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Student teacher: Mompoloki Gabathusi ID: 202106488 Programe: Bed Science

Topic: Water DATE: 17/04/24 Time: 1530-1550


We teach about water to students because it's essential for life, understanding its properties, is crucial
for their education and the future of our planet.


 Describe physical properties of pure water

 Carry out a chemical test for water


 Beaker
 Water
 Dropper
 Test tube


In this lesson, students will learn about the physical properties of pure water, including its molecular
structure, density, and ability to dissolve various substances. They will also explore how to carry out
chemical tests to identify the presence of water,
Stages and time Teaching and learning activities Purpose of activities
Introduction (2Min) Begin the lesson by To walk student through the
discussing the importance of topic so that they can
water in our daily lives. appreciate the significance of
water and why they should
learn about this natural

Introduce the objectives of To give them an overview of

the lesson: to understand the what they are going to learn in
physical properties of water today’s lesson as to help them
and how to conduct a channel the right energy and
chemical test for its presence. optimum effort required by the
Circulate sample of pure This is to engage the student in
Development Stage 1 (8min) water in the class. the lesson and help create
(Physical properties of water) visual memory.
Have students observe and
note down the physical
properties of water, such as
color, odor, taste
transparency, and state
(liquid). To check their observation skills
Ask students about the physical
and help build concept based
properties water they have
on the answers they provide as
noted in the circulating beaker
well as introduce new
Discuss the unique properties of
properties of water they are not
water, such as its high surface
familiar with
tension, density, and ability to
dissolve many substances.

Explain to students that water

Development stage 2 (5Min)
can be detected using chemical
(Chemical Test for Water)
Summon the student to the
To help student appreciate that
front to see demonstration of
indeed water can be tested as
the test for water.
well as engage them in the
Next, have random students to
lesson to help them visualize
add a few drops of distilled
the real thing so that, they can
water using the dropper.
construct their own knowledge
Ask students to observe and
based on what they see.
note any changes in the
appearance of the mixture.
Explain that if the anhydrous
copper sulfate turns blue upon
contact with water, it indicates
the presence of water.
Discuss the chemical reaction To help them understand the
that occurs between anhydrous whole process that took place in
copper sulfate and water, the test for water.
leading to the formation of
hydrated copper sulfate

Conclusion (5Min) Give a conclusion of the lesson To help them remember what
(Summary and class Exercise) emphasizing the physical was covered, so as to
properties of water and how to consolidate the whole concept.
conduct a chemical test for its
presence. Then provide class To check their level of
exercise on physical properties understanding and to identify
of water and testing the areas that want to be corrected.
presence of water
To help them research further
Home work Give student homework to go to build on their knowledge.
and find another test for water.

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