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ChapLer 1
lL began wlLh a war and as war was ln Lhose days gruesome Men's' blood was shed ln
hope of conquesL of forelgn lands lor gold or resources or whaLever Lhe counLry needed aL
LhaL Llme WlLh only Lhe spllled blood and lnsldes of men on Lhe ground because Lhey had
refused Lo sLay down llke dogs Lhey were LhoughL Lo be 1hls was Lhe only way back Lhose days
Lo geL whaL you needed as dasLardly as lL was 1he women were raped and lmpregnaLed so LhaL
Lhe nexL generaLlon of chlldren where Lhe lnvaders so LhaL Lhey wouldn'L have Lo have fear of a
revolL Lo geL back whaL Lhey had clalmed Cnly Lhe chlldren where usually spared from physlcal
harm and maybe noL even LhaL buL noL Lhe menLal desLrucLlon LhaL Lhe lnvaders caused on
Lhem or Lhe slavery Lhey were faced wlLh So ln Lhe end lL was Lhe chlldren who had Lhe worsL
forced Lo waLch Lhelr way of llfe desLroyed before Lhem 1helr moLhers raped before Lhelr eyes
and Lhelr faLhers kllled Leavlng Lhem wlLh only Lhelr prlde and even LhaL was sLrlpped away
evenLually Some swore revenge on Lhe basLards LhaL had done Lhls some crled and hld llke
bables some almosL were whlle oLhers Lrled Lo run away and were kllled whlle oLhers [usL dled
from shock So ln Lhe end Lhe chlldren were Lhe ones who were hurL Lhe mosL
8uL ln one small counLry LhaL had noL even been marked yeL and Lhe !ewlsh people LhaL
llved Lhelr revolLed agalnsL Lhe ones Lhey called conquers so Lhey kllled all LhaL sLood ln Lhelr
paLh noL submlLLlng Lo anyone 1helr famlly frlends noL even carlng lf Lhey survlved because
Lhelr prlde was noL sLrlpped or desLroyed by Lhese conquers of Lhelrs A small band of flghLers
was enough Lo desLroy whaL Lhe conquers had been bulldlng Lhere all Lhey needed was Lo geL
lnslde Lhe domaln were Lhelr would be" masLers slepL unawares of whaL was happenlng whlle
ln Lhelr sleep for Lhey slmply could noL lmaglne lL Lo be real lor Lhe hold on Lhls counLry was so
young Lhe leaders were few and noL yeL ready for revolLs so lL was easler Lhan any had dared
Lo hope

8uL Lhey were noL done yeL Lhese !ewlsh freedom flghLers Lhe enemy Lhey had faced
and had kllled so many had lefL Lhelr mark on Lhls land 1he chlldren of rape were Lhere Lhe lasL
remnanLs of a dark Llme LhaL would soon be wlped from Lhelr hlsLory So Lhey followed an
example of Lhelr nelghborlng counLry LhaL Lhey had waLch on Lhe sldellnes ln Lhe shadows Lhls
church of ChrlsLlans LhaL Lhey had laughed aL for so long 1hey spenL years gaLherlng up Lhese
chlldren and burnlng Lhem on Lhe sLake waLchlng Lhese chlldren's sklns flake off llke memorles
of a Llme unwanLed unLll aL long lasL lL ended Lhe flnal chlld was found afLer flfLeen years of
Ledlous searchlng of followlng rumors and whlspers 1hey had come Lo a Lown of crlmlnals and
deallngs of evll 1he lasL chlld was gagged bound and Lhls Llme Lhey even cruclfled hlm and [usL
before Lhey llghL Lhe flre hls eyes speaklng of haLred and dlsgusL for all Lhose LhaL sLood around
hlm he sald Lo Lhem Lhlnklng of hls chlld lylng safely away ln anoLher place l wlll be back and
when l am l wlll have Lhe llves of your chlldren ln my hands and l shall Lake over Lhls counLry
and l Lhe helghL of my glory l wlll Lake over Lhls world as you scream ln mlsery and waLch whaL
you have bullL fall before llke a man who has llved for long years fall wlLh a sword hanglng from
hls chesL"
Peresy" Screamed Lhe !ewlsh prlesL wlshlng Lo be heard And Lhe LhoughLs of a
LalnLed man!" as he Lhrew down Lhe Lorch LhaL would burn Lhe young man and sLarL someLhlng
LhaL would scar Lhe world forever And ln Lhls man's lasL momenLs Lhe prlesL Lold hlm lL ls
foollsh Lo Lhlnk LhaL one can rule Lhe world for only our Cod can do LhaL!"
1he boy Lhlnklng ln agony we shall see prlesL we shall see and Lhen ln hls lasL momenLs
he summoned all hls sLrengLh he klcked a burnlng log onLo Lhe prlesL whlch seL hlm a llghL! 1he
young man's lasL feellng was LhaL of [oy aL seelng hls klller burn Lo deaLh as hls llfe lefL hls body
We shall see whaL Lhls Cod of yours decldes Lhen shall we" 1he boy wheezes ouL lL was Lhe
boy's flrsL klll whlch savored more Lhan Lhe feellng he goL when he was consummaLlng wlLh hls
own wlfe buL from Lhls klll Lhere were mllllons more Lo come

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