Chemical Control Soln-2

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Solution & answer key(Exercise-1: Hormone & endocrine system)

1. c) Endocrine system acts slowly & its actions are long lived
Solution: Neural system and endocrine system jointly coordinate and regulate the
physiological functions of body. Neural system acts fast & its actions are fast and short-lived.
On the other hand, endocrine system acts slowly & the actions remains for longer duration.
2. c) Both a) & b)
Solution: Endocrine glands are ductless gland which secrets hormones. Hormones are non-
nutrient & non-antigenic in nature.
3. d) Produces the hormones of posterior pituitary
Solution: Hypothalamus synthesizes oxytocin and vasopressin but these hormones are passed
via neurons to neurohypophysis and are stored and released from there.
4.b) Pituitary- Sella turcica cavity
Solution: Hyposecretion of growth hormone in children- -stunted Growth resulting in
Pituitary dwarfism
Hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults- Acromegaly
5. a) All secreted signalling molecules act within the body.
Solution: Pheromones are chemicals that are released into the external environment. For
example, when a foraging ant discovers a new food source, it marks its path back to the nest
with a pheromone. Ants also use pheromones for guidance when a colony migrates to a new
6. d) All of the above
Solution: All the hormones are correct by their chemical nature.
7. c) Melatonin
Solution: Regulates diurnal rhythm of body or 24 hr circadian cycle
8. b) Bloodstream
Solution: Water soluble hormones can transport via bloodstream.
9. c) Pars intermedia of pituitary
Solution: Pars intermedia secretes MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating hormone).
10. c) Hypothalamus
Solution: Hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones of posterior pituitary.
11. b) Enterogastrone
Solution: Enterogastrone lowers the secretion of gastric hormones.
12. c) ADH
Solution: Diabetes insipidus is caused by the deficiency of ADH hormone or vasopressin.
13. b) Cytoplasmic receptor
Solution: Oestrogen & testosterone are steroid hormones and steroid hormones are most
likely bind to cytoplasmic receptors.
14. a) Calcitonin
Solution: Calcitonin lowers the Ca2+ level of blood & increases the Ca2+ uptake by bones.
15. a) insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)
Solution: Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) manages the effect of growth hormone in
our body.

16. b) Adrenalin & nor adrenalin

Solution: Adrenalin & nor-adrenalin have catechol group in them, so they are called
catecholamines together.
17. c) Insulin
Solution: Insulin hormone lowers the glucose level in blood. So, it is called hypoglycemic
18. b) Thymus
Solution: The activity of thymus gland increases maximum at puberty & then again
diminishes gradually with increasing age.
19. c) Mucus secreting goblet cells
Solution: Mucus secreting goblet cells are the only unicellular endocrine gland in our body.
20. b) Thyroxine
Solution: Thyroxine hormone initiates the metamorphosis of frogs from tadpole.
21. a) Thyroid
Solution: Thyroid gland stores its secretion in extracellular space before secreting it into
the blood.

22. a) melatonin—controls the daily sleep-wake cycle

thyroxine— enhances the metabolic processes
ACTH— promotes the release of glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex
23. b) Oxytocin
Solution: Oxytocin is a posterior pituitary hormone which is synthesized by hypothalamus
and then stored & secreted by posterior pituitary.
24. c) Oxytocin
Solution: Oxytocin is called ‘Hormone of child birth’ & ‘Milk ejecting hormone’.
25. b) Thyroxine
Solution: Nicotine acts as a stimulant as it mimics the action of thyroxine hormone.
26. a) This is the signalling pathway of water-soluble hormone
b) Insulin hormone responds through this pathway
Solution: The given diagram represents the signaling pathway of water-soluble hormones
and as insulin is water soluble hormone it responses through this pathway.
27. b) PTH & calcitonin
d) Insulin & glucagon
Solution: PTH increases the Ca2+ level in blood & lowers in bones, calcitonin works just
opposite to it.
Insulin decreases the blood glucose level & glucagon lowers glucose in blood.
28. a) Androgens support sperm formation in males
b) They promote development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics
c) Androgens Found in both males and females, but with a major role in one sex
Solution: Androgen doesn’t support uterine lining growth.
29. a) negative feedback, in which the response increases the initial stimulus.
b) bicarbonate released in response to secretin decreases pH in the intestine, eliminating
the stimulus and thereby shutting off secretin release.
d) All are correct
Solution: Negative feedback suppresses the initial stimulus & the release of bicarbonate
increases the pH of intestine.
30. a) Pineal gland
c) Pituitary gland
d) Hypothalamus
Solution: Pituitary gland, Pineal gland & Hypothalamus are situated in human brain.
31. a) It secrets the hormone melatonin
b) Located at the dorsal side of forebrain
c) Regulates diurnal rhythm of body/24 hr circadian cycle
d) Also called the ruminant of third eye
Solution: All the given options are correct.
32. a) Goitre: excessive iodine in diet
b) Cretinism: hyperthyroidism during pregnancy
Solution: Goitre: Deficiency of iodine in diet.
Cretinism: Hypothyroidism during pregnancy.
33. a) Secrets from adrenal medulla
b) Commonly called as catecholamines
c) Contains tyrosine amino acid
d) Also called as 3F hormone
Solution: All the given statements about adrenalin hormone are correct.
34. b) Addison disease has symptoms like alternation carb metabolism, acute weakness and
c) Diabetes mellitus occurs due to prolonged hyperglycaemia
Solution: Excess of glucocorticoid causes Cushing syndrome.

35. a) Situated between lungs behind sternum below aorta

c) Plays a major role in development of immune system (antibody formation &
differentiation of T lymphocyte)
d) Degenerate in old people
Solution: Thymus gland is a bilobed gland.

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