Essential Surgery-Problems, Diagnosis and Management, 6e (Feb 19, 2020) - (0702076317) - (Elsevier) 6th Edition Clive R. G. Quick

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Essential Surgery-Problems, Diagnosis

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2020)_(0702076317)_(Elsevier) 6th
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Problems, Diagnosis and Management

lllustrafons by Foreword by
Philip J. Deakin Conor R Delaney

Essential Surgery
Problems, Diagnosis and Management


Edited by

Clive R. G. Quick MBBS(London), FDS, FRCS(England), MS(London), MA(Cantab)

Emeritus Consultant Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
Associate Lecturer in Surgery, University of Cambridge; Former Examiner in Basic Sciences and Clinical Surgery for FRCS and
Current Examiner in Basic Sciences for MRCS(England), London, UK

Suzanne M. Biers BSc, MBBS, MD, FRCS

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
Honorary Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK

Tan H. A. Arulampalam MBBS, MD, FRCS

Visiting Professor of Surgery, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford;
Consultant Surgeon, Colchester Hospital, Colchester, UK

Illustrations by
Philip J. Deakin BSc(Hons), MBChB(Sheffield)
General Medical Practitioner, Sheffield, UK

Foreword by
Conor P. Delaney, MCh, PhD, FACS, FRCSI, FASCRS(Hon)
Chairman, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic;
Victor W. Fazio MD Endowed Chair in Colorectal Surgery and Professor of Surgery,
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

ELSEVIER Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney 2020

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First edition 1990

Second edition 1996
Third edition 2002
Fourth edition 2007
Fifth edition 2014
Sixth edition 2020

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ISBN: 978-0-7020-7631-2


Content Strategist: Laurence Hunter

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Foreword, vii 13 Principles of Cancer Management, 185

Preface, viii
14 Principles of Transplantation Surgery, 202
List of Contributors, x
Acknowledgements, xiii Section C: Principles of Trauma Surgery
15 Major Trauma, 210
Section A: Principles of Surgical Care 16 Head and Maxillofacial Injuries, 245
1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in
Practice, 2 17 SoftTissue Injuries and Burns, 260

Disease Processes Section D: Symptoms, Diagnosis and

2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical
Patient, 17 Abdomen, General Principles
3 Immunity, Inflammation and Infection, 31 18 Nonacute Abdominal Pain and Other Abdominal
Symptoms and Signs, 274
4 Shock and Resuscitation, 50
19 The Acute Abdomen and Acute Gastrointestinal
Diagnostic Techniques Haemorrhage, 294

5 Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Upper Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary

Radiology and Surgery, 56
20 Gallstone Diseases and Related Disorders, 307
6 Screening for Adult Disease, 80
21 Peptic Ulceration and Related Disorders, 319
Section B: Perioperative Care
22 Disorders of the Oesophagus, 332
7 Preoperative Assessment and Management of
Postoperative Problems, 90 23 Tumours of the Stomach and Small Intestine, 342

8 Medical Problems, 102 24 Tumours of the Pancreas and Hepatobiliary

System; the Spleen, 349
9 Blood Transfusion, 118
25 Pancreatitis, 358
10 Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery
Including Neurosurgery, 124 Coloproctology
11 Elective Orthopaedics, 152 26 Appendicitis, 366

12 Complications of Surgery, 170 27 Colorectal Polyps and Carcinoma, 374


28 Chronic Inflammatory Disorders of the Bowel, 387 41 Managing Lower Limb Arterial Insufficiency, the
Diabetic Foot and Major Amputations, 521
29 Disorders of Large Bowel Motility, Structure and
Perfusion, 399 42 Aneurysms and Other Peripheral Arterial
Disorders, 534
30 Anal and Perianal Disorders, 410
43 Venous Disorders of the Lower Limb, 546
Thoracic Surgery Excluding Cardiac
44 Cardiac Surgery, 554
31 Thoracic Surgery, 421
Disorders of the Breast and Skin
Groin and Male Genitalia
45 Disorders of the Breast, 564
32 Hernias and Other Groin Problems, 432
46 Disorders of the Skin, 585
33 Disorders of the Male Genitalia, 444
Disorders of the Head and Neck
47 Lumps in the Head and Neck and Salivary
34 Symptoms, Signs and Investigation of Urinary Calculi, 603
Tract Disorders, 457
48 Disorders of the Mouth, 612
35 Disorders of the Prostate, 469
49 Disorders of the Thyroid, Parathyroid and
36 Tumoursof the Kidneyand Urinary Tract, 482 Adrenal Glands, 621

37 Stone Disease of the Urinary Tract, 490 Neonatal and Paediatric Surgery
38 Urinary Tract Infections, 498 50 Acute Surgical Problems in Children, 636

39 Congenital Disorders and Diseases Secondarily 51 Nonacute Abdominal and Urological Problems in
Involving the Urinary Tract, 505 Children, 649

Cardiovascular Disorders Index, 659

40 Pathophysiology, Clinical Features and Diagnosis

of Vascular Disease Affecting the Limbs, 510

It is a sincere honour to be asked to write the Foreword for the sixth The way the book is structured is also very approachable for
edition of Essential Surgery, written and edited by an esteemed readers. Initial sections on surgical principles and perioperative
and experienced editorial team. Essential Surgery was first pub- care give excellent and highly relevant perspective on topics such
lished in 1990, and since that time has been singularly focused as immunity, screening, preoperative assessment and manage-
on being a concise, readable text for medical students and junior ment of complications. Principles of accident surgery receives its
surgical trainees around the world. The chapters were formerly own section, and reviews topics from set-up of trauma bays, to
written by junior consultants and trainees, bringing perspective management of blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma. The
on the issue that mattered most to those in training. Now more final section on symptoms, diagnosis and management makes
senior clinicians are providing guidance; however, each has a par- almost two-thirds of the book, and provides a comprehensive
ticular interest in surgical education. Mr Clive Quick continues as review of all surgical topics with chapters for each anatomic area
senior editor—a steadying hand present since the first edition. New and disease process. In each, there is a thorough discussion of
additions are Professor Tan Arulampalam and Miss Suzanne Biers. clinical problems and management, emphasising history and
Professor Arulampalam is an experienced and passionate educator, physical findings, and frequently using a problem-based learning
establishing the ICENI centre in Colchester, and has taught surgical approach.
skills and knowledge around the world. Miss Biers is clinical lead All in all, this is just a great book, with appropriate detail for
for the Cambridge Urology Masters Degree Programme and directs the student and junior trainee, written and presented in a style
surgical and operative skills training courses. that is easy to read, providing rapid access to the most important
A quick review of this book shows why it is so popular. The information. It is no surprise then that it has been so successful,
mixture of simple, yet high-quality tables and illustrations, and and is back for a sixth edition, which I am sure will be even more
carefully selected superb clinical photographs brings an easy read- ­successful than prior editions!
ability. Equally important is the imaging, with a mixture of stan-
dard radiography and cross-sectional imaging, useful for readers in Conor Delaney
many styles of practice around the world. The summary boxes are Cleveland, Ohio
particularly useful, highlighting key content.

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When we first set about writing this book, we felt we had some- The continuing enthusiasm of students and teachers for this
thing worthwhile to say about how surgery worked. If readers book has highlighted the need for this updated edition. The book
could acquire this knowledge and implement it, we believed sur- has been written for clinical medical students seeking a com-
gical practice would improve, as would outcomes for patients. We prehensive understanding of surgical principles and practice, as
wrote the book in an entirely different way from most medical well as for junior surgical trainees (particularly those preparing
books, determined to avoid propagating myths and giving inad- for MRCS and equivalent examinations). We have tried to build
equate explanations. To achieve this, the authors discussed each on the quality and content of the original without increasing its
topic in depth before writing an agreed version. Many original length. The content of each chapter has been carefully revised,
ideas came in the form of diagrams from Dennis Gatt. We have often with input from colleagues, with a few sections relocated to
continued this method for each new edition, and now have the facilitate navigation. At the same time, we have used the opportu-
advantage of rapid internet access to check facts and investigate nity to continue to match the book’s content with the UK Inter-
trends. We believe our approach has helped us understand the collegiate MRCS examination curriculum, rendering the book
subjects better and put them across with exceptional clarity. appropriate for junior surgical trainees. Other major changes rep-
The original authorship was unusual in that only Clive Quick resent the evolution and refinement of surgery and our approach
was a consultant surgeon: George Burkitt was a junior doctor- to it over the 5 or so years since the previous edition. Throughout,
cum-medical author; Dennis Gatt was a junior surgical trainee we emphasise the importance of surgical safety with World Health
(later consultant surgeon); whilst Phil Deakin was a family practi- Organization (WHO) checklists, avoiding cross infection and
tioner. This mix enabled us to address surgical problems from the thorough auditing of complications.
viewpoint of the student and junior doctor and to this end, trainee All of the text has been brought up to date, adding new con-
doctors have assisted in every edition. cepts where medical understanding has advanced. Major changes
For this edition, Clive Quick has continued in his role as author in surgical infection and recognition of the microbiome have been
and managing editor. Two other authors/editors have joined the included and the section on vascular interventional treatment has
editor team for this sixth edition: Tan Arulampalam from Col- been completely updated. The section on major trauma has been
chester Hospital brings his contemporary knowledge of general entirely reworked in line with current ATLS guidelines. Cover-
surgery, laparoscopic techniques and experience as clinical director ing the MRCS curriculum has required updating several sections,
of the ICENI Surgical Skills Centre; Suzanne Biers, a urology con- including surgical ethics and consent, audit and research, and a
sultant from Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, has extensive new chapter dedicated to elective orthopaedic surgery. New con-
experience in the teaching and training of clinical and operative sensus guidelines for managing common disorders have been
skills to students and surgical trainees at all levels. Our overall con- incorporated where appropriate. We emphasise the new under-
cept has always been to produce an authored rather than an edited standing of frailty and prehabilitation, and insights from the UK
book, so as to retain control over content, to give uniformity of National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) have informed
style and apply our own high standard of elucidation so readers our text. We believe that Essential Surgery will continue to have the
could grasp the main ideas easily and effortlessly in one reading. greatest appeal for readers who want to understand surgery rather
Nevertheless, an enormous amount of help has been generously than merely pass examinations.
given over the years by colleagues in specialist areas. Their invalu- Previous editions have demonstrated a broad appeal beyond
able contributions have been integrated and edited to emphasise medical students and junior surgeons, from surgical nurses and
lucidity and fluency (see detail in the Acknowledgements section). trainees in professions allied to medicine, to dentists. In addition,
When completed, the whole text is then reread several times by the book was designed to be a continuing reference text for doc-
the editors and given a concluding ‘polish’. Writing in this man- tors in other specialties, including family practice. We have used a
ner is time consuming, but if the text proves enjoyable to read problem-solving approach to diagnosis and treatment where prac-
and draws the reader in as we intend, we feel it will have been ticable, believing that understanding how diagnoses are made and
worthwhile. why particular treatments are used is more memorable than rote
The book covers general surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, plastic learning. With this in mind, we have tried to view the practical
surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, neurosurgery and management of patients through the eyes of the trainee or student.
urology in detail, with sufficient basic science for modern clinical In particular, the pathophysiological basis of surgical diseases and
courses, and we have endeavoured to present sometimes complex management is presented to bridge the gap between basic medical
ideas in ways accessible to anyone with a moderate understanding sciences and clinical problems.
of human biology, and yet still prove valuable to readers at more Throughout the book, we have used original illustrative mate-
advanced levels. rial to emphasise important concepts, avoid unnecessary text and

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Preface ix

assist revision for exams. This includes photographs of clinical to explain operations to patients, to gain informed consent, to
cases, operations and pathological specimens, radiographs, ana- participate intelligently in the operating department, to under-
tomical and operative diagrams, and tables and box summaries stand and thereby prevent complications, as well as to help them
of the text. We believe the illustrations are one of the particular perform certain operations themselves.
strengths of the book, and all have been reviewed and updated We hope our readers will continue to enjoy the book and
or replaced as necessary. The clinical material is largely drawn will appreciate the continuing efforts we have made to keep pace
from our day-to-day practice and we have generally chosen typi- with change. Above all, it remains our ambition to stimulate the
cal rather than gross examples, so the reader can see how patients reader to a greater enjoyment and understanding of the practice
present most commonly. Whilst we have tried to teach in a prob- of surgery.
lem-oriented way, we believe descriptions of individual diseases
are also required and these have been covered in a more conven- C. R. G. Q.
tional manner. T. H. A. A.
We make no apology for including outlines of common S.M.B.
­surgical operations. This is to enable students and trainee surgeons

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List of Contributors

In addition to those listed, the editors would like to acknowledge and offer grateful thanks for the input of all previous editions’
­contributors. Without their solid base, this new edition would not have been possible.

Hemantha Alawattegama, MBBS, BMed Sci, FRCA Colin Borland, BA, MB, BChir, MD, FRCP
Lead Clinician for Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgery Anaes- Formerly Consultant Physician, Hinchingbrooke Hospital,
thesia, Cambridge University Hospital, Cambridge University Huntingdon, UK
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK 7. Preoperative Assessment and Management of Postoperative
2. Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient Problems
4. Shock and Resuscitation 8. Medical Problems

Tariq Ali, MBBS, MRCP, MSc, MRGP, AFHEA FRCS Malcolm G. Cameron, MBBS, BDS, FRCS(Eng), FDSRCS(Eng),
Interventional Radiology Consultant, Norfolk and Norwich FRCS(OMFS)
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Norwich, UK Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s
5. Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Radiology and Surgery Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Cambridge, UK
Tan H.A. Arulampalam, MBBS, MD, FRCS 16. Head and Maxillofacial Injuries
Visiting Professor of Surgery, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford; 47. Lumps in the Head and Neck and Salivary Calculi
Consultant Surgeon, Colchester Hospital, Colchester, UK 48. Disorders of the Mouth
Editing throughout the book
1. Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice Dan Carroll, BM BCh, BA, MA, DM, MRCS, FRCS (Paed)
10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including Director, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Surgery,
Neurosurgery James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
12. Complications of Surgery 50. Acute Surgical Problems in Children
18. Nonacute Abdominal Pain and Other Abdominal Symptoms 51. Nonacute Abdominal and Urological Problems in Children
and Signs
26. Appendicitis Aman S. Coonar, BSc (Hons), MBBS, MD, MRCP(UK), FRCS (CTh)
32. Hernias and Other Groin Problems Consultant Surgeon, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust, Cambridge, UK
Suzanne M. Biers, BSc, MBBS, MD, FRCS 31. Thoracic Surgery
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
­Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust; Honorary Lecturer, Patrick Coughlin, MB ChB, MD, FRCS(Eng)
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
Editing throughout the book ­Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
1. Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice Cambridge, UK
12. Complications of Surgery 40. Pathophysiology, Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Vascular
18. Nonacute Abdominal Pain and Other Abdominal Symptoms Disease Affecting the Limbs
and Signs 41. Managing Lower Limb Arterial Insufficiency, the Diabetic
33. Disorders of the Male Genitalia Foot and Major Amputations
34. Symptoms, Signs and Investigation of Urinary Tract Disorders 42. Aneurysms and Other Peripheral Arterial Disorders
35. Disorders of the Prostate 43. Venous Disorders of the Lower Limb
36. Tumours of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
37. Stone Disease of the Urinary Tract Aimee N. DiMarco, MA(Cantab), PhD, FRCS
38. Urinary Tract Infections Specialist Registrar in Endocrine & General Surgery,
46. Disorders of the Skin ­Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust;
­Academic Clinical Lecturer, ­Department of Biosurgery,
Tony Booth, FRCR ­Imperial College, London, UK
Consultant Radiologist, Everlight Radiology and Hinching- 49. Disorders of the Thyroid, Parathyroid and Adrenal Glands
brooke Hospital, Huntingdon, UK
5. Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Radiology and Surgery
And major contributions to radiology throughout the book

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List of Contributors xi

Gary Doherty, MB, BChir, MA, PhD, MRCP Muhilan Kanagarathnam, MBBS, MRCP, FRCA, MBA (Health
Consultant Medical Oncologist, Cambridge University Hospitals Executive)
NHS Foundation Trust; Director of Studies in Medicine, Consultant Anaesthetist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Robinson College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
6. Screening for Adult Disease 2. Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient
13. Principles of Cancer Management 4. Shock and Resuscitation
45. Disorders of the Breast
John Kiely, BM, BCh
Alexander Durst, BSc (Hons), MRCS Registrar in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cambridge
Speciality Registrar, Trauma & Orthopaedics; East of England ­University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
Rotation, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK 17. Soft Tissue Injuries and Burns
11. Elective Orthopaedics
15. Major Trauma James Kinross, PhD, MBBS, FRCS
Senior Lecturer, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,
David A. Enoch, BSc, MBBS, MSc, MRCP(UK), FRCPath, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, UK
DTM&H 3. Immunity, Inflammation and Infection
Consultant Medical Microbiologist, Clinical Microbiology & 10. Principles of Operative Care
Public Health Laboratory, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Roderick Mackenzie, PhD, BSc, MB, BChir, FRCEM, FRCS,
3. Immunity, Inflammation and Infection FRCP
10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Pre-hospital Emergency
Neurosurgery Medicine; Clinical Director of the Major Trauma Centre,
­Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals
Helen Fernandes, MBBS, FRCS(Sn), MD NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge A large contribution on trauma
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK 15. Major Trauma
10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including 16. Head and Maxillofacial Injuries
Neurosurgery 17. Soft Tissue Injuries and Burns
16. Head and Maxillofacial Injuries
Charlotte Beth Miller, BSc (Hons), MBChC, MRCS
Theodora Foukaneli, MD, FRCPath Registrar in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cambridge
Head of Department, Blood Transfusion, Cambridge University ­University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Patient Blood Management 46. Disorders of the Skin
Team, NHS BT, Cambridge, UK
9. Blood Transfusion S. Ramani Moonesinghe, MD(Res), FRCA, FFICM, FRCP,
Fay J. Gilder, BSc (Hons), MBBS, FRCA Professor of Perioperative Medicine, Division of Targeted
Consultant Anaesthetist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS ­Intervention, University College London, London, UK
Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK 7. Preoperative Assessment and Management of Postoperative
7. Preoperative Assessment and Management of Postoperative Problems
Krishna Moorthy, MS, MD, FRCS
Ashley Groves, BSc (Hons), MBBS, MRCP Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Imperial
Professor of Molecular Imaging, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, College, London, UK
University College Hospital, London, UK 19. The Acute Abdomen and Acute Gastrointestinal
5. Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Radiology and ­Haemorrhage
Surgery 21. Peptic Ulceration and Related Disorders
22. Disorders of the Oesophagus
Simon Harper, MB ChB, BSc, MD, FRCS 23. Tumours of the Stomach and Small Intestine
Consultant Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Fausto Palazzo, MD, MS, FRCS
20. Gallstone Diseases and Related Disorders Consultant Endocrine Surgeon, Thyroid & Endocrine Surgery,
24. Tumours of the Pancreas and Hepatobiliary System; the Imperial College Healthcare, London, UK
Spleen 49. Disorders of The Thyroid, Parathyroid and Adrenal Glands
25. Pancreatitis
Animesh J. Patel, MA, MB, BChir(Cantab), LLM, FRCS(Plast)
C. Elizabeth Hook, MB/BChir, PhD, MA Consultant in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cambridge
Honorary Consultant Paediatric Histopathologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including
Cambridge, UK Neurosurgery
Important contributions on pathology throughout 17. Soft Tissue Injuries and Burns
46. Disorders of the Skin

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xii List of Contributors

Clive R.G. Quick, MBBS(London), FDS, FRCS(England), Arun Sebastian, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR, EBIR
MS(London), MA(Cantab) Consultant Radiologist, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS
Emeritus Consultant Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Foundation Trust, Colchester Hospital, Colchester, UK
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 5. Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Radiology and
Cambridge; Associate Lecturer in Surgery, University of Surgery
Cambridge; Former Examiner in Basic Sciences and Clinical
Surgery for FRCS and Current Examiner in Basic Sciences for Neil Smart, PhD, MBBS (Hons), FRCSEd
MRCS (England), London, UK Consultant Surgeon, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital,
Managing author/editor of entire book Exeter, UK
1. Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 32. Hernias and Other Groin Problems
3. Immunity, Inflammation and Infection
6. Screening for Adult Disease Alexandra Sutcliffe, MBBS
10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including 10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including
Neurosurgery ­Neurosurgery
12. Complications of Surgery 16. Head and Maxillofacial Injuries
16. Head and Maxillofacial Injuries
17. Soft Tissue Injuries and Burns Chloe Swords, MA(Cantab), MBBS, MRCS(ENT)
18. Nonacute Abdominal Pain and Other Abdominal Symptoms Registrar in Otolaryngology, Peterborough City Hospital,
and Signs ­Peterborough, UK
19. The Acute Abdomen and Acute Gastrointestinal 10. Principles and Techniques of Operative Surgery Including
­Haemorrhage Neurosurgery
20. Gallstone Diseases and Related Disorders
21. Peptic Ulceration and Related Disorders Nagendra Thayur, MBBS, DMED, DNB(RD), MRCP, FRCR
22. Disorders of the Oesophagus Consultant Radiologist, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS
23. Tumours of the Stomach and Small Intestine Foundation Trust, Colchester Hospital, UK
26. Appendicitis 28. Chronic Inflammatory Disorders of the Bowel
27. Colorectal Polyps and Carcinoma 29. Disorders of Large Bowel Motility, Structure and Perfusion
28. Chronic Inflammatory Disorders of the Bowel
29. Disorders of Large Bowel Motility, Structure and Perfusion Steven Tsui, MA, MD, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (C-Th), FHFA
30. Anal and Perianal Disorders Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Royal Papworth Hospital,
32. Hernias and Other Groin Problems Cambridge, UK
39. Congenital Disorders and Diseases Secondarily Involving the 44. Cardiac Surgery
Urinary Tract
40. Pathophysiology, Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Vascular Keith Tucker, MBBS, FRCS
Disease Affecting the Limbs Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Retired), Norwich, UK
41. Managing Lower Limb Arterial Insufficiency, the Diabetic Major revision of orthopaedics
Foot and Major Amputations 11. Elective Orthopaedics
42. Aneurysms and Other Peripheral Arterial Disorders 15. Major Trauma
43. Venous Disorders of the Lower Limb
46. Disorders of the Skin Helen Weaver, MB ChB, BSc, MRCS
47. Lumps in the Head and Neck and Salivary Calculi Cardiothoracic Registrar, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK
48. Disorders of the Mouth 31. Thoracic Surgery
49. Disorders of the Thyroid, Parathyroid and Adrenal Glands
James Wheeler, MBBCh, MD, FRCS
Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, MA, MB, BChir, PhD, FRCS Consultant Surgeon, Colorectal Surgery, Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Cambridge; Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Cambridge Cambridge, UK
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK 26. Appendicitis
Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals 27. Colorectal Polyps and Carcinoma
NHS Foundation Trust, UK 28. Chronic Inflammatory Disorders of the Bowel
14. Principles of Transplantation Surgery 29. Disorders of Large Bowel Motility, Structure and Perfusion
24. Tumours of the Pancreas and Hepatobiliary System; the 30. Anal and Perianal Disorders

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As in all previous editions, the editors are deeply indebted to in Canada, who helped turn our first edition prose into acces-
­contributing authors for helping us keep the book up-to-date and sible and fluent text. We owe grateful thanks for contributions
accurate. Some have contributed a large amount of material and from Prof Ted Howard, Stephen Large, the late Grant Williams,
others in lesser ways, but without them all, the book would not Mark F ­ arrington, Richard Miller, John Benson, Neville Jamie-
be what it is. son, J­ effrey Brain, Madan Samuel, Nimish Shah, Sue Clark, Paul
A continuing debt of gratitude is owed to all who have Perkins, Adrian H ­ arris, Dr Anita Gibbons, Dr Suzanna Lish-
­contributed to each of the editions of Essential Surgery, including man, Dr Helen Smith, David Adlam, Nick Skelton, Paul Hayes,
of course, any whose names are not mentioned here. A substantial Roger Gray, ­Elizabeth Ambler, Howard Smith, Catherine Hub-
part of the book’s success is due to them. bard, Paul Siklos, Katie Hoggarth, Paul Hage, Joanna Reed and
In previous editions: we gratefully acknowledge the huge Alban Bowers.
contributions made by Dennis Gatt, now a surgeon in Malta, For this edition we are once again grateful for the substan-
the late Leonard Beard, medical photographer, Dr Graham tial and unstinting help we have received from colleagues and
Hurst, radiologist, Michael Williams, oncologist and the late friends. Most are based at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge or
Andrew H ­ iggins, urologist. We also owe a tremendous debt ­Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon, and are acknowledged
to Jane Hailey, then a junior trainee and now a paediatrician individually in the list of contributors.

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Principles of Surgical Care

1. Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and DiagnosticTechniques, 56
Surgery in Practice, 2 5. Imaging and InterventionalTechniques in
Surgery, 56
Disease Processes, 17 6. Screening for Adult Disease, 80
2. Managing Physiological Change in the
Surgical Patient, 17
3. Immunity, Inflammation and Infection, 31
4. Shock and Resuscitation, 50

Mechanisms of Surgical
Disease and Surgery in Practice

Approaches to Surgical Problems, 2
What Do Surgeons Do?, 2
Principal Mechanisms of Surgical Disease, 3
Congenital Conditions, 4 Approaches to Surgical Problems
Acquired Conditions, 4
What Do Surgeons Do?
Medical Ethics and Confidentiality, 6
Confidentiality, 6 Surgeons are perceived as doctors who do operations, that is, cut-
Do Not Resuscitate Orders, 7 ting tissue to treat disease, usually under anaesthesia, but this is
only a small part of surgical practice. The range individual sur-
Communication, 7
geons undertake varies with the culture, the resources available,
With Patients, 7
the nature and breadth of their specialisation, which other spe-
Communicating With Colleagues, 8
cialists are available, and local needs. The principles of operative
Evidence-Based Medicine and Guidelines, 8 surgery—access, dissection, haemostasis, repair, reconstruction,
History, 8 preservation of vital structures and closure—are similar in all
Cherry-Picking the Evidence Versus Systematic Review, 9 specialties.
Longitudinal or Cohort Studies, 9 A general surgeon is one who undertakes general surgical
Ranking the Quality of Evidence, 9 emergency work and elective abdominal gastrointestinal (GI) sur-
Other Classifications of Quality of Evidence, 9 gery. In geographically isolated areas, such a surgeon might also
Quality and Limitations of Clinical Trials, 10 undertake gynaecology, obstetrics, urology, paediatric surgery,
Keeping up to Date: Continuing Professional Development orthopaedic and trauma surgery and perhaps basic ear, nose and
(CPD), 10 throat, and ophthalmology. Conversely, in developed countries,
Consent to Treatment, 10 there is a trend towards greater specialisation. GI surgery, for
When Is Consent Necessary?, 10 example, is often divided into ‘upper’ and ‘lower’, and upper GI
surgery may further subdivide into hepatobiliary, pancreatic and
Clinical Governance and Clinical Audit, 11 gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery.
Management Attitude to Quality of Care, 11 Surgeons are not simply ‘cutting and sewing’ doctors. The
Education and Training of Clinical Staff, 11 drama of surgery may seem attractive but good surgery is rarely
Clinical Audit, 12 dramatic. Only when things go wrong does the drama increase,
Clinical Effectiveness, 12 and this is uncomfortable. Surgery is an art or craft as well as a
Research and Development, 12 science, and judgement, coping under pressure, taking decisive
Clinical Performance, 12 action, teaching and training and managing people skilfully are
Surgical (Clinical) Audit, 12 essential qualities. Operating can be learnt by most people, but
Research in Surgery, 14 the skills involved in deciding when it is in the patient’s best
How Are Potentially Improved Methods Evaluated?, 14 interests to operate are essential and must be actively learnt and
Design of Research and Experiments, 14 practised.
Patient Safety, 14 Surgeons play an important role in diagnosis, using clinical
Dealing With an Adverse Event, 14 method and selecting appropriate investigations. Many undertake
Introduction, 15 diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy including gastroscopy, colo-
General Hazards, 15 noscopy, urological endoscopy, thoracoscopy and arthroscopy.
Theatre Safety, 15 Indications for laparoscopic surgery, supported by good quality
clinical trials, continue to broaden as equipment and skills become
more sophisticated.

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CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 3

What Sort of Patients Come to Surgeons?

Different types of surgeons practise in very different ways. In the
There is no doubt that the first surgeons were the men and women United Kingdom, most patients are referred by another doctor, for
who bound up the lacerations, contusions, fractures, impalements example, GP, accident and emergency (ER) officer or physician.
and eviscerations to which man has been subject since appearing on The exceptions include trauma patients who self-refer or arrive
Earth. Since man is the most vicious of all creatures, many of these by ambulance. In some countries, patients can self-refer to the
injuries were inflicted by man upon man. Indeed, the battlefield has specialist they consider most appropriate. Regardless of the route,
always been a training ground for surgery. Right up to the 15th century, surgical patients fall into the following categories:
surgeons dealing with trauma were surprisingly efficient. They knew • Emergency/acute, that is, symptoms lasting minutes to hours
their limitations—they could splint fractures, reduce dislocations and
bind up lacerations, but were only too aware that open wounds of the
or up to a day or two—often obviously surgical conditions,
skull, chest and abdomen were lethal and were best left alone, as were such as traumatic wounds, fractures, abscesses, acute abdomi-
wounds involving major blood vessels or spinal injuries with paralysis. nal pain or GI bleeding
They observed that wounds would usually discharge yellow pus for • Intermediate urgency—usually referrals from other doctors
a time; indeed, this was regarded as a good prognostic sign and was based on suspicious symptoms and signs and sometimes inves-
labelled ‘laudable pus’. tigations, for example, suspected colonic cancer, gallstones,
The 15th century heralded a new and dreaded pathology—the gunshot renal or ureteric stones
wound. These injuries would stink, swell and bubble with gas. There was • Chronic conditions likely to need surgery, for example, vari-
profound systemic toxicity and a high mortality. Of course, we now know cose veins, hernias, arthritic joints, cardiac ischaemia or rectal
that this was the result of clostridial infection of wounds with extensive prolapse
anaerobic tissue damage caused by shot and shell. The surgeons of those
times were shrewd clinical observers but surmised that these malign effects
were caused by gunpowder acting as a poison, for it was not until centuries The Diagnostic Process
later that the bacterial basis of wound infection became evident. At that To manage surgical patients optimally, a working diagno-
period, the remedy was to destroy the poison with boiling oil or cautery. sis needs to be formulated to guide whether investigations are
Boiling oil was the more popular since it was advocated by the Italian necessary and their type and urgency, and to determine what
surgeon Giovanni da Vigo (1460–1525), the author of the standard text of intervention is necessary. The process depends upon whether
the day, Practica In Arte Chirurgica Compendiosa. These treatments not only immediate life-saving intervention is required or, if not, the
produced intense pain but also made matters worse by increasing tissue perceived urgency of the case. For example, a patient bleeding
necrosis. from a stab wound might need pressure applied to the wound
The first scientific departure from this barbaric treatment was by the immediately whilst resuscitation and detailed assessment are car-
great French military surgeon Ambroise Paré (1510–1590) who, while
still a young man, revolutionised the treatment of wounds by using only
ried out. At the other end of the scale, if symptoms suggest rec-
simple dressings, abandoning cautery and introducing ligatures to control tal carcinoma, a systematic approach is needed to obtain visual
haemorrhage. He established that his results were much better than could and histologic confirmation of the diagnosis by colonoscopy
be achieved by the old methods. and radiologic imaging. Tumour staging (see Ch. 13, p. 185)
Ignorance of the basic sciences behind the practice of surgery was aims to determine the extent of cancer spread to direct how radi-
slowly overcome. The publications of The Fabric of the Human Body in 1543 cal treatment needs to be. Treatment may be curative (surgery,
by Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564) and of The Motion of the Heart by William chemotherapy, radiotherapy) or palliative if clearly beyond cure
Harvey (1578–1657) in 1628 were two notable landmarks. (stenting to prevent obstruction, local tumour destruction using
Surgical progress, however, was still limited by two major obstacles. laser, palliative radiotherapy).
First, the agony of the knife: patients would only undergo an operation to Formulating a Diagnosis. The traditional approach to surgical
relieve intolerable suffering (e.g., from a gangrenous limb, a bladder stone
or a strangulated rupture) and, of course, the surgeon needed to operate
diagnosis is to attempt to correlate a patient’s symptoms and signs
at lightning speed. Second, there was the inevitability of suppuration, with recognised sets of clinical features known to characterise each
with its prolonged disability and high mortality, often as high as 50% after disease. While most diagnoses match their ‘classical’ descriptions
amputation. Amazingly, both these barriers were overcome in the same at certain stages, this may not be so when the patient presents.
couple of decades. Patients often present before a recognisable pattern has evolved or
In 1846, William Morton (1819–1868), a dentist working in Boston, at an advanced stage when the typical clinical picture has become
Massachusetts, introduced ether as a general anaesthetic. This was obscured. Diagnosis can be confusing if all the clinical features for
followed a year later by chloroform, employed by James Young Simpson a particular diagnosis are not present, or if some seem inconsistent
(1811–1870) in Edinburgh, mainly in midwifery. These agents were with the working diagnosis.
taken up with immense enthusiasm across the world in a matter of This book seeks to develop a more logical and reliable approach
The work of the French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)
to diagnostic method than pattern recognition, by attempting to
demonstrated the link between wound suppuration and microbes. This led explain how the evolving pathophysiology of the disease and its
Joseph Lister (1827–1912), then a young professor of surgery in Edinburgh, effect on the anatomy bring about the clinical features. The over-
to perform the first operation under sterile conditions in 1865. This was all aim is to target investigations and management that give the
treatment of a compound tibial fracture in which crude carbolic acid was best chance of cure or symptom relief with the least harm to the
used as an antiseptic. The development of antiseptic surgery and, later, patient.
modern aseptic surgery progressed from there.
So at last, in the 1870s, the scene was set for the coming enormous
advances in every branch of surgery whose breadth and successes form the
Principal Mechanisms of Surgical Disease
basis of this book. Surgical patients present with disorders resulting from inherited
Prof. Harold Ellis, CBE MCH FRCS abnormalities, environmental factors or combinations in varying
proportions. These are summarised in Box 1.1, as a useful ‘first
principles’ framework or aide-mémoire upon which to construct a
4 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

• BOX 1.1   The Surgical Sieve infancy, conditions such as congenital hypertrophic pyloric ste-
nosis come to light. In childhood, incompletely descended testis

When considering the causes of a particular condition, it may be helpful to run may become evident. Finally, some disorders may present at any
through the range of causes listed here. This should only be a first step and not stage. For example, a patent processus vaginalis may predispose to
a substitute for thought. This approach gives no indication of the likely severity, an inguinal hernia even into late middle age.
frequency or importance of the cause. Whilst many congenital abnormalities give rise to disease by
direct anatomical effects, others cause disease by disrupting
• Genetic
function, with the underlying disorder revealed only on investiga-
• Environmental influences in utero tion. For example, ureteric abnormalities allowing urinary reflux
predispose to recurrent kidney infections.
• Trauma—accidents in the home, at work or during leisure activities, Acquired Conditions
personal violence, road traffic collisions
• Inflammation—physical or immunological mechanisms Acquired surgical disorders result from trauma or disease or from
• Infection—viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoal, parasitic the body’s response to them, or else present as an effect or side-
• Neoplasia—benign, premalignant or malignant effect of treatment. For example, bladder outlet obstruction may
• Vascular—ischaemia, infarction, reperfusion syndrome, aneurysms, result from benign prostatic enlargement, from urethral stricture
venous insufficiency
• Degenerative—osteoporosis, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, rectal prolapse
after gonococcal urethritis or from damage inflicted during ure-
• Metabolic disorders—gallstones, urinary tract stones thral instrumentation. The classification detailed here is a frame-
• Endocrine disorders and therapy—thyroid function abnormalities, work, but conditions may fit more than one heading, and the
Cushing syndrome, phaeochromocytoma mechanism behind some disorders is still poorly understood.
• Other abnormalities of tissue growth—hyperplasia, hypertrophy and
cyst formation Trauma
• Iatrogenic disorders—damage or injury resulting from the action of a Tissue trauma, literally injury, includes damage inflicted by any
doctor or other healthcare worker; may be misadventure, negligence or, physical means, that is, mechanical, thermal, chemical or electri-
more commonly, system failure cal mechanisms or ionising radiation. Common usage tends to
• Drugs, toxins, diet, exercise and environment imply blunt or penetrating mechanical injury, caused by accidents
• Prescription drugs—toxic effects of powerful drugs,
maladministration, idiosyncratic reactions, drug interactions
in industry or in the home, road traffic collisions, fights, firearm
• Smoking—atherosclerosis, cancers, peptic ulcer and missile injuries or natural disasters, such as floods and earth-
• Alcohol abuse—personal violence, traffic collisions quakes. Damage varies with the causative agent, and the visible
• Substance abuse—accidents, injection site problems injuries may not indicate the extent of deep tissue damage.
• ‘Western diet’—obesity, atherosclerosis, cancers
• Lack of exercise—obesity, osteoporosis, aches and pains Inflammation
• Venomous snakes, spiders, scorpions and other creatures—local Many surgical disorders result from inflammatory processes, most
and systemic toxicity often stemming from infection. However, inflammation also
• Atmospheric pollution—pulmonary problems results from physical irritation, particularly by chemical agents,
• Psychogenic— factitious disorder, unspecified (Munchausen syndrome) for example, gastric acid/pepsin in peptic ulcer disease or pancre-
leading to repeated operations, problems of indigent living, ingestion of
foreign bodies, self-harm
atic enzymes in acute pancreatitis.
• Disorders of function—diverticular disease, some swallowing disorders Inflammation may also result from immunological processes,
such as in ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. Autoimmunity,
where an immune response is directed at the body’s constituents,
is recognised in a growing number of surgical diseases, such as
differential diagnosis. This is useful when clinical features do not Hashimoto thyroiditis and rheumatoid disease.
immediately point to a diagnosis. This approach is known as the
surgical sieve; however, it is not a substitute for logical thought Infection
based on the clinical findings. Primary infections presenting to surgeons include abscesses and
cellulitis, primary joint infections and tonsillitis. Typhoid may
cause caecal perforation, and abdominal tuberculosis may be dis-
Congenital Conditions covered at laparotomy. Amoebiasis can cause ulcerative colitis-like
The term congenital defines a condition present at birth, as a effects. Preventing and treating infection is an important factor
result of genetic changes and/or environmental influences in utero in surgical emergencies, such as acute appendicitis or bowel per-
such as ischaemia, incomplete development or maternal ingestion foration. Despite the rational use of prophylactic and therapeutic
of drugs such as thalidomide. Congenital abnormalities of surgical antibiotics, postoperative infection remains a common complica-
interest range from minor cosmetic deformities such as skin tags tion of surgery.
through to potentially fatal conditions such as congenital heart
defects, posterior urethral valves and gut atresias. Neoplasia
Congenital abnormalities become manifest any time between Certain benign tumours, such as lipomas, are common and
conception and old age, although most are evident at birth or in are excised mainly for cosmetic reasons. Less commonly, benign
early childhood. Some are diagnosed antenatally, for example, foe- tumours cause mechanical problems, such as obstruction of a hol-
tal gut atresias with grossly excessive amniotic fluid (polyhydram- low viscus or surface blood loss, for example, leiomyoma. Benign
nios). There are expanding specialist areas involving intrauterine or endocrine tumours may need removal because of excess hormone
foetal surgery, for example, for urinary tract obstruction. During secretion (see Endocrine disorders later). Finally, benign tumours

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CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 5

may be clinically indistinguishable from malignant tumours and Diabetes mellitus, particularly when poorly controlled, causes
are removed or biopsied to obtain a diagnosis. a range of complications of surgical importance, for example, dia-
Malignant tumours may present with signs and symptoms betic foot problems, retinopathy and cataract formation, as well as
from the primary, the effects of metastases (‘secondaries’) and predisposing to atherosclerosis.
sometimes, systemic effects, such as cachexia. Malignant tumours Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women
are responsible for a large part of the general surgical workload. brings mixed benefits: it slows osteoporosis and reduces colorectal
cancer risk whilst slightly increasing risk of breast and endometrial
Vascular Disorders cancer. There is also evidence of an increased rate of thrombo-
A tissue or organ becomes ischaemic when its arterial blood supply embolism, as with higher oestrogen-containing oral contraceptive
is impaired; infarction occurs when cell life cannot be sustained. pills.
Atherosclerosis progressively narrows arteries often resulting in
chronic ischaemia, causing symptoms, such as angina pectoris or Other Abnormalities of Tissue Growth
intermittent claudication. It also predisposes to acute-on-chronic Growth disturbances, such as hyperplasia (increase in number of
ischaemia when diseased vessels finally occlude. Other common cells) and hypertrophy (increase in size of cells) may cause surgi-
causes of acute arterial insufficiency are thrombosis, embolism and cal problems, in particular benign prostatic hyperplasia, fibroad-
trauma. Arterial embolism causes acute ischaemia of limbs, intes- enosis of the breast and thyroid enlargement (goitre).
tine or brain; emboli often originate in the heart. If blood supply In surgery, the term cyst imprecisely describes a mass which
is restored after a period of ischaemia, further damage can ensue appears to contain fluid because of characteristic fluctuance and
as a result of reperfusion syndrome. transilluminability. A cyst is defined as a closed sac with a distinct
When a portion of bowel becomes strangulated, the initial lining membrane that develops abnormally in the body. A variety
mechanism of tissue damage is venous obstruction, and this pro- of pathological processes produce cysts. Most are benign but some
gresses to arterial ischaemia and infarction. cysts may be malignant.
An aneurysm is an abnormal dilatation of an artery resulting
from degeneration of connective tissue. This may rupture, throm- Iatrogenic Disorders
bose or generate emboli. Iatrogenic damage or injury results from the action of a doctor
Chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limb causing local or other healthcare worker. It may be an unfortunate outcome
venous hypertension is responsible for the majority of chronic leg of an adequately performed investigation or operation, for exam-
ulcers in the West. ple, perforated colon during colonoscopy or pneumothorax from
attempted aspiration of a breast cyst. These are termed surgical
Degenerative Disorders misadventure. However, if the damage results from a patently
This is an inhomogeneous group of conditions characterised incorrect procedure, for example, amputation of the wrong leg
by deterioration of body tissues as life progresses. In the mus- or removal of the wrong kidney, then negligence is likely to be
culoskeletal system, osteoporosis decreases bone density and proven. Such wrong site surgery is termed a never event and is
impairs its structural integrity, making fragility fractures more now rare because of mandatory preoperative site marking and
likely. Spinal disc and facet joint degeneration is common, caus- comprehensive theatre staff briefing (World Health Organization
ing back pain and disability, and osteoarthritis is widely preva- [WHO] checklist). Other never events include retained foreign
lent in later life: the almost universal musculoskeletal aches and objects postprocedure (i.e., surgical swab, guidewire), transfusion
pains are probably caused by degeneration of muscle, tendon, of incompatible blood products or administration of medication
joint and bone. via the wrong route. Prescription or administration of the incor-
Other degenerative disorders include age-related retinal rect drug or dose is usually iatrogenic. It is unusual for iatrogenic
macular degeneration, glaucoma, the inherited disorder retini- problems to be caused simply by one person’s failure. More often
tis pigmentosa, and certain neurological disorders (Alzheimer, it is a system failure, with inadequate checks and balances in the
Huntington and Parkinson disease, bulbar palsy). Atherosclerosis system. Complications of bowel surgery, such as anastomotic leak-
and aneurysmal arterial diseases are often nonspecifically labelled age may result from poorly performed surgery but can occur in
degenerative. expert hands; audited results can demonstrate whether the sur-
geon is proficient.
Metabolic Disorders
Metabolic disorders may be responsible for stones in the gall blad- Drugs, Toxins and Diet
der (e.g., haemolytic diseases causing pigment stones) or in the Problems with prescribed drugs include unavoidable toxic effects
urinary tract (e.g., hypercalciuria and hyperuricaemia causing cal- of certain chemotherapeutic agents, for example, neutropenia,
cium and uric acid stones, respectively). Hypercholesterolaemia and the side-effects of drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflam-
is a major factor in atherosclerosis and hypertriglyceridaemia is a matory drugs (NSAIDs) causing duodenal perforation, or codeine
rare cause of acute pancreatitis. phosphate causing constipation. Drug allergy, idiosyncrasy or
anaphylaxis may result from individual responses to almost any
Endocrine Disorders and Hormonal Therapy drug, and interactions between drugs cause adverse effects; in this
Hypersecretion of hormones, as in thyrotoxicosis and hyperpara- respect warfarin is a prime culprit. Maladministration of drugs
thyroidism, may require surgical removal or reduction of glan- may also cause problems with, for example, the wrong drug given
dular tissue. Endocrine tumours, benign and malignant, may for intrathecal chemotherapy causing paralysis (a never event).
present with metabolic abnormalities, such as hypercalcaemia In many countries, venomous creatures, such as spiders, snakes
caused by a parathyroid adenoma, Cushing syndrome resulting or scorpions cause toxic and sometimes fatal harm.
from an adrenal adenoma or episodic hypertension caused by a Although major advances have now been made to discour-
phaeochromocytoma. age it, cigarette smoking has been the biggest single preventable

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6 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

cause of death and disability in developed countries. Cigarette  Desirable Attributes in a Surgeon
• BOX 1.2 
smoke is highly addictive and contains an array of carcinogens in
the tar, the vasoconstrictor nicotine, and carbon monoxide that After Professor George Youngson, Emeritus Prof. of Paediatric Surgery, University
binds preferentially to haemoglobin. Not surprisingly, smoking of Aberdeen.
is a powerful factor in a huge range of diseases including car- • Technical knowledge and clinical experience
diovascular disorders of heart, limbs and brain, dysplasias and • Listening and communication skills with patients, secretary, colleagues
cancers of lung, mouth and larynx, respiratory disorders, such and managers
• Qualities of leadership and the ability to work in a team
as pneumonias, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) • Personal attributes—kindness and empathy
and emphysema via small airways inflammation, stillbirth and • The ability to make reasoned judgements and decisions under pressure,
peptic ulcer disease. Smoking compounds the atherogenic effects often with incomplete information
of diabetes and is also strongly associated with premature skin • Situation awareness—the ability to collect and synthesise information
ageing. Environmental pollution adversely affects health: for rapidly
example, microfine particles produced by diesel engines cause • Problem solving ability—often in situations not previously encountered
pulmonary inflammation. • Insight into one’s own practice and a willingness to change plans or
Alcohol and substance abuse may have a surgical dimension: behaviours if shown to be incorrect. Being prepared to listen and to
alcohol can lead to personal violence or road traffic collisions; can- learn from constructive criticism
nabis smoke is carcinogenic and causes dysplasias and premalig- • Organisation and planning ability to cope effectively with a heavy
nant lesions of the oral mucosa, as well as contributing to mental • Professional integrity and honesty
health problems. Misdirected injection of opioids and other drugs • A genuine desire to continue learning and professional development
may cause abscesses, false aneurysms and even arterial occlusion. • Reliability in fulfilling responsibilities and commitments
Misuse of ketamine can cause intractable bladder pain, cystitis and • The ability to recognise one’s own values and principles and understand
urinary symptoms. how they differ from others
The so-called Western diet, rich in fat and calories and low in
vegetables, fruit and fibre, is linked with a range of diseases includ-
ing colorectal and breast cancers, obesity, dyslipidaemias, diabetes
and hypertension. This is particularly so when combined with a Greek School of Medicine around 500 bc and its essence is as
lack of exercise. Dietary fibre protects against colorectal adenomas follows:
and carcinomas as well as diverticular disease. • Doctors must be instructed and then registered to protect the
public from amateurs and charlatans.
Psychogenic Disorders • Medicine is for the benefit of patients, and doctors must avoid
Psychogenic disorders are not often a source of surgical disease but doing anything known to cause harm.
factitious disorder (previously referred to as Munchausen syndrome) • Euthanasia and abortion are prohibited.
patients may present with abdominal pain and become subjects of • Operations and procedures must be performed only by practi-
repeated laparotomies, psychiatric patients living rough may suffer tioners with appropriate expertise.
from exposure and frostbite, and others may repeatedly cause self- • Doctors must maintain proper professional relationships with
harm or swallow foreign bodies, even such items as razor blades their patients and treatment choices should not be governed by
or safety pins. motives of profit or favour.
• Doctors should not take advantage of their professional rela-
Disorders of Function tionships with their patients.
A range of common disorders are defined by the functional abnor- • Medical confidentiality must be respected (see later).
malities they cause, although their pathogenesis often remains ill
understood. The GI tract is particularly susceptible, with condi- Confidentiality
tions, such as idiopathic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome
and diverticular disease. Patients allow the National Health Service (NHS) to gather sensi-
tive information about their health and personal matters as part
Medical Ethics and Confidentiality of seeking treatment. They do this in confidence and legitimately
expect staff will respect this trust.
The term medical ethics refers to the universal principles upon In the United Kingdom, patient information is held under
which medical decisions should be based, and governs the legal and ethical obligations of confidentiality. This informa-
beliefs and actions that influence the day to day judgements tion must not be used or disclosed in a way that might identify a
of doctors. Whilst benevolence should govern all medical prac- patient without their consent. Caldicott Guardians are senior staff
tice, other factors, such as self-interest, money, the distribu- in the NHS and social services appointed to protect patient infor-
tion of resources and individual technical skills are important mation locally. The doctor’s duty of confidence is a legal obligation
motivating factors. derived from case law and is a requirement in professional codes of
To some extent, the practice of surgery is influenced by the conduct. Even if a patient is unconscious, the duty of confidence
need for self-protection but in trying to avoid litigation, a sur- is not diminished.
geon may overtreat or overinvestigate in ways that are unnecessary Whilst cases are often discussed over lunch and elsewhere
and may even be unethical. A degree of self-interest is inevitable with colleagues, this should not be done in a public place. When
but the guiding principle should be that the patient’s interests are patients are discussed at meetings, identification data should be
paramount. Desirable attributes in a surgeon are listed in Box 1.2. concealed and written notes about patients should not be left
Surgeons generally aspire to practise their craft in line with lying around or taken from the hospital except using official chan-
the principles of the Hippocratic Oath. This originated from the nels, for example, during patient transfer.
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 7

Do Not Resuscitate Orders can understand. A good interview also involves imagining ‘the
third eye’, how both sides of the consultation might appear to
A do not resuscitate (DNR) order on a patient’s file means that an observer. Patients frequently complain, with good reason, that
doctors are not required to resuscitate a patient if their heart stops. they ‘don’t know what is going on’. They pick up bits of informa-
It is designed to prevent unnecessary suffering and potential side- tion that may be inaccurate, so doctors should anticipate what
effects such as pain, broken ribs, ruptured spleen or brain damage. they should explain to patients and families and give information
The British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nurs- in a timely fashion.
ing say that DNR orders can be issued only after discussion with During the process of diagnosis and treatment, there is often
patients or family, difficult though this may be. Decisions should uncertainty and incomplete information, so it is valuable to
not be made by junior doctors alone but in consultation with explain at intervals the stage reached, both to the patient and,
seniors. The most difficult cases are those involving patients who with the patient’s permission, to relatives. Where there are differ-
know they are going to die and are suffering pain or other severe ent treatment options, a balanced view of the alternatives should
symptoms but who could live for months. be given, perhaps with some statistics, but when the doctor has
All adult patients who are admitted to hospital should have reason to prefer one approach, this should be explained too, and
documentation of their resuscitation status. A DNR order does then the patient can make a considered choice. It can be easy to
not mean that patients cannot be offered any active treatment. persuade patients to undergo treatment—after all, you are the
Discussion should take place with the patient and family to set expert in their eyes—but trust, respect and empathy teach that
boundaries on acceptable treatment of potentially reversible fac- patients may wish to reflect at leisure. Except in emergencies,
tors (such as antibiotics for infection), but it may be agreed that it patients should be able to go away and consider options rather
is not appropriate to escalate care to a high dependency unit if the than having to sign a consent form just before treatment. They
condition significantly deteriorates. may even wish to take a second opinion if choices are uncertain
or potentially life-changing; this should be welcomed rather than
Guidelines for When a DNR May be Issued discouraged. By helping patients understand their condition, their
• If a patient’s condition is such that resuscitation is unlikely to self-management will be more effective. Similarly, key factors such
succeed. as diet or smoking habits can be discussed in an atmosphere of
• If a mentally competent patient has consistently stated or trust with more hope of success.
recorded they do not want to be resuscitated.
• If an advance notice or living will says the patient does not Palliative Care
want to be resuscitated. Sometimes cure is not possible. Then quality of life may become
• If successful resuscitation would not be in the patient’s best the goal, with palliative treatment being offered. Patients generally
interest because it would lead to a very poor quality of life. want to know what will happen, including their mode of dying.
In the United Kingdom, NHS Trust Hospitals must agree Whilst this can be hard to predict, they need to know their symp-
explicit resuscitation policies that respect patients’ rights and are toms, particularly pain, will be managed effectively and that they
readily available to patients, families and carers; policies must be will be looked after. Experience teaches it is usually impossible to
regularly monitored. say with accuracy when a patient will die except a few days before
it will happen, so it is unwise to predict life span except in general
Breaking Bad News
With Patients
All doctors in clinical practice experience the need to break bad
Doctor–patient relationships are best learnt by following good news, such as an unfavourable outcome, unsatisfactory care, a can-
examples in the clinic and ward in an apprenticeship model. cer diagnosis or a poor prognosis. It is an event doctors tend to
Patients are vulnerable, often with unpleasant symptoms and usu- remember and a moment in the patient or relative’s life they will
ally with little understanding of anatomy, physiology or pathol- never forget.
ogy. They rarely understand the likely progress of a disease or its Ideally, bad news should be conveyed by the most senior mem-
treatment and may have been conditioned by the media to expect ber of the team but in reality, bad things often happen at night,
miracle cures or to believe that the latest technology is what they often in the A&E department, and the most junior doctor is the
need. Patients take in only about 10% of what is said during a one on the spot. Discuss what is to be said with your seniors even
consultation, but this can be improved in the right setting and under these circumstances wherever possible. The following gen-
with reinforcement. Important messages need to be given in com- eral points apply:
fortable surroundings, without giving the impression the doctor is • Bad news is private. Find a quiet space, preferably an office
in a rush, perhaps with family present and with a nurse who can with chairs (you do not need a desk).
later ensure messages have been understood. • Avoid hiding behind jargon: ‘the metastatic nature of the neo-
Doctors are in a privileged position, able to make decisions on plasm makes it inoperable’ is useless. ‘I’m sorry to say that the
a patient’s behalf that can have dramatic effects on their life and cancer has spread and an operation won’t help’ is better.
that of their family. Patients these days generally wish to know • Give time and space; turn off pagers and phones if possible.
more about their condition, but can then take greater responsi- • Do not be defensive and do not be afraid to express regret.
bility for it than in the old days of the paternalistic doctor. Thus • Avoid filling the silence of grief with continuous chatter.
an effective doctor–patient relationship involves not only tak- • Allow time for questions. If you do not know the answer, say so
ing an accurate history but also intelligent listening to discover and try to find out.
what patients know, or think they know, about their health and • Always offer another meeting, ideally with the head of the
likely treatments, and responding to their concerns in ways they team.

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8 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

• Many patients/families will wish to discuss what has been record important test results and write instructions for antibiotic
imparted with their family doctor, so it is vital that you get all and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis. In high operative
information to the GP before that visit. risk patients, seniors should document discussions before surgery.
After operation, write or type an operation note with clear postop-
erative instructions so these are immediately available to recovery
Communicating With Colleagues and ward staff.
Communicating with colleagues involves speaking, both face to Document details of any discussions with patient and rela-
face and on the telephone (Box 1.3), and writing (handwriting, tives—particularly about poor prognosis or withdrawal of active
dictating, typing, emailing) patient notes, information letters to treatment and who has been told about this or about a diagnosis
patient or family practitioners, for example, after an outpatient of malignancy. Regarding a discharge summary, ensure all inves-
consultation, referral letters, discharge summaries, reports and tigation results have been checked and the diagnosis and future
presentations for local or larger scale medical meetings. All of plans have been recorded and send it immediately on discharge.
these need to be honest, accurate and timely, particularly when If the patient died, record the cause of death in the notes as it is
communicating patient information. Remember, recipients are written on the certificate and inform the family doctor.
entitled to rely on what you have written in their later treatment of
a patient. Also any written information may be called in evidence
in a court of law should something go wrong later. Patient notes Evidence-Based Medicine and Guidelines
must never be altered later, although rarely, amendments may be History
added provided they are signed and dated.
Hospital doctors work in teams where it is important to know Evidence-based medicine (EBM) as now understood really began
one’s responsibilities and those of everybody else, and to under- when Professor Archie Cochrane, a Scottish epidemiologist, pub-
stand when to call for help in good time. Changes in a patient’s lished his book Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on
condition usually need to be passed on to other team members. Health Services in 1972 and continued with his later advocacy of
If you have made a mistake, admit it early and do everything you its principles. EBM has gradually gained political support and
can to mitigate it. acceptance within the medical profession. EBM calls into ques-
With diminishing junior doctors’ hours, it is vital to have tion the traditional belief that ‘we’ve always based our practice on
structured handover of patients to the incoming team at the end science’. Cochrane’s work has been recognised by the proliferation
of shifts and at weekends and holidays, including especially details of Cochrane Centres and the international Cochrane Collabora-
of ill patients and those with complex management problems and tion, all devoted to meticulously evaluating evidence and promot-
any agreed plans for them. ing its use.
The aim of EBM is to apply best scientific evidence to clini-
Communication via the Clinical Record cal decision making. It relies on critical assessment of published
Reduced junior hospital doctors’ hours make it imperative to keep evidence about risks and benefits of treatments (or lack of treat-
the written records for every patient up to date, including man- ment) and of diagnostic tests. Only between 50% and 80% of
agement plans and what to do if predictable changes occur. Date the volume of medical treatments are evidence based, with better
and legibly sign each entry giving your name in capitals and grade, evidence available for more common treatments. Statements by
medical experts are seen as the least valid form of evidence, but
evidence-based practice is not relevant where imponderables, such
as quality of life judgements are involved. Evidence-based guide-
 Effective Telephone Consultation and
• BOX 1.3  lines (EBG) have an appeal to health economists, policymakers
Handover and managers as they help to measure performance and perhaps
justify rationing or centralising resources.
When you need to consult a consultant or colleague by telephone about a
Austin Bradford Hill, the grandfather of modern medical
patient, particularly during unsocial hours, you must clarify details yourself
before phoning. Think through the case, pinpointing key elements listed research, who was fundamental in discovering the link between
subsequently: smoking and lung cancer, produced a set of guidelines, as given
• On phoning, state your name and status (on-call SpR for instance) and in Box 1.4, for assessing causality, that is, the relationship between
say at the outset what you think you want—whether advice or for the an exposure and an outcome, and these remain the foundation of
consultant to come in. EBM today.
• Summarise the case succinctly, visualising how your description
appears to the listener.
• When did the problem start (day, time)?
• What circumstances necessitated the patient coming to hospital?
• What was the patient’s state on arrival (conscious/unconscious; wounds  Guidelines for Assessing the Relationship
• BOX 1.4 
or bleeding; level of pain; resuscitation status)? Between an Exposure and an Outcome
• Did you examine the patient and establish the signs or were they
reported to you? • A strong and consistent association, specific to the problem being
• Is there any relevant past history? studied
• What has progress been since arrival? • The supposed cause must come before the possible effect
• What investigations have been ordered and what results do you have so • There should ideally be a biological gradient or dose-response effect
far? • The association should be consistent with what is already known or at
• Are any other specialists involved, for example, plastics or orthopaedics? least not completely at odds with it
• Finally, indicate again what you want the consultant to do. • It should be biologically plausible
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 9

Cherry-Picking the Evidence Versus Systematic  How Cochrane Centres Evaluate Evidence
• BOX 1.5 
Note that the hierarchy of evidence relates to the strength of the literature and
Cherry-picking is a dubious means of reinforcing what you already not necessarily to its clinical importance.
believe, the very opposite of systematic review. It involves relying 1. Strength of evidence
only on published work that supports your view and finding rea- a. Level of evidence: that is, is the evidence a true measure of the
sons to ignore what goes against it. The solution is a process of benefit of an intervention? In descending order of reliability:
• Cochrane (or equivalent quality) systematic reviews of all
systematic review as conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration.
relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
Their methodologies were largely established at McMaster Univer- • At least one well-conducted RCT.
sity. The term EBM first appeared in 1992 and journals devoted • A nonrandomised trial assigning participants to a treatment
to the subject have included the British Medical Journal’s Clinical group alternately or by date or time of arrival, for example.
Evidence, the Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare and Evidence • Nonrandomised studies where a control group ran concurrently
Based Health Policy, all co-founded by Anna Donald, an Austra- with an intervention group.
lian pioneer. • Nonrandomised studies where intervention effects are compared
EBM encourages clinicians to integrate valid and useful scien- with historical data.
tific evidence into their clinical expertise. Using systematic reviews, • Single case studies.
meta-analyses, risk-benefit analyses and randomised controlled • Opinion of experienced experts—‘conventional wisdom’.
b. Quality of evidence: determined by how well the study methods
trials (RCTs), EBM aims that health professionals make ‘consci-
minimise bias.
entious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence’ in c. Statistical precision: the degree of certainty about whether a
everyday practice. Systematic review of published research studies measured effect truly exists.
is a very important method of evaluating treatments. An explicit 2. Size of effect
search strategy is used finding relevant data, both published and For clinically relevant benefits or harms, how far away is the outcome of the
raw and unpublished. The methodological quality of each study intervention from ‘no apparent effect’?
is evaluated, ideally blind to the results. Alternative treatments are 3. Relevance of the evidence
compared, and then a critical, weighted summary is given. This How appropriate is the outcome for the healthcare problem studied, and
thorough sifting of information often reveals large knowledge how useful is it for measuring the benefits (or harms) of the treatment? To
gaps and sometimes grossly flawed ‘best practices’; it has saved which groups or subgroups of patients may the results apply?
4. The likely range of the true effect
numerous lives without undertaking new research studies. Sir
Studies that are well designed and carried out can show unreliable results
Muir Gray, an internationally respected authority on healthcare because of chance. Confidence interval (CI) describes the likely range
systems, has commented ‘advances will be made through clean, of the true effect. For example, a study may show that 40% (95% CI,
clear information’. 30%–50%) of people appear to be helped by a treatment; we can thus be
The Cochrane Collaboration is perhaps the best known, most 95% certain the true effect lies between 30% and 50%.
rigorous and respected organisation providing systematic reviews.
Once the best evidence has been assessed, treatment is rated as
‘likely to be beneficial’, ‘likely to be harmful’, or ‘evidence did
not indicate benefit or harm’. A 2007 analysis of 1016 system-
atic reviews from all 50 Cochrane Collaboration Review Groups contrast, patient testimonials, case reports, and even expert opin-
found 44% of the interventions beneficial, 7% harmful and 49% ion have lesser value because of the placebo effect, biases inher-
where the evidence did not support benefit or harm. Ninety-six ent in observation and reporting, and personal and institutional
percent recommended further research. biases.
When it comes to new or radical ideas, well-trained experts A series of classifications of the strength of different types of
using clinical common sense should be able to make rational evidence have been fashioned, grading them according to their
judgements about what is likely to be true; the more unlikely the freedom from biases that plague medical research; all are based
claims for a new treatment, the higher must be the standard of around the same descending hierarchy:
proper evidence. • Systematic reviews of RCTs
• Individual RCTs
Longitudinal or Cohort Studies • Controlled observational studies—cohort and case control
For predicting prognosis, the highest level of evidence is a systemic • Uncontrolled observational studies and case reports
review of inception cohort studies, that is, groups of patients assem- • Established practice and expert opinion (not to be confused
bled near the onset of the disorder. These groups are followed over with personal experience, sometimes dubbed eminence-based
years to determine how variables, such as smoking habits, exercise, medicine). Expert opinion may be the best guide in the absence
occupation and geography may affect outcome. Prospective stud- of good research evidence
ies take years to perform but are valued more than retrospective
studies, which are more likely to generate bias.
Other Classifications of Quality of Evidence
Ranking the Quality of Evidence (Box 1.5) For a review of classifications of evidence, see:
The strongest evidence for therapeutic interventions is by system- For access to the GRADE system of assessing the strength of
atic review of randomised, double- or triple-blind, placebo-con- recommendation and quality of evidence in systematic review see:
trolled trials with allocation concealment and complete follow-up,
in a homogeneous patient population and medical condition. In stract
10 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Quality and Limitations of Clinical Trials rational. UK common law holds that an adult of sound mind has
the right to determine what is done with his body and a surgeon
Trials must now be registered in advance: the Declaration of Hel- who performs an operation without consent commits an assault
sinki 2008 requires that every clinical trial be registered in a pub- in the eyes of the law. The General Medical Council (GMC) guid-
licly accessible database before recruitment of the first subject. ance on consent can be accessed via:
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors refuses ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/consent
to publish clinical trial results if the trial was not recorded in this
way. This should eliminate the bias inherent in the failure to pub-
lish negative trials. When Is Consent Necessary?
In 1993 30 medical journal editors, clinical trialists, epidemi- Ideally, medical treatment should not proceed without first
ologists and methodologists met in Ottawa to develop a new scale obtaining the patient’s consent. Consent may be expressed, or it
to assess the quality of RCT reports. This eventually resulted in the may be implied, as when a patient presents for examination and
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) State- acquiesces in the suggested procedure. Expressed permission can
ment, published in 1996 and now largely adhered to by respected be based on an oral or a written agreement. Most invasive inves-
medical journals ( Cochrane tigations (such as upper GI endoscopy or arteriography) and any
adheres to similar standards and uses software ‘RevMan’ to help surgical operation should be preceded by written consent, ideally
reviewers evaluate published studies. well in advance to give the patient time to think it over. If oral
consent alone has been obtained, then a note should be made in
Resources the patient’s record.
• Cochrane Library: A doctor may proceed without consent if the patient’s balance
• UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): of mind is disturbed or if the patient is incapable of giving con- sent because of unconsciousness. The same principles apply if the
• NHS search engine for Evidence in Health and Social Care patient is a minor, but it is sensible to seek consent from respon-
(from NICE): sible relatives or to check with colleagues that the planned action
is in the patient’s best interest. Opinions should be recorded in the
Guidelines notes before action is taken.
Clinical guidelines, practice policies, protocols and codes of practice
are locally or more widely published mechanisms aimed at harmon- The Unconscious Patient
ising processes of care using best practice. Some are produced by Under the necessity principle, a surgeon is justified in treating a
surgical societies, such as the Association of Surgeons of Great Brit- patient without expressed consent if what he seeks to protect is
ain and Ireland (ASGBI). Guidelines should be just that—provid- more valuable than the wrongful act, that is, treating without con-
ing a structure rather than absolute ways to proceed in every case; sent, provided there is no objection to treatment. Treatment must
they may be varied if clinical conditions dictate. Guidelines should be no more extensive than is essential and procedures not needed
have an evidence basis or be of proven clinical effectiveness and need for the patient’s survival must not be performed. For example, a
regular review as evidence accumulates. Local guidelines are a natu- diseased testis could be removed during a hernia repair but sterilis-
ral outcome of clinical audit studies (see p. 11, later). ing a patient during a Caesarean section without consent consti-
tutes assault.
Keeping Up to Date: Continuing Professional Ambiguous wording on consent forms requiring a patient to
agree to any operation the surgeon considers necessary is regarded
Development (CPD) by the courts as completely worthless. For this reason, a model
Clinicians are quite properly expected to keep up with current consent form was produced by the NHS Executive in 1990 to be
developments and to demonstrate this to be revalidated. Surgical used throughout the health services.
knowledge and wisdom can be acquired by reading, from seniors
in clinic and on ward rounds, by discussion at local and regional Practical Aspects of Consent for Treatment
meetings and by attending courses. Meetings may include journal In British law, there is no such thing as informed consent. Sur-
clubs, case presentations, reviews of specific topics, and presenta- geons like to feel they obtain informed consent after explaining
tion of research or audit projects. Broad national update meetings to the patient in nontechnical language the nature, purpose and
are valuable and in the United Kingdom, include the ASGBI and risks of the proposed investigation or treatment, together with
speciality meetings, such as the Vascular Society and the British alternatives and the likely outcome of treatment. It is good prac-
Orthopaedic Association. Meetings are a forum for trainees to tice to provide a printed information leaflet on the specific opera-
present their work, learn from other presentations and find out tion detailing the procedure, alternatives, risks and recovery. The
what is current from colleagues. Surgeons in the United Kingdom patient must be capable of understanding the explanation and if
are required to keep a log-book record of their educational activi- this is not the case then informed consent has not been obtained.
ties to demonstrate their continued learning and this document It follows that consent cannot be obtained from patients who are
forms part of regular appraisal and revalidation. unconscious or of unsound mind.

Consent to Treatment Obtaining Consent (Box 1.6)

There has been a significant change in UK law following the case of
Treatment against a patient’s will is only rarely justifiable. Clear- Montgomery versus the East Lanarkshire Health Board whereby
ing the airways of someone about to choke to death who is irra- the process of consent must stand the test that a reasonable body
tional because of impaired consciousness can easily be justified of patients and relatives would understand the benefits and dis-
on the grounds that the patient would have wanted it if fully advantages of all possible treatments for the particular condition.
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 11

Jehovah’s Witnesses
 The Informed Consent Process
• BOX 1.6 
Adult Jehovah’s Witnesses usually refuse blood or blood prod-
The informed consent process should include: uct transfusion even in an extreme emergency because of their
• a description of the procedure or operation and anaesthetic; interpretation of part of the Bible. If permission to transfuse is
• why the procedure is recommended and the risks and benefits; withheld, then blood should not be given. Failure to respect the
• the degree of severity and likelihood of complications; patient’s wish may result in an accusation of battery. The moral
• treatment alternatives with related risks and benefits;
dilemma of allowing a patient to die when blood transfusion is
• probable consequences of declining the recommended or alternative
likely to prevent death is uncomfortable but the law is clear. Gen-
• name of doctor conducting the procedure and the anaesthetic; eral advice is that a surgeon cannot refuse to treat simply because
• other doctors performing tasks related to the procedure. the patient imposes conditions on that treatment, although it may
be possible to transfer the patient to a compliant surgeon’s care. In
these circumstances, it is wise to interview the patient in the pres-
ence of a witness and explain the risks. The discussion should be
noted and the witness should sign the hospital record.
This now supersedes the Bolam test in law, which relied only upon In elective cases where anaemia needs to be treated to optimise
a reasonable body of medical opinion supporting a particular the patient preoperatively, they may accept synthetic (recombi-
course of treatment. Consent should be obtained by a doctor suf- nant) erythropoietin, which stimulates bone marrow to replace red
ficiently knowledgeable to explain the treatment, any alternatives, blood cells. Some may consider the use of a cell saver during major
the likely outcome and any significant risks. Sometimes trained surgery (anticipated to experience high blood loss) to harvest
nurses obtain a first-stage consent, which is confirmed by a doctor blood, process it and then reinfuse back into the body if required.
later. In children of Jehovah’s Witnesses the position is different. If
The types and level of risk that have to be discussed are not well a blood or blood product transfusion is needed to save the life
defined, but a risk of complication or potential failure to treat the of a child or to prevent harm, the transfusion can be given and
condition of 5% to 10% should certainly be discussed. Opera- defended in law by claiming that the decision was taken in the
tion-specific or disease-specific risks must be explained (e.g., facial best interests of the child. If parental consent is withheld and there
nerve damage in parotid surgery, hypoparathyroidism following is ample time, the child can be made a ward of court, but this
thyroid surgery) and the discussion detailed in the records. Gen- is not essential to obtain consent. If the decision to give blood
eral risks, such as DVT or pneumonia are not usually discussed but is made, a second medical opinion confirming the need should
this does place doubt on whether such consent is truly informed. be obtained if time allows. It is important to realise that a child
Discussion before consent should occur in an unhurried man- subjected to transfusion against parental wishes may be rejected
ner, giving the patient time to absorb the information, to question by the parents.
the doctor obtaining consent and to indicate treatments he/she
does not want. The patient may wish to discuss aspects of what Clinical Governance and Clinical Audit
is proposed with family or friends before consenting. In patients
incapable of giving consent, it is customary to obtain consent Clinical governance is a systematic approach to preserving and
from a near relative, and for the doctor to complete a consent advancing the quality of patient care within a health system. Since
form 4 (for adults who lack capacity). Whilst not essential in law, the 1970s, there has been a growing realisation that looking criti-
this represents good practice. cally at the way we run our clinical practice, and then taking active
Most patients do not read the forms they sign before under- steps to move ahead, is much more effective than simply following
going treatment; more than half do not understand them; and time-honoured practices or even opening new avenues of research.
only a quarter of forms include all the data needed to make an In the United Kingdom, this movement is now universal but with
informed decision. The US Department of Veterans Affairs has varying degrees of success. Clinical governance starts with the
adopted an electronic informed-consent software program with a mindset that the quality of care matters; it embodies a range of
digital pad to sign, with details stored in their medical record. The activities described here and elsewhere in this chapter.
program, known as iMedConsent, includes a library of anatomical
diagrams and explanations at easy reading level for 2000+ proce-
dures in 30+ specialties. The process was initially slow to perform,
Management Attitude to Quality of Care
but soon became quick. Patients having elective procedures could Health service managers have to keep quality of care high on their
now gain all the information they needed in advance and it was long list of priorities and facilitate clinicians’ initiatives.
easy to check they had understood it. The main disadvantage is
that these privately produced programs are expensive.
Education and Training of Clinical Staff
Consent in Children Thorough and well-rounded teaching in medical and nursing
Consent can be obtained from children aged 16 years and over school, including anatomy and surgery, is the starting point.
and occasionally in those under 16 years. It is always sensible to Training posts then need to offer a wide range of experience in an
liaise with parents wherever possible in young people aged 17 and apprenticeship model, including step-by-step learning of proce-
18 years. In the absence of parents, another relative or person ‘in dures to back up continuing medical education, as well as specific
loco parentis’ can give consent for children. courses, such as Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS). Dur-
For children in care, the local authority usually has full parental ing training, good behaviours, attitudes and judgement can be
rights and the director of social services or deputy needs to sign acquired (see attributes of a good surgeon, earlier). All clinicians
the consent form. If the child is in voluntary care, the parents still need to remain open-minded to change and remember it is their
act as guardians and their consent should be obtained. professional duty to remain up to date.

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12 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Critically ill patients: these patients need optimising before sur-

Clinical Audit gery, often with shared care with a senior anaesthetist, physi-
Clinical audit reviews clinical performance against agreed stan- cian or other specialist. More preoperative investigations and
dards, refining clinical practice and then reauditing—a cyclical resuscitation may be needed, perhaps in an intensive care unit
process of improving quality. or high dependency unit. The initial surgical approach may
become a damage limitation exercise with more realistic expec-
tations about outcome
Clinical Effectiveness Operative risk assessment: the American Society of Anaesthesiolo-
Clinical effectiveness studies evaluate the extent to which an inter- gists grade scheme gives anaesthetist and surgeon a subjective
vention works, its efficiency, safety, appropriateness and value for idea of how sick the patient is and the likely outcome.
money. Studies of this type can be instructive and worthwhile for
trainees to undertake.
Information Management
Information management is vital to facilitate good, effective
Research and Development and economic practice. For example, high quality and available
Professional practice can change in the light of good research evi- patient notes, systems for ordering laboratory and imaging tests
dence, provided it can be implemented effectively. EBM involves and receiving results, accurate and prompt discharge summaries,
critical appraisal of the literature and development of EBGs, pro- easy outpatient booking, good feedback to family practitioners
tocols and implementation strategies from research. and reliable A&E systems. Hand-written methods have been
used for many years in the United Kingdom, however because of
advances in many hospitals, electronic (‘paperless’) systems are
Clinical Performance now flourishing, following success in the United States. In addi-
Poor performance and poor practice often thrive behind closed tion, the use of individual smart cards for patients to hold their
doors but can be revealed by a local climate of openness; this also own records, and easily portable devices, such as the iPad, hold
demonstrates the organisation meets the needs of its population. promise for the future use in patient care, provided clinicians
In surgery, trouble may come to light through morbidity and take sufficient interest in their development.
mortality meetings, clinical audit, via patient complaints or by
‘whistle blowing’, and these should provide the motor for change.
Critical incident meetings, for example, can thoroughly examine Surgical (Clinical) Audit
particular adverse events and recommend change.
Nationally in the United Kingdom, the National Patient Research is concerned with discovering the right thing to do; audit
Safety Agency ( ‘informs, supports and with ensuring that it is done right.
influences healthcare organisations and individuals’ by handling RICHARD SMITH, FORMER EDITOR BMJ
patient safety incidents, by running national independent Con-
fidential Enquiries (NCEPOD in surgery and anaesthesia), by There is a tendency to be overoptimistic or even defensive
encouraging ethical research, and by developing and implement- about one’s own practice. Yet patients, referring doctors, medical
ing safety recommendations, advice and strategies. Through the defence organisations (who defend the professional reputations of
Practitioner Performance Advice, formerly the National Clinical members when their clinical performance is called into question)
Assessment Service ( and those paying for health care (governments and their agents
ner-performance-advice/), it endeavours to solve concerns about and private insurers) are entitled to know that the quality of care
the performance of health practitioners short of referral to the provided in a given unit is up to standard. Examining morbid-
General Medical Council. ity and mortality at regular meetings within a unit (‘significant
event’ reviews) are important but suffer from inherent weaknesses,
Risk Management such as defensiveness, incomplete data and rivalry. These meetings
This is a prospective process to identify hazards that could cause usually fail to address overarching problems, such as wound infec-
harm, decide who might be harmed and how, then evaluate the risks tion rates, or aspects of care from the patient’s point of view, such
and decide on precautions. Risks in a health service include risks to as delayed treatment, off-hand consultations, poor pain control
patients, risks to practitioners and risks to the organisation itself. and failure to give explanations. It is well established that medical
Recognising in advance where particular risks lie is the first step to errors are generally more likely to be caused by a system failure
minimising those risks. Areas of potentially high risk include: than an individual error and system errors are unlikely to be dis-
   covered by these morbidity and mortality meetings.
Older people: surgeons deal with an increasingly elderly popula- Clinical audit is a means by which clinicians can be collec-
tion. The likelihood of comorbid disease is higher, although tively accountable for the care they provide and demonstrate its
chronological age by itself is less important than biological age quality to outsiders. It requires a mechanism for scrutiny of each
Emergency surgery: this carries a higher risk of complications and other’s work in a nonthreatening and constructive manner or else
death than elective surgery. Patients may be more physiologi- it would not function. In brief, a group of clinicians examines a
cally disrupted or not fully resuscitated, intervention may be topic of concern and agrees in advance what are acceptable stan-
required out-of-hours when the ideal mix of staff is not avail- dards of practice or outcomes, ideally based on published norms
able; investigations, such as computed tomography (CT) scan- (‘the gold standard’). In other words, they establish and sign up to
ning may also not be so readily available a set of standards for indicator based audit. The process embodies
Day surgery: preoperative assessment can preselect patients for day specific objectives, accepting peer review and being committed to
surgery and minimise risk change should weaknesses be revealed.
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 13

Once a topic is agreed, an audit cycle can begin with a pilot • BOX 1.7  Key Elements of Criterion-Based or
project on a small number of subjects, perhaps 20. A question- Indicator-Based Audit
naire is designed which ideally is capable of being completed retro-
spectively by nonclinical staff from hospital notes. With the pilot • Looks in a structured way at a small problematic aspect of care
results, methods are refined and a larger scale project undertaken. • Criteria need to be agreed in advance by all clinicians involved
Results are analysed by the group and necessary changes, and how • Time is needed to plan and pilot the audit, discuss the results,
these should be implemented, agreed. This is the most thorny implement change then reaudit after a period
aspect of clinical audit and the most difficult to achieve. Once the • Whether criteria have been met must be reliably retrievable by
necessary changes have been implemented, the same audit needs nonmedical audit officers
• Recognition that there may be more than one valid way of achieving a
to be repeated after a defined interval (completing the audit cycle) solution
to bring the process up to a quality assurance mechanism.
Clinicians do need to be trained in audit methods and helped
to design audits that are useful and sound. It is best to start with
a simple project, such as, for example, what proportion of the further discussion only those that vary from the standard. In itself,
entries in the notes is clearly signed. the process of refining and employing audit indicators is an edu-
cational experience that encourages self-analysis by individuals,
Medical Research Versus Medical Audit departments, units or regions.
Medical research is used on a one-off basis to determine scientifi-
cally how interventions affect outcomes. Clinical audit measures how Examples of How Clinical Audit Can Improve the Quality
effectively aspects of good health care are put into practice. Every doc- of Care
tor can improve the way patients are cared for by critically examining • Reduction of risk of morbidity or mortality
local practices against current standards using audit methods. • Improved effectiveness of care, such as streamlined processes of
Clinical audit and research share common features including treatment
defining explicitly what is to be measured and analysing and inter- • Improvement in diagnosis—availability, appropriateness or
preting the data without bias. Audit can improve understanding quality
of system failures, help develop guidelines and identify areas for • Improved timing of care—reduced delay, better planning, effi-
education and training. cient use of facilities
• Better use of resources—equipment, beds, support services, money
Carrying Out an Audit (Box 1.7) • Consumer satisfaction—patients and referring doctors
Selecting topics for audit means taking into consideration how fre- • Access to care—availability of diagnostic services and treat-
quent the condition or treatment is, how high the risk to patients ment
is, whether there is doubt about which treatment is the best, where • Documentation and records—improved recording of the pro-
care crosses specialty boundaries and finally, any topics of particu- cess of care
lar concern to clinicians or professions allied to medicine. • Identifying educational needs by audit activity—for example,
Single subject audits usually require no more than 50 patients pain management
to reveal problems and plan improvements. Subjects focus on
aspects of the process of care (including resources used), appropri- Confidential Enquiry Into Perioperative Deaths (CEPOD)
ateness of tests or treatments or outcomes of treatment. They may The pilot study was designed in 1983 jointly by the ASGBI and
include subjects, such as adequacy of pain relief from the patient’s the Association of Anaesthetists to examine perioperative deaths
point of view or, from the family doctor’s point of view, how long and the delivery of surgical and anaesthetic care in Britain. This
a discharge summary takes to be received. was followed by a review of all deaths within 30 days of surgery
The group then develops an audit indicator, which has objec- (all specialties) in three English Regions for the whole of 1986:
tive, measurable standards of care and specifies a percentage of 500,000 operations were reviewed with 4000 deaths (0.8%); 79%
cases expected to reach the standard. For example, perhaps 100% of deaths occurred in patients over 65 years of age. More informa-
of patients referred for palliative radiotherapy for lung cancer tion is available from:, including all
should receive their first treatment in less than 10 days after refer- published reports from 1987 onwards.
ral, or wound infection rates after appendicectomy should be no
more than 3%. These indicators (known as criteria) can be based Educational Lessons From CEPOD
on published results, on previous local results or on standards the Many of the substandard practices identified could be put down to
group hopes to achieve after running a pilot study. a lack of education or training in particular fields. These included:
Deficiencies usually turn out to be caused by system failure, • when and how to investigate
such as poor coordination between departments (e.g., preassess- • when to give prophylaxis against infection and thromboembo-
ment between anaesthesia and surgery) or poor communication lism
between clinicians, with people not being informed about what is • when to delay operation to resuscitate
happening when. These factors are usually more important than • when not to operate
lack of resources or personnel or poor individual performance. • when to call the consultant
Improvements may result from simple organisational changes. • management of head injuries
• managing comorbid disease and the elderly
Peer Group Review of Medical Audit Data • keeping accurate records
Using audit indicators has advantages over raw data analysis or • safe use of local anaesthetics
informal morbidity meetings. As standards have of necessity been • local protocols for referral, handover and transfer
agreed, any numbers of cases can be screened to select out for • organising effective audit or morbidity and mortality meetings
14 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Research in Surgery However, trials do not tell the whole story: in the 1960s thalido-
mide, a very effective drug for morning sickness, had not been
How Are Potentially Improved Methods tested in pregnancy, and this led to many avoidable birth deformi-
Evaluated? ties in countries where it had been licensed.

When new surgical techniques appear, they must be dispassionately Trial Design and Conduct
evaluated and compared with existing practices, ideally by people For a surgical trial, background work establishes the depth of
with no vested interest. For a new technique to be introduced, it current knowledge and the need for a trial. The hypothesis to be
must be at least as good as existing methods or better in some way, tested should be defined before designing the study and perhaps
for example, in achieving oncological clearance. New methods the need for a pilot study.
should be easily and quickly learnt—an operation that requires a In general, prospective studies ensure that data are accrued
learning curve of 500 patients is of little use to those 500. Meth- chronologically and that patients are entered into the trial as they
ods need to be reasonably economical in equipment and in operat- become available. However, it may take months (or even years) to
ing time and high-level hazards should be no greater than existing recruit enough patients to make the data meaningful.
operations. While this may seem utopian, ‘the greatest uncontrolled Retrospective analyses of previously recorded data are open to
medical experiment of all’, namely the introduction of laparoscopic criticism because of the lack of an appropriate control group and
cholecystectomy, was undoubtedly at the expense of a massive the difficulty of extracting complete data from case notes. Despite
increase in common bile duct injuries. The proper view should be flaws, a retrospective study may show the need for a prospective
that the safety of the many outweighs the foibles of the few. study, give some idea of the likely results and allow the trial design
It was encouraging that laparoscopic hernia repair was not to be streamlined.
allowed to escape peer review in the same way, with multicen- Longitudinal studies examine the effects of therapy on a prede-
tre trials comparing the existing standard of Lichtenstein open termined population or epidemiological changes in a population.
repair with the prospective standard of laparoscopic repair. Lapa- Cross-sectional studies take a ‘snap shot’ at a particular time and
roscopic colorectal surgery has now been shown to give improved place; these are most commonly used to monitor the incidence
short-term outcomes with evidence of reduced pain, more rapid and location of diseases and treatment.
discharge from hospital and return to normal activities. How- For most trials, computer randomisation removes the natural
ever, recent multicentre noninferiority trials from Europe, the tendency for bias to affect results and is particularly relevant when
United States, Korea and Australasia have questioned long-term comparing new treatments with tried and tested techniques. This
­oncological outcomes. The response of the global surgical com- is often ‘blinded’ such that neither the patient (single blind), or
munity to these data will be a watershed moment for the way neither the patient nor the investigator (double blind), knows
clinical conduct is properly scrutinised, and research evidence is which arm an individual has been allocated to. Any therapeu-
applied. Similar clinical scrutiny of outcomes applies to other new tic effect of placebos is maximised if patients are unaware of the
developments in surgery including robotic-assisted laparoscopic nature of their treatment. The double-blind technique attempts to
surgical techniques which are rapidly gaining popularity and eliminate personal preferences of the doctor for a particular treat-
wider-spread clinical use. ment. To study the effects of a treatment in a particular environ-
ment, like must be compared with like and a case control study
Design of Research and Experiments used. Matching of individuals for characteristics, such as weight,
sex, age and disease severity allow comparisons to be made when
All British health authorities have to establish an Ethics Commit- looking for small differences between groups.
tee charged with examining and sanctioning each research project Once the study design has been established, an achievable
before it is launched. They help ensure that all projects are ethical cohort size must be identified which has sufficient power to show
and can be justified and that the methodology is sound. Among differences between treatments and organise data collection, stor-
medical members, these committees generally include lawyers, age and analysis. After that, it is necessary to establish inclusion
ethicists, statisticians and lay members. and exclusion criteria, the population size and characteristics to be
studied and then to determine how the data will be analysed and
Clinical Trials presented statistically.
Drug Trials Specialised personnel, equipment and training must be funded.
Once a potential drug has been identified, say from a likely plant Worthwhile research is expensive and should not be undertaken
molecule, a cell receptor that might be influenced or a modifica- simply for the sake of the CV.
tion of an old drug, it is tested for toxicity in animals and to see
if it works. Then Phase I trials ‘first in man’ are performed on a
few healthy young people. This is for toxicity, excretion rates and Patient Safety
pathways, etc. If this works, Phase II trials in perhaps 200 people
with the relevant illness are performed as ‘proof of concept’ to see
Dealing With an Adverse Event
if the drug is effective and to work out the dose. Many drugs fail • Apologise to the patient for the failure as soon as the error is
at this point. Then Phase III trials are performed in hundreds or recognised.
thousands of patients. These are randomised, blinded trials com- • Report to your consultant and other responsible people.
paring the new drug against placebo or comparable treatments. • Take steps to correct the error and make sure you see the
More data on efficacy and safety is collected. Once successful trials patient often.
are complete, the company applies for a licence to sell the drug. • If an official complaint is made, patient letters are usually sent
After it reaches market, the company and others usually conduct to the patient advice and liaison service then to the department
further trials and studies to look out for unnoticed side-effects. managers.

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on December 11, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms of Surgical Disease and Surgery in Practice 15

• If asked to comment, provide full and honest detail. • BOX 1.8 World Health Organization Surgical
• If legal action is threatened, contact your medical insurance society. Safety Checklist 2009 (Revised 1/2009
• Adverse outcomes should be discussed at local meetings to seek
WHO, 2009)a
system problems.
Checks Before Induction of Anaesthesia (With at Least Nurse and
Introduction Anaesthetist)
• Has the patient confirmed his/her identity, site, procedure and consent?
‘First do no harm’, an aphorism attributed to Thomas Sydenham, Yes
an English physician in the mid-1600s, is sound advice for sur- • Is the site marked? Yes/Not applicable
geons too. All surgical treatments should be thought of in terms of • Is the anaesthesia machine and medication check complete? Yes
their potential harm as well as benefit. • Is the pulse oximeter on the patient and functioning? Yes
Some hazards are intrinsic to the surgical procedure or disease • Does the patient have a known allergy? No/Yes
• Difficult airway or aspiration risk?
and are unavoidable. Other hazards are avoidable, and systems
• No
need to be designed to assist. Furthermore, the surgeon’s prime • Yes, and equipment/assistance available
responsibility is to the patient so, for example, prioritising an • Risk of > 500 mL blood loss (7 mL/kg in children)?
operation should be based on need not on financial or manage- • No
rial grounds, although surgeons have responsibilities to balance • Yes, and two intravenous lines, central access and fluids planned
demands as far as possible.
To Err is Human is an influential report published by the US Insti- Before Skin Incision (With Nurse, Anaesthetist and Surgeon)
tute of Medicine in 1999 that is well worth reading. It called for a All Team Members
national effort to make health care safer. The recent impetus given to • Confirm all team members have introduced themselves by name and
Human Factors training by governments, surgical regulatory bod- role.
• Confirm the patient’s name, procedure and where the incision will be
ies and commissioners is a welcome move to protect both patients
and surgeons. Human factors are, in short, all the things that make • Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given within the last 60 minutes? Yes/
us unpredictable individuals. The scope of Human Factors is broad Not applicable
and includes team working, communication, risk management, situ- • Anticipated critical events.
ational awareness and self-management (stress and fatigue).
To Surgeon
General Hazards • What are the critical or non-routine steps?
• How long will the procedure take?
The two most common sources of error leading to patient harm are • What is the anticipated blood loss?
communication failures and drug prescribing errors. Some 26%
To Anaesthetist
of 100 consecutive cases referred to the Medical Protection Society • Are there any patient-specific concerns?
resulted from communication failure. There need to be explicit
systems for dealing with risky situations, for example, informing To Nursing Team
seniors about sick patients, handing over properly to staff coming • Has sterility (including indicator results) been confirmed?
• Are there equipment issues or any concerns?
on duty, knowing who to call about patients that have ‘gone off’
• Is essential imaging displayed? Yes/Not applicable
during unsocial hours. This applies especially to anyone not famil-
iar with the patient’s current state, particularly locums, who are Before Patient Leaves Operating Room (With Nurse, Anaesthetist
unlikely to be familiar with how things work locally. and Surgeon)
Drug prescribing is fraught with dangers: illegible prescription, Nurse Verbally Confirms
wrong drug, wrong dose, unexpected drug interactions or failure • The name of the procedure
to elicit a history of allergy or idiosyncrasy. Electronic prescribing • Completion of instrument, swab/sponge and needle counts
systems with built-in warnings of interactions help, but so does • Specimen labelling (read specimen labels aloud, including patient name)
the regular presence of a ward pharmacist. • Whether there are any equipment problems to be addressed
To Surgeon, Anaesthetist and Nurse:
Theatre Safety • What are the key concerns for recovery and management of this
The period between a patient entering the operating department a
and leaving the recovery unit is potentially hazardous for both the
patient and the staff (Boxes 1.8 and 1.9). A fully conscious patient
has automatic defence mechanisms to avoid injury but when
anaesthetised or recovering, relies on the care of trained staff.
All operating theatres have safety protocols, with patients’ iden- • BOX 1.9  Avoidable Hazards in the Operating
tities, nature and type of operation, allergies, etc., being repeat-
edly checked—but errors still occur. The WHO has developed a
well-tested tool for minimising errors using a simple three-stage • Wrong procedure (including wrong side)
checklist for each case: before induction of anaesthesia (with at • Anaesthetic mishaps
least nurse and anaesthetist), before the skin incision (with nurse, • Surgical mishaps
anaesthetist and surgeon) and before the patient leaves the operat- • Handling injury (patient or staff)
ing room (with nurse, anaesthetist and surgeon). This is now used • Equipment failure
extensively around the world; see Box 1.8 and http://www.who. • Cross-infection (patient or staff)
16 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Anaesthetic incidents can be substantially reduced by good Eye Injuries

anaesthetist training, by having trained anaesthetic assistant staff Irritant fluids such as antiseptics, sprays or gastric acid may be
so that more than one pair of hands is available, by standardised spilled on the cornea causing chemical injury. The eyelids are usu-
patient monitoring including pulse oximetry, and by ‘preflight’ ally taped gently shut during operation to prevent direct trauma
checking of anaesthetic equipment. Professional recovery nurses and drying which causes damage after 10 minutes.
and equipment further increase safety.
Direct Pressure Effects
Surgical Mishaps Under anaesthesia, the weight of parts of the body may cause pres-
Surgical mishaps in the operating theatre range from dramatic sure necrosis of skin over the occiput, sacrum and heels. The heels
uncontrolled haemorrhage to the harder to define inadequate sur- of patients with lower limb ischaemia are particularly at risk.
gery leading to complications, slow recovery or avoidable recur- Pressure on calves on the operating table may cause DVT by
rence of cancer. Surgeons have long had clear evidence of poor compression of veins, trauma to the vein wall and stagnation of
results of surgical treatment and at last, improvements are occur- blood. Elevation by pads under the ankle, graduated compression
ring with audit, specialisation, national audit databases, training stockings and pneumatic compression devices all reduce the risk.
and continuing medical education after specialist accreditation.
Governments eager to save money sometimes mandate excessively Burns
short training and this is likely to impair outcomes and, in the Burns on the operating table are often caused by faulty position-
end, do more damage and cost more. ing. Diathermy burns occur if the patient comes into contact with
bare metal of the operating table. Other diathermy burns result
from poor earth plate contact.
Injuries and Hazards of Moving and Positioning Patients
Damage to the cervical spine may occur if the unsupported head is Hypothermia
allowed to fall backwards or sideways in unconscious patients, Unintentional hypothermia is a danger to children and to adults
particularly those with rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical undergoing prolonged surgical procedures and is largely avoid-
spine. able. Reduced core temperature causes changes in drug metab-
Falls to the floor usually occur only if several things go wrong si- olism, impaired coagulation and an increase in tissue oxygen
multaneously. requirement during the postoperative period and consequent
Damage to upper limbs can occur during transfer and positioning, acidosis. This has been shown to predispose to serious postopera-
and lower limb damage can occur when placing diseased hips tive complications. Maintaining normothermia is a mainstay of
into flexed abduction. enhanced recovery protocols. Trauma patients are particularly vul-
Traction on infusion lines, tubes and catheters can cause tissue inju- nerable as are patients undergoing laparoscopy for prolonged peri-
ry or interfere with monitoring or intravenous therapy, or both. ods. Efforts to maintain normothermia with foil blankets, warmed
Drains and catheters are at similar risk. Chest drains require special fluids, warm air blankets and insufflation of warmed, humidified
attention as detachment allows air to enter the pleural cavity carbon dioxide are simple, but effective measures for minimising
causing pneumothorax. hypothermia and its associated complications.
Acute compartment syndrome is a rare complication of patients
placed in lithotomy position for prolonged periods. It is good Infection Risks
practice to monitor the leg elevation time and ensure the legs These are dealt with in Chapter 3.
are lowered at set intervals during a long operation.
Hazards During Immediate Postoperative Recovery
Peripheral Nerve Injuries Twenty percent of all deaths and serious neurological damage
Peripheral nerve injuries after anaesthesia are probably caused by caused by anaesthesia are believed to occur in the recovery room,
nerve ischaemia and can occur after as little as 30 minutes in an and full monitoring and observation needs to be continued in the
adverse position. Examples include ulnar nerve compression at the recovery area.
elbow, facial nerve damage from face mask pressure, radial nerve
injury from a post clamped to the operating table. The brachial Radiation Hazards
plexus is vulnerable to traction. If the arm is to be placed at right In the United Kingdom, all healthcare workers who use or pre-
angles, the hand should be pronated and the patient’s head turned scribe X-irradiation (X-ray) undergo mandatory radiation protec-
towards the arm. tion training courses to learn the risks and safeguards needed.

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D i s ea s e P roce ss e s

Managing Physiological
Change in the Surgical Patient
Systemic Responses, 17
Factors Responsible for Systemic Responses, 17 • Haemorrhage and fluid infusion including blood; fluid and
Managing the Deteriorating Patient, 17 electrolyte abnormalities
Stressors in the Surgical Patient, 18 • Infection, inflammation and sepsis
Systemic Inflammatory Responses and Sepsis, 19 • Hypoxia and hypotension
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid–Base Management, 20 The way the body responds to major systemic insults depends
Introduction, 20 on several factors: the physiological reserve of the patient’s vital
Normal Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis, 20 organ systems (i.e., basic fitness), the nature of the injurious pro­
Physiological Changes in Response to Surgery and Trauma, 21 cess, the severity of physiological disruption, the duration of delay
Problems of Fluid and Electrolyte Depletion, 22 before resuscitation and the virulence of any microorganisms
Common Fluid and Electrolyte Problems, 23 involved. Most patients are remarkably resilient given good basic
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programmes, 24 care but in a deteriorating patient, several physiological systems
Abnormalities of Individual Electrolytes, 24 are likely to be impacted upon simultaneously, evoking a range of
Acid–Base Disturbances, 26 complex homeostatic mechanisms.
Nutritional Management in the Surgical Patient, 27
Essential Principles, 27 Managing the Deteriorating Patient
Recognising the Patient at Risk, 28
The aim is always to recognise problems early by regular clinical
Effects of Starvation, 28
observation, and to correct abnormal physiology rapidly and accu­
Supplementary Nutrition, 28
rately to prevent intrinsic compensatory mechanisms becoming
Refeeding Syndrome, 30
overwhelmed. If this happens in one organ system without correc­
tion, escalating decompensation of other organ systems follows.
Management requires careful monitoring, often in a high-
dependency or intensive care unit, with repeated investigations
of organ function and dysfunction. In most elective operations,
Systemic Responses many of the responses discussed subsequently can be mitigated by
good preoperative assessment, preoperative optimisation, appro­
Factors Responsible for Systemic Responses (Box priate perioperative fluid management, ensuring oxygenation,
adequate analgesia, reducing psychological stress, preventing infec­
2.1) tion and using best operative technique to minimise tissue trauma,
Surgical patients are subject to a variety of major stressors that blood loss and complications. Enhanced recovery programmes
make massive demands on the body’s ability to maintain physio­ (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programmes [ERAS] have been
logical equilibrium and sustain life. Examples of such stressors introduced which give special attention to these factors before,
include: during and after operation and benefits accrue with attention
• Major operations—tissue trauma, blood and fluid loss, anaes­ to each of many small details (Table 2.1). A list of ERAS society
thesia (particularly Trendelenburg head-down position + pneu­ guidelines is given at:­
moperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery), healing and repair lines/list-of-guidelines/. ‘Prehabilitation’ exercise training has been
• Major trauma including fractures and burns; head, abdominal used but has so far failed to translate into improved outcomes.
and chest injuries The individual variables responsible for potentially excessive
• Major cardiovascular events, for example, myocardial infarc­ systemic responses to severe injury or major surgery are sum­
tion, pulmonary embolism, stroke marised in Box 2.1.
18 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

• BOX 2.1  Factors Responsible for Systemic

Stressors in the Surgical Patient
Responses to Severe Injury or Major Direct and Indirect Tissue Trauma
Tissue disruption (whether surgical or traumatic) leads to activa­
• Direct and indirect tissue trauma tion of local cytokine responses more or less in proportion to the
• Fall in intravascular volume, leading to a fall in cardiac output and damage. Responses are exaggerated if wounds are contaminated
reduced peripheral perfusion and hypoxia (e.g., debris, foreign bodies, faeces) or there is tissue ischaemia.
• Excess intravenous fluids, particularly 0.9% NaCl, causing interstitial
oedema Fall in Intravascular Volume
• Local and spreading inflammation and infection This is a key factor in initiating systemic responses. Hypovolaemia
• Systemic inflammatory responses and sepsis
results from:
• Pain
• Psychological stress
• Excess fluid loss (Box 2.2)
• Excess heat loss • Interstitial sequestration of fluid as oedema in damaged tis­
• Secondary effects on the blood sues, and generally as a result of systemic hormonal responses.
• Starvation This process is amplified in systemic sepsis
• Restricted oral intake during any perioperative period or
whilst in intensive care
Falling intravascular volume stimulates sympathetic activ­
ity by removing baroreceptor inhibition in an attempt to
maintain blood pressure by increasing cardiac output and

TABLE 2.1  Factors in Enhanced Recovery Protocols

When Component Rationale
Well in advance Structured preoperative information, education and counselling, Reduce fear and anxiety
including psychological assessment and treatment for depression
and anxiety
Stopping smoking and excessive alcohol consumption Reduce complications
Day of surgery No prolonged fasting. Preoperative fluid and carbohydrate loading Reduce insulin resistance and improve recovery
No routine bowel preparation Reduce dehydration and ileus
Prophylaxis against thromboembolism Reduce thromboembolic complications
Preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis against infection Reduce rate of infection
No premedication More alert patient postoperatively
Intraoperative Short-acting anaesthetic agents More rapid recovery
Midthoracic epidural for analgesia Reduce need for opioid analgesics
No drains or rapid removal Less discomfort and greater mobility
Goal directed fluid therapy Avoid water and salt overload
Postoperative Epidural analgesia continues postoperatively
No nasogastric tubes Less discomfort and greater mobility
Anticipate and treat nausea and vomiting Improve comfort
Continue goal directed fluids Avoid overload
Early oral nutrition to stimulate gut motility Improved nutrition and recovery of bowel function
Early removal of urinary catheter Improve comfort
Nonopioid analgesics (e.g., NSAIDs) Avoid complications of opioids
Early mobilisation Restore strength; vary pressure on pressure points

Regular audit of compliance and outcomes Ensure ERAS is maintained

ERAS, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programmes; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 19

 Sources of Excess Fluid Loss in Surgical

• BOX 2.2  Blood Coagulation Changes
Patients General metabolic responses to injury activate thrombotic
mechanisms and initially depress intrinsic intravascular
• Blood loss—traumatic or surgical thrombolysis. Thus the patient is in a prothrombotic state
• Plasma loss—burns and may suffer intravenous thrombosis and consequent
• Gastrointestinal fluid loss—vomiting, nasogastric aspiration, thromboembolism.
sequestration in obstructed or adynamic bowel, loss through a fistula or If substantial haemorrhage occurs, clotting factors eventu­
an ileostomy, diarrhoea ally become exhausted, causing failure of clotting. The systemic
• Inflammatory exudate into the peritoneal cavity—generalised inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, see Ch. 3, p. 48) may
peritonitis or acute pancreatitis
• Sepsis (septicaemia)—massive peripheral vasodilatation and third
initiate widespread intravascular thrombosis, using up clotting
space losses caused by increased capillary permeability causing relative factors and precipitating disseminated intravascular coagula-
hypovolaemia tion (DIC), with failure of normal clotting.
• Abnormal insensible loss—fever, excess sweating or hyperventilation
Starvation and Stress-Induced Catabolism
Patients with major surgical conditions are often malnourished before
operation (see Nutritional management, later). Many are starved for 6
peripheral resistance. Restricted oral intake also explains the to 12 hours preoperatively and often do not start eating for 12 to 24
mild tachycardia commonly seen in postoperative patients. hours after surgery. After major gastrointestinal (GI) surgery, starva­
Compensation is most effective in young fit individuals, but tion may be prolonged for several days, or much longer with compli­
decompensation can be sudden and rapid. Catecholamines cations such as anastomotic breakdown or fistula formation.
also have profound catabolic effect, increasing the turnover of
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Falling renal perfusion acti­ Systemic Inflammatory Responses and Sepsis
vates the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, increasing
renal reabsorption of sodium and water. A centrally mediated (See Ch. 3)
increase in antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion promotes
further conservation of water. Metabolic Responses to Pathophysiological Stress
In severe trauma or extensive operative surgery, particularly if
Reduced Cardiac Output and Peripheral Perfusion complicated by sepsis, the key factors in the systemic response are
Circulatory efficiency may be impaired by hypovolaemia, and increased sympathetic activity plus increased circulating cat-
myocardial contractility may be depressed by anaesthetic agents echolamines and insulin. Cytokine responses signal other cells to
and other drugs. Anaesthetic drugs generally cause peripheral prepare for action (e.g., polymorphs, T and B cells), to compen­
dilatation and positive-pressure ventilation impairs venous return. sate for starvation, provide additional energy and building blocks
Head-down positioning and artificial pneumoperitoneum for for tissue repair, and conserve sodium ions and water.
laparoscopic surgery further stress cardiovascular physiology by Glucose production is massively increased by gluconeogen-
affecting venous return, systemic vascular resistance, and particu­ esis under the influence of catecholamines. There is also enhanced
larly cause myocardial dysfunction in elderly patients with cardiac secretion of ACTH, glucocorticoids (cortisol), glucagon and growth
disease. Major events, such as sepsis (septic shock), pulmonary hormone, all contributing to the general catabolic response. Insu-
embolism or myocardial infarction may precipitate cardiovascular lin acts as an antagonist of most of these and is secreted in increased
collapse. amounts from the second or third day after injury.
The sum of these factors is to cause inevitable catabolism and
Pain potentially extreme changes in fluid balance and electrolytes.
Pain causes increased catecholamine and adrenocorticotrophic These metabolic changes are shown in Fig. 2.1.
hormone (ACTH) secretion. Perioperative blockade of pain (e.g.,
by regional anaesthesia, such as thoracic epidurals) greatly reduces Effects on Carbohydrate Metabolism
the adverse systemic effects. The overall effect is rising blood glucose (levels may reach 20
mmol/L); often resulting in hyperglycaemia and a pseudo-dia­
Stress betic state, and glucose may appear in the urine. This is in marked
Psychological stress associated with injury, severe illness or elective contrast to simple fasting, in which glucose levels are normal or
surgery has an effect similar to pain on sympathetic function and low and glycosuria does not occur.
hypothalamic activity.
Effects on Body Proteins and Nitrogen Metabolism
Excess Heat Loss In a normal healthy adult, nitrogen balance is constantly main­
This can occur during long operations and after extensive burns. tained. Protein turnover results in daily excretion of 12 to 20 g of
Heat loss imposes enormous demands upon energy resources. If urinary nitrogen which is made good by dietary intake. In a hyper­
body core temperature falls, physiological processes, such as blood catabolic state, nitrogen losses can increase three- or fourfold. Most
clotting are impaired. Small babies are particularly vulnerable to importantly, this metabolic environment prevents proper use of
heat loss. Heat loss in the operating theatre is counteracted as far food or intravenous nutrition. There is therefore huge destruction
as possible by raising the ambient temperature, insulating exposed of skeletal muscle. This state of negative nitrogen balance contrasts
parts of the body, covering the head (especially in babies as they markedly with simple starvation in which body protein is preserved.
lose heat more through the head), using warm air ‘bear-huggers’
and by warming fluids during intravenous infusion.
20 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Increased secretion of growth hormone and Increased pituitary ACTH release induces a
thyroid hormones, both of which inhibit the effects massive rise in circulating glucocorticoids; cortisol
of insulin and promote catabolism levels can increase tenfold immediately after
surgery, remaining elevated for days or weeks.
Glucocorticoids also enhance gluconeogenesis
and promote catabolism of muscle protein and
liberation of amino acids
Enhanced hepatic glycogenolysis and
Reduced insulin secretion and inhibition of its
Catecholamines and glucagon stimulate lipolysis in tissue effects which block cellular utilisation of
adipose tissue releasing fatty acids; these provide glucose
the major energy source for peripheral tissues

Breakdown of muscle protein releases amino

acids, the main substrate for gluconeogenesis Stimulation of glucagon secretion further
and the raw material for wound healing enhances glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis

• Fig. 2.1 Metabolic Responses to Major Systemic Insults. ACTH, Adrenocorticotrophic hormone.

In a person weighing 70 kg there are approximately 42 litres of fluid that make up 60% of body weight; two-thirds is intracellular and
one-third is extracellular. Lean muscle is 75% water, blood is 83% water, but body fat contains only 25% water, so a smaller
proportion of body weight is water in obese patients

Solid Fluid

Extracellular Intracellular
14 litres 28 litres

Transcellular fluid (CSF, digestive juices, mucus) — 1 litre

Intravascular fluid (plasma) — 4 litres

Extravascular fluid — 9 litres

• Fig. 2.2 Distribution of Fluid Content in the Body Compartments. CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid.

Effects on Lipid Stores and Metabolism be checked at least daily in patients undergoing major surgery or
The effects of major body insults on lipid metabolism are little those receiving intravenous fluids for more than a day or two.
different from simple starvation; most of the energy requirements In general, patients who are unable to meet their fluid or elec­
are met from fat stores. trolyte needs require maintenance replacement therapy equivalent
Surgical catabolism reverses only as the patient recovers from to 25 to 30 mL/kg per day of water, 1 mmol/kg per day of sodium,
the illness and therefore early parenteral nutrition has little effect, potassium and chloride, and 50 to 100 g/day of glucose (noting
although carbohydrate administration may spare some protein that 5% glucose contains 5 g glucose per 100 mL).
loss. Severely ill patients with abdominal infection, sepsis and fis­
Note that when patients have been severely ill, carbohydrate tulae, and patients with severe burns are likely to suffer major
metabolism is minimal and energy comes from catabolism of problems of fluid balance (and nutrition, see later). These are best
protein and fat. Once feeding recommences, there is a danger of managed with the help of experienced anaesthetists and intensiv­
refeeding syndrome which should be anticipated (see later). ists in high dependency or intensive care units, where monitoring
and therapy can be rigorously managed.

Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid–Base Normal Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis

Management The body of an average 70 kg adult contains 42 L of fluid, dis­
Introduction tributed between the intracellular compartment, the extracellular
space and the bloodstream (Fig. 2.2). Fluid input is mainly by
Fluid, electrolyte and acid–base derangements can be minimised oral intake of fluids and food but about 200 mL/day of water
if high-risk patients are assessed before operation and closely is produced during metabolism. Normal adult losses are between
monitored before, during and after operation. If abnormalities do 2.5 and 3 L/day. About 1 L is lost insensibly from skin and lungs,
develop, the diagnosis and management can be worked out with 1300 to 1800 mL are passed as urine (about 60 mL/h or 1 mL/
reasoning and common sense. Plasma urea and electrolytes should kg per h) and 100 mL are lost in faeces. About 100 to 150 mmol
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 21

TABLE 2.2  Summary—Normal Daily Fluid and  Example of Daily Intravenous Fluid
• BOX 2.3 
Electrolyte Input and Output Regimens as a Substitute for Oral Intake
Normal Daily Intake Normal Daily Output
in Uncomplicated Cases

Water Prescription (1) for 24 hours (each bag to be given over 8 hours):
1. 1000 mL 0.9% sodium chloride + 20 mmol KCl
Diet 2300 mL Urine 1400 mL (minimum obligatory 2. 1000 mL 5% dextrose + 20 mmol KCl
Metabolism 200 mL volume = 400 mL) 3. 1000 mL 5% dextrose + 20 mmol KCl
Skin loss 500 mL (obligatory diffu- Total: 154 mmol sodium and 60 mmol potassium
sion and vaporisation)
Note: sweating in pyrexia or a Prescription (2) for 24 hours (each bag to be given over 8 hours):
high ambient temperature can 1. 1000 mL dextrose–saline (i.e., 4% dextrose + 1.8% NaCl) + 20 mmol KCl
cause several litres extra loss 2. 1000 mL dextrose–saline + 20 mmol KCl
each day 3. 1000 mL dextrose–saline + 20 mmol KCl
Lung loss 500 mL (obligatory) Total: 90 mmol sodium and 60 mmol potassium
Faecal loss 100 mL
Also refer to NICE CG174 on intravenous fluid therapy in adults in hospital (
Sodium uk/guidance/ng29/).
Diet 150 mmol/day (range Stool 5 mmol/day
50–300 mmol) Skin transpiration 5 mmol/day (in
the absence of sweating)
Urine 140 mmol/day (can fall down
to 15 mmol/day if required) mL are required, they should be given via a central venous infu­
sion in a critical care unit, with cardiac monitoring. Bolus injec­
Potassium tions of potassium chloride must never be given because rapid
Diet 100 mmol/day (range Stool 10 mmol/day (obligatory) increases in plasma potassium can cause cardiac arrest.
50–200 mmol) Skin <5 mmol/day
Urine 85 mmol/day (rarely falls Limits of Compensatory Mechanisms
below 60 mmol/day) Healthy kidneys are normally able to maintain fluid and electro­
lyte homeostasis in spite of large variations of fluid intake. The
same also applies to fluid and electrolytes given intravenously.
of sodium ions and 50 to 100 mmol of potassium ions are lost The total blood volume in an adult male is about 5 L, of which
each day in urine and this is balanced by the normal dietary intake about 55% to 60% is water (about 3.5 L). Falls in blood volume
(Table 2.2). which are not too rapid or extensive can be compensated by fluid
movement from the extracellular compartment, which has a vol­
Maintenance of Water and Sodium ume of more than 10 L. A deficit of more than 3 L in whole body
For most patients, the daily water and sodium requirements are fluid volume cannot be sustained and intravascular volume inevi­
best met by using appropriate balanced quantities of normal tably becomes depleted. This is reflected in compensatory cardio­
saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride) and 5% dextrose (glucose) vascular changes. Vasoconstriction causes cold peripheries: this
solution. Normal saline contains 154 mmol each of sodium and is an important warning sign of hypovolaemia and more reliable
chloride ions per litre. One litre will thus satisfy the daily sodium than the early mild tachycardia, particularly in fit children and
requirement of uncomplicated patients. The additional require­ young adults as they compensate for a long time owing to good
ment for water is made up with 2 to 2.5 L of 5% glucose (Box physiological reserves, before abrupt decompensation. When
2.3). The small amount of glucose this contains contributes little overall fluid deficit reaches about 3 L, the pulse rate becomes very
to nutrition but renders the solution isotonic. This prescription is rapid and hypotension and shock develop. Note that patients on
altered for patients with electrolyte abnormalities by varying the beta-adrenergic blocking drugs or with cardiac conduction defects
volume of normal saline given. may not be able to increase heart rate and will therefore decom­
Note that Hartmann solution (or similar balanced electrolyte pensate earlier. With 4 or more litres fluid deficit, the limit of
solutions, such as Ringer lactate) is often used as the sole fluid cardiovascular compensation is reached and the patient develops
for intravenous infusion. This is more physiological and con­ hypovolaemic shock.
tains somewhat less chloride (111 mmol/L), some potassium (5 In neonates, children, the elderly and the chronically ill, car­
mmol/L) and insignificant amounts of calcium and lactate. diovascular compensation capacity is greatly reduced. A relatively
In children, water excretion is markedly reduced in the postop­ small fluid and electrolyte imbalance may cause life-threatening
erative period as a result of increased ADH secretion. Maintenance complications.
fluids requirements can be based on published guidelines and
formulae for example, Physiological Changes in Response to Surgery
and and Trauma
Maintenance of Potassium The stresses of trauma or surgery cause a rise in circulating cat­
Basic potassium requirements are met by infusing 60 to 80 mmol echolamines. Stress also stimulates the hypothalamo–pituitary–
of potassium chloride in divided doses over each 24-hour period. adrenal axis, which increases secretion of cortisol and aldosterone.
Premixed intravenous fluids are generally available with 20 or 40 These hormones promote renal conservation of sodium and
mmol of potassium chloride per 1000 mL infusion bags. If con­ water and cause a reduction in urine volume and urine sodium
centrations of potassium chloride greater than 40 mmol in 500 concentration.
22 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Effects of a Fall in Renal Perfusion hypotension and oliguria are likely between 15 and 20 mmHg.
Any substantial reduction in effective circulating volume may Anuria occurs with pressures over 40 mmHg.
cause a fall in renal perfusion. In addition, aortic surgery involv­ The causes of abdominal compartment syndrome are often
ing aortic clamping may alter the dynamics of renal artery flow, multifactorial and include fluid accumulating as a result of ret­
whilst raised intraabdominal pressure (see Abdominal compartment roperitoneal haemorrhage, for example, in ruptured abdominal
syndrome, later) disrupts renal blood flow. aortic aneurysm, postoperative haemorrhage (particularly if clot­
A fall in renal perfusion activates the renin–angiotensin–aldo­ ting is disordered), organ trauma, pancreatitis, and interstitial
sterone mechanism to sustain blood pressure. As glomerular filtra­ oedema in sepsis or zealous fluid resuscitation. When abdomi­
tion falls, renin release is stimulated from the renal juxtaglomerular nal pressure exceeds the capillary pressure, perfusing abdominal
apparatus and this catalyses the conversion of angiotensin I to organs, dysfunction and eventually infarction of these organs
angiotensin II in the lungs. Angiotensin II has a powerful pressor becomes likely.
effect on the peripheral vasculature, counteracting hypotension, Adverse effects include:
as well as stimulating aldosterone release from the adrenal cor­ • Oliguria caused by renal hypoperfusion and collapsed renal
tex. Aldosterone promotes active reabsorption of sodium ions veins.
from the distal convoluted tubules of the kidney, accompanied by • Respiratory decompensation caused by restriction and eleva­
passive reabsorption of water. Sodium reabsorption is linked to tion of the diaphragm, and compression of alveoli. This results
increased excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions. in increased peak airways pressure, decreased tidal volume,
The net effect is that in conditions causing renal perfusion to hypoxaemia and hypercarbia.
fall, the urine output falls by several hundred millilitres per day, • Decreased venous return leading to falling cardiac output and
and the urine produced is low in sodium (less than 40 mmol/L), hypotension.
high in potassium (greater than 100 mmol/L) and acidic. The loss • Bowel ischaemia causing GI bleeding.
of hydrogen ions causes a degree of metabolic alkalosis. In patients with a distended and taut abdomen, measuring
abdominal compartment pressure can help early recognition.
Other Factors in Water Conservation Treatment involves conservative management to reopening the
Water conservation is further enhanced by stress-mediated abdomen and leaving it open until the risk of rising pressure
secretion of ADH, also known as vasopressin, from the poste­ subsides.
rior pituitary. Loss of water alone increases the plasma osmolal­
ity, stimulating ADH release, mediated by osmoreceptors in the Problems of Fluid and Electrolyte Depletion
hypothalamus. ADH binds to receptors in the distal renal tubules
and promotes reabsorption of water. Release of ADH is also stim­ Loss of Whole Blood or Plasma
ulated by falls in blood pressure and volume, sensed by stretch Rapid and copious blood loss in traumatic injury or operative sur­
receptors in the heart and large arteries. Changes in blood pressure gery initially depletes the intravascular compartment. Loss of only
and volume are not nearly as sensitive a stimulator as increased 1 L may cause hypotension or even hypovolaemic shock. When
osmolality, but are potent in extreme conditions (e.g., loss of over haemorrhage is less rapid, there is time to replace fluid from the
15% volume in acute haemorrhage). Stress and pain probably also extracellular compartment, so greater volumes can be lost before
promote ADH release via other hypothalamic pathways. the cardiovascular system becomes compromised, although losses
still need to be restored physiologically or by transfusion.
Postoperative Situation If blood loss has ceased, the need for transfusion is based on
At the site of trauma or major surgery, fluid is effectively removed estimated or measured volume lost and on known haemoglobin
from the circulation in the form of inflammatory oedema (isotonic concentration. Acute blood loss of 500 to 1000 mL is usually
local third space losses). This displaced volume is compensated by treated by transfusing crystalloids. Larger volume losses are best
fluid retained by the hormonal changes described earlier. More replaced by transfusion of whole blood or packed red cells supple­
potassium is released from damaged cells than the excess lost by mented by normal saline. Slow chronic blood loss, for example,
exchange in the kidney. Thus the postoperative plasma potassium from a peptic ulcer or hookworm infestation, does not cause fluid
level tends to rise in the first day or two. This is particularly true balance problems but may cause symptoms and signs of anaemia;
if stored blood has been transfused as this releases potassium from transfusion is not usually required.
elderly red cells. This means potassium supplements are not usu­ In severe burns, the amount of plasma likely to be lost is
ally needed for the first few days after operation provided preop­ easily underestimated and should be calculated using a standard
erative plasma potassium is normal and potassium-losing diuretics formula based on the burnt area to guide fluid replacement (see
are not prescribed. Ch. 17).
It is important to recognise the normal phase of relative oligu­
ria and sodium retention that inevitably occurs for up to 48 hours Gastrointestinal Fluid Loss
after major injury or surgery as this influences fluid management. Between 5 and 9 L of electrolyte-rich fluid is normally secreted
Like surgical catabolism, these effects are resistant to external into the upper GI tract each day as saliva, gastric juice, bile, pan­
manipulation but resolve with recovery of the patient. creatic fluid and succus entericus (small bowel secretions; Table
2.3). Most of the fluid is reabsorbed in the large intestine.
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Huge volumes of water and electrolytes may be lost as a result
Abdominal compartment syndrome is the term used to encom­ of vomiting, nasogastric aspiration, diarrhoea, sequestration of
pass the pathophysiological consequences of raised intraabdomi­ fluid in obstructed or adynamic bowel or drainage to the exterior
nal pressure. In normal circumstances, intraabdominal pressure is via a fistula or an ileostomy. If there is widespread bowel inflam-
less than 5 mmHg, but after surgery or trauma it may rise as high mation causing diarrhoea as in gastroenteritis or ulcerative colitis,
as 15 mmHg. Cardiac output begins to fall off at 10 mmHg, and inflammatory exudate may greatly increase the total fluid lost.
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 23

TABLE 2.3  Daily Gastrointestinal Secretions and Electrolyte Composition

Secretion Volume (L) Na+ (mmol/L) K+ (mmol/L) Cl− (mmol/L) HCO3− (mmol/L)
Saliva 1–1.5 20–80 10–20 20–40 20–160
Gastric juice 1–2.5 20–100 5–10 120–160 Nil
Bile Up to 1 150–250 5–10 40–60 20–60
Pancreatic juice 1–2 120 5–10 10–60 80–120

Succus entericus 2–3 140 5 (increases up to 40 Variable Variable

(small bowel in inflammatory
secretions) diarrhoea)

Cholera and other infective diarrhoeal diseases can cause the method of assessing precise fluid replacement needs (see Enhanced
loss of up to 10 L of electrolyte-rich fluid in 1 day and this fluid recovery programmes, Table 2.1 and p.24).
loss is the usual cause of death, particularly in children.
Abnormal fluid losses in hospital must be measured or esti­ Abnormal Insensible Fluid Loss
mated accurately and recorded on a fluid balance chart. In addi­ Abnormal insensible fluid loss can greatly increase overall fluid
tion, observations should be regularly made for signs of fluid loss, particularly in the seriously ill or elderly patient and must be
depletion including pulse rate, blood pressure, periodic urine out­ included in the fluid balance equation. Pyrexia increases insen­
put and, if necessary, central venous pressure (CVP). Oesophageal sible loss by approximately 20% for each degree Celsius rise in
Doppler can be used to guide fluid therapy by measuring stroke body temperature, mainly in the form of exhaled water vapour. A
volume and its response to 250 mL infusions of fluid. These mea­ pyrexia of 38.5°C for 3 days would therefore cause an extra litre
sures enable accurate intravenous replacement and prevent the of fluid loss. Sweating causes loss of sodium-rich fluid which can
adverse consequences of fluid and electrolyte depletion. be easily overlooked in patients with fever and when the ambient
From Table 2.3, it can be seen that vomitus, nasogastric aspi­ temperature rises.
rate and diarrhoea are variably rich in sodium and potassium. As
a general rule, GI fluid losses should be replaced by an equiva­ Preventing Acute Kidney Injury
lent volume of normal saline, with potassium chloride added Maintaining fluid balance in surgical patients depends on antici­
as needed. In intestinal obstruction or adynamic ileus, fluid pating problems before they cause adverse effects and risk acute
sequestrated in bowel is replaced in a similar manner, although kidney injury (AKI), which is a serious complication with a high
volume requirements have to be estimated. Fistulae and overac­ mortality in surgical patients. Prevention involves similar strate­
tive ileostomies cause chronic loss of fluid that is high in chloride gies in all patients at risk, namely:
and bicarbonate. • observing changes in vital signs—pulse rate, blood pressure
and CVP if appropriate;
Intraabdominal Accumulation of Inflammatory Fluid • checking hourly urine output is adequate;
Severe intraabdominal inflammation may cause several litres of • measuring fluid losses to guide replacement;
fluid rich in plasma proteins and electrolytes to be lost into the • seeking clinical signs of fluid imbalance (dehydration or over­
peritoneal cavity. This typically occurs in peritonitis or acute pan­ load);
creatitis and often in the context of the systemic inflammatory • regularly estimating plasma urea and electrolytes.
response syndrome (SIRS). This is best replaced (as well as can In patients with cardiac failure or shock, monitoring and treat­
be estimated) by physiological saline or other suitable crystalloids. ment is best carried out in a critical care unit, using invasive moni­
toring to determine the volume of fluid replacement.
Systemic Sepsis (SIRS and Multiple Organ Dysfunction
Common Fluid and Electrolyte Problems
Systemic sepsis is associated with widespread endothelial damage
and a large increase in capillary permeability mediated by a range Intermediate Elective Operations and Uncomplicated
of cytokines and other circulating mediators. The result is exten­ Emergency Operations
sive loss of protein and electrolyte-rich fluid from the circulation Most operations fall into this category. Patients are generally in fluid
into the extravascular space (‘third space loss’), which, combined and electrolyte equilibrium before operation, although diuretic
with loss of peripheral resistance, results in cardiovascular collapse therapy (for cardiac failure, hypertension or chronic renal failure)
and shock (see Sepsis, Ch. 3, pp. 48–49). may cause problems. For these, plasma urea and electrolytes should
The required fluid volume is difficult to estimate and replace­ be checked before operation. Note that loop and thiazide diuretics
ment is usually given so as to maintain cardiovascular stability may cause hypokalaemia whilst potassium-sparing diuretics, such
(pulse rate and blood pressure) and urinary output (at least 0.5 as spironolactone, may cause hyperkalaemia. If serious abnormali­
mL/kg body weight per h) whilst avoiding fluid overload and ties are found, operation must be postponed until the problem is
cardiac failure. In the severely ill patient, in whom the volume corrected. Hypokalaemia can usually be treated by oral potassium
requirements are particularly difficult to judge, a central venous supplements or by adding a potassium-sparing diuretic. Hyperka­
pressure line or transoesophageal Doppler provide a more accurate laemia is usually corrected by substituting a loop or thiazide diuretic.
24 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Mild renal dysfunction (plasma urea up to about 15 mmol/L recovery in multiple, often small, ways. These involve attention to
and creatinine up to about 170 mmol/L) is not usually a con­ all facets of surgical care, so-called multimodal optimisation or fast
traindication to surgery. These patients tend to be mildly dehy­ track recovery. This includes special attention to perioperative fluid
drated, however, and as a general measure oral fluid intake should management, the use of minimal access surgical techniques and
be encouraged. mechanisms to preserve postoperative organ function, including:
• Thorough preoperative assessment.
Introduction to Fluid and Electrolyte Management • Educate and prepare patients for the planned early discharge,
For elective surgery, the patient is often kept ‘nil by mouth’ for 6 and ensure appropriate home arrangements are in place.
to 12 hours before operation, although most can take clear fluids • Calculation of fluid replacement to ensure the patient remains
by mouth up to 2 hours before operation. The patient is likely to normovolaemic, preventing central hypovolaemia and fluid
take very little oral fluid for up to 6 hours after operation and a overload. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
fluid deficit of 1000 to 1500 mL is therefore common. Mild fluid have recommended the use of transoesophageal Doppler ultra­
deficits can usually be quickly made up once the patient is drinking sound monitoring of left ventricular stroke volume to enable
normally and intravenous fluid replacement is rarely required. Early intraoperative assessment of fluid status and provide individu-
oral fluids help in this regard. For patients with mild renal impair­ alised goal-directed fluid therapy. Trials have shown this can
ment, an infusion should be set up at the outset of the nil by mouth reliably shorten hospital stays and reduce complication rates.
period to prevent acute-on-chronic kidney failure. Occasionally, • Planned and assisted early postoperative mobilisation.
and despite the use of antiemetics, patients vomit after operation; • Early enteral nutrient challenge and the use of gut-specific nutri­
intravenous fluids should be used if vomiting is prolonged. ents, such as glutamine, antioxidants and symbiotics (nutritional
Children and especially infants and neonates are much more supplements that improve the balance of intestinal microflora).
vulnerable to fluid deprivation because of their small total body Methods that enable earlier return of gut function may be fun­
fluid volume and disproportionate insensible losses. Even rela­ damental to rapid recovery. GI gut-associated lymphoid tissue
tively minor operations can cause dehydration and intravenous forms more than half the body’s immunologic cell mass and is
fluids may be necessary, with the rate and volume calculated believed to play a key role in stress responses to surgery. Sustain­
according to body weight and measured blood loss. ing nutrition of the small bowel wall from within the lumen
As a rule, the sooner the body can assume control over its own may prevent breakdown of intestinal barrier function. Healthy
fluid and electrolyte homeostasis the better. Intravenous fluids bowel function enables earlier tolerance of food, less postopera­
should be discontinued as soon as normal oral intake has resumed tive ileus and less postoperative nausea and vomiting.
and urine output is satisfactory to prevent fluid overload. • Avoiding opiates by using epidural or regional analgesia.
• Delivering high concentrations of inspired oxygen.
Major Operations
Major elective or emergency operations, especially those involv­ Abnormalities of Individual Electrolytes
ing bowel, pose particular problems with fluid management. The
principal reasons are: See Table 2.4 for a summary of causes and effects.
• Patients are often elderly and are likely to have a diminished
cardiovascular reserve. They may have preexisting fluid and Abnormalities of Plasma Sodium Concentration
electrolyte abnormalities. Plasma sodium abnormalities are usually discovered incidentally
• Preoperative vomiting and restricted fluid intake may have on regular measurement of electrolytes.
caused dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities.
• Blood loss during and after operation may be substantial. Hyponatraemia
• Operations may take several hours with consequent insensible A low plasma sodium level may be real or spurious. Spurious results
losses from the open wound. commonly arise when blood is taken from an arm receiving an
• Third space losses of 500 to 1000 mL can occur as a result of intravenous infusion; less commonly, false laboratory results can
systemic responses to trauma after major surgery or trauma. occur if there is lipaemia resulting from parenteral nutrition. If in
• The recovery period when oral intake is nil or restricted may doubt, the test should be repeated with appropriate precautions.
become extended—several days following complicated bowel In hyponatraemia (except in severe hyperglycaemia or infusion
surgery or peritonitis (e.g., perforated diverticulitis or an anas­ of mannitol), the plasma becomes hypotonic. This causes cellular
tomotic leak). overhydration which in severe cases results in cerebral oedema.
Careful pre- and postoperative assessment of patients is crucial so Mild hyponatraemia is symptomless but when the plasma sodium
problems can be anticipated. This should include clinical examina­ falls below about 120 mmol/L, patients become confused. Con­
tion for dehydration (dry mouth and loss of normal skin turgor) or vulsions and coma occur when concentrations fall below about
overhydration (elevated jugular venous pressure or cardiac failure). 110 mmol/L. If hyponatraemia is confirmed biochemically, the
Plasma urea and electrolytes, creatinine and full blood count should next step is to clinically assess the state of hydration (i.e., the extra­
be measured daily. Elevated urea concentration with little elevation cellular fluid volume) and this will guide therapy.
of creatinine is characteristic of dehydration. An abnormally high There are three possibilities:
haemoglobin concentration (providing polycythaemia is not present) • Water deficit but with a larger sodium deficit (clinical signs—dry
also indicates dehydration, especially if it was normal beforehand. mouth, poor skin turgor, poor urine output, high urine osmo­
lality): sodium insufficiency is usually caused by diuretic ther­
apy, vomiting, diarrhoea or other excessive losses of body fluids
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programmes with inadequate replacement. Treatment involves rehydration
Enhanced recovery regimens (see Table 2.1) aim to shorten hospital with appropriate sodium-containing intravenous fluids.
stays and reduce complication rates after major surgery by develop­ • Normal sodium with a larger water excess (clinical signs—weight
ing structured systems that reduce the stress response to enhance gain, ankle swelling, raised jugular venous pressure): this
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 25

TABLE 2.4  Causes and Effects of Sodium and • Water excess: this is uncommon and is usually caused by inap-
Potassium Deficiency and Excess propriate ADH secretion. It can occur following head injury
or neurosurgery, or may occur in pneumonia, empyema,
Electrolyte lung abscess or oat-cell carcinoma of the lung. Excess ADH
Abnormality Causes Adverse Effects increases water reabsorption by the renal tubules indepen­
dently of sodium. The result is water overload and dilutional
Hyponatraemia Diuretics (especially thiazides) Confusion
hyponatraemia. Inappropriate ADH secretion is the most
Water excess (ingested or Seizures
intravenous) Hypertension
likely diagnosis if the urine osmolality is found to be high and
Diarrhoea Cardiac failure the plasma osmolality low. Hyponatraemia caused by inappro­
Vomiting Muscle weakness priate ADH secretion is managed by restricting fluid intake to
Losses from intestinal fistula Nausea 1 L per day. Transurethral resection (TUR) syndrome is a rare
Renal failure Anorexia surgical cause of iatrogenic ‘water intoxication’. It is a potential
Syndrome of inappropriate complication of endoscopic procedures, such as TUR of pros­
antidiuretic hormone tate irrigated with glycine solution. The risk can be decreased
secretion (SIADH) by limiting operating duration and using a bipolar or laser
Addison disease technique which uses saline irrigation.
Nephrotic syndrome
Liver failure
Hypernatrae- Fluid loss without water Thirst This is uncommon and is often iatrogenic in the surgical patient.
mia replacement (e.g., diar- Dehydration The usual cause is either excess administration of sodium via intra­
rhoea, vomiting, burns) Confusion venous fluids or inadequate water replacement. Hypernatraemia
Saline excess (usually Coma is more likely to occur after operation because increased aldoste­
iatrogenic) Seizures rone secretion causes sodium to be conserved by the kidney. Very
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetic ketoacidosis
rarely, hypernatraemia is caused by Conn syndrome (primary
Primary aldosteronism (Conn hyperaldosteronism).
syndrome) Treatment involves encouraging the patient to drink more
water, or infusing fluids with a low sodium content.
Hyperkalaemia Sampling artefact (haemoly- Cardiac arrhyth-
sis of sample or delayed mias Abnormalities of Plasma Potassium Concentration
processing) Sudden death
Drugs (e.g., ACE inhibitors,
Acid–base abnormalities (see later) can have a profound effect on
spironolactone, suxame- plasma potassium concentration but are likely to correct sponta­
thonium) neously as the acid–base problem is treated.
Digoxin poisoning
Excess potassium chloride Hypokalaemia
(iatrogenic) In the preoperative patient, hypokalaemia usually results from
Massive blood transfusion poor dietary intake, diuretic therapy, chronic diarrhoea, losses
Burns from a malfunctioning ileostomy or, rarely, excess mucus secre­
Rhabdomyolysis tion from a rectal villous adenoma. Rarely, hypokalaemia may be
Tumour lysis syndrome caused by primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn syndrome).
Renal failure
Aldosterone deficiency
Postoperatively, hypokalaemia is usually caused by inadequate
Addison disease potassium supplementation in intravenous infusions. The lack
Metabolic acidosis of intake is compounded by increased urinary losses from stress-
induced secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Hypokalaemia Vomiting Cardiac arrhyth- Hypokalaemia causes skeletal muscle weakness and reduces
Diarrhoea mias GI motility, with paralytic ileus in extreme cases. When severe,
Losses from intestinal fistula Muscle weakness there is also a risk of sudden cardiac arrhythmias or even cardiac
Diuretics Hypotonia
Purgative abuse Muscle cramps
arrest. Hypokalaemia can usually be corrected with oral potassium
Renal tubular failure Tetany supplements (effervescent or slow-release tablets). For patients on
Cushing disease, exogenous intravenous fluids, potassium supplements are added as appropri­
steroids or ACTH ate. The infusion rate should not generally exceed 15 to 20 mmol
Metabolic alkalosis per hour, but larger quantities may be required following opera­
Primary hyperaldosteronism tions involving cardiopulmonary bypass.
(Conn syndrome)
Secondary hyperaldosteronism Hyperkalaemia
This is less common than hypokalaemia in surgical patients
ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone.
but requires urgent correction. In the preoperative patient, it is
   most commonly caused by chronic renal failure, high doses of
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting drugs or potassium-
usually results from organ dysfunction. Cardiac failure is the sparing diuretics. Occasionally, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
most common cause, followed by renal, liver and respiratory drugs cause hyperkalaemia. Postoperative hyperkalaemia is
failure. Overhydration is compounded by excessive intravenous usually iatrogenic, caused by excessive intravenous potassium
fluid administration. Management is based primarily on treat­ administration, although it may be associated with AKI or blood
ing the organ failure, for example, diuretics for cardiac failure. transfusion.

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26 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Patients with a potassium of > 6.5 units are at risk of

ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Typical ECG
changes occurring in hyperkalaemic patients are:

Early ECG changes:

tall ‘tented’ T waves

flat P waves
increased P–R interval

Late ECG changes:

widening of the QRS complex

sinusoidal pattern
ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation

Steps of emergency management of hyperkalaemia

1. Cardioprotection
Calcium gluconate (10 mL of 10%) is given intravenously
over 2 minutes. The dose can be repeated if necessary
2. Drive potassium into cells
Give insulin and glucose (e.g., 10 units of insulin and 50 mL
of 50% dextrose) ± nebulised salbutamol (10 mg)

3. Deplete total body potassium

Polystyrene sulfonate resin is given orally or rectally to bind
potassium. Haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may also
be required

• Fig. 2.3 Emergency Management of Hyperkalaemia. ECG, Electrocardiogram.

Hyperkalaemia is asymptomatic in its early stages but there is patients, the onset of metabolic acidosis is often an indicator of
a high risk of sudden death from asystole when plasma potassium serious intraabdominal problems, such as an anastomotic leak.
concentration reaches about 7.0 mmol/L. The emergency man­ Metabolic acidosis is also seen in AKI and uncontrolled diabetic
agement of hyperkalaemia is shown in Fig. 2.3. ketoacidosis. Clinically, patients have rapid, deep, sighing ‘Kuss­
maul’ respirations as they hyperventilate to blow off carbon diox­
ide (a respiratory compensatory mechanism). Arterial blood gas
Acid–Base Disturbances (Fig. 2.4 and Table 2.5) estimations show the characteristic picture of raised hydrogen ion
Major acid–base abnormalities are rare in uncomplicated sur­ concentration and low standard bicarbonate with a low arterial
gery and usually arise in seriously ill patients. In a nutshell, when PCO2. Plasma potassium concentration is elevated because of a
breathing is inadequate, carbon dioxide builds up and combines shift from the intracellular compartment to the extracellular com­
with water to produce carbonic acid (‘respiratory acid’) which con­ partment. Urgent treatment is directed at the underlying cause.
tributes to an acidic pH. Treatment is to lower the partial pressure
of carbon dioxide (PCO2) by assisted breathing. In addition, when Respiratory Acidosis
normal metabolism is impaired, oxidative metabolism declines and This results from carbon dioxide retention in respiratory failure.
lactic acid accumulates. Treatment is directed at the cause of meta­ The usual causes in surgical patients are underlying chronic respi­
bolic impairment, for example, sepsis, together with organ support ratory disease made worse by postoperative chest complications or
therapy, for example, oxygen, intravenous fluids and antibiotics. prolonged respiratory depression caused by sedative, hypnotic or
opioid drugs. Plasma hydrogen ion concentrations and PCO2 are
Metabolic Acidosis elevated but standard bicarbonate is initially normal. A degree of
Metabolic acidosis usually follows an episode of severe tissue metabolic compensation may occur as the kidneys excrete excess
hypoxia resulting from hypovolaemic shock, myocardial infarc­ hydrogen ions and retain bicarbonate. Treatment is directed at
tion or sepsis. The most common cause is inadequate tissue the underlying cause and providing assisted ventilation until the
oxygenation leading to accumulation of lactic acid. In surgical underlying cause is corrected.
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 27

PH 6.7 Plasma [H+] nM/L

Plasma dissolved CO2 mM/L

Blood PCO2 kPa
20 4.0 6.9

with renal 25
10 MIXED 7.5
9 2.0 compensation 20
1.5 with respiratory
0.75 with respiratory
2 with renal

3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 48
Plasma bicarbonate mm/L
• Fig. 2.4Interpretation of Blood Gas Analyses in the Patient with Acid–Base Disturbances. PCO2, Partial
pressure of carbon dioxide.

TABLE 2.5  Acid–Base Disorders


Acid–Base Status pH PCO2 HCO3−

Respiratory acidosis ↓ or normal (if compensated) ↑↑ ↑ (if compensated)
Respiratory alkalosis ↑ or normal (if compensated) ↓↓ ↓ (if compensated)
Metabolic acidosis ↓ or normal (if compensated) ↓ (if compensated) ↓↓

Metabolic alkalosis ↑ or normal (if compensated) ↑ (if compensated) ↑↑

HCO3−, Bicarbonate; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide

Metabolic Alkalosis Nutritional Management in the Surgical
Metabolic alkalosis is usually caused by severe and repeated vom­
iting or prolonged nasogastric aspiration for intestinal obstruc­ Patient
tion. Pyloric stenosis causes persistent vomiting and an associated
loss of gastric acid. The patient becomes severely dehydrated and
Essential Principles
depleted of sodium and chloride ions; the condition is thus known Malnutrition is a wasting condition resulting from deficiencies in
as hypochloraemic alkalosis. The kidney attempts to compensate energy (i.e., calories), protein and sometimes vitamins and trace
by conserving hydrogen ions but this occurs at the expense of elements. Recognising and treating preexisting malnutrition and
potassium ions lost into the urine. Patients become hypokalaemic preventing postoperative starvation are often neglected but impor­
not only from excess urinary loss but also because potassium shifts tant aspects of management. Basic evaluation for malnutrition
into the cells in response to the alkalosis. Treatment of hypochlor­ should be a standard part of assessing surgical patients (Box 2.4),
aemic hypokalaemic alkalosis involves rehydration with normal because untreated malnutrition predisposes to a range of problems
saline infusion with potassium supplements; large volumes (up to that substantially increase morbidity and mortality rates and delay
10 L) are often required. Renal excretion of bicarbonate ions even­ recovery (Box 2.5).
tually corrects the alkalosis. Causes of malnutrition include reduced food intake
(anorexia, fasting, pain on swallowing, physical or mental
Respiratory Alkalosis impairment), malabsorption (impaired digestion or absorption,
This is unusual and occurs when carbon dioxide is lost via exces­ or excess loss from gut) and altered metabolism (trauma, burns,
sive pulmonary ventilation. The cause in surgical practice is pro­ sepsis, surgery, cancer or cachexia). Patients with any of these
longed mechanical ventilation during general anaesthesia or in the predisposing factors need to be scrutinised more thoroughly for
intensive care unit without adequate monitoring. malnutrition.
28 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

 Assessing Patients for Malnutrition

• BOX 2.4  Recognising the Patient at Risk
Clinical Assessment Malnutrition is common in surgical patients and often goes
• Lack of nutritional intake for 5 days or more. unrecognised. Studies have shown that as many as 50% of surgi­
• Clinical appearance —does the patient look malnourished? cal inpatients suffer from mild malnutrition and 30% from severe
• Unintentional weight loss of more than 10% from usual body weight malnutrition. Simple clinical assessment is the best determinant
within previous 6 months indicates malnutrition. More than 20% is likely of the state of nutrition, although other indices can also be used
to represent severe malnutrition.
(see Box 2.4). The duration of starvation should be kept as short
• Body mass index (BMI)—less than 18.5 suggests malnutrition.
as possible and appropriate nutrition provided. This contributes
Anthropometric Assessment to healing, improves resistance to infection and reduces complica­
• Triceps skin fold thickness—technically difficult to perform but provides tions caused by muscle weakness (see Box 2.5).
a good proxy for body density and hence overall fat content.

Blood Indices
Effects of Starvation
• Reduced plasma albumin, prealbumin or transferrin. In critically ill Simple Starvation
patients, plasma albumin of less than 35 g/L is associated with a During simple starvation (i.e., in the absence of illness or trauma),
fivefold increase in complications and a 10-fold increase in death blood glucose concentration is maintained by lowering of insu­
rate. Note that low plasma albumin alone is not an accurate marker of
lin secretion and increasing glucagon production. Liver glyco­
malnutrition but may be caused by other metabolic abnormalities.
• Reduced lymphocyte count. If plasma albumin and lymphocyte count are
gen becomes exhausted within 24 hours but gluconeogenesis in
both low, there is a 20-fold increase in death rate. liver and kidneys is enhanced, using amino acids from protein
breakdown and glycerol from lipolysis as substrates. Much of the
glucose thus produced is used by the brain, as most other tissues
are able to metabolise fatty acids and ketones derived from adi­
pose tissue. Overall energy demands fall in simple starvation and
 Adverse Effects of Protein/Calorie
• BOX 2.5  energy is obtained largely from body fat. Protein is conserved until
Depletion in Surgical Patients a late stage.
• Protein deficiency leads to impaired wound healing and higher rates of Trauma, Surgery or Sepsis
wound breakdown. In severe trauma or major surgery and particularly in sepsis,
• Protein depletion seriously impairs immune function and the ability to energy requirements increase by 20% to 100% of normal. As
combat infection.
• Skeletal muscle mass is lost, reducing muscular strength and general
in simple starvation, lipid becomes a major fuel source; this
physical activity as well as causing fatigue. This increases the risk of decreases glucose use, but fatty acids other than glycerol can­
thromboembolism and pressure sores. not be used for glucose synthesis. Hepatic glucose production
• Thoracic muscle mass depletion depresses respiratory efficiency and increases, but peripheral glucose utilisation is impaired, often
increases risk of pneumonia. leading to hyperglycaemia.
• Albumin becomes depleted leading to generalised oedema. Skeletal muscle proteolysis and urinary nitrogen excretion
• Small bowel mucosal atrophy reduces its ability to absorb nutrients and increase enormously compared with the fasted state. Protein from
may lead to bacterial translocation into the bloodstream because of loss skeletal muscle is catabolised to release amino acids (particularly
of mucosal integrity. alanine), lactate and pyruvate. The stimulus for proteolysis is likely
• Impaired mental function leads to apathy, depression and low morale. to be macrophage cytokines (e.g., interleukin [IL]1, IL6, tumour
• Postoperative complication rates are higher—twice the rate of minor
complications, three times the rate of major complications and three
necrosis factor [TNF]). IL1 reduces hepatic albumin synthesis in
times the mortality compared with well-nourished patients. favour of more urgently needed acute-phase proteins and gluco­
• Combinations of these factors lead to prolonged recovery times and neogenesis. Amino acids are also used directly in wound healing
longer hospital stays. and in haemopoiesis.
In sepsis, there is a progressive inability at mitochondrial level
to fully oxidise substrates for energy generation, leading to a fall
in oxygen consumption as sepsis worsens. Fatty acids are increas­
ingly mobilised from adipose tissue, manifesting as hypertriglyc­
In practice, most surgical patients have no special nutritional eridaemia; mobilisation is governed by raised levels of glucagon,
requirements and easily withstand the short period of starva­ catecholamines, cortisol and TNF. Fatty acids are oxidised for
tion associated with their illness and operation. All hospitalised adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production to fuel synthesis of new
patients should be screened using a recognised screening tool and glucose and proteins. If liver failure develops, amino acid clear­
their nutritional state recorded and optimised preoperatively as far ance deteriorates and plasma concentrations rise. Some amino
as is feasible. In any case, optimal nutritional support should be acids are then metabolised into false neurotransmitters which pro­
provided after operation. mote the vasodilatation and hypotension seen in sepsis and cause
Nutritional support in hospital is usually provided by a dedi­ septic encephalopathy.
cated team. Strategies include encouraging the patient to eat
regularly, providing nutritionally complete high-protein or high-
energy supplements to drink (e.g., Fortisip), supplementary
Supplementary Nutrition
enteral nutrition given via nasogastric tube, and long-term total Supplementary nutrition other than liquidised diets and sip feeds
parenteral nutrition (TPN) for patients unable to absorb nutrients is a complicated and sometimes expensive process with distinct
from the GI tract. risk of complications. It should not be undertaken without proper
CHAPTER 2 Managing Physiological Change in the Surgical Patient 29

assessment. Deciding whether a patient is likely to benefit from  Special Methods of Nutrition and Their
• BOX 2.6 
supplementary nutrition depends on determining: Indications
• that the patient is malnourished or will be deprived of nutri­
tion for at least 5 days; 1. Selective diets for specific indications, for example, diabetic,
• that the patient is likely to benefit—certain conditions make low-protein (renal and liver failure), low-fat (gallstones), high-fibre
supplemental nutrition ineffective (e.g., enteral feeding in high (constipation, diverticular disease) or weight reducing (obesity).
output enterocutaneous fistula); 2. Liquidised normal diet—for patients with partial oesophageal
• whether there is an appropriate route for administration, for obstruction (e.g., stricture, tumour or oesophageal intubation for cancer).
example, suitable gut function. 3. High-protein, high-calorie dietary supplements ‘sip diet’—for
chronically malnourished patients capable of a normal diet or debilitated
Nutritional support is generally recommended in well-nour­ convalescent patients.
ished patients who are unable to tolerate oral feeding for more 4. Polymeric liquid diet via tube—short chain peptides, medium chain
than 7 days, or less than 5 days if already malnourished. triglycerides and polysaccharides plus vitamins and trace elements.
These contain the full range of nutritional requirements often including
Methods of Giving Supplementary Nutrition fibre. Used for nutritional support of patients unable to eat or drink, such
Box 2.6 summarises the range of nutritional regimens and their as the unconscious, ventilated and seriously ill patient in intensive care
main surgical indications. The GI tract should be used whenever or patients unwilling to take adequate nutrition following major surgery
possible because any form of enteral feeding is intrinsically safer or trauma.
than parenteral nutrition and is more effective and much cheaper. 5. Elemental diet via tube, containing L-amino acids and simple sugars
In addition, the small intestinal mucosa tends to atrophy when requiring no digestion and minimal absorptive capacity—for patients
with minimal remaining bowel after massive resection. These are
not used. Enteral feeding supports the gut-associated immuno­ expensive and unpalatable and the high osmolarity can cause diarrhoea.
logic shield and prevents microorganisms translocating into the 6. Peripheral parenteral nutritional support for patients unable to have
circulation, reducing the chances of blood-borne infection. Con­ tube feeding but needing specific energy or protein supplementation.
traindications to enteral feeding include intestinal obstruction, 7. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), that is, comprehensive intravenous
high-output intestinal fistula, intractable vomiting or diarrhoea, nutrition—for patients with prolonged ileus or a very proximal fistula.
and severe malabsorption.

Sip Feeds
If the patient is able to eat, fluid diets (total or supplementary) can and thiamine for alcoholics, or vitamin K injections for patients
be given orally. Proprietary sip feeds containing easily absorbed on prolonged antibiotic therapy where disturbed gut flora may
calories, protein, minerals and vitamins are available in a variety impair absorption of vitamin K.
of formulations and flavours and are well tolerated.
Total Parenteral Nutrition
Tube Feeds Parenteral nutrition should be reserved for appropriate cases of
Certain patients are unsuitable for sip feeding but can be fed by intestinal failure (see later) and should not be embarked upon
one of several tube feeding routes. Indications include patients lightly.
with swallowing difficulties, anorexia, lack of palatability of liquid TPN formulations principally contain a mixture of glucose,
feeds, the need for a higher volume of feed than the patient can amino acids, lipids, minerals and vitamins. Nonnitrogenous
comfortably manage and anticipated substantial delay in resum­ sources of energy in the form of glucose and lipids have a protein-
ing oral feeding after operation. sparing effect and minimise the consumption of amino acids as
Even if the patient is unable to swallow (e.g., because of bul­ energy.
bar palsy, unconsciousness or facial fractures), complete enteral The osmolality of the mixture is usually high, so the most com­
nutrition can be delivered by means of a fine-bore nasogastric mon route of administration is via a dedicated central venous line,
or naso-jejunal tube, the latter for those who require postpyloric peripherally inserted central catheter line or Hickman catheter to
enteral feeding, (e.g., in acute pancreatitis). An individual fluid minimise the risk of venous thrombosis; formulations for periph­
diet is formulated and is delivered at a controlled rate using a eral infusion are also available but this route should only be used
pump, often overnight. for a limited time. The usual aim of TPN is to provide sufficient
Feeding tubes can also be placed percutaneously into stom­ nitrogen and energy to offset the catabolic demands of surgery
ach or jejunum, either at operation (if feeding problems are and/or trauma and their complications and, if possible, compen­
anticipated) or with endoscopic or laparoscopic help. Gastros­ sate for any preexisting malnutrition.
tomies are often used in patients after stroke or in those with In calculating requirements, protein intake should be matched
upper GI anastomoses or obstructing lesions. The usual tech­ to estimated nitrogen losses; this can be calculated by measuring
nique nowadays is by percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy urinary nitrogen losses as urea or else a standard formula (which
(PEG), combining gastroscopy and percutaneous placement. also estimates other requirements) can be used. For example, basic
PEG tubes are contraindicated in peritonitis, ascites and pro­ adult daily requirements are 100 g protein (as amino acids), 350
longed ileus. g glucose and 50 g lipid to provide energy. These quantities are
For jejunostomy placement, the tube is tunnelled submu­ adjusted for individual requirements.
cosally for a distance before entering the bowel lumen using a Excessive nutrition can be a problem. Hyperglycaemia can be
wide-bore needle; this minimises the risk of leakage. Jejunos­ corrected with modest doses of insulin but in the longer term,
tomy tubes must be placed under direct vision at operation or disturbances of liver function may reflect intrahepatic cholestasis
laparoscopically. caused by fatty infiltration. In intrahepatic cholestasis, blood tests
Certain patients not requiring full enteral or parenteral feed­ show elevated plasma alkaline phosphatase and gamma glutaryl
ing may benefit from vitamin supplements, for example, folic acid transferase.
30 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Indications for Total Parenteral Nutrition. Parenteral nutrition  Monitoring of Parenteral Nutrition
• BOX 2.7 
should be reserved for patients who are already malnourished (or
are likely to become malnourished), in whom the GI tract is not 8-hourly
functional or is inaccessible and is likely to remain so for a substan­ • Blood glucose (finger-prick sticks) two to four times daily
tial period of days or weeks. Note that in major sepsis, the meta­ • Temperature and pulse rate
bolic changes described earlier mean that TPN brings little benefit.
Indications may include: Daily
• Fluid balance charts and body weight
• enterocutaneous fistula
• Inspection of line entry site (blood cultures on any sign of local or
• intraabdominal infection systemic infection)
•  short bowel syndrome where there is insufficient residual • Plasma urea, electrolytes until stable
absorptive capacity after massive small bowel resection
• multiple injuries involving viscera Twice-weekly
Methods of Giving Total Parenteral Nutrition. Parenteral nutri­ • Creatinine and liver function tests
tion is usually delivered into the superior vena cava via the internal
jugular or subclavian vein so that high venous flow rapidly dilutes Weekly
the hyperosmolar solution, minimising thrombosis risk. If long • Plasma calcium, phosphate, magnesium (if risk of refeeding syndrome,
periods of nutritional support are anticipated, a designated tun­ should be measured daily until stable)
• Zinc and selenium can be measured initially and then every 2–4 weeks
nelled line is usually used, with the skin access point remote from
the venous entry point to minimise risk of line infection.
The choice and quantity of nutrients starts from a standard
baseline for body weight and is varied (with specialist advice)
according to individual needs.
Parenteral nutrition is costly in materials and staff time and
is prone to complications; it should be discontinued as soon as  Complications of Parenteral Nutrition
• BOX 2.8 
nutrition can be supplied by an enteral route. Patients on TPN Catheter Problems (10% of Central Lines Develop Substantial
need close and regular monitoring for a range of problems includ­ Complications)
ing line problems, local and systemic infection, fluid balance and • Central venous line placement problems, for example, failure
deficiencies of electrolytes (Box 2.7). Complications of TPN are to cannulate, trauma to great arteries or veins, pneumothorax,
detailed in Box 2.8. haemothorax, brachial plexus injury, loss of Seldinger wire into vein
• Line infection—a common cause of fever and tachycardia likely to
progress to systemic sepsis. If suspected, blood cultures should be
Refeeding Syndrome taken from the line. If positive, line must be removed and tip cultured
• Blockage, breakage or leakage of catheter
Refeeding syndrome was first described in prisoners in the Far
• Air embolism
East after the Second World War who developed cardiac failure • Central venous thrombosis
when starting to eat after prolonged starvation. With reduced
carbohydrate intake, insulin secretion falls and fat and protein Metabolic Problems (5% Develop Metabolic Derangements)
are catabolised in place of carbohydrate. This results in loss of • Hypophosphataemia (PO4 <0.5 mmol/L)
intracellular electrolytes, particularly phosphate, which becomes • Hypernatraemia (Na >150 mmol/L)
depleted. Phosphate is essential for generating ATP and for other • Hyponatraemia (Na <130 mmol/L)
vital phosphorylation reactions. • Hyperglycaemia
When enteral or parenteral feeding is restarted after starvation, • Overnutrition
there is sudden reversion from fat to carbohydrate metabolism. • Long-term—fatty degeneration of the liver
• Trace element and folate deficiency
Insulin secretion rises and cellular uptake of glucose, phosphate,
• Deranged liver function tests
potassium and water increases. This can lead to profound hypo­ • Linoleic acid deficiency
phosphataemia, often with hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia.
Note that all extracellular fluid is affected by declining levels of
these electrolytes. In the starved state, there is total body deple­
tion of electrolytes but plasma concentrations can be misleadingly
normal because of renal compensation. Malnourished patients at risk of refeeding syndrome should
Refeeding syndrome occurs when plasma phosphate falls start artificial feeding with a quarter to half of the expected calo­
to less than 0.50 mmol/L. Clinical features include cardiac and rie requirements. Plasma phosphate, magnesium, calcium, potas­
respiratory failure, arrhythmias, rhabdomyolysis, white cell dys­ sium, urea and creatinine concentrations should be measured
function, seizures, coma and sudden death. Early signs may go daily and deficiencies corrected. If required, 50 mmol of intrave­
unrecognised; the plasma phosphate may not be measured or the nous phosphate is given over 24 hours and may need repeating.
significance of grossly abnormal results not appreciated. Thiamine must also be replaced in these patients.
D i s ea s e P ro ce ss e s

Immunity, Inflammation
and Infection
CHAPTER OUTLINE triggers inflammatory responses to limit infection. The adaptive
immune system, involving T and B cells, is much more organ­
Immune Responses, 31 ism specific. It evolves during the course of an infection to deal
Innate Immunity, 31 optimally with the microorganism(s) involved. Once created for
Adaptive Immunity, 32 a specific infection, some memory T and B cells remain, priming
The Gut Microbiome, 32 the body for any later attack by the same organism. Vaccines oper­
The Microbiome and Surgical Disease, 32 ate by promoting this adaptive system.
Supersystem and Surgery, 32
Inflammation, 32 Innate Immunity
Acute Inflammation, 32
Wound Healing, 33 The innate system produces a semi-specific response to newly
Chronic Inflammation, 34 encountered organisms. It is also essential to triggering adaptive
responses via signalling cytokines. Macrophages and dendritic
Infection, 37 cells patrol the tissues for foreign proteins likely to indicate
General Principles, 37 infection. Invaders bearing foreign proteins are engulfed and
Use of Microbiological Tests in Managing Surgical Infections, 39 destroyed by antimicrobial molecules and the complement
Principles of Treatment of Surgical Infection, 40 system is activated. Once engaged, the TLRs on the cell sur-
Bacteria of Particular Surgical Importance, 40 face prompt the cells to unleash particular suites of cytokines,
Staphylococci, 40 which then recruit additional macrophages, dendritic cells and
Streptococci, 42 other immune cells to contain and destroy the infecting organ-
Enterococci, 43 isms. Dendritic cells containing engulfed protein then transit
Enterobacteriaceae, 43 to lymph nodes, where they present fragments of the pathogen’s
Pseudomonas, 44 protein to an array of T cells and release more cytokines. Lipo-
Acinetobacter, 44 polysaccharide (LPS) produced by gram-negative bacteria is a
Anaerobes, 44 particularly powerful immune stimulator. It prompts inflam-
matory cells to release tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-
Mycobacteria, 46
alpha), interferon and interleukin-1 (IL1). These cytokines are
Viruses of Particular Surgical Importance, 46 probably the most important in controlling the inflammatory
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), 46 response, and also, if unchecked, in causing autoimmune disor-
Viral Hepatitis, 47 ders, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.
Sepsis, 48 At least 10 human varieties of TLRs are known. They act in
Multiple Organ Dysfunction and the Systemic Inflammatory pairs and each pair binds to a different class of protein character-
Response Syndrome, 48 istic of a type or group of organisms, for example, gram-negative
bacteria, single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses or
flagellin. The released cytokines generate the typical symptoms of
infection—fever and flu-like symptoms.
Overactivity of this innate system can lead to potentially
Immune Responses fatal sepsis. TLRs may also be implicated in autoimmunity by
responding inappropriately, for example to damaged cells. A range
Introduction of drugs that activate particular TLRs are in advanced stages
The innate immune response constitutes the first line of defence of testing, for example, as vaccine adjuvants or antiviral agents.
against invading microorganisms. The key mechanism is the Inhibitors are also under development for treating sepsis, inflam­
body’s recognition of pathogen-derived molecules by Toll-like matory bowel disease and autoimmune diseases, so far with lim­
receptors (TLRs) found on the surface of dendritic cells. This ited success.

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32 SE C T I O N A Principles of Surgical Care

Adaptive Immunity Supersystem and Surgery

Macrophages and other antigen-presenting cells, having ‘pro- The gut microbiome is a complex supersystem, and all surgically
cessed’ a pathogen, display fragments on their surface. This ulti- related interventions that disturb it have implications for the host.
mately activates B and T cells that recognise that fragment to For example, the microbiome may play a critical role in anasto-
proliferate, and thereby initiate a powerful and highly focused motic healing, postoperative ileus, surgical nutritional status and
immune response. Activated B cells secrete antibody molecules the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).
that bind to unique antigen components and destroy the target or The gut microbiome probably also plays a fundamental role
else mark it for destruction. T cells recognise antigens displayed in the host response to chemotherapeutic drugs for tumour types
on cells. Some activate more B and T cells whilst others directly anywhere in the body, by facilitating drug efficacy, compromis-
attack infected cells. Following the initial infection, enough ing anticancer effects and mediating toxicity. The modern surgeon
memory T and B cells remain to deal effectively with the organ- needs to be aware of the potential impact of bowel preparation,
ism, should it return. This can occur so quickly that inflammation antibiotics and surgical resection on the oncological function of
may not occur. the gut.

The Gut Microbiome Inflammation

Introduction Acute Inflammation
The microbiome describes the combined genomic composition Introduction
of microorganisms in an ecosystem. Several projects have inves- Acute inflammation is the principal mechanism by which living
tigated the human microbiota including skin, oral, vaginal and tissues respond to injury. The purpose is to neutralise the injuri-
nasal cavities, but most research is focused on gut microbiota, ous agent, to remove damaged or necrotic tissue and to restore the
where the greatest numbers reside. Data is derived from faecal tissue to useful function. The central feature is formation of an
samples and some from mucosal biopsies. inflammatory exudate with three principal components: serum,
The gut microbiome is vast, containing thousands of species leucocytes (predominantly neutrophils) and fibrinogen.
and over 20 million genes, dwarfing the human genome. The Formation of inflammatory exudate involves local vascular
small intestine contains a very different composition with more changes collectively responsible for the four ‘cardinal signs of
dynamic variation. The colonic microbiota is largely driven by the Celsus’—rubor (redness), tumour (swelling), calor (heat) and
efficient degradation of complex indigestible carbohydrates. dolor (pain)—as well as loss of function. These vascular phenom-
ena are described in Fig. 3.1. The outcomes of acute inflammation
are summarised in Fig. 3.2.
The Microbiome and Surgical Disease
The gut microbiome is now believed to play a critical role in the Resolution
aetiology of some chronic disease states. The microbiome implies If tissue damage is minimal and there is no actual tissue necro-
a network effect of interacting organisms rather than a direct sis, the acute inflammatory response eventually settles and tissues
relationship between single organisms and disease states as in return virtually to normal without evidence of scarring. A good
Koch postulates. The gut microbiome is highly individual and example is the resolution of mild sunburn.
varies through age, reaching its adult structure by the age of 3
years. Abnormalities have been incriminated in a range of con- Abscess Formation (Fig. 3.3)
ditions including cancer, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases An abscess is a collection of pus (dead and dying neutrophils plus
and neuropsychiatric disorders. Widespread use of antibiotics proteinaceous exudate) walled off by a zone of acute inflamma-
and proton-pump inhibitors changes the structure and function tion. Acute abscess formation particularly occurs in response to
of the gut microbiome, thereby influencing health in adult life, certain pyogenic microorganisms that attract neutrophils but are
although the extent and mechanisms of the changes are as yet ill resistant to phagocytosis and lysosomal destruction. Abscesses also
understood. form in response to localised tissue necrosis and to some organic
For surgeons, the gut microbiome appears involved in the foreign bodies (e.g., wood splinters, linen suture material). The
aetiology of colonic diseases such as diverticulosis(itis), inflam­ main pyogenic organisms of surgical importance are Staphylococ-
matory bowel syndrome and cancer. Sporadic colorectal can­ cus aureus, some streptococci (particularly Streptococcus pyogenes),
cer (CRC) is the third most common cause of cancer-related Escherichia coli and related gram-negative bacilli (‘coliforms’), and
death worldwide and its incidence is increasing. There is strong Bacteroides species (spp.).
epidemiological evidence that diet is a major risk factor (high Without treatment, abscesses eventually tend to ‘point’ to a
in red meat and fat, and low in fibre), but data now suggest nearby epithelial surface (e.g., skin, gut, bronchus), and then dis-
the colonic microbiota and its metabonome is an important charge their contents. If the injurious agent is thereby eliminated,
driver of CRC risk. One mechanism is through its modulation spontaneous drainage leads to healing. If an abscess is remote from
of dietary fibre, resulting in upregulation of butyrate metabo­ a surface (e.g., deep in the breast), it progressively enlarges causing
lism and reduction in secondary bile acid metabolism. Another much tissue destruction. Sometimes local defence mechanisms are
idea is that certain microbiome members may produce proon­ overwhelmed, leading to runaway local infection (cellulitis) and
cogenic carcinogens and promote a mucosal immune response sometimes sepsis.
and colonic epithelial cell changes that initiate colorectal Even with small, well-localised abscesses, showers of bacteria
carcinogenesis. may enter the general circulation (bacteraemia) but are mopped
CHAPTER 3 Immunity, Inflammation and Infection 33


Dilatation of local blood vessels 1 Redness (rubor)
Heat (calor)
Increased perfusion and engorgement of Swelling (tumour)
the tissues

Increased capillary permeability 2 Swelling

Pain (dolor) and tenderness
Serum and plasma proteins, including
immunoglobulins, kinins and fibrinogen,
pass into the extracellular tissues

Irrigation by inflammatory exudates

Toxins and organisms diluted.
Fibrinogen polymerises to fibrin in
damaged tissue, inhibiting bacterial spread

Drainage of exudate to local lymph 3 Lymphangitis
nodes (inflammation along the line of lymphatic
4 Lymphadenopathy 3
(enlargement of local lymph nodes)

Leucocytes migrate to site of injury. 5 Initiation of cellular immunity

Neutrophils and macrophages
commence tissue phagocytosis

Macrophages are long-lived, but 2

neutrophils die after a burst of lysosomal
activity, releasing endogenous pyrogens
6 Fever 1

• Fig. 3.1 Acute Inflammation—Pathophysiology and Clinical Features.

up by hepatic and splenic phagocytic cells before they can prolif- other infective complications. However, once an abscess has
erate. This is responsible for the swinging pyrexia characteristic fully formed, antibiotics seldom effect a cure because pus and
of an abscess. The abscess site may not be clinically evident if necrotic material remain and the drug cannot gain access to the
deep-seated (e.g., subphrenic or pelvic abscess) and the patient bacteria within. Nevertheless, antibiotics may halt expansion or
may be otherwise well. In the presence of an abscess, circulat- even sterilise the pus; the residual sterile abscess is known as an
ing neutrophils rise dramatically as they are released from the antibioma.
bone marrow; thus a marked neutrophil leucocytosis (i.e., white
blood cell [WBC] greater than 15 × 109/L with more than 80% Organisation and Repair
neutrophils) usually indicates a pyogenic infection. Severe infec- The most common sequel to acute inflammation is organisation,
tion causing excessive cytokine responses spilling over into the in which dead tissue is removed by phagocytosis and the defect
systemic circulation causes sepsis and rapid clinical deterioration filled by vascular connective tissue known as granulation tissue.
(see Chapters 2 and 3). This tissue is gradually ‘repaired’ to form a fibrous scar. Some-
times the original tissue regenerates, that is, rebuilds its specialised
The Chronic State cells and structure.
(see Chronic inflammation, p. 34)
The essence of managing any abscess is to establish complete
drainage, usually by incision or aspiration. Any residual necrotic Wound Healing
or foreign material needs to be eliminated by curettage or excision. Healing by Primary Intention
If drainage of an abscess does not eliminate the injurious agent, The simplest example of organisation and repair is healing of
the neutrophil response persists and pus continues to be formed, an uncomplicated skin incision (Fig. 3.4). There is no necrotic
resulting in a chronic abscess. tissue and the wound margins are brought into apposition
with sutures. An acute inflammatory response develops in the
Antibiotics and Abscesses vicinity of the incision, and by the third day, granulation tis-
If appropriate antibiotics are given early enough, organisms sue bridges the dermal defect. In the meantime, epithelium
can be eliminated before abscess formation. In surgical opera- proliferating rapidly from the wound edges restores the epi-
tions with a particular risk of infection, therefore prophy- dermis. Fibroblasts invade the granulation tissue, laying down
lactic antibiotics dramatically reduce abscess formation and collagen so the repair is strong enough for suture removal after
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lange mit Schnuppern und Spüren auf. Es ist wie umgewandelt und
im Nu verschwunden in dem glatten, runden Loch. Einige Schritt
weiter bachaufwärts ist noch eine Ausfahrt. Dort saust ein braunes
Etwas heraus, plumpst ins Wasser und ist verschwunden. Gleich
danach erscheint das Wiesel an der gleichen Stelle, stutzt einen
Augenblick, und geht dann auch ins Wasser und schwimmt eifrig
schnuppernd gegen die Strömung.
Zehn Schritt vor ihm taucht ein andrer Schwimmer auf. Eine
Wanderratte, größer und dicker als das Wiesel, rudert dort aus
Leibeskräften, denn sie weiß den Todfeind hinter sich. Kaum hat der
kleine Räuber sein Wild erblickt, da ist er auch schon heraus aus
dem Wasser und eilt in mächtigen Sätzen am Ufer hin. Schon ist er
neben der Ratte und springt nach ihr. Das Wasser spritzt hoch auf,
und dann sieht man von dem Räuber und auch von seinem
gehetzten Wild nichts mehr.
Noch einmal ist es der Ratte gelungen, dem Verfolger zu
entkommen. Schwer atmend sitzt sie unter dem Wurzelwerk der Erle
und glotzt angstvoll nach dem Wasserspiegel. Naß kleben ihr die
braunen Haare am Körper und lassen sie häßlich und abstoßend
erscheinen. Nun endlich taucht auch Wieselchen wieder auf und
schwimmt einigemal suchend und schnuppernd hin und her. Jetzt
haben die scharfen Augen die zitternde Ratte erspäht und
schnurstracks strebt das Hermelin auf sein Wild zu. Der Ratte ist der
Weg zum Wasser abgeschnitten. Sie setzt sich auf die Keulen, hebt
die zierlichen Vorderpfoten zur Abwehr und bewegt die Oberlippe
zuckend auf und nieder, daß die meißelscharfen Nagezähne
drohend aufblitzen.
Jetzt ist der Todfeind am Ufer, noch ein Satz und noch einer,
dann wälzt sich ein quiekender und strampelnder Knäuel auf dem
Schlamme, rollt hin und her, plumpst ins Wasser, aber löst sich nicht,
kommt wieder aufs Trockne, wird ruhiger und stumm. Dann zerrt das
Wiesel sein Opfer ganz aufs Ufer und kaut und zupft am
Rattenhalse, bis es rot sprudelt und fließt, und dann leckt es und
zupft wieder und kaut, bis kein Tropfen Blut mehr hervorsickert.
Wiesel, mordgieriger Teufel, wie siehst du jetzt aus! Naß kleben die
Haare am Körper, das Näschen und Mäulchen sind rot vom Blut,
auch das weiße Vorhemdchen ist besudelt, und der weiße Bauch ist
schwarz vom Schlamm!
Nur wenige Bissen reißt der kleine Räuber los von seiner
erkaltenden Beute und kaut sie hinter, dann läßt er alles liegen,
schwimmt durch den Bach und setzt sich drüben auf den
umwachsenen Stumpf der Pappel, um sich ein wenig zu trocknen. Er
schüttelt sich, daß die Haare starr nach allen Seiten stehen, dann
beginnt er nach Katzenart sich zu säubern. Wieselchen leckt das
weiße Vorhemdchen glatt, aber der rote Fleck will nicht
verschwinden, immer und immer wieder taucht er hervor und wird
breiter. Dort hatte wohl die Ratte gefaßt und eine Schmarre
geschlagen. Unter stetem Lecken bringt das Hermelin das Blut
schließlich doch zum Stehen, dann fährt es sich mit der Zunge noch
einigemal über den Balg, juckt und kratzt sich, sträubt das Haar und
schüttelt sich und ist beinahe wieder trocken.
Husch, ist es herunter vom Pappelstumpf und eilt in langen
Sätzen dem Walde zu, aber diesmal oben, im Gestrüpp, nicht mehr
am Wasserrande. Dort steht eine alte, hohle Weide. In Meterhöhe
über dem Boden hat sie ein rundes Loch, das in den hohlen Stamm
hineinführt. Das Wiesel reckt sich am Stamm in die Höhe,
schnuppert und lauscht, dann krümmt es den geschmeidigen
Rücken. Wie eine Feder schnellt der schlanke Räuber hoch am
Stamm in die Höhe, klammert sich fest mit spitzen Krallen und steckt
den Kopf in das Baumloch. Darin flattert es wild und zetert ängstlich,
aber der Räuber läßt sich nicht bange machen. Bald hat er zugefaßt
und springt mit dem erhaschten Feldsperling auf den Boden herab.
Dann rupft und kaut das Wiesel, zermalmt den Schädel und frißt das
Gehirn, leckt jedes Tröpfchen Blut auf, verzehrt etwas vom
Muskelfleisch der Brust, dann leckt sich’s das Mäulchen und ist
gesättigt. Dann schüttelt es sich einige Tautröpfchen aus dem Pelz
und macht ein Männchen, um sich umzuschauen.
Der Wind scheint ihm eine interessante Witterung zugetragen zu
haben, Hermännchen hüpft in zögernden Sätzen am Bachufer hin
und macht öfter Halt, um prüfend die Luft einzuziehen. Dann bückt
es sich zum Boden, tupft leise mit dem Näschen auf eine feuchte
Stelle und zieht durch die gefitzte Nase den süßen Duft ein. Dann
nimmt es die gefundene Fährte auf und folgt ihr auf allen
Widergängen und Haken am Bache entlang, durch die Roggensaat,
den jungen Klee, am Rain entlang in einen Steinhaufen, von da zur
Steinbrücke am Feldweg, unter der es verschwindet. Da kommt es
schon auf der andern Seite wieder hervor und rennt den Feldweg
entlang. Doch nein, das ist unser Freund ja gar nicht, ein zweites,
etwas kleineres, schlankeres Hermelin ist es, und unser Bekannter
saust auf der Fährte des Weibchens dahin. Das aber scheint sich
noch spröde der Werbung zu widersetzen, lange jedoch wird es
nicht mehr dauern, da findet der stürmische Liebhaber Gehör.
Und richtig. Im Juli spielen fünf halberwachsene Wiesel mit der
Mama in den Trümmern des wüsten Schlosses. Bald hier, bald da
gucken die kleinen Schelmengesichter unter den Steinen hervor, hier
und da huscht eins der geschmeidigen Kerlchen durch die
Steinwüste. Und wie man den besetzten Fuchsbau schon in einiger
Entfernung am Raubtiergeruch erkennt, so ist jetzt das ganze wüste
Schloß durchduftet von dem süßlichen Parfüm der Hermelinfamilie.
Sogar der Geruch der Speisereste, der Mäusefelle, Kaninchen- und
Junghasenknochen wird verschleiert von diesem Duft.
Und die Zahl der Überbleibsel ist nicht gering. Eine so zahlreiche
Familie will viel haben, ehe jeder satt ist. Da heißt es tüchtig
arbeiten, hier ein Jungkaninchen hetzen durch dick und dünn, bis es
in den Bau fährt und dort in einer Sackgasse nicht weiter kann oder
bis es sich drückt, so daß es mit einem Sprung erreicht werden
kann, dort einem Hasen auflauern und ihm an den Rücken springen.
Und wenn ein Wiesel einmal gefaßt hat, wenn es die nadelspitzen
Zähne eingehauen hat in die Nackenmuskeln, dann hilft kein
Bäumen und Rennen, dann sitzt es fest, läßt sich hierhin und dorthin
schleudern und macht einen Ritt mit auf dem Opfer. Und die spitzen
Zähnchen arbeiten und reißen, bis eine Schlagader aufgebissen ist
und der rote Lebenssaft rinnt. Dann ist der Widerstand der Beute
gebrochen, seine Lebensgeister schwinden, und das Wiesel sitzt
und trinkt, bis es vom Blut förmlich berauscht ist. Dann schleppt es
die Beute den Kleinen zum Fraße zu.
Später begleiten die Sprößlinge die Mutter auch auf ihren
Streifzügen, bis sie allmählich selbständiger werden und gegen den
Herbst hin sich in die Umgegend verstreuen. Sie beginnen
umherzustreifen, messen sich bald auf den Stoppelfeldern mit
jungen Hamstern, bald fangen sie die braune Wühlmaus im Walde.
Sie kehren auch zu Zeiten mal wieder in den Trümmerhaufen des
wüsten Schlosses zurück, aber bestimmt kann man sie nirgendwo
antreffen, unstet betreiben sie bald hier, bald da ihre Jagd. So
kommt es, daß hier eins vom Jagdhund gewürgt wird bei der
Hühnersuche, dort eins im Stall des Bauern erschlagen wird, weil es
sein Interesse für Kaninchenbraten allzu unverblümt gezeigt hat.
Mögen auch einige einen frühen Tod sterben, die Mehrzahl
schlägt sich doch durchs Leben, ihre Vorsicht und Schlauheit
bewahrt sie doch meist vor einem Unglück. Und wenn dann der
Winter kommt und mit weißen Flocken Mutter Erde einhüllt, dann
zieht auch das Hermelin eine weiße Jacke an, und die schwarze
Schwanzspitze guckt noch darunter hervor. Gegen den Frühling,
wenn es wieder wärmer wird, dann legt es auch stückweise den
alten Rock wieder an, ist eine Zeitlang weißbraun gefleckt, bis es
wieder den braunen Sommerflaus trägt, der es verschwinden läßt
auf dem braunen Acker, auf dem laubbedeckten Waldboden.
Ein Räuber ist das Wiesel, ein blutgieriger sogar, aber kein
Naturfreund kann ihm dauernd gram sein, dazu ist es viel zu hübsch,
man verzeiht ihm immer wieder auch die blutigste Übeltat.

Eine milde Märznacht beginnt zu weichen. Noch läßt der

Waldkauz seine jauchzende Balzarie hören, noch tönt das „Guuk“
des Käuzchens aus den Kopfweiden am Bachufer. Doch bald
verstummt das nächtliche Konzert. Im Dorfe kräht ein Hahn, bald
antwortet ein zweiter, der östliche Himmel schmückt sich mit rosigen
Tinten. Vom Kirchendache begrüßt der Hausrötel den erwachenden
Tag mit seinem komischen Liede, am Bachufer erwacht das
Rotkehlchen und schnickst traumverloren. Jetzt erwacht auch der
Frühwind und fährt flüsternd durch das Laub der Steineiche, dann
knarrt er ein wenig mit ihrem losen Aste, bläst in den Kobel des
Eichhorns, verkündet ihm einen neuen Tag und eilt weiter, andre
Schläfer zu wecken. Zum Spechtloch bläst er hinein, aber die Meise
will noch nichts vom Aufstehen wissen, auch der Feldspatz im
hohlen Apfelbaume plustert sich nur noch etwas mehr auf beim
Morgengruß des Windes und schilt leise über die Störung. Und
weiter eilt der lose Geselle. Dort nimmt er der Waldmaus das dürre
Eichenblatt weg, unter dem sie eben eine keimende Nuß
zerknabbern wollte, dann wirbelt er ein wenig im Stangenholze und
verdirbt Langschwanz, dem Fuchs, die Jagd. Stampfend schlüpft
das Kaninchen in den Bau, das noch rechtzeitig die Witterung des
Schleichers in das wachsame Näschen bekam. Rastlos weiter eilt
der Wind hinaus auf die Wiese, jagt die Nebelschwaden
durcheinander, kost der jungen Magd des Försters die Wangen und
spielt mit ihren Löckchen, dann geht es zum Feldgehölz. In den
Fichten schlafen die Goldhähnchen und wollen geweckt sein, einer
Elster ist eine wichtige Botschaft auszurichten, und vor allem der
Herr Baron muß begrüßt werden, der dort seine Wohnung hat.
Ärgerlich über den dummen Wind, der ihm so unzart die
Nackenfedern zaust, öffnet der S p e r b e r seine gelben Augen.
„Wahrhaftig, es ist schon ganz hell, die Sonne geht schon auf“, so
denkt er. Er schüttelt sein Gefieder, reckt die runden Fittiche, fächert
den gebänderten Stoß, ordnet die rostbraunen Federn der Brust,
juckt in den blaugrauen Schulterfedern und bringt einige quälende
Federläuse zur Ruhe, — der Herr Baron macht Toilette. Jetzt wäre
eigentlich ein kleines Frühstück am Platze, aber wo ist das am
leichtesten zu holen? Die Lerche, die sich soeben singend von der
Scholle aufschwingt, wäre ja ein ganz guter Bissen, aber sie ist zu
schnell in den Wolken verschwunden, und man muß sich mächtig
anstrengen, um sie zu fangen. Meisen wieder sind leicht zu fangen,
wenn sie über freies Feld fliegen, aber das tun sie selten; die
Sperlinge im Dorfe sitzen noch im Weinspalier an der Pfarre und
machen Frühkonzert, sehr fraglich, ob man da einen kriegt. Aber
halt, an der Feldscheune waren gestern Ammern und Finken, dort ist
es nicht allzu schwer, einen plumpen Finken zu fangen. Zur Not
wimmelt es dort von Feldmäusen, sie schmecken zwar nicht
besonders, aber sie machen auch satt. Also auf zur Feldscheune!
Mit einem raschen Schwunge wirft sich der Sperber von seinem
Aste, und tief am Boden streicht er dahin, quer über die Felder
zunächst, dann am Raine entlang. Gedeckt durch einen
Rosenstrauch, kommt er ungesehen in die Nähe, aber als er sich in
jähem Bogen unter die vermeintlichen Opfer stürzen will, findet er
sich in seiner Berechnung betrogen: keine Ammer, kein Fink, nicht
einmal eine lumpige Maus ist zu sehen. Geduldiges Abwarten
verhilft vielleicht eher zu einem Frühstück. Dort der Balken ist ein
schönes Ruheplätzchen, die Sonne scheint so warm dorthin, und
versteckt sitzt man dort auch; dort setzt sich der Sperber hin und
reckt und räkelt sich in der Sonne. Sein Sonnenbad gefällt ihm so,
daß er fast seinen knurrenden Magen vergißt. Eine wispernde und
raschelnde Feldmaus erweckt kaum seine Aufmerksamkeit. Doch
plötzlich ruckt er zusammen. Gääb, gääb, lockt es aus der Luft. „Ei,
fette Böhämmer“, denkt der Sperber und sitzt stockstill. Wirklich,
eine Schar Bergfinken kommt im hüpfenden Bogenflug herbei und
schwenkt über der breitgewehten Spreu. Gierig funkeln die gelben
Augen des Strauchritters auf dem Balken, tief zwischen die
Flügelbuge eingezogen ist der Kopf, jeder Muskel in den langen
gelben Fängen (Beinen) strafft sich. Jetzt nahen sich die arglosen
Finken wieder und lassen sich einzeln auf der Spreu nieder, da fährt
in brausendem Fluge der Todfeind unter sie. Erschreckt stieben die
Fremdlinge aus Lappland auseinander; doch zu spät. Ein prächtiges
Männchen mit schwarzem Kopf, rostgelber Brust und schneeweißem
Bürzel bildet ein gutes Ziel. Schon ist der Räuber neben ihm, jetzt
eine kurze Drehung, ein sicherer Griff von der Seite her, und ein
letzter Angstlaut des Opfers erstirbt unter dem furchtbaren Drucke.
Der glückliche Jäger eilt mit seiner Beute einem verborgenen
Fleckchen zu, um ungestört kröpfen (fressen) zu können. Dort am
Raine, wo Rainfarn und Disteln mit ihren überwinterten dürren
Stengeln sich über die Ackerfurche neigen, kann keine Krähe so
leicht dem Schmause zuschauen; dort läßt sich der Sperber nieder.
Hastig rupft er die langen, schwarzen Schwanzfedern, die
Schwungfedern, die gelben Unterflügelfedern ab, dann verschlingt er
Kopf mit Schnabel, auch die Beine des Bergfinken wandern in den
Kropf, dann etwas von den Eingeweiden, ein wenig Brustfleisch, und
der Räuber ist für den Augenblick gesättigt.
Die warme Luft, der Sonnenschein, das leckere Mal, dies alles
stimmt den Sperber froh; er schwingt sich auf und schraubt sich
hoch und höher, um sich an Flugspielen zu ergötzen und ein wenig
nach der Gattin auszuschauen, die im Nachbarrevier den Winter
über der Jagd oblag. Ja, besonders fest sind außer der Brutzeit die
ehelichen Banden der Familie Sperber nicht, aber jetzt fühlt der
Gatte das Herannahen der Minnezeit in allen Gliedern, es treibt ihn
fort, die Gemahlin zu suchen. Doch, siehe da, auch sie scheint die
gleichen Empfindungen zu hegen; dort naht sie in raschem Fluge.
Sogar zum Spielen ist sie heute aufgelegt, in elegantem Bogen stößt
sie auf den Herrn Gemahl, der gewandt ausweicht, dann selbst zum
Angreifer wird. Hin und her geht das Necken, oft durch längeres
Kreisen unterbrochen. Voller Stolz ruht das Auge des Männchens
auf seinem Weibchen. Wahrhaftig, eine stattliche Schöne! Fast
doppelt so groß wie ihr Gemahl erscheint sie; die lichte Brust ist mit
schmalen, dunklen Binden verziert, der Rücken in stumpfes Grau
Doch lange hält die Lust zum Spielen nicht an; eine trübe Wolke
schiebt sich vor die Sonne, die Luft geht etwas kühler, und eilig
entfliehen alle Liebesgedanken. Vor dem Mai denken ja die Sperber
noch nicht an Nestbau und Kindersegen. Ein neuer Jagdzug beginnt.
Frau Sperber hat bis jetzt noch nicht viel im Magen. Einen Sperling
schlug sie im Pfarrgarten; doch sie hatte nur eben erst mit dem
Frühstück begonnen, da schob sich zu einem offenen Fenster ein
schwarzes Rohr heraus, ein Knall ertönte, und dicht neben ihr
spritzte die Erde auf — da war sie eilend geflohen und hatte den
Sperling liegen lassen. Pastors Hans aber hatte ärgerlich sein
Teschin beiseite gestellt; wieder war seine schöne Trommeltäubin
ungerächt geblieben, die gestern Madame Sperber eben noch
erwischte, als sie sich im Schlage vor dem hitzigen Verfolger retten
wollte. Da hatte kein Pfeifen, kein Schreien des Besitzers etwas
genützt, der geworfene Stein pfiff weit vom Räuber durch die Luft,
der mit seiner schweren Beute mühsam dem Walde zustrebte. Hei,
das war ein Streich, eines starken Sperberweibs würdig, noch heute
freute es sich über die ohnmächtige Wut des Menschenkindes; aber
allzuoft darf man die Tauben nicht heimsuchen, denn wenn die
Klagen zu des Försters Ohren dringen, dann ist die Gefahr groß.
Deshalb soll der nächste Beutezug hinausgehen aufs Feld. Dort
beginnt der Stoppelklee sich von den Schäden des Winters zu
erholen. Plumpe Feldmäuse knabbern an den jungen grünen
Blättern, Lerchen suchen dort nach Räupchen, Stare laufen hastig
mit nickendem Kopfe durch die Pflanzen, um Eulenraupen und
Regenwürmer zu suchen oder einen hurtigen Laufkäfer zu haschen.
Dort ist Aussicht auf einen guten Braten.
Wie ein erfahrener Jäger pürscht Frau Sperber den Jagdgründen
zu, geschickt benutzt sie jede Deckung, vorsichtig weicht sie jeder
Begegnung mit Amsel oder Meise aus; denn die warnenden
Angstlaute verraten weithin jedem Kleinvogel das Nahen des
Feindes, zu fangen sind dabei die Warner im dichten Gestrüpp fast
nie. So eilt das Sperberweibchen tief am Boden jetzt durch das Tal
dahin, jetzt überspringt es förmlich die Schneeschutzmauer, um ein
Stück dem Schienenstrange der Eisenbahn zu folgen, jetzt ein
kurzer Bogen, und unbeweglich blockt (sitzt) der Räuber auf einer
hochgestellten Egge. Langsam wandern die gelben Augen über das
Feld, keine Bewegung entgeht der Beobachterin. Da, was ist das,
dort an der feuchten Stelle, wo der Klee schon kräftig zu sprossen
beginnt? Dort hüpft es, dann rennt es wieder, dann zerrt es etwas
aus dem Boden, das sieht doch beinahe aus wie Drosseln. Da gilt
kein Zaudern. Mit einem kräftigen Sprunge wirft sich der Sperber in
die Luft, um wie ein Blitz aus heiterem Himmel unter die
Ahnungslosen zu fahren. Doch schon ist er bemerkt. Mit lautem
„Tuiik, schack schack“ fliehen sie dem Walde zu. Als
Wacholderdrosseln oder Krammetsvögel verraten sie sich durch
diesen Ruf.
Fast haben sie schon das schützende Holz erreicht, da hören sie
die Flügelschläge des Verfolgers dicht hinter sich. Ein prachtvolles
Männchen mit aschblauem Kopf und Bürzel ist schon längst als
Opfer erkoren. Mit angstbeschleunigten Flügelschlägen saust es
dahin, dicht hinter ihm der Sperber. Jetzt bietet die dichtbelaubte
Krone der Steineiche etwas Aussicht auf Rettung, ein enger
Durchschlupf bietet sich der Drossel, doch auch der Räuber
schwingt sich hindurch, er schleudert sich förmlich mit seinem lange
Stoße vorwärts, die kühnsten Schwünge, die schärfsten Kurven führt
er ebenso gewandt aus, wie der verfolgte Singvogel. Jetzt geht die
tolle Jagd durch das Stangenholz; zwar stehen die Erlen dicht, kaum
scheint ein rascher Flug hindurch möglich, in rasender Eile schießt
die Drossel dahin, doch dicht hinter ihr eilt der Tod. Jetzt lockt der
dichte Fichtenhorst. Mit letzter Kraft wirft sich das gehetzte Opfer
hinein in eine dichte Krone, doch zu spät. Mit weitvorgestreckten
Fängen saust auch der Sperber in die Zweige hinein. Hier, wo sie
sich geborgen glaubte, fassen die langen Krallen die Drossel, in
krampfhaftem Drucke schließen sich die langen Sperberzehen, und
ein kleines Herz hört auf zu schlagen. Ein hastiges Mahl beginnt. Die
rostgelben Brustfedern mit dem dunklen Schaftstriche, die weißen
Bauchfedern werden über den Boden verstreut, ein paar rostbraune
Flügelfedern kommen dazu, und dann wandern große Bissen in den
leeren Kropf, bis er strotzt, und nur kärgliche Reste bleiben zurück
für Igel und Spitzmaus.
Doch was ist unterdessen mit den Finkenüberresten geworden,
die Herr Sperber am Raine zurückließ? — Quer über die Felder fliegt
ein Vogel der Feldscheune zu. Sollte das Sperbermännchen nach
erfolgloser Jagd zurückkehren zu den früher verschmähten Resten
seiner Beute? Doch nein, ein Sperber ist das nicht, der dort fliegt;
viel weicher und weniger kraftvoll sind die Flügelschläge, die Flügel
sind schmal und spitz, keine Lerche oder Ammer verrät Angst und
Besorgnis vor diesem Raubvogel. Doch jetzt unterbricht er seinen
Flug, mit raschen gleichmäßigen Flügelschlägen hält er sich an
einem Punkte, sanft schwebt er nieder und fußt. Ein T u r m f a l k ist es,
der zur Mäusejagd auszog und jetzt sich bei den verschmähten
Überresten vom Sperbermahle niederläßt, um sich daran gütlich zu
tun. Sieh dich vor, harmloser Vogel, daß dich kein Forstmann bei
deinem Tun belauscht. Er weiß nicht, daß du nur nahmst, was ein
ärgrer Räuber übrig ließ, und fällt dann das Todesurteil über dich und
deine Sippe. Zwar würdest du sicher gern dann und wann auch mal
Vogelfleisch essen, wenn — nur die Trauben nicht so hoch hingen.
Aber mit deinen Flugtalenten braucht dich kein Singvogel zu
scheuen, du mußt wohl oder übel mit Mäusen zufrieden sein, wenn
du nicht mal einen Maulwurf ertappst, oder ein junges Kaninchen
sich fürwitzig am Tage aus dem Baue wagt, so daß du es haschen
kannst. Kein einsichtsvoller Weidmann wird dir so einen
Gelegenheitsdiebstahl übel nehmen, belebst du doch mit deinem
anmutigen Flugbild die Landschaft, ob du nun im Freien rüttelnd den
lästigen Nagern und brummigen Mistkäfern nachstellst oder hoch
über dem Hasten der Großstadt deine Flugspiele ausführst um die
Spitze der Peterskirche. Deine Paarungsrufe, so unschön sie auch
einem musikalischen Ohre erscheinen mögen, bringen Abwechslung
in das Knattern der Benzinfahrzeuge und das Klingeln der
Straßenbahnen. Und was für einen prachtvollen Anblick bietest du
dar, wenn du dich aus der Nähe belauschen läßt. Wie anmutig
drehst du dein aschgraues Köpfchen mit den dunklen Augen, wie
fein stimmt das Rostbraun der Flügel zu dem Aschgrau des
Schwanzes, den die schwarze Endbinde ziert. Geh! Tummle dich mit
deinem rostbraunen Weibchen, jagt euch und wiegt euch im blauen
Äther, voller Freude wird das Auge des Naturfreundes auf euch
ruhen. Grüßt den Wald von mir und Wiese und Bach und Feld, der
ich euch nur mit dem Auge folgen kann. Grüßt auch euren großen
Vetter von mir, den B u s s a r d , dessen Leumund womöglich noch
schlechter ist als eurer.
Er ist ja viel zu groß, um als harmloser Mäusevertilger
angesehen zu werden. Auf seinen langsamen, fast plumpen Flug
gibt niemand acht, auch die stumpfen Krallen, die er zum
Mäusefangen, aber niemals zur Hasenjagd verwenden kann,
vermögen vielen Jägern seine Harmlosigkeit nicht zu beweisen. Dort
kreist er über dem Felde, schwerfällig rüttelnd macht er Halt und
stößt. Doch die Maus ist rascher, eilig ist sie im Loche
verschwunden. Doch bald guckt sie wieder hervor, rasch fährt sie ein
paarmal aus dem Loche heraus und sofort wieder zurück. Dann hält
sie die Umgebung für sicher, der große braune Fleck auf dem
Maulwurfshaufen stört sie nicht mehr, hastig beginnt sie an der
jungen Saat zu knabbern. Da ist plötzlich ein Schatten über ihr, sie
quiekt noch einmal auf und ist erfaßt und verschlungen.
„Der Posten war günstig“, denkt der Mauser und wackelt in
komischen Schritten auf seinen Maulwurfshaufen zurück. Vorsichtig
dreht er den runden Kopf mit den braunen Augen bald nach rechts,
bald nach links; da huscht wieder eine Maus in einer „Fahrt“ dahin.
In großen Sätzen eilt er ihr nach, immer mit den Flügeln schlagend
und balanzierend. Ein sicherer Griff, die Schädelknochen brechen
unter dem Schnabeldrucke des großen Räubers, und auch diese
Maus ist besorgt und aufgehoben. Während der Bussard noch
schluckt und schlingt, beginnt auf einmal seine bisherige Warte sich
zu bewegen: der Maulwurfshaufen hebt sich, und Erdbrocken rollen
von ihm herab. Mit vorsichtigen Schritten nähert sich der Raubvogel
dem wachsenden Hügel. Da schiebt sich plötzlich das kleine
Stummelschwänzchen des emsigen Maulwurfes ein klein wenig aus
der Erde hervor, und schnell springt der Bussard zu. Doch es ist zu
spät, nur ein Erdballen zerkrümelt unter dem Griffe; erschreckt
flüchtet der schwarze Pionier in seine tiefsten Gänge, der erfolglose
Jäger aber breitet ärgerlich seine Schwingen und schwebt dem
Walde zu.
Auf dem höchsten Zacken der uralten Eiche blockt er und
übersieht sein Jagdrevier. Er sieht dem Sperber zu auf seinen
Beutezügen, er folgt dem rüttelnden Turmfalken mit den Augen; die
Jagd der beiden interessiert ihn nicht. Der Turmfalk macht nur kleine
Beute wie er, und dem Sperber etwas wegnehmen zu wollen, ist
eine etwas gefährliche Sache, da er auch zu Fuß ein geschickter
Fechter ist. Aber wenn ein Wanderfalk in sausendem Fluge der
Taube nachstürmt oder der Wildente, dann heißt es aufpassen. Ein
Leichtes ist es, dem raschen Jäger die Beute abzunehmen; denn
gewandt ist er nur in der Luft, am Boden kann oder will er nicht
einmal mit einem Mauser streiten. Oft läßt er sein Opfer fallen,
sobald Krähen oder ein Bussard ihm nur nacheilen und sucht eine
andre Beute zu schlagen. Doch heute zeigt sich kein Wanderfalk.
Vor dem wartenden Räuber tummeln sich furchtlos die Meisen in
der Birke. Die Schwanzmeise schaukelt kopfunter an dem dünnen
Zweige, die Blaumeise trillert ihr Frühlingslied, und die Sumpfmeise
zetert „zie-tä-tä tä“, weil ihr der Wind einen leckeren Bissen
fortgeblasen hat. Allzeit munter und fidel ist dieses Völkchen. Ob
gestern der Sperber ein unvorsichtiges Mitglied der Bande schlug,
ob ein Wiesel im Sprunge eine badende Freundin erwischte, „heute
wieder lustig!“ lautet die Parole. Und der denkende Mensch, er
handelt nicht anders; wenn auch ein Erdbeben Tausende vernichtet
und die Mitwelt bei dem entsetzlichen Unglück schaudert — nach
wenigen Wochen herrscht doch der Karneval mit seinem
Freudentaumel, als sei nichts vorgefallen.

Seit Wochen schon weckt und lockt die Frühlingssonne die

schlafenden Pflanzenkinder, langsam und verschlafen tut eins nach
dem andern die Blütenaugen auf. Dem Krokuschen ist es schon zu
warm geworden, das hat schon seine Blüten welk zu Boden fallen
lassen. Aber eine Fülle andrer Pflanzen hat dafür jetzt das
Schmücken der Natur übernommen. Das Buschwindröschen läßt
seine weißen Blüten im Winde schaukeln, goldig leuchten die Sterne
des Scharbockskrauts, Veilchen und Himmelschlüssel prangen und
duften. Mit Farbenpracht und Wohlgeruch locken sie alle die
brummenden, borstigen Insekten zu Gaste. Und während die
Leckermäuler noch süßen Nektar schlemmen, pudern sie die
Staubfäden ein mit Pollen, dem Pfand der Liebe, damit er
hinübergelangt auf die Narbe der Nachbarblüte, die schon gierig die
Äste breit gemacht oder klebrigen Saft ausgeschieden hat zum
Auffangen und Festhalten des Blütenstaubs. Buhlen um die Gunst
der Insekten, ihrer Liebesboten, bei den Blüten der Pflanzen, heißes
Liebeswerben in der Vogelwelt, das ist des Frühlings Werk.
Da schmettert auf einem Baumstumpf der Zaunkönig sein
Liebeslied mit einer Fülle und Kraft, als wolle er die winzige Brust
zersprengen. Ganz steil stellt er sein kleines Schwänzchen, dick
plustert er die Federn auf und zwischen dem dünnen Schnäbelchen
läßt er Strophe auf Strophe seines Liebesliedes hervorperlen. Der
Buchfink wieder legt alle Federn knapp an, er zieht die schwarzen
Stirnfedern zurück und legt den blauen Scheitel an, der Schwanz
hängt unter dem grünen Bürzel fast ganz senkrecht herab. Nur die
rotbraunen Federn der Kehle sind gesträubt, wenn der Fink sein
stereotypes Lied singt, wenn er schlägt. Hoch auf der Spitze des
Baumes sitzt der Amselhahn und flötet ernst und feierlich sein
Orgellied. Die Zeit stürmischen Werbens, die eigentliche Minne, ist
für ihn schon vorüber, vorbei die Poesie der Brautzeit, das Weibchen
sitzt ja schon im halbkugeligen Neste auf fünf Eiern: Prosa der
Brütezeit. Das Amselpärchen hat es immer sehr eilig mit dem
Brutgeschäft, zu Pfingsten möchte es am liebsten schon zur zweiten
Brut schreiten, wenn Pirol und Gartensänger just mit der ersten
Doch zurück zu unserm Frühjahrskonzert im Walde. Meisen,
Rotkehlchen, Amseln und Drosseln, sie alle singen und flöten jetzt
beinahe den ganzen Tag, aber am lebhaftesten doch bei
Sonnenuntergang und Aufgang. Dann ist ein Zwitschern und Rufen
durcheinander, daß alles zu einem einzigen Tongewirr verschwimmt
und man kaum die einzelnen Sänger erkennt. Nur einige Künstler im
Waldkonzert lassen sich nicht übertönen. Laut schallt das flötende
Lachen des Grünspechts, rasselnd das knarrende Trommeln seines
bunten Verwandten, scharf erklingt das Schirken des Turmfalken
über den Baumwipfeln.
Dort, wo das kleine Fichtendickicht an undurchdringliche Wildnis
krallender Brombeerranken stößt, ertönt von Zeit zu Zeit ein Schrei,
der gar wenig hineinpassen will in das melodische Tongewirr der
deutschen Vogelstimmen. Es mahnt eher an Hühnerhof oder
Zoologischen Garten, das laute, krähende Gack gack, das dort
erklingt. Was mag das für ein sonderbarer Sänger sein, der dort den
Schrei ausstößt? Ganz langsam, ganz leise und vorsichtig
schleichen wir näher, daß kein Ästchen unter dem Fuße knackt, kein
dürres Laubblatt raschelt. Schon haben wir die Fichtengruppe
erreicht, ganz in der Nähe erscholl der Ruf. Ganz versteckt unter den
hängenden Zweigen der Fichte stellen wir uns an und warten. Eine
Singdrossel schwingt sich auf die Spitze der Fichte, die uns verbirgt,
sitzt ein Weilchen still und beginnt dann ihr Lied. David David tilit tilit
tilit tönts munter bald pfeifend, bald schwätzend über uns. Ein
Goldhähnchen schlüpft nahe vor uns durchs Nadelgezweig, ganz
dünn und fein klingt sein pfeifendes Locken. Bald dreht es uns den
olivgrünlichen Rücken, bald den goldig glänzenden schwarzen
Scheitel zu, denn es kann ja keinen Augenblick still sitzen. Es pickt
hier etwas vom Zweig, rüttelt am Baumstamm und erhascht ein
winziges Insekt und ist dann im Nadelmeer verschwunden.
Da raschelt es leise vor uns im Brombeergesträuch. Ganz
langsam und ruckweise schiebt es sich hervor. Ein Hühnervogel im
prächtigsten Kleide steht da und strahlt in der Sonne. Hoch richtet er
den Kopf mit der lichtgrauen Platte auf dem smaragdgrün blitzenden
Halse in die Höhe, daß der weiße Halsring leuchtet. Aufmerksam
sichert der Vogel rechts und links. Nichts Verdächtiges in der Runde!
Jetzt verändert sich sein Gesicht. Der nackte Korallenfleck um seine
Augen dehnt sich aus und schwillt, eine große rote Rose leuchtet an
Stelle der Wangen grell wie Siegellack auf. Gack gack ruft der
R i n g f a s a n und schlägt dann mit den harten Fittichen einen
trommelnden Wirbel. Kupfern leuchtet die Brust, golden die
Bauchseiten, grüngolden der Bürzel des balzenden Hahnes. Wieder
schreit und schwirrt der bunte Vogel mit den Flügeln, aber keine
Henne zeigt sich.
Doch jetzt raschelt es leise. Sollte es eine Henne sein? Dort
schiebt sich der Ankömmling aus dem Gesträuch. Auch sein Hals
glänzt grün, aber kein Halsring ziert ihn. Das Gefieder ist weit
düsterer gefärbt, wie poliertes Kupfer glänzen Brust und Rücken.
Jetzt haben sich die beiden Vögel veräugt. Jäh schwillt auch dem
dunklen K u p f e r f a s a n die rote Rose am Kopf, die Augen fangen an
zu funkeln und mit trommelnden Kehllauten schreiten beide einander
näher, um schließlich wie Bolzen zuzufahren. Ein hitziger Kampf
entspinnt sich. Hochauf springen und fliegen die Kämpen, die Flügel
schwirren, die Rosen glühen. Mit hartem Schnabel und spitzem
Sporn sucht jeder den andern zu verletzen. Immer und immer wieder
stehen sie einander gegenüber, senken und heben den Kopf, als
wollten sie eine Blöße beim andern erspähen, und immer wieder
springen sie hoch auf und hauen aufeinander los. Immer deutlicher
zeigt sich der Ringfasan überlegen. Stets springt er höher als sein
Rivale, hitziger ist sein Angriff, gewandter sein Ausweichen. Eine
dunkle, kupferrote Feder wirbelt zu Boden, ein roter Tropfen perlt
von der Rose des Kupferfasans, da weicht er zurück, und mit
prasselndem Fluge streicht er gackernd ab. Der Sieger aber glüht
und funkelt im Siegestaumel, laut tönt sein Balzschrei, rasselnd sein
Ganz leise und verschämt tönt aus dem Brombeergewirr ein
Lockruf, du du dudu. Mit langsam schleichenden Schritten tritt eine
Henne auf den Balzplatz. Zwar vermag sie an Farbenpracht mit dem
Gatten nicht zu wetteifern. In die schlichten Farben dürren Laubes ist
sie gekleidet und nur über dem Brustgefieder liegt ein leichter Hauch
wie ein Abglanz japanischer Bronze. Aber für den Fasan ist sie doch
in das schönste Kleid gehüllt. Eilig läuft er hinzu, entfaltet die Rosen
zur höchsten Glut und spreizt die Flügel und prangt mit seiner
Farbenpracht, kein Wunder, daß er bald Gehör findet.
Weiter balzt der Hahn. Eine zweite, dritte Henne kommt zu ihm.
Schließlich ist es zu warm geworden, und Hahn und Hennen
verschwinden vom Balzplatz. Sie gehen hinaus auf die Saatfelder,
um keimende Körner, grüne Halmspitzen oder fette Schnecken zu
äsen. Erst gegen Abend kommen sie zurück zum Balzplatz.
Einigemale tönt das Gagack, dann ist die Schlafenszeit gekommen.
Mit prasselnden Flügelschlägen und lautem Gegacker baumen die
bunten Vögel auf, um an windgeschützter Stelle, in der Fichtenkrone
oder auch auf kahlem Laubholz die Nacht zu verbringen.
Ein paar Wochen sind vergangen. Die Saaten sind so
aufgeschossen, daß ein alter Hase sich gut darin verstecken kann,
und die Kleefelder harren der Sense, ja stellenweise ist das saftige
Futter schon geschnitten. Der alte Förster geht mit seinem Hunde
durch die Felder. Die Flinte blieb heute zu Hause, heute trägt der
Grünrock einen Korb, in dem weiche, wollene Lappen liegen. Den
Rain zwischen Korn und Klee geht der Förster entlang, während
Treff, der Hund steifbeinig durch den Klee stelzt. Der weiß genau,
worum es sich handelt, dem herausrutschenden Hasen sieht er
kaum nach, hin und her galoppiert er und sucht. Mit einemmal geht
er langsam, vorsichtig rückt er Schritt vor Schritt auf und steht dann
fest vor. Sein Herr watet durch den hohen Klee, geht der Hundenase
nach und sucht im Klee. Mit lautem „pips“ steht eine Fasanenhenne
auf und streicht mit surrendem Flügelschlag dem Walde zu. Der
Förster aber bückt sich und nimmt die acht Eier aus dem Neste,
packt sie sorglich in die wollenen Lappen in seinem Korbe, und dann
geht die Suche weiter. Wieder steht der Hund, und diesmal sind es
dreizehn Eier, die der Förster aufhebt, dann wird ein Nest mit neun
gefunden. Dreißig Eier sind so vor dem Untergang gerettet durch
Kahlmähen des Nestes.
In der Försterei sitzen Glucken (brütende Haushühner) auf
Toneiern, denen werden die gefundenen Fasaneneier untergelegt.
Willig nehmen die Brütelustigen die zehn untergelegten Stiefkeime
an und wärmen sie, als wären es die eignen Kinder, denen sie
Leben einbrüten. 25 Tage lang müssen die Hühner still sitzen, ehe
leises Picken und Piepen unter der grünlichen Schale verrät, daß die
Jungen ausfallen wollen. Endlich zeigt eins oder das andre der Eier
kleine Pusteln und strampelnd und zappelnd arbeitet sich ein
niedlicher kleiner Federball mit dunklen und hellen braunen
Längsstreifen ans Licht. Eins nach dem andern der kleinen Küken tut
den ersten Schritt ins Leben und bald hocken sieben oder acht
kleine, wärmebedürftige Geschöpfe piepend unter dem dichten
Federkleid der Glucke. Aber lange wollen sie nicht ruhig sitzen. Bald
lugt hier oder da eins unter den Flügeln der Stiefmutter hervor und
dann traut sich gar eins ganz weg und bald umtrippeln die
Dunenjungen die scharrende Henne. Hirsekörner und vor allem
Ameiseneier werden ihnen hingestreut und unsicher zuerst und
besser von Mal zu Mal lernen die Kleinen picken und fressen. Und
wie sonderbar, die ganz ungewohnte Stimme der Glucke, das
Locken und Warnen, sie verstehen es und folgen.
Ganz unmerklich wachsen sie heran. Das niedliche, wollige
Dunenkleid wird struppig, Federn wachsen und eines Tages können
die kleinen wachtelgroßen Dinger schon ein bißchen fliegen. Nun
werden sie selbständiger von Tag zu Tag. Der August kommt heran
und die Fasanen haben die Größe von Rebhühnern erreicht. Da
fangen die Geschlechter an, sich zu unterscheiden. Die jungen
Hähne beginnen, ein gesprenkeltes Kleid anzulegen, die einzelnen
metallfarbenen Federn wachsen verstreut durch das Jugendgefieder.
Der Stiefmutter folgen sie schon längst nicht mehr, abends baumen
sie auf, wie ihre Ahnen, und die jungen Hähne machen die ersten
Versuche, ihre Stimme hören zu lassen. Das klingt freilich noch sehr
nach „Stimmbruch“.
Näher und näher kommt der Herbst. Die Fasanen halten sich
nicht mehr am Forsthause auf. Sie streichen umher, über den Teich,
um im Schilfe Schnecken und Käfer zu suchen, hinaus auf die
Felder, um ausgefallene Weizenkörner zu naschen. Der Oktober
naht, die Jagdzeit der Fasanen. Aber hier im Heimatsrevier wird so
früh mit dem Abschuß nicht begonnen. Schade um die kleinen,
scheckigen Dinger, es ist ja noch gar nichts daran, mögen bis zum
November bleiben, sagt der Jagdherr und läßt täglich Futter streuen,
damit die bunten Gesellen nicht nach Nachbarrevieren auswandern
auf der Nahrungssuche.
Endlich ist der große Tag gekommen, der letzte für manchen
bunten Hahn, der Tag der Fasanenjagd. Schon vom frühen Morgen
an sind die Fasanen durch Wachen gehindert worden, in die Felder
zu bummeln, sie halten sich alle in der „Fasanerie“ mit ihren
Brennesseldickichten, den Schilf- und Rohrbeständen auf. Gegen
zehn Uhr begeben sich die wenigen Schützen auf ihre Stände an
den Schneisen. Die Treiber sind schon angestellt und auf das
Hornsignal des Jagdherrn setzen sie sich in Bewegung. Langsam
treiben sie auf die Schützen zu, schlagen auf jeden Busch mit dem
Stock, und treten jeden Grasbüschel nieder. Lärm darf nicht gemacht
werden. Sonderbar, wo sich sonst Fasanen in Hülle und Fülle
umhertrieben, da ist heute noch keiner zu sehen. Sie laufen vor den
Treibern, ohne aufzufliegen. Der junge Treiber wird schon
ungeduldig. Da endlich steht mit lautem Pips und Flügelschlag eine
Henne auf und streicht über die Treiber zurück. Und jetzt geht
gackernd der erste Hahn hoch. Rasch und rascher fliegt er vorwärts.
Jetzt ist er im Zuge und streicht ohne Flügelschlag und doch gar
rasch über die Schützen. Bumm, fällt der erste Schuß, aber nur eine
Feder im langen Stoß (Schwanz) des Hahns ist geknickt. Bumm, der
war besser. Wie ein nasser Sack fällt der fette Vogel zu Boden und
schlägt auf, daß die bunten Federn stieben. Ein Hahn nach dem
andern fliegt hoch, passiert die Schützenkette und fällt zu Boden.
Schon sind die Treiber ziemlich nahe an die Schützen heran, da
fliegen auf einmal zwanzig, ja dreißig Fasanen auf. Jetzt fordert es
ein scharfes Auge, rasch Hahn und Henne zu unterscheiden.
„Langsam treiben, laden lassen, langsam, langsam,“ mahnt der
Förster die Treiber. Jetzt stiebt es förmlich von Fasanen. Gackernd
fliegen die Hähne hoch. Der wird schon im Auffliegen von den
Schroten ereilt, der wieder gerade über den Schützen, ein andrer ist
schon ziemlich zwischen den Stämmen des nächsten Bestandes
verschwunden, da wirft ihn der nachgesandte Schuß zu Boden.
Wahrlich, man versteht, daß früher Fasanenjagd zur Hohen Jagd
gerechnet wurde! Ein bunteres Bild ist nicht zu denken. Allenthalben
rasseln und prasseln die Vögel auf, wie Salven knallen die Schüsse.
Dazwischen huschen Kaninchen über die Schneise und schlagen
Rad oder laufen weiter auf den Schuß. Der sicherste Schütze steht
am Graben und schießt wie jedes Jahr so auch diesmal den Fuchs,
der Fasanenbraten über alles schätzt. Geängstigt stieben Rehe in
rasender Flucht über die Schneise. Endlich ist der Trieb zu Ende.
Von allen Seiten schleppen die Treiber das Wild herbei. Kupfer- und
Ringfasanhähne, wohl an die sechzig, keiner reinrassig, jeder mit
etwas Blut vom andern, einige Hennen, die ein „Frauenmörder“
versehentlich erlegt, ein paar Kaninchen und Hasen und ein Fuchs,
das ist die Strecke vom ersten Triebe.
Wie Bronze, Gold und Smaragd, so flimmert es über den Vögeln,
die friedlich auf dem grünen Rasen ruhen neben dem Fuchs, ihrem
Todfeind im roten Rocke. Dazu der Wald im herbstlichen Gewande
und die Jäger in ihren oft humorvollen Trachten, die Treiber in ihren
ältesten Kleidern — denn beim Durchkriechen der Fichtendickichte
und Brombeergestrüppe ist gutes Zeug nichts nütze —, wie Räuber
beinahe anzuschauen, ein herrliches, buntes, unvergeßliches Bild.

Das Nixloch ist ein kleiner Steinbruch, in dem ein Wassertümpel

steht. Schon jahrzehntelang hat man dort keinen Stein mehr geholt,
denn viel taugen die alten Tonschiefer nicht, höchstens zum
Beschottern der Straßen lassen sie sich verwenden. Nun haben sich
Pappeln und Weiden darin angesiedelt, einige Birken auch, und der
Holunder, den die Amsel hier säte, sprießt und wuchert. Auf den
sandigen Lehm, den die Kaninchen durchwühlt haben mit einem
Labyrinth von Gängen, hat sich Schwarzdorn eingenistet und bildet
einen kleinen Urwald für sich.
Kein Weg führt bis ans Nixloch heran, von der Landstraße sieht
man nur die Bäume und Sträucher über das Getreide weggucken,
ung und ong tönt der Unkenruf am Abend herüber; eine verzauberte
Welt meint man hinter dem Halmenwalde versteckt. Und wahrlich,
wie ein Zaubergarten mutet auch der alte Steinbruch an. Wie
Silberglocken tönt das Fallen der Wassertropfen, die vom
übermoosten Steine ins Wasser hinuntertränen. Dazu das Trillern
der Wechselkröte, das Plärren des Laubfrosches, der Märchenlaut
der rotbauchigen Unke, das Wispern von Schilf und Rohr, das
Klappern der Espenblätter, eine träumerische Stimmung herrscht im
Nixloch. Kein Wunder ist es, daß hier gern die Fasane unter
Brombeerranken ihr Gelege bergen, daß das kleine,
grünbestrumpfte Teichhuhn mit dem roten Strumpfband hier die
Kinderschar groß zieht, daß der starke Rehbock, der immer über der
Grenze steht, sein Mittagsschläfchen gern hier abhält. Kein Wunder
auch, daß der N e u n t ö t e r nun schon seit vielen Jahren hier seinen
Erbsitz hat.

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