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2021 PMP Study Set

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1. 80/20 Rule 80% of defects are due to 17. Contingency Plan Risk response
20% of causes strategy developed
in advance, before
2. Activities Dependencies Mandatory - Physics, Law;
risk occur
Discretionary - Best
Practice; External - Non 18. Cost Baseline What is believed to
project driven such as be the cost with
building inspector; Internal embedded
- Team controlled contingency Reserve
3. Activity Distinct schedule portion 19. CPI Cost Performance
of work. AKA Task, but index
PMBOK does not use term
20. CPI Formula EV/AC, greater than
1 is under budget
4. Activity List List of activities
21. Critical Path Longest path,
5. Affinity Diagram Large number of ideas to shortest duration
be classified into groups
22. CV Cost Variance
6. Agile is best suited for... Change is easy, waste not
23. CV Formula EV-AC, Zero is on
costly. Software, IP,
budget, negative is
over budget
7. BAC Budget at completion
24. Daily Standup Short meeting held
8. Benefits Management Plan Finance approves, not PM each day to reaffirm
objective for the
9. Brainstorming Facilitator works with the
team to identify a series of
potential solutions 25. Do activities show in the WBS? No, WBS does not
"go into the weeds",
10. Building a house with new Predictive sequential build
Shown on Activities
technology, high experience, with retrospective after
but not on the new tech. How every build
can you support continuous 26. During which agile ceremony does Iteration
improvement efforts over a 10 the project team discuss what went retrospective
home build? well and what improvements can be
11. Burdened Rate The cost per hour to do
work 27. During which project management Manage Project
process is the lessons learned Knowledge
12. Burndown Chart Shows progress over
registry created?
iteration or time
28. EAC Estimate at
13. Burnup Chart Shows gains over time
14. Code of Ethics Responsibility, Respect,
29. EAC Formula BAC/CPI
Fairness, Honesty
30. Earned Value Management AC + PV + EV =
15. Communications Management Part of Program
Plan Management Plan,
Describes how, when, and 31. Effort Elapsed time
by whom information multiplied by
about the project will be resources
administered and
32. Elapsed Time Actual Calendar
16. Communications Models Used to represent how the
33. Explicit Knowledge Codified using
communication process
symbols such as
will be performed.
words, numbers, and
Encode, Transmit, Decode,
34. Finish to Finish Activities finish at the 52. How might you evaluate a new ability test
same time regardless of developers current skill set?
53. How should a project manager Conduct technical
35. Finish to Start Most common compare actual results against targets? performance
36. Fish Bone Root Cause
54. Hybrid is best suited for... Some costs to
37. Forward Pass Used to calculate early
start and early finish by
Stakeholder wants
working forward
mixed methods
38. Free Float Time scheduled activity
55. If format is not critical but time is, how PM select format
can delay without
would a PM resolve an intense debate to end conflict
affecting early start of any
about a report format? and keep project
successor or schedule
56. In agile, what is an exsample of a high Poor quality
39. Fully Loaded Rate The cost to run business
level of dectects?
40. How accurate are Definitive Negative 5 to +10%
57. In Agile, where do you find a list of Organizational
(bottom up) estimates?
who should be invited to a Process Assets
41. How accurate are ROM Negative 25 to +75% presentation of a finalized project
estimates? management plan?
42. How are issues handled that real-time 58. In cases where the project scope will Scope and
immediate attention in agile? evolve throughout the project schedule
43. How are potential n*(n-1)/2 where n exicution, what may be adusted to stay
communication channels represents all individuals. within the cose constraint
calculated Don't forget that the PM is 59. Incremental is best suited for... Dynamic with
a possible channel. frequent small
44. How are unexpected Submit a change request deliveries. Speed
oppertunities handeled within a to midify the application for minor goals
project first? 60. Interactive Communication Multiple people
45. How can you best identify the proof of concept performing multi-
skills needed for a project directional
before the project is formally information
chartered? exchange

46. How do project managers Analyze the consequences 61. IPECaC Initiate, Plan,
determine the appropriate of non-compliance Execute,
amount of time and money to Controlling,
incest in compliance activities? Close

47. How do Scrum teams coordiate Scrum of Scrum 62. Ishikawa Diagram Cause, where
their activities? control issues
may arise, Fish
48. How is quality managed in regular retrospectives
agile projects?
63. Is Kickoff meeting a milestone? No
49. How long are project As long as legally
documents kept? required 64. Iteration or Sprint Small goals for a
team to complete
50. How might a development Team augmentation
during a short
team comprised of internal and
defined period
external resources best
collaborate? 65. Iterative is best suited for... Dynamic
51. How might an agile coach fist-of-five
activities repeated
conduct a consensus check?
until correct
66. KanBan "Promote Visibility and 83. Product In Agile. A prioritized list of customer
Collaboration, Keeping things backlog requirements and priority is given to the
moving" riskiness and business value of the user
67. Knowledge Transfer "Networking, Facilitating special
interest groups, Meetings, 84. Product Completed or pulled down items in Agile
seminars,Training, Work shadowing" backlog Items
68. Main Structure Functional, Matrix, Projectized,
Implementation Composite 85. Progressive Increasing level of detail
69. Milestone Zero duration but need a definition
of "Done" 86. Project Charter Issued by project initiator or sponsor,
formally authorized, Provides PM with the
70. Mind Mapping Individual brainstorming to reflect
authority to apply organizational resources
commonality and differences
87. Pull Receiver accessing
71. Minimum Business Deliver bits of value sooner to those
Increment who can benefit from is
development 88. Push Sending
72. Minimum Viable Essential value sought by the
Product (MVP) project, Used if team is 89. PV Planned Value
90. Quantitative Assess the risk exposure events to overall
73. Negative Risk Escalate, Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, Risk Analysis project objectives and determine the
Strategies Accept confidence levels of achieving the project
74. Overlapping Contain phases that start prior to the
Relationships previous phase ending; Greatest risk 91. Requirement How requirements will be analyzed,
Management documented and managed
75. Pair programming is XP
used in what type of
project management 92. Resource Part of Project Management Plan Describes
framework? Management how resources are acquired, allocated,
Plan monitored and controlled
76. PESTLE External factors, Political, Economic,
Social, Technical, Legal, 93. Retrospective For Agile, end of each iteration to identify
Environmental potential issues, potential solutions and
improve processes
77. Phase Assumption Conducted at the beginning of the
Validation next phase 94. Rule of 7 ...
78. Phase Gate AKA governance gate, tollgate, or 95. Scope Baseline Approved Scope statement, WBS and
kill point; Review at the end of a associated WBS dictionary, Changed
phase in which a decision is made to formally, Basis of comparison to actual
continue, modify or end results
79. PMO Project Management Office, 96. Scope Creep Uncontrolled Expansion without adjustment
Management structure in lager to time, cost and resources
97. Scope Part of Project or Program, Management
80. Positive Risk Escalate, Exploit, Enhance, Share, Management Plan, describes how the scope will be
Strategies Accept Plan defined, developed, monitored, controlled
and validated
81. Predictive/Plan Changes are expensive,
Driven is best suited predictable/coordinated timing 98. SCRUM An agile framework for developing and
for... sustaining complex products, with specific
roles, events, and artifacts
82. Present Value PV = FV/(1+r)^n
Formula 99. SCRUM of Head SCRUM, meets with individual project
SCRUMs SCRUMs to share knowledge and resources
100. Sequential Start only when previous phase is 118. This is timeboxed research aimed to Spike
Relationships complete gain knowledge in situations where
ther is a lack of clarity in areas of
101. SP Schedule Performance
setimation, acceptance critereial
102. SP Formula EV/PV, Better than 1 is good defininion, the flow of user's
103. Sprint Time Box between 1-4 weeks actions the technology to be
104. Sprint Scrum Master ran meeting to identify teams
Retrospective own improvements 119. Types of Consensus Fist of Five - Open or
closed fist ; Roman
105. Sprint Review Review at the end of each iteration with
Voting - Thumbs up
Project owner and customer stakeholders
or down; Polling -
to review progress and get feedback.
Discussion; Dot
106. Stakeholder Compares current and desired stakeholder Voting - Prioritizes
Engagement engagement levels, U Unaware, R Resistant, items in a list
Assessment N Neutral, S Supportive, L Leading
120. Types of Emotional Intelligence Inbound, Outbound
121. Types of Negotiation Strategies? Missing Man - Person
107. Stakeholder Part Of Project Management Plan, Identifies
that can is not
Engagement the strategies and actions required to
available; Limited
Plan promote productive involvement of
Authority - Above my
Paygrade; Deadline -
108. Start to Finish Rare Self explanatory;
109. Start to Start Activities start at same time regardless of Surprise - Add-ons
finish 122. Types of Project Management Supportive,
110. Statistical Part of a population of interest for Offices (PMO) Controlling, Directive
Sampling inspection 123. Types of Projects Agile, Predictive/Plan
111. Summary Summarizes functions, no resources Driven, Iterative,
Level Incremental, Hybrid

112. SV Schedule Value 124. User Stories Brief description of

deliverable value for
113. SV Formula EV-PV, Positive is Good a specific user.
114. SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats 125. Version Control System that records
Analysis changes to a file in a
115. Tacit Personal knowledge, difficult to articulate way that allows you
Knowledge and share. Beliefs, experience, insight to retrieve previous
changes made.
116. Technical Functional Requirements
requirements 126. Waterfall Traditional Project
are born out 127. A way to think about Precedence "Task A must _____, and
of what? Relationship lag days later, task B
117. Temporal Time Zones may _____"
Difference 128. WBS Work Breakdown
129. What are Contingency Reserves Time or money in the
used for? schedule or cost
baseline for known
risks with active
response strategies
130. What are contingency reserves Known risk
used for?
131. What are examples of ways to Fist-of-five, T-shirt sizes, 145. What diagram organizes potential Affinity Diagram
prioritize critical impediments, Unique naming, Planning causes of defects into groups
obstacles and blockers poker showing areas that should be
focused on the most?
132. What are funds allocated Contingency Funds
during the planning phase for 146. What do agile methodologies increased number of
possible changes? promote as the most efficient and face-to-face
effective method of communication interactions
133. What are some tailoring Knowledge and
considerations in project requirements management, 147. What document authorizes the Project Charter
scope management? Validation and control, exitance of a project and provides
Development approach, the project manager with the
Stability of requirements, authority to apply organizational
Governance resources?
134. What are some types data Alternative, Cost-benefit, 148. What document justifies a project The business case
analysis techniques? Performance, Trend for an organization
135. What are the 5 general Withdraw/avoid, 149. What does a CPI less than 1 Over budget at that
techniques to resolving Smooth/accommodate, indicate? point
conflict? Compromise/reconcile,
150. What does an SPI over 1 indicate? More work
completed than
Collaborate/problem solve
planned at that point.
136. What are the raw blank "Data" Under schedule
observations and
151. What does a Pareto Chart address Concerns
measurements identified
during project activities? 152. What does KanBan or Lean work Flow or Throughput
137. What are the two types of risk-based and
spikes used in agile? architectural 153. What does Monte Carlo Simulation Model of activities,
produce? Simulation of
138. What are ways to determine "remember the future",
probability when
consequinces of non- Project premortem
estimates are ranges,
compliance while developing
not fixed numbers
the project charter
154. What does the Net Promoter Score Customer
139. What are ways to mitigate Focus groups, Ground
address? Satisfaction (% of
cultural differences in a rules, Meetings
promotors - % of
140. What component of the Scope statement
155. What do PMs spend 90% of there Communication
project management plan that
time doing?
describes the projects major
deliverables along with 156. What forms the basis for joint Collaboration
assumptions and canstraints? decision-making to ensure a
customer receives the intended
141. What conflict resolution collaborative/problem-
benefits of a project?
technique usually results in a solving
win-win situation for the 157. What interpersonal and team skill Influencing
involved parties includes active and effective
listening and clearly articulating
142. What currency is used in a Home office, "Mothership"
points and position?
158. What involves understanding Needs assessment
143. What diagram is a graph that Scatter diagram
business goals and objectives,
shows the relationship
issues, and opportunities and
between two variables?
recommends proposals to address
144. What diagram is used to show Matrix diagrams them?
the strength of relationships
159. What is addressed first with a Vital Few, "the big
among factors, causes, and
Pareto Chart deal", not cost based
160. What is a gross-level Analogous estimating 174. What is the most efficient way for Face-to-face
estimating technique agile team members to interact
which relies on the actual with one another?
duration of the previous,
175. What is the objective when the Validate the project
similar projects?
project team is ready to lead a scope
161. What is also referred to as Fishbone, Why-Why, Ishikawa product review with the product
a cause-and-effect manager?
176. What is the tallest item in a Pareto Vital Few
162. What is an agile or hybrid Multi-tiered Chart
contracting technique that
177. What is Tuckman's ladder? Forming, Storming,
best works with
Norming, Performing,
procurements in which
dome aspects are well-
defined up-front while 178. What is used to reduce conflict social contract to
others are unknown? when transitioning teams from reflect transition from
agile to predictive/waterfall collective to
163. What is an audit A structured, independent
process used to determine if
project activities comply with
organizational and project 179. What is used to show graphical Histogram
policies, processes and representation of numerical data?
procedures. Conducted by a 180. What model describes the Shu-Ha-Ri
team external to the project. progression if skills acquisition by
164. What is a Salience Model Influence Matrix an individual or group?
used for 181. What must a scrum master do first Analyze and
165. What is critical to support Active executive sponsorship to remove blockers that jeopardize prioritize the
the signifigant change schedule baseline? blockers
from waterfall to agile? 182. What output is used to document Memorandum of
166. What is directly or Product scope statement, requirements to outside agencies? Understanding (MOU)
referenced in a project Deliverables, acceptance 183. What project document is used to Issue Log
scope statement? criteria, Project exclusions document inconsistencies and used
167. What is SWOT used for? Analysis of strengths, to review them
weaknesses, opportunities and 184. What project management Empirical and value
threats measurements approach is favored based
168. What is the best approach Let team determine how plans in agile?
for a project manager with and components should be 185. What role typically approves or Product Owner
a team of experienced integrated. rejects the product increment from
agile practitioners to a sprint?
manage project
186. What's another word for Collaboration
Confrontation for PM?
169. What is the best conflict Collaborate/Problem Solve
187. What scrum ceremony would Daily scrum/daily
management strategy?
provide the shortest feedback loop standup with
170. What is the daily scrum for Discuss work performed, if team includes members using a predictive and agile
planned work and identify predictive approach? members attending.
roadblocks. Roadblocks are
188. What's in a Team Charter? Values, Agreements,
removed after the scrum
171. What is the daily scrum resolve issues or remove
189. What's on a Stakeholder Register? Identification,
not used for? roadblocks
172. What is the Focus of PMI Cost Classification
173. What is the most common Sequential
phase to phase
190. Whats one way to of addressing the Use of feature chart 204. Where might one find the amount of Burnup chart
progress reporting inssues work completed over time?
associated with a project with
205. Which approach directly embeds Team
variable scope and independent
supplier services into the customers Augmentation
project teams?
191. Whats the best way to ensure a Conduct a
206. Which data analysis is the best Alternatives
mutual understanding of work in walkthrough
resolution for correcting variances in Analysis
progress when a vendor seems to
resource utilization
be falling behind with deliverables
but claims there are no issues? 207. Which data analysis technique might Ishikawa diagram
be useful in determining the reason
192. Whats true about startups of smaller Project managers
for a stakeholders resistance to a
orginizations as it relates to the may assume the
project manager? purchasing authority
role to negotiate 208. Which level of agile planning Release planning
and sign contract estimates the number of iterations?
directly 209. Which phase contains 'confirm' final Close Project or
193. What takes place as a result of Unplanned training acceptance of project deliverables? Phase
observation, conversations, and 210. Which phase do customers formally Validate Scope
project performance appraisals that accept the completed project
revieled unknown compantency deliverables?
211. Which project management approach Hybrid
194. What type of agreement should be Shared-risk-reward combines elements of both the
used when contracting a vendor to contract relationship predictive and agile?
supply deliverables when the
212. Who controls Contingency Reserves PM
requirements are not well-
understood? 213. Who controls the work packages PM

195. What type of estimating is a better Parametric 214. Who is responsible for prioritizing the Product owner
choice because project managers estimating product backlog according to business
have comparable perameters to value?
more accuratly calculate an 215. Who signs a Project Charter Management or
estimate? Project Sponsor
196. What type of project would have a Hybrid 216. Who signs the Team Charter? All members of
schedule base line and use Kanban? the project, even
197. When are key deliverables Vary early in the those new to the
identified? project life cycle. project
Development of the 217. Who writes Project Charter Executive
project charter. Management
198. When is closing seller contract During the Control
performed? Procurements
199. When is product backlog groomed End of sprint
200. When is team building conducted At every Meeting
201. Where are Minor, Moderate and Change
Major Change definitions found Management Plan
202. Where are problems encountered Issue Log
during a project tracked and
203. Where is the best place to find Organizational
corporate policies for the use of Process Assets
social media?

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