CIT - 3 TQM Key

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Centralized Internal Test – III - March / 2017
Scheme of Evaluation
GE6757 / Total Quality Management (Elective)

PART – A 10× 2 = 20 Marks

1. List the new management tools. [Remember]
Affinity diagram
2. Relations diagram
3. Tree diagram
4. Matrix diagram
5. Matrix data analysis diagram .
6 .Process decision programme chart
7. Arrow diagram

2. Name any four steps involved in six sigma. [Remember]

Define, measure ,analyze, design, verify
3. Define check sheet. Mention its types. [Remember]
Check sheets allow the user to collect data from a process in an easy, systematic, and
organized manner.
Types of check sheet
 Process distribution checks sheets.
 Defective item check sheets.
 Defect location check sheet.
 Defect factor check sheet.
4. Outline the procedure to create a check sheet. [Remember]
 Formulate the objective for data collection
 Decide which data is necessary
 Determine who and how data will be analyzed
 Draw a format to record data
 Collect and record data problem wise by putting tally lines
 Start counting the tally lines and represent numbers
 Mark on the list the total number of facts, which were noticed
5. List the steps required to construct an affinity diagram. [Remember]
The steps required to construct an affinity diagram are
o Phrase the objective
o Record all responses
o Group the responses
o Organize groups in an affinity diagram
6. Identify the problems that can be interpreted by the histogram. [Remember]
a. Skew problems
b. Clustering problems
7. Define control chart and its uses. [Remember]
Control chart is defined as a display of data in the order that they occur with statistically
determined upper and lower limits of expected common cause variations.
 Stability of the process
 Predictability of the process
 Identification of common cause of variation
 Special conditions where the monitoring party needs to react

8. Distinguish matrix diagram and matrix data analysis diagram. [Understand]

matrix diagram shows the relationship between two, three or four groups of informa-
tion and can give information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played
by various individuals, or measurements.
matrix data analysis diagram is a complex mathematical technique for analyzing ma-
trices, often replaced in this list by the similar prioritization matrix. One of the most
rigorous, careful and time-consuming of decision-making tools, a prioritization
matrix is an L-shaped matrix that uses pairwise comparisons of a list of options to
a set of criteria in order to choose the best option(s).
9. Discuss FMEA. Give stages of FMEA. [Understand]
Failure Mode Effect Analysis is an analytical technique that combines the technology and
experience of people in identifying foreseeable failure modes of a product or process and
planning for its elimination.
Stage1: specifying possibilities
Stage 2: quantifying Risk
Stage3: correcting High risk causes
stage4: re-evaluation of risk
10. Give some pitfalls of benchmarking. [Understand]
 Idea of copying others
 It is not a cure or a business philosophy
 Some process have to be benchmarked repeatedly
 It is not a substitute for innovation
PART – B 2× 15 = 30 Marks
11. a) Explain the various seven traditional tools of quality. [Understand] (15)
 list the seven management tools(3)
 explanation of each with example(12)
b) Discuss in detail about the concept of Six-Sigma. [Understand] (15)
 definition of Six-Sigma (2)
 list and explain the steps in Six-Sigma (13)
12. a) Explain the steps in benchmarking process in detail. [Understand] (15)
 definition of benchmarking (2)
 list the steps in benchmarking process (3)
 explanation of each with example (10)
b) Explain FMEA, its types, design/process document and benefits.
[Understand] (15)
 Objectives of FEMA(2)
 Types of FEMA (4)
 The design of FEMA document(9)

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