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Accounting test ( 75 minute )

A. PT. ABC is a manufacturing company, producing beverages. Below is financial data in 2019 :
a. Purchase of raw material IDR 10.000.000,- ( excl VAT ), purchase of Packaging
material IDR 2.000.000,- ( Excl VAT )
b. Direct labor expense for factory IDR 1.500.000, indirect labor IDR 1.000.000,
electricity and gasoline expense IDR 3.000.000 and other production costs IDR
500.000. Advertising expense IDR 1.000.000 and administration expense IDR
c. During the year of 2019, PT. ABC had produced 50.000 carton of beverages.
d. In the end of 2019, based on stock count summary, inventory stock of ABC shown as
below :
a. Inventory of Raw Material IDR 2.000.000
b. Inventory of chocolate snack not sell yet IDR 10.000 carton
e. Selling price for Beverages is IDR 500 / ctn. ( excl VAT )
f. PT. ABC had received money from sales in cash by 50%.
g. Retained earnings at earlier 2019 is IDR 500.000.

From the data above, please do following tasks:

1. Make accounting cycle

2. Make accounting journal, including purchase journal, production, inventory and also
selling and receiving money journal.
3. Make Profit and loss statement & Balance sheet for above transaction.
4. How much VAT that should be paid for year 2019?

B. PT. XYZ required Business Analyst to make Cash flow statement for year 2019. You, as a
candidate of Business Analyst is requested to help PT. XYZ to make cash flow statement, with
following data :
a. Average credit sales IDR 50.000.000 / month, and average of cash sales IDR
10.000.000 / month. TOP of average credit sales is 1 month. Account receivable
balance in early of 2019 is IDR 25.000.000
b. Average raw material purchase is IDR 30.000.000 / month, with TOP 2 month.
Account payable balance in early of 2010 is IDR 20.000.000
c. PT. XYZ have routine payment as below :
- Salary IDR 10.000.000, electricity and water IDR 3.000.000, delivery expenses
IDR 5.000.000, tax IDR 5.000.000
d. In March 2019, PT. XYZ deposit their money IDR 20.000.000 with interest rate 6% /
year, and receive the interest every month.
e. In October 2019, PT. XYZ withdrawal the deposit as mention above, to pay bank
payable IDR 30.000.000
C. Please count the tax that should paid from the following transaction :
a. At 2019, PT SUV lost IDR 20.000.000, and at 2020 this company have profit IDR
35.000.000, how much the tax that PT. SUV should paid at 2020?
b. PT. ABC have received an invoice from PT. B for maintenance building, with
following detail : material cost IDR 100.000, service cost IDR 30.000 ( all of this not
including VAT ). How much should be paid from PT. ABC to PT. B ?
c. PT. XYZ have rent operating car for the employee, with amount IDR 50.000 / month
( not including VAT ). How much that PT. XYZ should pay to the supplier?

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