Abhir and Ari Business Presentation

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Motivating workers

By: Abhir and Ari


Why do people work?


Why do people work?

1. Money: to pay for necessities and luxuries (wants and
2. Job satisfaction: a feeling of enjoyment derived from the
feeling that you have got a successful job
3. Security: there is a sense of security knowing that you
will be payed, and you are not likely to lose your job
4. Social needs: the feeling of being a part of an
organization, or group by meeting people.
5. Esteem needs: feeling important and feeling that what
you do at work is important.

What is motivation?
Define the term motivation
Motivation is the drive to achieve your end
goals and needs. Motivation is the main reason
employees want to work hard and effectively
for the business.

Motivation can be the result of benefits for a


Different methods/types
of motivation
Different methods of motivation
People are motivated by different things. Most people
work because they need to earn money to survive. There
are many other reasons to why people are motivated to
work. Motivation is the reason people work and it drives
them to work efficiently and effectively. Managers try to
find what motivates the workers and uses it to
encourage them to work better. Motivating workers can
result in higher productivity, increased output, and higher

Definition of FW Taylor
motivation theory
Definition of FW Taylor theory
● The main motivator is money
● Employees that are paid more usually work more
● Work is broken down into simple processes, and
more money is paid which will increase the level of
productivity an employee will achieve
● Extra pay is less than the increased productivity

Merits and demerits of FW

Taylor’s motivation theory
Merits and demerits of FW Taylor’s motivation
Merits: Demerits:

● Increased production ● Management system is

● Managers are being in control of the expensive
workforce ● Pressure on employees to work
● The cost of production is reduced faster
● The performance based payment ● Control of employees may
system introduced reduce their creativity and
● Reduced in accuracy motivation
● Even if you pay more there is no
guarantee in production rise

Abraham Maslow’s
motivation theory
Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory
5 different types of motivation

● Physiological needs: requirement needed for survival

● Security needs: the need to be physically safe
● Social needs: the need to belong in a group/company and have good
relationships with coworkers and employees
● Esteem needs: the need to have self respect and to be respected by
● Self actualization needs: the need to reach your full potential and
succeed by getting promoted.
Diagram of Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory
Merits and demerits of Abraham
Maslow’s theory
Merits: Demerits:

● Helps lower level employees become ● Some levels are not present in jobs
secure in their job ● Rewards belong to more than one
● Helps lower level employees to become level
better manager when promoted ● Managers need to identify the levels
● Morality is developed of motivation in any job before using
● Self achievement and self confidence is it to motivate employees
developed by the employee
Motivation Theory
Herzberg Motivation Theory
There are two factors to the Herzberg motivation theory. Motivating
factors and Hygiene Factors.
● Motivating Factors- One way in which employees are motivated
to work harder is through motivating factors such as
achievement, recognition, advancement and growth. Any of
these factors make employees feel proud of the work they do,
as they are seeing a result. This keeps employees satisfied and
working hard.
● Hygiene Factors- Hygiene factors are not present in the actual
job itself, but surround the job. Some examples are company
policies, fair supervision, healthy relationships between those
working, good work conditions, fair salary, organized status and
more. Without these things, workers might be not be satisfied
with the work environment, which will cause a decrease in their
effort and might lead to them quitting their job.
Diagram of Herzberg Motivation
Merits and Demerits of Herzberg
Motivation Theory
● Focused on internal motivation. This theory ● Increased productivity is not guaranteed.
focuses entirely on the fact that motivation Although this theory says that motivating
comes from within the employees, and it just factors and hygiene factors will make employees
needs to be brought out. work harder, it is not guaranteed as there are
● This theory helps companies focus on employee other factors which motivate employees, and
problems. Rather than just claiming salary is all some might take the company for granted rather
an employee needs, this theory aims to improve than working harder.
working conditions so employees face minimal ● It is subjective. The theory puts money
problems. secondary, and for some that might be good, but
● Money is secondary. This theory uses money as for others, they might prefer higher salary over
a secondary motivator behind recognition and promotion and recognition opportunities.
promotion. This benefits both employees and Another example is the company might give
the company flexible work hours as a hygiene factor, but for
some, flexible work hours might be confusing
and troublesome.




CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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