AC I DC Power System Fault Simulation Based On

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AC/DC Power System Fault Simulation Based on

Changhui Ma Qun Xu
Shandong Electric Research Institute Shandong Qingdao Power Supply Company
Jinan, China Qingdao, China
e-mail: e-mail:

Weichang Zhang Shenquan Yang

the Department of Strategic Development and Planning Shandong Electric Research Institute
Shandong Electric Power Corpration Jinan, China
Jinan, China e-mail:

Abstract—Both the security of the whole network and the they are often related to the structure of AC/DC system and
operating characteristics of a DC system need to be simulated in specific operating condition. Usually, the electromechanical or
detail for a large-scale AC/DC power system. Through transient electromagnetic transient simulation method is applied in the
hybrid simulation, virtues of electromechanical-electromagnetic simulation of DC power transmission system separately. The
can be achieved simultaneously. Based on mechanism analysis of advantage of the electromechanical transient simulation is that
electromechanical-electromagnetic transient hybrid simulation, it is able to simulate large-scale systems, but the disadvantage
three operation modes of Shandong Power Grid in 2010 are is that many phenomena such as the influence of unbalanced
analyzed. Various HVDC faults and the AC faults near the point faults on the operating condition of converter valves, the inner
of fall for HVDC are simulated by the electromechanical
faults of converter valves, the commutation failure of inverters,
transient simulation and the electromechanical-electromagnetic
the effect of control system on the process of commutation,
transient hybrid simulation based on ADPSS. Simulation results
from two different simulation methods are compared. The cannot be modeled exactly because all DC power transmission
superiority of hybrid simulation is demonstrated convincingly systems adopt quasi-steady-state model. However, the
through the simulation of commutation failure. electromagnetic transient simulation has shortcomings also,
such as small-scale stimulation and slow calculation speed. For
Keywords—advanced digital power system simulator(ADPSS); simulating a system, equivalent simplification has to be
AC/DC power system; hybrid simulation;HVDC finished, which reduces the calculation accuracy. And if the
operation mode changes, the equivalent simplification needs to
be done again. This will cause huge work burden[2].
China Electric Power Research Institute took 8 years to
At present, the two main subjects in the development of
research and develop the ADPSS, which achieved both
China power grid are the "West-East Electricity Transmission"
theoretical innovation and technical breakthrough on key
and the "National United Power Grid" project. The project of
technologies such as the real-time simulation of large-scale
DC power transmission from the east of Yinchuan to Jiaodong,
power system and the electromechanical-electromagnetic
which connects the Northwest Power Grid and the Shandong
transient hybrid simulation. ADPSS overcomes the deficiencies
Power Grid, has been brought into service in the latter half of
of other similar simulation devices inland and abroad, which
2010. The designed capacity of this DC project is 4000MW for
can only simulate small-scale systems and are hard to be
two poles. Only monopolar operation mode has been brought
updated and expanded[2-4].
into service in 2010 and the whole project will be put into
operation completely in 2011. Along with the project being put ADPSS achieves the electromechanical-electromagnetic
into operation, the power sources of Shandong Power Grid are transient hybrid simulation mode, which combines both of their
becoming more and more complicated, which means growing virtues. While the AC/DC power system is being stimulated
instabilities. and analyzed, the electromagnetic transient simulation is used
in parts of a DC system which need to be researched in detail
For a large-scale AC/DC power system, it is very
and the electromechanical transient simulation is adopted in the
significant to study the interaction between AC and DC
other parts of the network. In this case, the interior rapid
system[1] such as what kind of faults in AC systems may lead to
transient change process of DC devices can be simulated. And
commutation failure and what measures should be taken to
meanwhile, the network calculation scale can be huge and the
keep the system stable to the greatest extent. Those problems
power grid doesn't need to be equivalently simplified, which
can be solved only through simulation and calculation based on
greatly improves the accuracy of simulation and analysis[5-7].
the software for large-scale AC/DC power system, because

978-1-4577-0365-2/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 514

II. MODEL AND METHOD exits from the whole system and the left AC system can be
A. DC Model[2]
⑶ The influence of AC system faults near point of fall for
In the electromagnetic transient model of ADPSS DC HVDC on DC system and the transient stability of system;
power transmission, convertor transformers and converters are
simulated by three-phase transient model, and every valve of ⑷ The influence of DC faults on the whole system
converters adopts SCR switch model with considering the frequency;
impact of buffer circuits. DC lines can use the concentrated
parameter model such as π-type and T-type, or the distributed ⑸ Simulation of commutation failure.
parameter model. DC power transmission control system
includes constant current regulators, constant turn-off angle C. Subnetting Scheme for Hybrid Simulation
regulators, constant voltage regulators, constant power To analyze the HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) of
regulators, low voltage and low current limiters, bilateral AC-DC interconnected power grid in large-scale, usually, there
frequency modulations, big mode power modulations, small are two subnetting appraoches: first, choosing the AC-side bus
mode power modulations and trigger pulse generators. of DC converter as the interface location; second, according to
At the same time, a kind of electromechanical model of DC demands, selecting a place, where the waveform distortion of
power transmission is designed in ADPSS, in other words, electrical quantity is minor, as the subnetting position and
ADPSS owns a quasi-steady-state model of a practical extending the interface location to the internal part of AC
regulator. In this model, the transient process of a converter system. These two methods differ in the situation of waveform
itself (including rectifier and inverter) is neglected; instead, it is distortion of electrical quantity at the subnetting location
represented by steady-state equations. Considering the effect of interface. The former does not consider the mutation, three-
DC power transmission regulator system, the dynamic phase unbalance, harmonic, non-periodic component and other
characteristic of a regulator is described by differential factors of the interface, which lead to waveform distortion and
equations. And the differential equations of those DC lines are affect the accuracy of simulation, and hence, interface
listed considering the dynamic process of current change of DC algorithm plays a vital role here; while the latter is often
power transmission lines. Moreover, in order to depict the difficult to be implemented in a practical system, and it
special functions and some important features of DC power increases the complexity of subnetting and computation [9].
transmission more accurately, some analog functions are The hybrid simulation interface algorithm of ADPSS has
added, such as the DC line short circuit faults and restart, low exhibited good numerical stability and computational accuracy
voltage limitation of DC system and DC commutation failure in previous hybrid simulation applications. And the analysis
caused by AC faults. results of this paper also illustrate this point[5-7]. According to
the operation mode of Shandong Power Grid in 2010, the
B. Analysis of Calculation Method network near HVDC is very complicated, and therefore, the
Taking into account the phased construction of DC first method is adopted to analyze the hybrid simulation.
transmission system from the east of Yinchuan to Jiaodong, The specific subnetting plan of hybrid simulation is shown
Shandong Power Grid is mainly running under three modes: in Figure 1.
monopolar ground operation mode, post-fault operation mode
of monopolar DC and bipolar operation mode. Respectively,
the characteristics of the above three operation modes are
analyzed and the changes of power flow of main grid are
observed. Stability analysis, based on the guidelines for power
system safety and stability, focuses on the calculation as
⑴ For the normal operation mode of Shandong Power Grid
and the DC fault situation, the security and stability should be
checked according to parts of the fault modes of the first-level
and second-level security and stability standard. Those faults
include: ① three-phase permanent earth fault of important
power transmission lines; ②transformer near point of fall for
HVDC goes wrong and exits from operation; ③single-phase
earth fault occurs simultaneously in two different phases of
Figure 1. Subnetting scheme for hybrid simulation
parallel transmission lines on the same tower and then the
reclosing is not successful so that three phases of those lines
⑵ Under monopolar and bipolar operation mode, the
A. Characteristics of Power Flow
transient stability situation of system with DC open circuit,
short circuit and ground fault should be analysed. And then DC From the aspect of the power generation situation of each
region in Shandong, it is true that power generation is more

concentrated in the western region, while the capacity is "West to East electricity transmission" lines, which weakens
relatively small in central and eastern region; from the aspect the characteristics of "West to East electricity transmission" in
of the load of each region, the load of the central and eastern Shandong Power Grid. Instead, the features of "South to North
region (mainly Jinan, Zibo, Qingdao, Weifang, Yantai) is more electricity transmission" become more distinctive in central and
concentrated, while the quantity is relatively small in western western regions. And the influence of DC fault is just the
region. So integrating the generation with the load condition, opposite.
Liaocheng and Jining are the main power generation areas;
while Zibo, Weifang, Yantai and Qingdao are the major power IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
consumption areas.
Figure 2 is the sketch map of 500kV main grid of Shandong A. System Analysis
Power Grid in 2010, which shows the feature of "West to East The simulation analysis process focuses on studying a kind
electricity transmission". of control method that combines constant DC current control at
the rectification side of DC control system with low-voltage
current-limiting control, and integrates constant turn-off angle
control at the inversion side with low-voltage current-limiting
control. This approach is often used in DC power transmission
project and obtains a good operating performance . But the
control model does not consider the frequency modulation and
power modulation.
System analysis results are shown in Table 2, where
monopolar faults include short circuit and open circuit; bipolar
faults include grounding short circuit, shot circuit and bipolar
open circuit; and AC faults include single-phase as well as
three-phase short, break and other kinds of faults. Both static
security analysis and safety checking programs apply the
failure modes described in 1.2 (1). And after DC faults exit
from operation, the system is analyzed.
Figure 2. Sketch map of Shandong 500kV power grid in 2010


B. Comparison of Three Operation Modes DC monopolar
results DC bipolar mode
Three different operation modes involves DC post-fault ground mode
mode, DC monopolar mode and DC bipolar mode. Table 1 monopolar fault Transient stable Transient stable
compares the stable operation situations when maintaining the bipolar fault / Transient stable
internal start-up way the same. Among them, the "grid power" Transient stable ,
Transient stable,DC
is the sum of transmitted power in the main grid; the "line AC fault DC block in some
block in some cases
load" lists all of the lines whose load rate are greater than 30%; cases
the "over-threshold component" includes all network No over-threshold
No over-threshold
components; the "bus voltage" includes the voltages of 500kV Static security component ,
component , voltage
analysis voltage in
buses in the main grid; the "receiving power" is the power flow in reasonable range
reasonable range
on Shandong-Northern China tie line. Security check Transient stable Transient stable


To analyze the similarities and differences between the
Comparison DC monopolar DC bipolar
DC Fault
mode mode electromechanical transient simulation and hybrid simulation,
grid power Grid power of DC failure has 7500MW more than the in most simulation examples, the results are compared. The
power of DC monopolar mode simulation results of short-circuit faults under DC monopolar
Grid power of DC monopolar mode has 6500MW more operation mode are shown as follows:
than DC bipolar mode
Load of The fault is set to be a 3.0 ~ 10s short circuit at the DC line
transmission 27 13 6 head. The simulation results mainly observed include the
line power angle curve (taking the relative angle of unit 1 in
threshold no no no
Qingdao power plant to that in Liaocheng power plant) and the
component active power of DC transmission line, as shown in Figure 3.
Bus voltage reasonable reasonable
5787MW 4039MW 2195MW
From the view of the power flow of the whole network,
bipolar operation mode reduces the load rates of almost all

Figure 4. Simulation results of short-circuit fault of ac line near the HVDC
in bipolar operation mode

D. The Effect of DC monopolar Block on the System

Under monopolar operation mode, DC monopolar block
happens at 3.0s. Then the lowest system frequency obtained by
hybrid simulation is 49.81Hz; the system frequency of
electromechanical transient simulation drops to 49.86Hz. So
the result of electromechanical transient calculation is a bit
optimistic, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 3. Simulation results of short-circuit fault of dc line in monopolar

operation mode

C. AC Faults
Under DC bipolar operation mode, the fault is set to be a
three-phase permanent grounding at the head of "Jiaodong-
Daze 500kV line" from Jiaodong converter station. In addition,
it happens at 3.0s and after 0.1s, the protection of the lineis
triggered . The observed simulation results are identical to the
above, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 5. Influence of monopolar block on system frequency under
monopolar operation mode

E. Result Analysis
The results of transient stability (including
electromechanical transient analysis and electromechanical-
electromagnetic hybrid analysis) show a good transient
stability under both monopolar and bipolar operation modes of
Yinchuan-Jiaodong DC power transmission system, and the
system is able to maintain stability when DC lines have faults
and AC systems near DC lines have faults. Additionally, when
faults happen in DC lines, after checking the security and
stability of the system, it is found that the system still could
keep transient stability.
Although most of the analysis results (except the
commutation failure simulation) of the hybrid simulation are
not inconsistent with that of the electromechanical transient
simulation, it is apparent that the hybrid simulation is able to

depict the post-fault dynamic process more detailed, especially of commutation failure of electromechanical transient
the recovery process. simulation is [0,27] (ohm), and that of hybrid simulation is
[0,118] (ohms). Therefore, in the grounding resistance range
V. SIMULATION OF COMMUTATION FAILURE [28,118], the results of electromechanical transient simulation
and hybrid simulation are inconsistent.
To simulate the phenomenon of DC commutation failure, in
monopolar operation mode, "Jiaodong Convertor Station 500"
bus of Inverter station bus on the AC side is set a three-phase VI. CONCLUSION
grounding short circuit with grounding resistance of 100 ohms. Because of the limitation of calculation data, in the
The start time of grounding is 3.0s, and the end time is 3.1s. examples above, detail data of Northwest China Power Grid
The simulation results are shown in Fig.6. It is obvious that the and Shandong Power Grid can not be acquired. And then
results of electromechanical and electromagnetic transient Northwest China Power Grid is substituted by equivalent
simulation are completely different, and there are no generator, which may influences the results of simulation to
commutation failure phenomena in the electromechanical some degree.
transient simulation. However, from the valve current
waveform of the hybrid simulation, it can be clearly seen that China has become the country with the most DC projects
the relative physical process of commutation failure, so the that are being built and have been built. Therefore, the study on
criterion of the electromechanical transient simulation is too AC/DC power systems is of great significance. The hybrid
"optimistic" in this example. simulation function of ADPSS is a powerful tool for studying
practical interacted system on a large scale. It also provides a
kind of resolution for the conflict between the scales, the
rapidity and accuracy of power system simulation.

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Further simulation analysis shows that, in the case of three-

phase grounding short-circuit, the grounding resistance interval


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