CHEMISTRY, D-Block Elements and F-Block Elements

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8 the d- and f- Aleck Elements. d- Block : nthe d-bock of the periedée abel contatns the thermore if tha gpioups 3-12 tn which the td grbtieh Ae POPULely Plltod fn cach # td four Long ported, Xho d- block ddaments alia called transition metals. . Thar ane vmetals, 3d four sents Lhe tonstepo (Se 40), ad Gants (1 t9 boeunable UNO 0. INOS uumbor of pris 90 tunbaloncst chomfea) bonds on prayint on He sungnie Oe pabalys® “oa PL, Go NE, PS, Pl Th — Nts naga 2 j mcr n ey (a> G colounse Sond: Que te the prone af uanpabrad doctrny in umest £6 the d- block luments, 26 Analg pen tbtes colour Lond ZOvmaeer . ery te A-d, sthte -d— block © Slemonts raving ay to gen coleusuch tog | ad by tno oxtitarfon of oladren pom j Asus, 21nd 4 Prbftal Jo hixhon enongy obi hy using tently ation onorgy Ord by | sumentng hese Losing shodron, some | Bs produed in tho form af — {* on ub d- dd transition. | 24: Fo => Pode queso Mine", i ee P| reteettttal. tompournits: ae Most Hf the d- block oloments sical, asin | i lament Auch .08 Hydtogn, Loren, Nibugen , Boren , | pxygen to foun A spootal type Mf KOmpound shen sts feabte a3 Srtrtitial compounds % uw do the hordes ond stgtdlity Miyh dining , ductflity ond nf olechtear Konductivitg | 4 A -block olorrets, ‘ wore hosing tte tandancy 3 red with neoctent rmelecules to eum, ake compounds THES Lnsterun solete { ann 06 catlid 04 Srrtttfol compornns . Abley. fpsmotion: a dws 4 TU Or) mane mele ofthe, In sams noble 2% Jn difjerone State 2 coltet os Alley erator on. Taue (01) rnore ametals combined together 20 frm-a corngpund uch 0. L BeqWeot osdloy 4g + 090% [loppenorek xine] | Browg Lcoppen and Tra) Sto [Copper ond Sor) Ag= dn Cnt2). Bro weber nfs rumbor Wh uN poked Qloetron ard BM Behn mognotm . Fonmation of complor Pus Jo small she to the matal fong Linke changes ond ths auottohitty of d- YH bond formotton , transltfon wloerants yorm a Pure 2 Yomplex + Beompu a4 Jeornthen wm poste ltons, i DF eur) | Kea (uer)g)**, Crncn0).4 Louth] 2 eM eae fast Riot OUIOE ied tty 7 SAD ttratton "} Jou8s add and lourti barre f coed os f ee (@) Legands x 4KCN +Fe (CN)a Sei [Fe cow) | 6} coretrate phoo , tomrcttnote Jphore- oncleges tousts aBBl cord. touedt tose Salt owe primary and S20 sushi, the Jens suhtch pratont Ln Inside the comdirate PLL dishockacto, . , ka [Fe (ONJe] —oek*+ [ee Cow )e]*~ 7 , Compleconin cre Os -y x -6=-y x= aut Fez] 00 re kHat of the d- block Dermonty biiny smaller insrye wend fou Agn pesbtive character ond Oe ths prrratfon Hay saccopts Are dltstior Pern te HAE ‘cel 40 gormconnplex doll .. Home Ute + tony A block plemanta $rm ealoured tong 7, West of tho d- block olemonts hos thetron, they achthbe erlocrcd Lond . ®d-d Danstion tn d- bla stlomonds howe fy [for Clouract Tong dd transtiton : xcktotfon f xledrons fiom_ macy afBiag Jed to yh ony dau yy aging entiation , Joking aloaton . Some snongy | 2 scliosed fn tho form of lousnol Lrg | +B-d— block Slomente ware «obo rod fone . | because NOL hon spitting 4, snptradacledy : E tony db d- block barronts ym Ormplte Solty ; i OS @mplax Bit i THR bd -beock, 4 ur te Snot stge \Aand more aloctro posttyyo a trh eden if ey OE thectron from peusts not Pm Cmploe dose why de d-oleck orn tnstr oe D-blok loments oxtentto ao *Transkttn toffned 08 tn lato of Bo PAIN 020-400 Long . | xTmansition clomonts was Lortred duem cherlcal properties shoturon Sond p blow. nine, cadmium and Henny fas fell complet, dd” erblinl 39, tog ano net Transition a Transition metals. jtke Bilin, Goll and Latinum 08 was Andustetes snotels Afke » Leper Aitantum ase transition metaly, Cxmottes and Propniattens K2Crq Op; + Potosstum dichromate - pdaid O- tong 6S a trengank compound sed tn vebsrasbtc analyses, poxwergut eudiying agent and 13al tn. Andustrial Jotuort . Af i R-on Os ‘ RCO. BLinyo Tap Recoon oot ‘1aby ‘“ CAkiohel) Aletebygyy CRED ; * Removal of Hydrogen fn 5 8p and form 8 Cidetlon addttion of oiygen tnt 2G NtaxttCeaso 2+22-Ih=o | 2X-1a=9 Or =12 t Aan ee 4 Peper aling of (BERDTs rcmtioe 8 deen ono a en mtd D Lhevemtte or0 ty fol ; [AFC Otro + 8Atentog + +40, . [chromite THeatry + aFes09 4 ston Mellin ctocrate 4 Meh oiemate ; c mein thay > Nasba04 t NaS Ho, [s(t ii) ebb dihoorrate to fotoasstim cbromolp: c Naatra0s + akc A> Kacraer+ 2Nact ‘Erorta Physleal Reuperds ; \ aa orgonge ‘eisytaltine SAL Di We wrod os Povurful oxidistrg agent > Gt Ds sedertty Soluble fr anor so % ent health. shen E$ Snhol tractry» cts celebrat noweus Aystom . MOS Yadraoe 26 sad the elumebete ee por w8timaction Fe%" fons and T dong proient te molecule can detect by Lolro04 HL - he 15 used tn Loafer weteonstng Enthesing A Gets uted tn Protopably ond Jonilig quate | oo 9 Aetton of hot: patra Bokaro rs paro2 [ea] OE DAtton, sth Alkale ; Kon NOW. Kacrn.0# akon 7? AKO + HO - aa TD) Action weth kel a 4 : Katrads taHasog =e CrO3+ Ahiwy +H50 . (me [eau] ©) Oxtdiiing poupsrrty: fe] D Kacr0z + Th2Soy + ERI 2Mon +Cra Cory B43, DY niles Forrpus ints. povte Salts: macra01 tHaSou+ 6FeSoy B31 Kay + Balser steabof Oy 0420 Of fds Nbtrem (ox) to Nbtrgfe 1037) Kelt20% + AHosoy 4 3 NaNo2 > KoSoy, +Craloy)yp Sib M03 ; ne 4H20 a Ht convere S7 08 4201207 + 4Ha Soe shiak —> Kany CBouy)oy. fo ae boo y At x =O Ghia reckon why block olemorcte onhtet proporttes p iti * Quo tp tho vacont d- orafat Hey Arosa ye exhtnte vornbs valona . g AAS, also called 108 o'¢ Transiton 4 | Vibulurm - Gdmium - Sdclowks alse ealted ag 9" Pransbiten Clamot Jenthonum And Hafriium to Mousey 64 Sorts alo ealted gs ¢ tannsbion tlomert Feb tram , fo Copenttum - txplotn abot prieporodion f Kes Cra O79 Duoromte oe te Sedfum chronede AFCO 012 Oy + 8Na2003+ 7024 B> BNaoCrOy + 2Fe203 *80r 4 1) sedlurn chronnte — Sodkum ARhromate 2Nar.raOy4 + H2S0y aCr207 +H20 , Wi) Soll Aieyscincde = faxtarsum lithromate . narlrs07 Fake Ay Hrtr,O7 + aNacl . eS Se ani | prove tne Kalra07 Leading Prucergel aril Bing agent; © katro01 + THaSon + EAL 22 KaSou + Cra Gou)st bla rk % Tr © wy extlises Frroous hott 0 Fwd belt Soy 23 KoDH + CraConya +>Fea, +220 so a1. 07 + 1 lta On +6F.22' 6 % oxidigas Nitrite 7 NMifrade . Kx.cra01 ty Sy + PNQM 0222 Ko De +crabou)3 + 3Na: 10 we le toeia # 5° 765 - Kacr207t +3H,P 22 Koy +Cr2Csoy)3 + Sleds al ‘TtH20 - Properties, ond Progpratton GH n0g; « It Lb. Ale Krebusn 08 ee Ith anilising get St 1s dork purple. coloured fold wilt edoarlos prepotyy Wo ow “O=M-0 | u Structore Porspianedion : : © you t3 +6103 ~DBK2I9N Oy ee) [see mnegen G 6ka0On on, #902. ——? 6KHNOH +6KCL > ait & cdots & Purple cloud crgstolline sottdh xdt 1 soluble fn water, Actene (C4 3- Cena). Acetre actd Etrg. coord and snathanol (ors-or) , pypdine wit ts strong nvthistng agent - Quast fp moleaton mars fe 580349 rol! xBetleng potntof KYPr £8 100% andl meltfeg point & KH O44 & Ou! gree -erhiofe maganese £8 +7 Keonow 1G 14x tH(-2) = 0 b+ x48) =O a “Bree thomkcal Ppl; © vl -mporftions 2KmMny —> Karyney +Mn02 +02 [paves] eon teas magne a4a-Pa0 @ Adlon wlth atkolt: z%s0 4hln0,. + 4koH—> 442n0H + BH20 +02 © Outlising Popes: DabOn0y + 3tasoy $2Soy + 2hmnSou +3 Habs le] Lesesndel) Feolounloys] 1) whan apt undergoes Hey brolyses. hondy + 420» A 2KOH 4 afttlon + 3 [2] dec 6m ReactPon : See aoe yt Oe Ds asad dn sdetails t0- deerrng, Peumaganate Value depen pale piik colour | # Atrappeartng of pink colour. | 4H Ls seh en # Pitatrnent $0" the seems, 4 Augdriogen 924. eee 2S distrpuctont. to cunt aban, ANE -Scopt, 485 hen ant Ha B sith 095 oe ity | ara © Hanthoneldes L g-tock stemars] wAbe cated 0s Inner + fete fetal tutors rtymasion. Fe] uf 5 "bd? Bt wtf Sutormest cloctron nt Ext 4 ~ blown vrbstiols £5 § called as § ~ blocks ; * ” een LS OO, Atte fanny. * lanth ETS gies 7S it CEE BB ys de, they are called 08 Snror teansbih * Metall fn nature , Mh Lustre , Uuwy Jn Noture ‘Totel alement present tn Sontes 2 5: (petal 20). e + deft mitol and con : % tnd Bt atl corde ste whole x Due, B igh Westperthue con co Lopate sladtronsgative - tps wet, e™ iS ond ena OH LB To 100. baCom), . Ceo, cLOW)s , 0, Pr(oH)a. x Lonttenfols 1ug swatttve gn vat room * Teempancitvre Lounthenioles more Reactive s0t Ay terporoiine — noid Block ard og gy ne ed. [ies ad CAB aL fous Justa ond Allvor, Fh 2pp0r 04 metal von cut cutth Hhtfe ‘ # x Most of the elomente a AMY Keay A Uy ehbatt +3 Oxtcliattyn Sted [chee taney m thay AG mognitte Ln natuse . Exton State of Lonithec 7 * Mest commen oxtlathn spate & i he +30 Oxldedfon stip. PLDT LS FY OXLolacob Gp, em, 4° Pry No oT dy + | ® Mar ¥ Lantrneey ee | : ret 7s Onda rA. ! Gatlaty ¢ ry. suplocable 1 chomlat Prepsrtles ¢ ‘ Aske chortacton AOFa. Lace, ,coFa Coty Cle , oh pohse shementt oxpede Jo Helet Ate = pitta slamants soads smerny ately with ofl, & Ht & abo sends sulin Holegens wlth forum sutpedtinoy aldehydes on Roatho . Aantronsltes cenfyction Causes and. sentoqyeono$ : A ne santnanstde tonratton B grainy comsel due) Se Lmpopotton ond alte duc to peor ehbelding. offeck sarat plow fn the 1 § - ebtals. ponsagpteres at Ls vor Alyplault ® separate tre lanthonoti jalomonts kacnuse thoy (oss dlrlen cher foul property. aon spped of the braSe xoongin 4 tome ydhoreing dowraai dus 16 tonthanetde- 4 Dus © deoumsein the skye of tre ake Pom nian pages the @ualny chorade 2nowes s + dhe Jonthonum oloments font 0 Brilency to fore complex Gablg, sina 5 bn ale a4 At yoy goll.os 54 slemonts bree? pho pu electron wentor £nta 6 obbital xtladrontc ponfgwution Tha) i a Am Jew] cre Fin JHcL}No thy sxhthtie clowrasl Fors , K Combine wlth eres rh fighhy reacttye . 1 Shay, asthe +0 oxtdotin Stoke ActEnstele. more steastfve £n Yeorn Leeripocbune ord white pasting tHey orbs * Troy Miho show +3 46,17 duidodton ee A Np ord pas aeIbl, rnontrmsum oxPolodton Stee F841, a Po oxhthble 1g Ontaadton Stra 4 rn say sohtate 47 08 sutlh Ob 4 petit +6 nAdirotde alto ochthite complex Slt bat no | 6 stoble Tey axe ie yily fork , xeadsly onan OP ° x Wott solo En uledthy by nucleon reaction, > Phy mortar solo Ln Lxplotedton substane— a — tt a, Te Imporhedly poor shielding kn 5g toads fr re Un Actenstde & alld 25 to AcHfnotde x Me Oxrflation state 45 +3 LQ Oxihatlon fitate B43 | Je AE Oxtdotion state ts |poricn axklatbr Spocte 12 and +4 commen | te and t9 Gmmen. Orthectler State Oxtdarten Wede [Keng sh oct k7he wutrrmnest chedren Lents Inte bg-orbteal pull clement 0% non - Aadfoacdiue elerrentZ 44g orbtal ts high | robbie £8 Lous p tontnanside slernonts xsome elements ase hows Jesgan tendency # L tong,

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