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HE moment a laughing alleged murderer told cops "I warned you" after stabbing his neighbour to

death has been shown to jurors.

Can Arslan, 52, was pinned to the ground by police in the footage after knifing dad-of-three Matthew
Boorman 27 times.

He can be heard laughing in the clip, which was shown to Bristol Crown Court, before saying: "He is
dead, isn't he? I warned you, the police. One year. Look, it happened."

Still chuckling, Arslan continues: "I warned them I was going to murder him".

He then claims he was in "special forces" and warns the "motherf****r" officers there is a "bounty
on your heads".

Arslan also pleads with the police not to place the handcuffs around the front as he has "arthritis"
before he was taken away in the back of a police car.

Jurors were told he repeated the chilling claims while in custody, saying: "I warned you people were
going to die tonight. More people are going to die tonight. There are contracts on their head.

"I told you I was going to murder him. I was a sniper in the army and I told him not to mess with me.
I killed 50 people in the Kurdish army."

Arslan is accused of stabbing Matthew to death on his front lawn in Walton Cardiff near Tewkesbury,

He then sat on the dad's lifeless body and smoked a "triumphant" cigarette before continuing on his
knife rampage, it is said.

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