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ee a2 WUAJAL 9). Nomenclature —> Functions Classification Chain length i Total carbon atoms BdAbiecdeduilh. Fk Short- 2-6 BF Saturated b Essential Fk Medium: 8-14 EI Fk Unsaturated bk Non-essential F Long: 14-24 F Branched Very long: >24 F tiyaroxy 2 syout ~ eset tion» AUAJAL 2» BLU S eM A 2 « Design’ Transition: Animation: Slide TAN Font |. According to presence or absence of double bonds they are classified into: ° A-Saturated Fatty Acids * they contain no double bonds with 2-24 or more carbons. * They are solid at room temperature except if they are short chained. * They may be even or odd numbered. They have the following molecular formula, CaH2n41 COOH. ck to add notes - e Super ah Pnd ie eee Ba Replace ~ srape sm ca eine | lg sama o. taang = Saturated fatty acids (no double ) A-Short chain Saturated F.A. (2-10 carbon). a-Short chain Saturated volatile F.A.(2-6 carbon). b- Short chain Saturated non volatile F.A.(7-10 carbon). B-Long chain Saturated F.A.(more the10 carbon) dk to add notes aT Design Transitions put > et BIruS&N- al A jon 2 Font Paragraph a Drawing a-Volatile short-chain fatty acids: * They are liquid in nature and contain (1-6) carbon atoms. * water-soluble and volatile at rgom temperature, e.g., acetic, butyric, and caproic acids. Acetic RA. (2C) CH;-COOH. * Butyric RA. (4C) CHs-(CH,).-COOH. Caproic F.A.(6C) CHs-(CH,),-COOH. ick to add notes x animations SlideShow Restew View Oe Shapes Arrange “aw Brus&™ & 7 e b-Non-volatile short-chain fatty acids: JAJAL 28” = * They are solids at room temperature and contain 7-10 carbon atoms. * They are water-soluble and non-volatile at room temperature include caprylic and capric FA. * caprylic(8C) CH,-(CH,),-COOH. * Capric(10C) —CH,-(CH,),-COOH. ee ‘0 add notes rw 2a Replace > Lp Select » B-Long-chain fatty acids: + They contain more than 10 carbon atoms. + They occur in hydrogenated oils, animal fats, butter and coconut and palm oils. + They are non-volatile and water-insdluble = Include palmitic, stearic, and lignoceric F.A. + palmitie(16C) CHs-{CH2),e-COOK « stearic (18 C) CHy-(CH,),g°COOH * lignoceric (2ac) CHy-(CH2)22>COOH nyout ~ eset 73a tion | BL US de M- ae A | Sy SMES Arange i ‘yles~ dave Etec: Font .g: B-Unsaturated Fatty Acids They contain double bond * monounsaturated they contain one double bonds. i (CyHan-1 COOH) * polyunsaturated more than1 cooH). they contain more the one double bond (C,H,,,. 1-Monounsaturated fatty acids: i-Palmitoleic acid : =Fatmitoleic acid * Itis found in all fats. * Itis C16:1A9, ie., has 16 carbons and one double bond located at carbon number 9 and involving carbon 10. CH,-{ CH, )gCH = CH-(CH,)) -cooH ne ae Design t- a ‘Shapes Arrar cue By, | pe Ammen Daguoe ets ~ | Ie See Paragraph Eating ne BLU Se | Font 2-Oleic acid * Is the most common fatty acid in natural fats. * Itis C18:1A9, i.e., has 18 carbons and one double bond located at carbon number 9 and involving carbon 10. CH,-(CH,))- CH=CH = (CH,),-COOH a eee Niew OO —- «Cel i : ee wD @, = am —S To Shapes arrange oo Se Reolace - le Sele = 3-Nervonic acid (Unsaturated lignoceric acid). * — Itis found in cerebrosides. * Itis C24:1A15, i.e., has 24 carbions and one double bond located at carbon number 15 and involving carbon 16. CHy = (CH2)7 CH= CH = (CH,),3- COOH ign Tamsin —_ Animation ver . 2@ +B os. lh Ga Sn Shape Fil rin Boe ee ey DC nmcovtne | Batenus = jBruset aA Ewa Shapes Arange CNC Spapettted: © Uy Select Font = Paragraon ‘ Dravang tata 2-Polyunsaturated fatty acids : (Essential fatty acids): Definition: They are essential fatty acids that can not be synthesized in the human body and must be taken in adequate amounts in the diet. They are required for normal growth and metabolism 2a ~ BE Ss ny on US ea * Source: vegetable oils such as corn oil, linseed oil, peanut oil, olive oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and many other plant oils, cod liver oil and animal fats. * Deficiency: Their deficiency in the diet leads to nutrition deficiency disease. * Its symptoms include: poor growth and health with susceptibility to infections, dermatitis, decreased capacity to reproduce, impaired transport of lipids, fatty liver, and lowered resistance to stress. sign Transitions aes Bru S&eM asa animation: Slide Show nee / Outline ~ hq Replace ~ i apave Ettects © | Uy Select = Eating Function of Essential Fatty Acids: They are useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis by help transporting blood cholesterol and lowering it and b transporting triglycerides. i: The hormones are synthesized from them. They enter in structure of all cellular an. subcellular membranes and the transporting plasm: phospholipids. They are essential for skin integrity, normal growth and reproduction. They have an important role in blood clotting (intrinsic factor). Importantin Preventing and treating fatty liver, Important role in health of the retina and vision. They can be oxidized for energy production. Design Transitions s ee eB) ’ lla Pe gy Sniper AA Fnd BCU sea A ee SBE SD snapes aang cou, eT Otte | Ee perme 5 | ON ee apace ettects~ | Uy sete ~ fata Font A Paragraph sion + Function of Essential Fatty Acids: , kh They are useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis by help transporting blood cholesterol and lowering it and transporting triglycerides. 2. The hormonesare synthesized from them. They enter in structure of all cellular and. subcellular membranes and the transporting plasm phospholipids. They are essential for skin integrity, normal growth and reproduction. 5. They have animportant rol factor). 6. Importantin Important role in health of the reti They can be oxidized for energy production. le in blood clotting (intrinsic preventing and treating fatty liver. ina and vision. 1-Linoleic: * C18:2A9, 12. * Itis the most important since other essential fatty acids can be synthesized from it in the body. Cly-(CH,)q-CH = CH-CH,-CH=CH-(CH,);-COOH . 2-Linolenic acid: * C18:3A9, 12, 15, * in corn, linseed, peanut, olive, cottonseed and soybean oils. I CH,-CH,-CH=CH-CH,-CH=CH-CH,-CH=CH- (CH,),-COOH 3-Arachidonie acid: * €20:4A5, 8, 11, 14. * Itis an important component of phospholipids in animal and in peanut oil from which prostaglandins are synthesized. CHg-(CH,)q-CH=CH-CH,-CH=CH-CH,-CH=CH-CH,- CH=CH-(CH,),-COOH

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