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Check point 1

1. We have been working in terrible conditions ______ May.

o A) for
o B) since
o C) by
o D) until
2. My radio doesn’t work very well, but I don’t know what is wrong ______ it.
o A) for
o B) to
o C) on
o D) with
3. Susan will probably work ______ six.
o A) for
o B) under
o C) until
o D) by
4. Sam has a lot friends in Ankara, but he doesn’t know _____ in Bursa.
o A) someone
o B) anyone
o C) any friend
o D) any person
5. Nancy traveled ______ the world.
o A) around
o B) on
o C) across
o D) over
6. Laura enjoys music, and _____ .
o A) either do I
o B) neither can she
o C) I do too
o D) she doesn’t either
7. James wants to buy a new car; ______, he doesn’t have enough money
o A) therefore
o B) however
o C) moreover
o D) consequently
8. Last year at this time Tom Brown ______ Hollywood.
o A) lived at
o B) was living at
o C) was living in
o D) is living in
9. A: Has Barbara typed the letter yet?
B: Yes, she ______ it a long time ago.
o A) typed
o B) has typed
o C) was typing
o D) has been typing
10. We ______ dinner when the guests arrived unexpectedly.
o A) was having
o B) were having
o C) have
o D) has dropped
11. The telegram ______ at nine o’clock yesterday morning.
o A) has arrived
o B) was arriving
o C) arrived
o D) had arrived
12. I hope everyone ______ to the party tomorrow.
o A) will come
o B) shall come
o C) come
o D) are coming
13. The painters ______ finished their work by tomorrow.
o A) have
o B) will have
o C) have been
o D) had
14. By May 10, Tom ______ been in Turkey for two years.
o A) has
o B) have
o C) will
o D) will have
15. Our family owns an antique piano. We ______ since 1915.
o A) have it
o B) got it
o C) have got it
o D) have had it
16. A: Have you been to the United States?
B: Yes, I ______ in 1989.
o A) went there
o B) have gone there
o C) have been there
o D) went
17. If you had got up earlier, you ______ not ______ the bus.
o A) will/miss
o B) had/missed
o C) would/have missed
o D) did/miss
18. If motorists were to drive more carefully, they ______ fewer accidents.
o A) will have
o B) would have had
o C) would have
o D) would be
19. He’ll have to leave town soon if he ______ trouble.
o A) didn’t want
o B) hadn’t
o C) would rather
o D) doesn’t want
20. They ______ if the movie weren’t funny.
o A) not laugh
o B) wouldn’t laugh
o C) will laugh
o D) aren’t laughing
21. The projector ______ if the shutter doesn’t open.
o A) no work
o B) don’t work
o C) work
o D) won’t work
22. If Mohammed Ali ______ his first fight with Sonny Liston, no one would have been surprised.
o A) lost
o B) had lost
o C) has lost
o D) would have lost
23. Their passports ______ checked by the officer.
o A) already have
o B) already been
o C) have already been
o D) have already to be
24. More people die in automobile accidents ______ in war.
o A) than
o B) as
o C) like
o D) those
25. ______ speak to Felix?
o A) Would you like to
o B) Had you
o C) Have you
o D) When were you
26. The instructor wants us ______ for the test.
o A) student
o B) study hard
o C) to prepare
o D) writing
27. You should always check your tires before ______ your car.
o A) drive
o B) driving
o C) you drove
o D) you’re driving
28. If you don’t ______ smoking, you’ll never regain your health?
o A) give of
o B) give away
o C) give up
o D) give off

Active Voice and Passive Voice

In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a do-er. In the passive

voice, the subject of the sentence is not a do-er. It is shown with by + do-er or is not shown in the sentence.

Passive voice is used when the action is the focus, not the subject. It is not important (or not known) who
does the action.

V to be + past participle(V3)
• The window is broken. (It is not known who broke the window, or it is not important to know who
broke the window.)

• The class has been canceled. (The focus is on the class being canceled. It is not important to know
who canceled it.)

Also, passive voice can be considered more polite, as it sounds less aggressive or dramatic.

• That building was built in 1990.

• The car was invented about a hundred years ago.
• I was told that Mary moved to a different country.
• She was elected to the city council.

Identify the Voice

Go through the sentences given below and identify the voice used.

1. Rosy sings beautiful songs.

2. The Sun sets in the West.
3. The boy was being beaten by his teacher.
4. Bucky is helped by Steve.
5. The carpenter is building the desk.
6. The woodcutter cut down the tree.
7. The man dropped his axe into the river.
8. The bird was shot by the naughty boy.
9. The bag was found by me.
10. Natasha lost the money.
11. The farmer will plough the field.
12. The work will be finished by the workers in a day.
13. The enemy has entered the war zone.

Format for active to passive

Format to read

I write a letter. A letter is written by me.

Ana is doing the homework. The homework is being done by Ana.
Ana has completed the homework. The homework has been completed by Ana.
Ana completed the homework. The homework was completed by Ana.
They were investigating that house. That house was being investigated by them.
Ana had completed the homework. The homework had been completed by Ana.
They will investigate that house. That house will be investigated by them.
Ana will have completed the homework. The homework will have been completed by Ana.
She can sell the car every time. The car can be sold by her every time.
Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.

1. The dog chased the cat.

2. Miss Mary teaches us English.
3. Children like sweets.
4. Rita will take a photograph.
5. The police arrested the smuggler.
6. Shiva was flying a kite.
7. My sister has drawn this portrait.
8. The people were helping the wounded woman.
9. Sam had taken the medicines.
10. The player is taking extra time.

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