Past Perfect Practice Sheet

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Use the words in brackets to re-write starting with (By the time/As soon

as/Because) without changing the meaning)

1- We missed the show. (theatre /show start)


2- I didn’t get to taste the chocolate cake. (I arrive / the children ate the whole


3-We couldn’t buy the house. (we see /someone else make offer)


4-My old car gave me a lot of trouble. I bought a new car.


5-The plants died. Betty did not water the plants.


6- Clara couldn’t pay for lunch. Clara forgot her purse at home.


7- He finished the race. A second later he had a heart attack.


8- I heard the thunder. Immediately I closed the window.


9- The people put out the fire then the firefighters arrived.


10- The police catch the thief, but he steal two watches.


1-By the time we arrived at the theatre, the show had already started.

2- By the time I arrived home, the children had already eaten the whole

3- By the time we saw the house, someone else had already made an

4- Because my old car had given me a lot of trouble, I bought a new one.

5- Because Betty hadn’t watered the plants, they died.

6- Because Clara had forgotten her purse, she couldn’t pay for her lunch.

7- As soon as he had finished the race, he had a heart attack.

8- As soon as I had heard the thunder, I closed the window.

9- By the time the firefighters arrived, the people had put out the fire.

10- By the time the police caught the thief, he had stolen two watches.

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