topics in legal education are ….?
Human Obligations and Human Rights and Freedoms; educators and students have a different
understanding of them.
The topics that are scarce in legal education for children are, for example, International Law,
while educators think that children lack most of all the education on Human Obligations and
Laws, their purpose in society. Students and educators share the conception that most of all legal
education develops students’ skills to argue and express their reasoned opinion, to collaborate
and solve problems rationally; legal education promotes and strengthens a person’s respect of
themselves and others, tolerance and responsibility.

In daily life, according to the respondents, legal education most of all is helpful in defending
personal rights and in addressing community issues.

©2020 by LEGAL SPECTIVE. All Rights Reserved

Ways of spreading legal awareness

 We can spread legal awareness by educating people about their rights, about their duties
and about new laws and provisions.
 First, all we need is a good plan for this purpose. Law Institution consisting Legal Aid
Committee can do a lot. The law students in these committees, although lacking legal
expertise, have the ability to not only spread awareness but also help enforce the basic
rights of those in undeveloped regions.
 For example, they can associate themselves with an RTI activist organization and help
people file RTIs. It is not uncommon for these students to visit rural and undeveloped
areas to talk to the people.
 In some cases, they also organize street plays in the local languages and perform it
weekly, each time in a different area. They even help people get in touch with lawyers
who can file PILs or other petitions or suits for them. Visiting jails and helping inmates
apply for balls or deportation is also part of their programmes.
 For the purpose posters and paintings can be a better idea. Sticking posters or painting
the same matter on trucks and public vehicles is much better idea. But the use of words
should be as less as possible. Rather, pictures should dominate such posters as pictures
relate more to an illiterate citizen.
 Even if such person does not understand what the picture is about, the picture should be
such that, at the very least, that person will ask someone else what it is about.
 An animated picture of domestic violence or a real picture of a happy farmer and his
family are just some of the many such images that could generate curiosity and interest.
It is not practical to make posters of every language. Flow of language changes every few
kilometres. Images will speak louder to these people than words.

©2020 by LEGAL SPECTIVE. All Rights Reserved

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