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2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 01번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ It can often feel frustrating and pointless to argue with a

conspiracist. ❷ Highlighting logical contradictions or a lack of

reliable evidence, even showing them evidence that counters their ■ Teacher’s Note
★ 출처 – 『The Joy of Science
claim, can seem like a waste of time when you don’t make (2022)』, by Jim Al-Khalili, on
page 111
progress in changing a person’s mind. ❸ But that does not mean

you shouldn’t try. ❹ What you should not do is accuse another

person of ignorance or stupidity, however tempting that might be

in the heat of an argument. ❺ Instead, examine where they have

obtained their evidence; ask them what the chances are that the

conspiracy could have been kept a secret by so many people.

❻ The Moon landing hoax is a good example of a conspiracy

theory that is difficult to justify on these grounds, as it requires

tens of thousands of people working for NASA and the many

other industries that supported the Apollo missions to have been

‘in on it’ and to have remained silent for half a century. ❼ Just as

importantly, try to understand their underlying concerns and why it

is that they believe, or want to believe, what they do.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 02번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ Many sports involve interpreting and anticipating the behavior

of other athletes. ❷ In basketball, for example, an athlete not only

must execute actions in light of her immediate goals and overall ■ Teacher’s Note
★ 출처 – 『Handbook of Embodied
game strategy, she also must coordinate her actions with her Cognition and Sport Psychology
(2019)』, by Massimiliano L. Cappuccio,
on page 13
teammates’ complementary actions and opponents’ disruptive,

incompatible actions. ❸ Coordinating her actions with teammates

and opponents requires interpreting their behavior and anticipating

what they will do next. ❹ For instance, she must recognize when

an opponent is driving to the basket, anticipate the positions her

teammates will be in when the opponent is driving to the basket,

and decide whether to pursue the driving opponent or let a

better-positioned teammate step in to defend against the drive.

❺ This dynamic interaction happens very quickly, and superior

athletes are more highly skilled at coordinating their behavior with

teammates and opponents’ behavior.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 03번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ We all have an intuitive sense of what “politics” means, but

may find it harder to define the term precisely. ❷ Modern political

science offers a clear and helpful concept: politics is collective

■ Teacher’s Note
choice that is binding on a community. ❸ To see this, draw a ★ 출처 – couldn’t be found on
the Internet.
contrast between politics as the domain of collective choice and

economics as the domain of individual choice. ❹ Economic

choices — for example, what to consume or produce, or what

kind of employment to engage in — are individual and voluntary.

❺ Such choices will be constrained — we may not be able to buy

everything we want, or choose the exact job we want — but they

are not coerced. ❻ We make these choices, and no one else

forces us to do so. ❼ Furthermore, these choices affect only the

person who makes them and other, similarly consenting individuals

who freely enter into voluntary, contractual relationships. ❽ By

contrast, political choices are collective and binding. ❾ They may

be a consequence of individual decisions (in a dictatorship, the

choice of a single leader; in a democracy, the choices of a

majority of citizens), but everyone in the community is obliged to

accept these decisions whether or not they support them.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 04번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ It is not perhaps surprising that prior experience affects the

interpretation of and response to symptoms. ❷ Having a history

of particular symptoms or experience of illness in others (i.e. ■ Teacher’s Note

★ 출처 – couldn’t be found on
vicarious experience) generates assumptions about the meaning the Internet.

and implications of some symptoms. ❸ Also, symptoms considered

to be rare in either one’s own experience, or in that of others, are

more likely to be interpreted as serious than a previously

experienced or widespread symptom. ❹ Believing symptoms to be

‘just a bug that’s going round’ can mean that people sometimes

ignore potentially dangerous ‘warning signals’. ❺ A knowledge of

which bodily signs are associated with particular behaviour or

illnesses (e.g. sweats and exercise, sweats and flu) will enable

interpretation of the symptom and attachment of a meaning to it.

❻ These reserves of knowledge are known as ‘disease prototypes’.

❼ Relevant to the ongoing (at the time of writing) coronavirus

outbreak is the earlier finding that people tend to perceive novel

viral threats as higher in risk compared to more common threats

such as influenza.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 05~06번 (1) ■ Subject / Title

❶ Following the dramatic arc of sporting contests and athletic

careers allows us to witness the efforts of athletes to live good

human lives — to pursue excellence, victory, fame, and fortune

■ Teacher’s Note
★ 출처 – 『The Ethics of Sports
and also to deal with failure and loss. ❷ And while the drama of
Fandom (2021)』, by Adam Kadlac

a play or novel is the scripted drama of the author’s creation, the

drama of sport is that of real people who must live with the

consequences of their decisions. ❸ This is one reason why I reject

the idea that sports should be sharply separated from “real life.”

❹ When we watch sports, we are not watching characters. ❺ The

actor who plays Romeo doesn’t die at the end of the

performance; he gets to leave the character’s plight behind when

he goes home. ❻ By contrast, injuries that players suffer in the

pursuit of their goals are not rehearsed, and the quarterback of

the losing team does not get to divest himself of the game’s

result. ❼ If these features of sports do not necessarily make

sports an encouragement to ethical reflection that is superior to

drama or literature, I think they at least show that sports are not

inferior in this regard. ❽ At a minimum, I want to insist that if it

makes sense to regard the plays of Shakespeare as legitimate

sources for our own thinking about the nature of the good life,

then there is no reason to think that sports are less capable of

igniting such reflective capacities.

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 05~06번 (2) ■ Teacher’s Note

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 07번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ Participants who volunteer for a study must be allowed to

discontinue participation. ❷ If research participants feel stressed,

tired, or otherwise unable to continue the study to completion, ■ Teacher’s Note

there should be no stated threat of penalty for withdrawing. ❸ The FOR EVERYDAY LIFE Blending
Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches(2008)』, by SCOTT W.
informed consent should make it clear what the results of
JOHNSTON, on page 14
terminating will be, even if the probability of withdrawal is low.

❹ One approach to this problem is to provide participants with

prorated compensation based on the percentage of the study they

completed. ❺ If participants are being paid $25 for participating in

a focus group, and the focus group begins to explore issues that

make the participant uneasy, a withdrawing participant should be

paid for the part of the focus group that she or he completed.

❻ For college students who participate for course credit, such

partial credit could be harder to construct — but you should have

a plan, especially if you think participants might not finish the

study. ❼ As with many parts of the research process, it is wise to

prepare for low-probability events.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 08번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ Reproduction is a fundamental problem for all organisms.

❷ Animal species exhibit a diverse range of strategies to produce

offspring, which often require large inputs of energy and are

■ Teacher’s Note
★ 출처 – 『An Ecology of High-
associated with major risks to their survival. ❸ Among mammals,
Altitude Infancy: A Biocultural
Perspective (2004)』, by Andrea S.
females undergo more direct costs of reproduction insofar as they Wiley, on page 1

carry (literally) the burden of embryonic and fetal growth and

nourishment of the young through lactation. ❹ Thus the health of

a female mammal directly affects reproductive outcome, both in

terms of her fertility and the survival or death of her offspring.

❺ Human females experience these costs as a function of their

mammalian heritage, but the variety of environments they inhabit

generates substantial differences in the reproductive risks that

women face. ❻ Their abilities to reduce these risks are important

determinants of individual and population differences in maternal

and child health and survival.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 09번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ Galileo studied terrestrial gravitation not by asking about the

nature of gravity, but by observing how objects behave when

gravity acts on them. ❷ In particular, he did a series of ■ Teacher’s Note

★ 출처 – 『Science Matters:
Achieving Scientific Literacy (200
experiments on balls rolling down inclined planes (the purpose of
9)』, by Robert M. Hazen, James
Trefil, on page 14
the incline being, in his words, to “dilute” gravity enough so that

he could measure the time it took for the ball to roll with the

primitive clocks available to him). ❸ By meticulously measuring the

time it took the ball to travel various distances, he was able to

find out how the speed of the ball changed in transit. ❹ His

bottom line: Terrestrial gravity causes all objects to accelerate the

same amount, regardless of their mass, and the rate of that

acceleration is constant. ❺ These simple observations allowed

Galileo and his contemporaries to understand (and predict) things

like the fall of a stone or the arc of a cannonball. ❻ They are the

basic facts that tell you everything you need to know about how

unsupported objects behave at the surface of our planet.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 10번 ■ Subject / Title

❶ The rule about not being a hero isn’t about not taking action.

❷ This rule is about being a bigger person and having the good

sense to walk away from a potential confrontation — even if there

■ Teacher’s Note
is a part of you that doesn’t want to. ❸ Trust me. ❹ I know how ★ 출처 – 『Spy Secrets That Can
Save Your Life: A Former CIA
Officer Reveals Safety and
hard this can be. ❺ I was running early one morning in Baltimore,
Survival Techniques to Keep You
and Your Family Protected (201
Maryland, toward the inner harbor. ❻ I noticed two guys on the 5)』, by Jason Hanson, on page 4

sidewalk ahead of me. ❼ I was in my jogging clothes, and they

were fully dressed walking around at 6 a.m., which is a bit

unusual. ❽ As I ran toward them, I saw them look at each other

and then spread apart, creating a situation in which I’d have to

run between the two of them. ❾ If I had placed myself between

them, who knows what they might have done? ❿ I decided to

play it safe: run across the street, making sure to give them eye

contact and let them know I’m paying attention. ⓫ Maybe it was

nothing. ⓬ Maybe they had six friends around the corner and

they were going to rob me. ⓭ My main point is that I didn’t let

my ego get in the way; I didn't feel a need to prove myself by

running between them and risk a potentially dangerous situation.

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 11~12번 (1) ■ Subject / Title

❶ Ownership of the media gives control over the nature of the

information distributed. ❷ Proponents of public ownership of the

media argue that because information is a public good — that is,

■ Teacher’s Note
once it has been supplied to some consumers it is hard to keep it ★ 출처 – 『The Right to Tell: The
Role of Mass Media in Economic
Development (2002)』, by Roumeen
away from others who have not paid for it — private owners tend
Islam, on page 5

to provide less information than would be socially desirable. ❸ They

also argue that with private ownership the media industry runs the

risk of representing the views of only a narrow group in society,

and state ownership of the media is necessary to expose the

public to desirable cultural or educational themes or values.

❹ Opponents of public ownership argue that government control

of the media can be used to manipulate people and distort the

information supplied in the incumbent government’s favor.

❺ Moreover, experience shows that government-owned enterprises

are less likely to be responsive to consumer demand. ❻ Finally,

government-owned media are not subject to competition, thus

giving rise to the danger of both poor-quality production and

inefficiencies. ❼ A recent article on the British Broadcasting

Corporation (BBC) claims that government ownership makes it

harder than it would otherwise be for other media companies to

grow. ❽ The article claims that the large amounts of tax revenue

that are given to the BBC give it an advantage relative to private

companies. ❾ It also contends that as a private company, the BBC

would be more dynamic, and therefore better able to compete

with global media firms.

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

2025학년도 수능특강 <영어독해> 수업용자료 B 05강

▶ 11~12번 (2) ■ Teacher’s Note

■ Vocabulary

★ 무단도용, 타사이트 게시, 온라인 파일 배포, 상업적 목적의 제본 및 판매 금지 ★

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