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Dear Sir/Madam, for the sake of the smooth running of the event and the solemnity of the
graduation... we are requested to non-activate or silence all communication devices.


Asalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Honorable :

To the ulama, ustadz and ustadzah

To the chairman of the Haji Madrasah foundation, Ilyas Kasiyan Puger, whom we glorify

The head of the madrasah along with the entire teacher council of MTs Haji Ilyas Kasiyan

Ladies and gentlemen audience

The guardians of the graduating students of MTs Haji Ilyas Kasiyan Puger

As well as happy graduates

Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, who has given His blessings and gifts to all of us, so
this morning, Sunday 26 May 2024, at the Madrasah Haji Ilyas Kaisyan Puger Building, The
Graduation Ceremony for Class IX MTs Haji Ilyas, Kasiyan Puger Students for the academic
year 2023/2024.

Sholawat and greetings may the blessings of our great lord Prophet Muhammad SAW
continue to be blessed, who has struck the rock of ignorance and illuminated the lamp of
darkness for all mankind.

Happy audience,

Next, we as presenters will read the schedule for this morning's program.
1. Opening
2. Reading of the Holy Qur'an
3. Singing the Indonesian Raya & Mars Madrasah
4 welcome speeches
• Head of MTs Madrasah Haji Ilyas
• Chairman of the MTs Haji Ilyas foundation
• Student Guardian Ust. Dawam
5. Prayer
6. Graduation procession
7. Sungkeman (show respect by kneeling and pressing)
8. Reading the best graduate
9. Dedication by class IX students
10. Conclusion

The first event, namely the opening, let us open this event with reading of tawasul together
will be led by...

The second event is the reading of the holy Quran will be read by sister Afkiara Khoirunnisa.
For her please welcome.

Thank you

Next, the third event is singing the song Indonesia Raya and the madrasa mars, which is
guided by the MTs Haji Ilyas choir group, we invite you

The audience please to stand up.

The audience please sitting back.

The fourth event is welcome speeches.

The first speech will be delivered by the head of MTs Haji Ilyas Kasiyan Puger, Mr. Moh. Ali
Fatah, S.Ag., M.Pd. for him are welcome.

Thank you

The second speech is the foreword of the class IX student guardian which will be delivered
by Mr... for him are welcome.

Thank you

The third speech will be delivered by Agus Hisbullah Munib as chairman of the Haji Ilyas
Kasiyan Puger foundation, for him are welcome

Thank you

The last speech will be delivered by the best graduate of MTs Haji Ilyas, sister...

The fourth event is prayer which will be led by Mr Khudori. For him are welcome

The fifth event was the inaguration procession of MTs Haji Ilyas Kasiyan Puger graduates.
Which will be led by Mr. Moh. Ali Fatah, S.Ag., M.Pd. as head of the MTs Haji Ilyas
madrasa, as well as Mr. Agus Aan Efendi, S.S and Mr. Solehan, S.Pd.I as trustee of Keas IX.
For him are welcome.

The next event is singing the Teacher's Hymn and Trimakasihku which will be guided by
The headmaster of the madrasah and the homeroom teacher are invited to come down from
the stage

Next, the sungkeman event will be hosted by Mrs. Moh. Ali Fatah, S.Ag., M.Pd. for him are

For each the graduates please ask the respective parents for blessings.

The next event is the announcement of the best graduates, which will be read by Mrs.
Arbaiyyah Ummi Fathonah, M.Pd. we welcome him

For graduates who are called, please come up on stage

Dear Mr... we ask you to give a mark of appreciation to our best graduates

Thank you

Happy audiences, we will continue with the next series of events, dedication that will be
presented by class IX students and students, special dedication that they have prepared for all

Give a big round applause to all class IX students.

To shorten the time, let's just show you the first dedication by sister....

Let us give a big round applause to al

The next performance will be presented by the all of teacher from MTs Haji Ilyas. Let's
watch together the special dedication that has been prepared by our entire beloved teacher...


Honorable for the guests, we have arrived at the last event, namely closing.

Respectable for the guests, the entire series of graduation events for class IX MTs Haji Ilyas
Kasiyan Puger students for academic year 2023-2024 has been completed.

We close event today by reading hamdalah together.

Alhamdulillahi rabbal Al-Amin

Thank you very much to all audiences who took the time to attend for the event today.

The last we say, Ilal liqo’ ma’a assalamah Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.

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