15 - 8.1.BEM-Written-Exam-Ethics-v1-for-Overview

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(Section B: Ethics)

Prepared by Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Nur Hidayat Mat

• After the interview, you'll need to write an essay about your thoughts on the
Code of Conduct and professionalism.
• This is part of demonstrating your understanding in a specific area called
Ethical and Professional Conduct.
o Ethical conduct means sticking to what's right and fair, and following
o Professional standards involve acting in a way that's expected of
someone in your job or field.
o It's about understanding your responsibilities to society, your profession
(the job you do), and the environment.
• Only one (1) competency area will be accessed namely competency E : Ethical
and Professional Conduct

• Competency Area E is divided into five parts, labeled E1 to E5.

• You need to show your abilities in these areas by writing an essay
about your personal experiences.
• If you haven't had significant personal experiences related to any
of these areas, you can explain your understanding using
hypothetical or real-life examples that you haven't personally
• You can write the essay in either English or Bahasa Malaysia.
Competency E
E1. Compliance with relevant codes of conduct and ethical principles.

Example :
• Recognizing ethical dilemmas in your role
• Following codes of conduct and ethical guidelines
• Understanding how ethical principles apply to your job
• Addressing ethical or moral issues that arise
• Adhering to the ethical standards set by your organization
Competency E
E2. Managing and applying safe systems of work.

Example :
• Taking responsibility for your safety and that of
• Ensuring work systems meet safety standards
• Establishing and improving hazard identification
and risk management processes
• Applying health and safety laws, codes, and
company policies
Competency E
E3. Undertaking engineering activities consistent with principles of
sustainable development with due care to the environment.

Example :
• Integrating sustainable practices into daily work
• Considering environmental, social, and economic factors in
• Providing products and services that benefit the environment and
community while meeting financial goals
• Engaging stakeholders in sustainable development efforts
• Minimizing waste and environmental impact while using resources
Competency E
E4. Continuing professional development (CPD) to maintain and
enhance competence in your own area of practice.

• Assessing personal development needs
• Planning CPD objectives for yourself and your organization
• Participating in planned and unplanned CPD activities such
as training and seminars
• Documenting evidence of competence development
• Evaluating CPD outcomes and assisting others with their CPD
Competency E
E5. Understanding the legal matters pertaining to the engineering

• Familiarizing yourself with the Registration of Engineers Act and
related events
• Understanding relevant laws and regulations such as contract,
construction, environmental, and health/safety laws
• Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations in your work
• Working within legal frameworks, including social and employment
Ethics Questions
1. The engineer has a duty of care to the public under common law. Discuss, giving examples, the obligations that his duty imposes on
himself as a Professional Engineer.

2. If you were a consulting engineer and were submitting Turnkey tender on behalf on a Turnkey Contractor, would you consider a
conflict of interest between the role of a consulting engineer and contractor? Enlarge on the ethics of this subject.

3. Identify the areas in which conflict between the Resident Engineer’s staff and contractor’s staff can develop and give your views as to
whether good relationship can be achieved without infringing on the code of ethics. Illustrate your answer from your own

4. It is clear to you that an Engineer engaged in a particular project (implement at the taxpayer’s account) is not maintaining
professional standards, i.e. professional competence and integrity are lacking. What would be your reaction?. Will you report the
above incident to the Board of Engineers, Malaysia or bring this to the attention of the client, or will you maintain silence and watch
substandard work being completed?
Ethics Questions
5. Every Engineer shall at all times so order his conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of his profession, and to safeguard the
public interest in matters of safety and herein and others. He shall exercise his professional skill and the judgement to the best of
his abilities in discharging his professional responsibilities. He shall also act with firmness and integrity towards all person with
whom his work is connected. Discuss your responsibilities and obligations in the event that, due to building operations under
charge, adjacent building have been damaged beyond repair.

6. Professional Engineer should be allowed to practice as consultants and as contractor at the same time”. Do you agree with this
statement? If so, give your reason objectively for supporting it; if not also give reasons for appeasing it.

7. Under normal circumstances, a consulting engineer should not supplant the work of another consulting engineer after knowing
that the 1st consulting engineer has already been entrusted with the work. If he has been asked by the same client to take over the
work of that 1st consulting engineer, what do you think should be the proper procedure in effecting this charge of consultants?
How should the matter be dealt with if the 1st engineer refuses to agree to this change because he has not been paid his fees by
the client?

8. A consulting Engineer has submitted structural design plans to the local authority for a certain building. The client terminates his
services after the plans are approved by the local authority. You are then engaged to take over this work and complete the project
including supervision of construction. What are your professional responsibilities and those of the previous engineer who has
submitted the plans? If you have to make changes to the structural drawings, what do you think should be the proper procedure in
dealing with this matter and also how you assign professional liability?

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